Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1966)
Grand Officers Visit Eastern Star Lodges For District Meeting Kuth Chapter No. 33. Order of l hi Kaltrti War. was host to the annual lltrlct Meeting on Thursday vi'iilnit, March A. In the lleppiict Masonic hall. Joining with the loral 4 hap ler were officers anl inerntiers of Umud Chapter No. U'J. lone Mr. I.llllan Davis, of Verno nla. worthy grand matron of the tltand Chapter of Oregon, was present for her official vUlta Hon and Insiiertiurt of work of the two rhnptcrs. Other visiting dignitaries In iludcd I'aul ftvensen. Pcwlte tort, grand iatrort of the (Jranil ChaiHi-r of Oregon; Mr. l-lorls Ivrtrr. Creswell, grand Adah; Mra. Helen Illegel, ivndlctori. grand warder; Mra. Katherlne Llrtdtrom. lone, rhakrman of credentials committee; Mra Nancy Harper, 1 1 -llx. member of Hit etarl committee; Carl Mica l.eklngtoii, member of the home endowment fund committee and worthy patron of Oregon Trail chapter. Kcho; Mra. 1ils Hunt. tsxlngton, grand representative of Tennessee In Oregon; Mra. Mildred llhca. U-slngton. wor thy matron nf Oregon Trail I Imiilcr. lUho; Hotter! HariMT, worthy patron of Ionic Chapter, Helix. ("residing during the evening were Mra. Beth Bryant, worthy matron of Kuth Chapter: Mar lon Creen. worthy patron of Kuth t hapten Mra. June O'Con nor. worthy matron of Uku Chapter, and Lewis llalvorwn. worthy patron of Locut Chap ter, A dinner wan served to mem Iter and guest of the two chap ter tecedtng the meeting, with decoration carrying out the St I'utrUk motif. At the close of the evening. officers of Kuth Chapter were hostesses for an Informal aortal hour and serv ing of refreshments. Ilonora wrre accorded Mra. Da via. the visiting grand wor thy matron, when an addendum and elf t were presented to her by the Star I'olnta of Kuth Chap ter. At a meeting of Ruth Chap ter In February. Mra. Lois Hunt n-cvlvcd her appointment for a two year term aa ;rand Itcpre tentative of Tennessee In Ore jron. Coming from Pendleton waa Grand Catron Caul Soren sen to present her with her ccr tiftrate of appointment. Different Meringue Dishes Demonstrated Aa a fitting climax to a lea win on making erfect mer ingue, the leader. Mlaa Mar ilyn (Wgstrom and Mrs. Willi am Ilcrgstrom. preparel and served individual Baked Alaaka to memlter of the Khea t'rwk Kstcnsloit Unit at Its luncheon meeting March 2 at the grange hall. This famoua and amazing dish of cake filled with Ico cream arjd treated with aoft mer ingue, la hnked In a very hot oven lust In-fore serving. It was one of many delicious recipes which were given as "Manic with Meringues" was explain ed and demonstrated. A white elephant sale, with Mrs. Boh BergNlrom acting n auctioneer, provided fun as well as funds for the croup projects. Plans for a food sale to be on Mother's Day week-end are being made. General chairman will be Mrs. Albert Wright. suDdEinr ! !i: V I I '1: . 5 . - MIL AND MRS. T. T. MARTIN Baby Shower Gifts Sent to Mrs. Stack IONE Court whUt was play ed at a recent afternoon party at the home of Mrs Milton Mor gan. M. Itoy w. Lintisirom was asMttlnu hotes. ITlws were won by Mrs H W. Brlstow and Mrs. Ix-wls Halvorsen. Following cards. Mrs. Kay mond Lundell orx-ried baby ahowrr Blfts. brought by the gueats, which were then gift wrapped and pn-ked for mall Imr to Mrs. I.undell'a aon ln law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Francis Stack. Francis Is a graduate student at the University ot Montana at Missoula. Mrs. Lundell received the door prize. Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette-Tlmea. Magazine Article Features Holdcns Featured on the cover and Inside spread of the Washing ton edition of Kurallte maga- Ine this month are Nancy and leorge llul.Ien oi iTOject uiy, Washington. They are daugh ter and aon In law or Mr. ana Mrs. Claude Cox. The article features their work as artists and Is entitled. Anybody Can Taint." They conduct classes for painters In their studio at Project City and btudents come from as far away as Alaska. Mrs. Holden Is a graduate of Heppner High school and of Oregon State University. At one time she was a buyer for Hale Bros. Department store In San Francisco. Her husband served In World War II and attained the rank of captain. He Is a graduate of University of Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Holden also at one time operated a jHst ex change at Grand Island. Neb., and it was Judged the most ef ficient In the United States. PETERSON'S now features Accutroifby Bulova. It is not a watch. It is the most accurate time piece in the world. Accutron'i tuning fork replaces the outdated balance wheel that's found in all watches. StoD bv so we can tell you more. Starting with the right time of day. I Accutron by Bmo . From $129 B . Somothlng always from th. J.w.lor's. something apMlaL" 9 A.M. to B F.M. I AUI Store Hours: PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER STAM PS i Reception Saturday Honors F. T. Martins On 25th Anniversary IONE A large number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick T. Mar tin on Saturday afternoon. Feb ruary 2fi. to greet them on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The rooms were attractively decorated with arrangements of lavender and white chrysanthe mums and eucalyptus. A stiver comjKite filled with flowers and matching silver candle holders graced the coffee table. This was a gilt to the honored couple from their children. The lace covered tea table was centered with a three tier ed white wedding cake topped bv a cluster of silver trimmed bells with the numerals "25" In silver. The cake was encir cled with a dozen white gar denias and flanked by crystal cand lea bra with sliver