Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1966)
HmNER C AXtTTt Irrigon LionsSponsor Easter Egg Hunt BT LaVELLt PA1TLOW I KR1C.ON Appro mutely I'M ihlhtron pttUiited In tb Fas ter parade and eiix-bunl spon sored bv the Irrlnoii Lloiw Hub Saturday morning. The parade innnhi'il from the Cov IWd residence to ht M-hiHil. and i ho egg bunt hdd ' the Mnsd ground. Inasmuch a UU It an olec Hon car. resident of I rlcn are reminded thnl thev i"sl register If thev plan to volt. Ir rigon residents may register at the home itf Mm. Marguerite Houghton, registration clerk, he tore April '.'.I. Kov lls was admitted t.i C,tod Shepherd hospital, llerm Mori, with the flu. Ron Bacon, son of Mr. and Mm. J wk Ciavman, was par ticipant In the Oregon H Mate choir at Portland. The choir. ItimpiWIHl f Mudcnt U VIT the state, rehearsed at Mllwauk- 0. and later presented a cert at Havld luglas IlKh sdiwl In Portland. Hon Is a son lor at Riverside llinh school, ami while in Portland, was n house riK-t of Mr. and Mm. Wayne lull. Mr. ami Mr. Dan Hill ww released from t.ood Shepherd hospital Sunday after being eon fined with pneumonia ami the samp dav their daughter. Mrs. LeKov Bunion, was admitted tu tho hospital with Influenza. Donna Kay Pummel w a Saturday overnight guest of Vlv lal Phillips. Boardman. Miss Wand Mao Davis re turned to Irrigon Sunday after spending 45 days in Honolulu. Hawaii, as a guest of Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Ragsdale. Mrs. Rags dale is the former Sylvia Do Chand. Whllo In Hawaii. Miss Davis toured tho Eastman Ko dak Show, International Market Place, Walktkl Beach. Punch bowl National Cemetery, and tours of the Island of Ouhu. Mrs. Bill Graybeal. Mrs. Karl Isom and Donna. Don Eppen bach. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gray beal. Mrs. Ruth McCoy. Mrs. Ver non Stewart and Sharon, Miss Snow McCoy. Mrs. Albert Part low and Shoryl drove to Walla Walla Sunday afternoon to at tend a reception at the First Presbyterian Church honoring Mrs. Doshla Brownell on her birthday. Members of the Budget Com mittee and City Council mot at the school Friday evening, and Mavnr Chester Wilson presented the proposed budget for fiscal year. li)7. iU Nora Wilson. Portland. Is visiting at the home of her Hon and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and fam ily. They were Joined Sunday afternoon bv Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frazier and family. Milton Freewater. The Rev. and Mrs. John II. Kenney and their daughter. Mary, drove to Spray. Monday to attend a Sectional Fellow ship meeting of the Assembly of God churches. Easter Sunrise Planned The public is invited to nt onH an Faster Sunrise Service a. the A. C. Houghton Athletic field Easter Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. The service Is spon sored by the Irrigon Baptist and Assembly of God churches, and both churches will be partici pating. This years' speaker will be Rev. H. . VauRhan. pastor of the Baptist Church. Rev. David Kenney and ills sister. Mary, were in charge of the Sunday evening services at the Pendleton Bethel Assembly Ol UUU Lituiw.. m.. i mian Ries. mother OI Mm ' Andrew Skiles. passed at the Hillside Manor wi.