Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1966)
Rebekafi Groups I Couples Attend AF of L Conclave Plan Activities For Weeks Ahead r DCLNtA JONt LKXINOTON ! NobU CUanda rlub or Molly rul-ltah 1-odire met ai the home of Mra Aloruo Hendrraon Uit Tuesday afternoon. Main bualnemi tif the after noon wii lh planning of I lie menu for entertaining I lie llrpp. ner rant Noble (randa v,hn If VIRGINIA KELSO KIN.tM-Mr. an.l Mr. Karl Norrla ami Mr. ami Mra. Mud Kulton if FiMkll wrnt la Seattle Saturday to attmd I ha JWth an nual convention of lha AK of L aa drlrRatra from Loral VJML Krnnrth Norrla left Portland laat Wednesday fr Ain4lll. Trkaa. hrr he will take hla ba.le training In th Alf Korre. Thm rrKular merlin of the Klnrua Women rlub waa held lat Thuraday ( the kltchrn. During t tic bulneaa meeting conducted by Prealdent Vonnte iWownlnit, further plana were ih- .r. iutiM, ..lnuin I oimuimvi ior ine raru uany 10 .... , .. ......... ... . . . . , ,..! Q U,BIM lxi ntl.U f.. -,,f. I " "1'" " - fee hour and handkerchief howrr honoring Mra. Unt Itroadley anl Mra. Cora Warner, who are making plana to move 14 (orvallta aoon ThoM treent fr the after non wrre Mra. AI Frtiwh, Mra. Arrhle Munkera. Mf. t". C J"iie, Mra. llertha Hunt. Mra. OrU Pad berg and Mra. Kloreni-o MMll Ian and the hiwtesa, Mra. Hen deraon. lliree Llnka Commute met a the home of Mm. AI rYtm h lat Thuraday afternoon with the chairman, Mra. Joe Yorom ireldlnt!. It wii announced that Holly IxmU' had completed Ma lr eye bank donation and voted to aend the United Nation dona tion Oil week. AImi. repair plan were dlied for the reM mIiim lloth brldce and plnorh le will be played. When the meeting adjourned cooklea and roffee were M-rvrd by the. ht rHkcn Kathryn Hark and Edith I-viuh afire wMih the ladle quilted for the rent of the after noon Mra Paul Oyler waa a bual- nea visitor to Condon on Monday. Klrardo SaraKuetta left Turn- day liy plane from Pendleton to fly the Polar Itoule to hla home In Navarro, Spain, lie plana to he gone about five or alx month. Mr. and Mra. Truman Mead ow or Urnir, Missouri, atient from Tueodav until Thursday vlkitlng with Mr. and Mra. John Meadow and family. Mr. Willis WrU'ht and dau- Zmn. 7n.l TeVhlng ling the .V. f " ' S"" -nt from Wedne of ,h; building over the real XL?!? roorna. .,u r.t . - Mra. Fet!k-h ahowed the croup n a recently acquired map of (Jermany. where her aon. Boh. and aome of the other Morrow county hoy were atatloned In that country. Thoae ta-enent for the after- noon were Mr. Archie Munkera, Mr. C. C. Jonea. Mm. Joe Yo- mm. Mr. Klorem-e McMillan, Mr. Ilrrtha Hunt. Mra. Alonzo llendemon, Mra. Charlea C'olley, Mr. fA Hunt. Mm. Orl Pad bvrg. and Mr. Frank hoblnaon. Ing with relative and friend Visiting with Mr. and Mra. J. V. Wall and Mm John I Mr. Wall mother. Mm. Lillian Wall of Oinak. Wash. Mr and Mr. Doyat Huhh.ll and family went to The Dalle Thumday to attend the funeral aervlce of Mr. Hubbc-lla broth er Inlaw, Jce Orcutt. Mr. and Mra. Vernon Perry went to Pendleton Tuesday where they vUlted with Mr. and Mr. KoM-oe itufth and family and Mm. Valorla Ncssclrodi and aon Elton. Mr. and Mr. Allen Mfttad and daughter Carol were bunlncji Pino City Organizes Community 4-H Clubs Mr. and Mra. Roger Brandhag en of Pendleton are the proud rS,ZKiv"' o Inland on Saturday. gramlpurents are Mr. and Mr. Wilbur Steagall of lxlngton. rkln KUnger recvntly under went a tonallectomv at lloneer Memorial hmpttal In Heppner. Newt O'llarra ha returned home after a May In Commu nity Hospital In IVndleton. Mr. and Mr. Jack O'llarra and children ncnt the week end with hi father. Newt O1 Harra from their home In Port