-tiniT iinmo In Condon Sat Anrii 2. Services were at RantLst church Tues day, and burial was at the Olex Cemetery. Mrs. kics w v i m ;iath hv her husband PU II vss-si " , j .im and Is survived hT 5 children 8 Rrandchlldren j on nroat orrandchtltlren Mr and I Mrs? Henry, Schmunk ,n.niArt to Irrleon after spending several months visit ' .ioiuna in Greelev. Colo nkiahnma. Santa Cruz a ' nrorviiie. California, and dllU - f Portland, Oregon. f,a r.tttrell soent sc days in Portland yiitlng ; her son and daugnier-m-iaw, " -., mil i o .roii jr. and iamiiy The. irrlpon Assembly of Goa church observed Holy Week A-o- o sneoial service the Hermiston Assembly of God church last weaneauay when the Pendleton Assembly prSnted an East CanUt ovKnincr. there was a "imnn n service at ?.pcv,f."Tairnblv Of God in"""M Tl KnlKht of .'1 a"r nnrenfs of a baby X, March 18. Ma- PV.narenta are Mr. and lernat Vi Mrs. Don t-svesi m. Dnv DAVIS WaS released the Good Shepherd hospi ial Monday after an 8-day con- finement wun iiuucia. ""i, Buchanan of Edmonds, ur..h snent a week with his uncle and aunt, John H. Kenney Rev. and Mrs and David. LaVern Chris- Mr. ana mrs, . i AM and mm iv niinicu m II.. knitnM barbecue at their home Sunday riornnnn ior me "".""""h cuests: Mrs. Christiansens thers and sisters-in-law, rxra Mavnord Dunn bro- Mr. and family of Livermore, Calif.; and I Mrs. Jerrv Dunn and i"U,n, Paseo: Mrs. Christian . i," r, i n.... sen s lliuiiiv.i . . r.l -I. Pasco; Mr. civde Tayior. tut-u- TIM CS. Thursday- AptU T. M land; Mr. and Mi. Mike Creljth ton and family. Baker. Oregon; Mortv ''! Shell 4 Mulkev. lNrt land and Wll C.sdry. The Cieighlon ihibUen remained In Irrigon with their grandparent for tho work. Ladles of tho Aiulllarv of Veleraiu of World War I met at h., li.H' Morgan resident Molt- dav for a woik day. Women at- tending from lletmWIon Mi-damcs Ftelle Acton, Kl.kciK Stell.1 Noble. were: Edna Sail 10 I hoo Vountf mid Agnes Hodges fiom Irrigon were McmI.iihcs Sedalla IVler. MatV MOpnciis and SM Morgan. The ladle wi.iW.od on bibs and scuttle for tho Veterans l.pHaK Mrs Roy V, Allen will complete tho hand ..ik on tho M-utlles Mt-k Maty Kenney. who teach es hlk'h imIhI at tJoiwales. Calif. Is spending a we-k with her p.uent-. Rev. and Mis. John II. Kennev and l.ild Menus at A. C. ILmghton mIiooI for the week of April 11 15 are as follow: Monday Hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, fult o.hbler; TueUv--Chlll In-ans. inoldtnt vegetable salad, pump kin eustard; Wednesday Potato salail. lunchmeat slices, grti-n lM-ans. cheesi-ake; Thursday Vegetable bi'ef Mew, h"t rolls, is-ar and cheese salad, pudding; Friday Tuna and notnllo cas Mvole. buttered orn. trawlHrry short, ake. All meals are ervd viiih hii.a.i and butter and milk. i r.irU of the 5th and Oth I tvrjiit.-K At A. C. Houghton whiwl i i,. j Nt.iihers' Tea at tho school caieiorlum Wetlnesday afternoon, assisted by their i.i-hin. Miss Hoe lMsler, Mrs. i i, ..,.. iv liuii'r and Mrs. Kle l.n,,r su-recnt. Tho elrls M-ned icis.kles. punch, coffee and tea, .n.i film entitled "Its Won derful to Bo a Girl" was shown. The A. C. Houghton Bolx-ats will play a basketball game llennner gra1e s-hool i-.m.v Auril K on the A. C Houghton baseball diamond. 2:00 p.m. at Notice tailed and summaxlz a ed ana lummuu io - f y n(. meir euecs wo latent with that used In prior ywrju . Mihf,,,ual,iurncnt may be IP.JJJS ... ..... .n irnimninv ni statement. A copy oi "uj iav. C tv Hall. Boaro- s frirtH In v7i .w. - . - " - ' ' Muwn the hours sheet at said times inu p.-' L " at 8:00 P.M. at City et. Any person may FOR THE ENSUING FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULT 1. Tax Lavr Computation Total Budcet Requirements Less Budffet IU'sources, Except T.,oi tn h I jvieri ... ' p A 1 , n . . Taxes Necessary to Baianiv puuk IVutlmntcd Not n he Received Durlne Ensuing LEVIED TOTAL TAXES TO BE Analysis Taxes To Laviad 31000 Within 6 Limitation Outside 6 Limitation Not Sublect to 6 Limitation TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Tax Levy Computation Total Budget Requirements Less Budget Resources, Except Taxes to ne VTi nV."' 28,200 Taxes Necessary to rjaianto Add Taxes Blimaieaiwi to Be Hoceiyea iw"nx TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED Analysis of Taxes To Be Levied 31 ooo Within 6 Limitation Outside 6 Limitation Not Subject to 6 LM1." ,5 TOTAL TAXES TO BE LEVIED - . Type of Indebtedness Bonds - Interest Bearing warrants Short Term Notes 1 -" TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS Petty Cash Balance July Friends Honor Mrs. McMillan At Shower Parly DCLrilA JONES 1 . , tilt h! over from last weckl . issj i ....II.. Miow . 1KXINC. X N-A radio J iTran" hall Monday etc., Mi Carl Maniuardt and Mrs. Medra Smith winning le. I:. ftcshnionU were wivih! fiont able a iM-auuiunv iiiii'k'1" -centered Willi a large take, orated with pink shoe while and blue Mmks ..nliiLf the cake was - - ....... I fll dec- and 1 Mrs. Kav Coibln of l- imuilnif were Mrs Gi ancle. ani Huster Pad lilihloswmth Im-ii: and Mis Jim Assisting Mrs MiMillan In Kifts was Mrs Mor- oix'ntng her Us McCail. Those present for were Mis. IVllntt the evening Plsr, Mis. Mis. Vern Ituster, Leathers. Mrs. tjona Hale. Mrs. N. ldia Smith. Mrs Man mum Mis Mary vannioKiain. i ..I M iioiianlt. Mrs. Jim nii- i. si,. Nmllne O llll. n. Mrs las.nard Toll. Mrs hva .-..roii. ntr liion rauiH-iK, Mrs. Francis ilea. -hs " a-onnlg. Mrs. Ids Johnston, and Mrs. Vern Nolan Assisting with refreshments and decorating were Mrs. Joe Yisi.m. Mrs. C. C. J'"s. Mrs Norman Nelson and Mrs. rrei Nelson Mrs. Beitha Hunt has return el to her home after a stay n Pioneer Memorial hospital In lleppner. Mrs. Wavne Paplneau M couple of davs last win k at I lo ner Memorial hospital suffering from a broken wrist. Mr. and Mrs. John r.dwards M-nt a couple of davs last week at Mt. Vernon and John Day visiting tne i. a. Mr lj.urv. father or Mrs Fd- w.'r.u is a natlent In a hospl- tal In John Day. .,... f vinri-ruf McMillan Is ..-..wiinu a few davs In Hunt in,mn where she Is visiting a daughter and family. Mr. and 'Mrs G. O. Irvln Miss Charleno Jones. Jim Fos- of Budget . m nil mm.i 1 1. 1 I' M . tin or i:w . i u npiii juu i .1.1.. "L '.T i. th. .u.rnne of holding PUDlic nr.... im - a-r'TS. the budt 5? any part of ?5ky w. west. JR. president. Port of Morrow FINANCIAL SUMMARY Total AU rund ins sn Canarol Fund - - - 90,227 .1 , . . . . 28.350 Viw : 3l-m - Nom, Non, ,wrt FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULY 1. Total All Funds General Fund 102,161 73.061 vnr 2.800 31,000 - None None . 31,000 STATEMENT OT INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding July Current Ensuing Year Year Actual Estimated None None None None None None None None - Current Year Actual ...... None Ensuing Year Estimated None by Approved Signed JOHN R- KREBS Chairman of Budget Committee Kinzua Bowlers Defeat Fossil If VIRGINIA KCUO KINUA 'llto iMtwltng ". HUmMired bv Ruoglea Insurance of Ib-ppner, had a g " "'K last Wednesday when Ihev do- (,.,(,1 i!. ,nm ninmned by Slelwer Insurance of r'tll. 4 u with Jean M.Robc,,. ha.lng ll fun ,-ppm-r that evening Htch their bam in action. to Colt Club Claris ouicia i New iniicei lor onT Golf t lull tt the coming ear were elected rrld.iy night at the first stag nU:ht I Jim's Bowman was chosen b I...... I !.. uh Willi Ilot ftllSllll us vl-e -president and Allen ,tad as M-crotary-troasurer. Mi ! Visiting with Mr Ixails laiiengcl and ' Mr and Mis. B J. . t I.. and Mrs. family are li. iis.