land. Mr. and Mr. Max Breeding and aon apent the week-end at the C. C. June ran-h from their home In Portland. Mra. Lola Find meeting to organize our livestock and horse 4 II clun wm held January 9 at the Bit Healv home. Kxtenslon Agents Donna Corge and Kail MtCar- tv explained how a community 4-11 club derate, and that we should have at least 10 meet Off rem elected were Micua I.uclana. president: John Currln Breeding returned to Portland vice-president: Melvln Asnbeck with them whore ahc will visit secretary; Jeanne Daly, reporter; for aeveral weeka. Patty I.uclana. ong leader, and Mm. Lou Broad ev and Mm. Pattl Ho t. lunlor leader, otner Cora Warner recently returned member are Gary Fredrlckaon, to their home after a few dayi Susan Healy. Joan lleaiy, Meve spent In Corvallla. The ladle Rhea. Patty Daly. John Myers went down with Mra. Clarence and David Daly. Hay, daughter of Mm. Warner. Mm. BUI Healy. Ron curnn Mr. and Mra. A. r. Maleske and Charlie Daly arc our jomi were Portland visitor last week, leaden for the year. Their granibton Donald, who U a atudent at Forest Orove, re turned home with them for spring vacation. Cranaa Has "Man's Nlflhr Lexington Crango No. 726 met at the hall Saturday night Ing and for It regular meeting. Hie ape Charley clal "men's night" started with a pancake feed planned, cook ed and served by the men, and a talk and films by Oscar Peter son showing his recent trip to South America. It was decided to have the regular Grange bus lncw meeting on April 3 follow At our second meeting Jan uarv 2". we chose the name An Imal Tamen, for our livestock club, arid the Pine City Kioers for our horse club. Jeanne uaiy tnve a renort on proper groom handling or a norse, Dalv said the horse show field day would be May 7 We met again February 12 at the Jerry Myers home. Patty and Susan Ilea v gave a demonsira tlon on how to make a Bhcep blanket. Patty Luclana and Jeanne Dalv cleaned a saddle. Ing the Church Sunday program. Mra. Ron Currln served refresh Tills will be a pot luck dinner mcnts. We will meet March 22 served at noon followed by a at the George Luclana home, urouram. Everyone In the com- Jeanne Daly, reporter munity Is cordially Invited to the church Sunday services. Al so the HKC nnnounced It Is plan- of the ncwlv organized mom nlng to purchase 30 more chain bershlp committee of the state. for the dining room ana unkcu Kucn gave mosi jnu-resung re that the group look the chairs ports of recent meetings in Port over nnd crlvo their opinion, land. Present for the meeting was Na- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunt than Thorpe and wife. Mr. and children of Bcaverton ore Thorpe Is Morrow County Dep- visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertha utv and Mrs. Thorpe a member Hunt this week. Mr. and Mra. Jack Ball and family went to HrrmOion Sat urday to visit with relative and then on in Pendleton that eve ning to watch th Slat "II" basketball championship flay off. Mra. Vincent Allen and aorta Charles. Dick, and Bob went to Wetarr. Idaho, Friday to !end aeveral days vlaltlng with rela tive. Mm. Bill Bell and aon Brian of The Dalles spent last week at thf Alan Gulnn home while Mr. and Mrs. Gulnn were on a bualness trip to San FrancUco, Calif. Also In San Francisco were Mr. and Mra. A. B. Colt- man and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schroedcr. i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lorengel and family were In The Dalk-a Friday for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Doyal Huhbell and family went to Portland Saturday where Doyal bowled In the State Bowling Tourna ment at the 20th Century Bowl ing Lanes. Jerry and RUhard Brltton of Touchet. Wash, visited firenda here during the week end. The Brltton formerly lived in Kin zua. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oyler and Mr. and Mr. DHbcrt Banree H-nt the week end at North Plain vlaltlng with Mr. and Mm. Richard Bovcr and family. Mr. Jack Sitton and daugh ter Jackie and Rita went to SMkane. Wash. Friday to spend several dava visiting with Mr. and Mm. David Sitton and dau ghter Debbl. The Friendship Club was en tertained Wednesday evening at the grade school with Mavis Oy ler a the hostess. High was won by Jean Medlock, low by Naomi Rice, and floating by Jean Medlock and Sharon Kel so. Other playing were Pat Mc Minn, Dinah Jackson, Sue Mat tison. F.lva lver. Virginia Sitton, Doris Stubblefleld. Barbara Mor tlmore. and Rorie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sharp were business vislton to Port land last Monday. Mm. Rusty Medlock and son Mike were in Heppner last Wed nesilav for business and medi cal care for Mike. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoolcraft were business visitors to Hepp ner Friday. Minnie Evans Dies in California; Services Held Friday Mrs. Minnie Evans, who had made her home in Redlands, Calif., for the past 25 years, died last week In Loma Linda. Calif., at the age of 86, according to information received from her sister. Miss Mollie Brown of Redlands. Srvlces were held at 2 p.m, Friday from the F. Arthur Cort- ner chapel, with the Rev. V. Stanley Silkc of the First Bap tist church officiating. Burial was In Hillside Memorial Park. Minnie (Brown) Evans was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown, who lived In the Black Horse area. She married Frank Evans of Lexington and the family made Its home on a wheat ranch here for many yean. She Is survived by one son, John J. Evans, of Washington; four sisters, Miss Mollie Brown, Miss Carolena Brown and Mrs. Emma Haberman, all of Red lands, and Mra. Clara Donald of Utah. ntrrntn GAirm-TiMr.. nir4Y. Mti if, im Riding Club Meets Third meeting of the South Spring 4-H Riding club was called to order on March 8 by Kerry Coppock at Michelle Mil ler's home. Roll call was ans wered by naming the parts of a bridle. Our new members are Barbara Bloodsworth, Junior leader, and Marcla Holiday. Refreshments of ice cream bars and cookies were served by Mrs. Miller. We meet again March 17 at the home of Sherry Kemp. Sherry Kemp, reporter We Arc Taking These Cars To AUCTION Sale on Thursday, March 31. Buy Them Before We Take Them to Sale and Save: 1955 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Hardtop $95 1956 Mercury 4-Dr. Hardtop $95 1956 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop $135 1956 Mercury 2-Dr. Hardtop $145 1956 Chev. Belair 4-Dr. Hardtop $95 1956 Pontiac 4-Dr. Hardtop $135 CARS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION ON OUR LOT HEPPNER AUTO SALES HEPPNER PH. 676-9152 To One and All We Say Thanlc You!' ON OUR I-! VT n PARLEY MOTOR CO. , Y our Uealer ror Pontiac 18 Years (FROM MARCH, 1948) Willys -16 Years (FROM NOVEMBER, 1949) Buiclc h Years (FROM AUGUST, 1952) GMC - m Years (FROM AUGUST, 1952) Rambler 5 Years (FROM NOVEMBER, 1960) COMPLETE SALES AND SERVICE in i j FalrWTOKl. o a 1 '" i ii'a4 - ' -&--- - i ' inm m Bum fTf A i I 1 , , , - ..... I - v - - J Serving You With SHELL OIL PRODUCTS 20 YEARS And GOODYEAR TIRES 18 YEARS WE TAKE THIS OCCASION To thank all our loyal friends and customers, we appreciate your business and pledge our continued efforts to serve you well. IIM FARLEY We invite you to FREE COFFEE And DOUGHNUTS Friday, March 18 HEPPNER J. J. (Jim) FARLEY PH. 676-9116