-n. Jr. of Albany, ' 1 (l" I fh 1 ill WH'I imi" - - i ,f N-tarls. The liensons are ..i r.itlng with Mr. i, i H..I.UHI Sr. at iinaiiii. , .... V...I1.1 c.ruier and son ir. Vi-tlin Conner and nn,t Mrs l-ouis Rh.les i. .,(,,, visiois i ui-ie .ll..l.,n W... I II. .Ml In- where David had stitches removed from his reo-nt surgery on his "; , Mr. and Mrs. Arna , came from Klamath Falls Wed nesday to assist Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sllnkard and son Mike on .... ....I ti.i. Jiirti of Portland were la xlngton weea-eim s ... ,s at tho C. C. Jonea nch. i..n Hills of Dayvllle spent the the uo.k.i-nii vis una home of the Joe ioomo The community Is rrmlnded of -Church Sunday" at ton Grange hall on bunday. April 3. A iMtluck dinner at 1 Cm. will bo followed by a pro gram, with mlnUtrrs anO lUmj Tins of the area as eu cuosta. Regular Grange meeting will follow tho program. Uxlngton Home he club wll MH.nsor a f.MHl sale of GiskHos" at Ib-ppner ki..ra ihii aftrrnoon Of IjKI Friday. All H. Marling p m. at Hearing . t..i., i WA. as do- hut " ' . . I in wm ..r i.vtcwmi.iw. o It. 1 Bonded Debt Fund Port FadX Fund 82,602 82.002 None None None $ 35.975 7.625 28,350 2,650 31.000 None Nne JMone None None 31.000 None None 31.000 None None None .None None None None None 1965 Bonded Debt Fund Port FadL Fund 59.190 59,196 42.963 14.765 28.200 2,800 31,000 31,000 None None 31,000 None None None Nono None None None None None None None None None None None None Authortied Incurred. July I 1 Not Current Year Actual Ensuing Year Estimated None None None None None None None None Budget Committee March 24, 1966 their mv l KUmatlt Falls im'rM last TurUy hlgld b VhuUuy. r U fti rlub at th I Mr. and Mrt Harry ninain and family bft lat Monday I dfU to Now t Hlean.. LC'"'.".??' I Mra- Harry Billaln last Monday w . where they will vUll with tela- llvisi, I Mr Friday md Mis. l-ie llalley left for iu it V. N C. lliev will snd three w here Weeks ! Mis. Wiling with n latlvrs. I. i- ria". i Till'l'. M ,uu sou Stephen were lnilnes II.. i la Ibppner eilnes.iay. Mrs J-ss Grs was tne pirn .f hoiiof at a stork shower Wed atlernoon at tho home of Mis Arnold Mathlas Show, t-r games were pla-d with Hlr es being won bv Sharon Kelso and Mis Gio. She then ois-n-e.l her lovely gifts after which refreshments were served bv the iohtfe, Mrs. Wanlta HuI-Im II and Mrs .Mathlas I Mrs, Robert Kelso. Mrs Jn ii...u niiiif and Mrs. C. I.. Fhok weto business visitors b Iho Dalles oil Thursilav. Mr Gerald R'l and daugh ter of Ib-ppner ami Mrs. ioger llollomori of Milton -Kieewau-r arid granddaughters of lleppner tsll.-d wllh friends here Wed l s.lav. Roger has l-- n in llepp ner the past week assisting Stanli-V Robinson with some r.uiMiiter work. ... The iNiubledeck card club was ..ot.-rtalrted We.lms.lay evening 'with Marl Birlng as hostess i High ami floating were won by Virginia Slttoii. lw bv Virginia Kelwi. and tho second floating ! by Vonnle Browning. Grand 'high was won bv Virginia Sit ton and grand low by MarJ Bor ,tng. Others placing were Idly May Nlstad. Rita Con lee. Marge (Asber, nd Kathryn Hack. Mr and Mrs. Jodie Dale Shel '..n IxH-ame the parents of their 'first child, a son Ronald Keith. bn Wednesday. March .' at pioneer Memorial hospital In u..i,i,i..-r lie welk'hed 7 lb, 1'J nr. Grandparents are Mrs Thol ma Pa-e and Mrs. J D. Shell. n of Salem. Missouri Great grand mothers are Mrs. Julia Fdwards and Mrs. Nora Freeman, also of Salem. Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Allen and sons were business visitors In The Dalles Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sltton and Mrs. Cora Burnstde of Spray wnt to The Dalles Saturday whore they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Catlln and family. .iiMr Catlln Is critically in. Mrs. Jean Med lor was HISTORICAL DATA Actual 1KS-44 IfAitS rtm FTcdln Ttar PrdiBvg Tsar 8..W 2.279 12.575 1.628 250 1.6K0 4fd 2'J.W0 42.751 378 None 15.370 30.070 43.410 General HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Year None 6 56 1.230 230 414 5 156 None 70 25,500 125 1.500 None None 29.292 First Preceding Year None None None 1.445 190 207 120 155 3O0 296 28,931 125 2.000 None None 33.769 Port HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Year 49,350 None None 25.500 74.850 None 74.850 First Preceding Year 2.138 Nono None 28,931 31,069 None .31,069 HISTORICAL DATA Actual Second Preceding Year None None None 72.577 None 927 73.504 First Preceding Year None None None None None None None th a'ly -n. 'cmrnimlly hH- un rummunlly hall, . . . nrl. Walker, and irav ... t. ,frl ,uW ,v rhnir by Nancy iitik and liaihara M""""""' f..r bridge was v.n by l'il,Wi,h. Mrs Workman l a '' null Hvalt. tMhrrs enjovln the eve ! plug were Ada hhell. Ilioinas. Carol borrl. Marilyn Fvehn Kol.liiM.n. I'atti 1U-II. and Hard and Mrs. Irank Fcrr. l J Mr. rnl .i portlami ,"aruiuy a . . . . a . . ' i, m, Mr ami Mrs, mmn .n.i famllv. siw won U.lnrt Feirell who Is a patient In the piatland Sanitarium los pilal. Dad's Got It He's pulling money ularlv. He knows the the things he wants . of things that the dozens Best way to demonstrate Is to open their own make regular deposits, earns and growa fr I OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN General Fund Resources II BOX 739 I host- jaMMaaaMMaMamlaaaaaaaaaaassssM IMS-S4 Bud7t Current Trr Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) IYevlously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Kendvett Durlna Ensuing Year - Othar Rasourcas Rent Interest Miscellaneous Local Tax - - - L. . . f ... T.v,. tn R levied 11.300 2.000 315 7M 400 ll.7(i5 28.2IK) 42.W3 l olal iirwium-s r.i i Taxes Necessary to Balance miuKei nfk Total Ilesoureea M'y,J Fund Requirements Summary Budget Ensuing Year Approved Tersonal Services - None Materials and Services: Office Expense Furniture & Fixtures Legal Expense ; Auditing : Special Expenditures . , Commissioners Expense Clerical - Advertising A Publication 500 Engineering & PlannlnR Taxes & Licenses - ?! Transfer to Port Facilities Fund 22,325 Insurance & Bonds nffi Dues & Subscriptions Capital Outlay None Contingency -- Total Itequlrements 35,975 Budget Current Year None 200 100 2.500 300 750 400 750 3,000 400 30.265 250 2.050 None 2.000 42,965 Facilities Fund Resources Budget Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) 60,277 Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year None Land Sale rE0, Transfer from General Fund ....................... 22.325 Total Resources Except Taxes to Be Levied 82,602 Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Nj?" Total Resources - 82,602 Budget Current Year 28.931 None None 30,265 59.196 None 59.196 Port Facilities Fund Requirements Budget Ensuing Year Approved Personal Services - None Materials and Services None Other Structures and Facilities 3.000 Land and Improvements to Land . 77.602 Contingency 2,000 Interest None TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 82.602 Budget Current Year None None 3.000 55.196 1.000 None 59,196 si.. '.fl Non is and Mrs Rus- I. -v . V - i. iirfii.tur wel" wt-iw ... ... . r--- .... a. .i,,.i.i,ln anil bus- i nuiir t---- Inesa. Vlsltlnn at tba M t llulrtl home last Tuesday were f-U -nd Mr Vi-riia Workman of trdvllle, Mr iiuett RMhard Mortlmore and sons Roger were buslneM John lay on Sstur CU-ne rid visitors t f,t and Mrs. Tm 8 hook-raft wi re In lleppnof Friday ior niru leal far fur Jean. Need arrahh pails? at tha Garelte lirm-a. Get them All Planned i isuUtU, In the Savings Account rejc man who makes plaM Rota . Vacations. New Furniture, make life better. -i.. - ci. . n .1 JiinU.r inriii iw Savings Accounts. Let them nd watch their money as It a bright future. ASSOCIATION PENDLETON Budatt Ensuing Txxr Apprord 3,000 2,000 325 1JMX1 800 7.625 QVJ Summary