candles. Serving the beautiful cake were Mrs. Koland Bergsurom, Mrs. Raymond Horton and Mrs. Garland Swanson. Invited to lour from the silver coffee and tea service were Mrs. Lester Hor ton, Mrs. John D. Todd, and Mrs. William Kawllns. The sil ver trimmed punch bowl was In the charge of Mrs. Harold Grater and Carley Bergstrom. F.ach of those serving was pre sented a carnation corsage by Ralph Martin, youngest son of the honored couple, who also made the other floral arrange ments. For her silver anniversary Mrs. Martin wore a light blue lace Jacket dress with an orchid corsage, iter moiner, Mrs. k. a. Horton, and her daughter, Mrs. Al Brazell, also wore orchids, a gift from Ralph, who Is a flor ist. During the afternoon their many tricnas prcsemea ine Martins with a money tree, which was prepared by Mrs. Os car Lundell and Mrs. Garland Swanson. Hosts for the lovely party were the Martins family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin, Othel lo, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. AI R. Brazell. Priest River, Idaho, and Ralph Martin, Oregon City, as sisted by Mr. Martin's sister, Miss Marie Martin, Oregon City. Out of f town guests present Included all the Martin's im mediate families, but one sis ter of Mr. Martin's in Califor nia, who was unable to be pres ent. Besides the hosts, others here for the week-end were Mrs. Martin's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Horton of Dallas; her bro- thcr ln-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Todd of Roseburg, and her brothers and slsters-ln- law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hor ton and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hojton, all of Roseburg; and Mr. Martin's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Gra ter and Arnle of Ashwood, ore.; and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mar tin and Eudora of Maupln; and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Biggs of Ore gon City. FYlends from lone, Lexington, and Heppner and Mrs. Vela Eubanks, Madras, and Mrs. Elmo McMillan of Sa lem signed the guest book. Following the reception an anniversary dinner was enjoyed by the Martins and their guests at the family home. New Daughter Joins Wes Marlatt Family Mr. tnd Mrs. Wes Marlatt are the parents ot a daughter, born Wednesday, March 2, at St. An thony hospital in Pendleton. She has been named Lovena Eliza beth, and her weight at birth was 7 lb., 4 oz. She joins two sisters nt home, Melody, 6, and Rosanna, 5, and one brother, Wesley, Jr., 14 mos. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce BothweU, and the baby's paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Marlatt, all of Heppner. GIVE A GIFT certificate sub scription to Gazette-Times for birthdays. anniversaries or any occasion; $4.50 anywhere ip-tin Sorority Aids Easter Seal Campaign; Altar Society Contributes Beta Omega rhapter of Fal lon Sigma Alpha sorority met Marrh 2 at th horn of Mrs. Marilyn Itletmann. Disco union was held on th. Dltrli Coun ell merlin Mu-h 21 at La Grande, and on th. Slate Con vrntlon to be held In Salem April 22, 23 nd 24. The chapter l helping with the Eauter Seal Fund for Crl oled Children PV Placing co containers In various business hoiinea In the county. Members will also sell Easter lilies April 1 and 2. Announcement was made of a K- nonauon io in. wier ii ener fund for Pioneer Memorial hospital at Heppner by St. Wil liams Altar Society of lone, bringing the total to $15721. The chapter wishes to thanK the Altar Society for Its donation. Spring rush plans of new members were discussed. An Interesting educational program on "Miracles ana Hyp notism" was given rv Mrs. Bet ty Itletmann una Mrs, June Llndstrom. The chapter will sponsor a traveling food sale Saturday, April 9. Orders may be placed with any of the members. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting ky Mrs. Kletmann and Mrs. Adele Docktor. HCPPNE1 CAZrnT-TIMtS. Trdar. Merc 10. 1H Elks' Old Timers Enjoy Special Night; Guest Officers Hero Soeelal recognition waa given a i;xd turnout ot th. older members of Heppner Elk'a Lodga No. Xn during th. evening Thurad.iy, March 3. at the an nual Old Timer's Nit program. I'enllVilles started with clam frel. at which old timers a"d viMting officers from Corwion and Milton Freewater lodges were hortoird guel. Thirty of the M members who have had continuous mem bemhlp ot 30 years and over In the Heppner lodge were preent. Oldest rn mber was Curtis Khea rd Stanfleld, who received his t) year membership pin. rol lowing closely behind is rrann Turner. 57-year member, and II. A. Cohen, a 50-year member. Kay Tracy, who was present and would have been a 57-year mem Iter here, now holds mem bership in the Condon lodge. The Heppner lodge, fifth old cut In the state of Oregon, r.- reived Its charter In ltfSl. and celebrated Its olnh anniversary lat month Visiting dignitaries Included Walt Sherman, exalted ruler of Milton-Freewater Lodge No. 21 10; Clayton Zlgman. leading knight of Milton Freewa t e r; Tom Elessington, exalted ruler o,' Condon Lodge No. 1H69. and Ray Tracy, secretary of the Con don lodge. Exalted ruler Wallac Wolff presided during the evening. Kntcrtalr.merit Included three musical numbers by a girls trio from Heppner High Mhool, Joan Sinrtrurd, Jsnls Baker and Judy Jo res. Cards were In play for ladies of the loo ne after th. dinner hour. Bridge hostess was Mrs Jim DrUcoll; Mrs. Wilbur Van Blokland was plnothl. hostess, with Mrs. Bill Collins. Mrs. Jo. Ball, and lr. i alvin Sherman asmstlng about th. rooms. High store In bridge was held by Mrs. Ralph KuharJ; hljh in pinochle went to Mrs. Ed I--Trace, and dr prues to Mrs. Gen. Hall, Mrs. Harold Cohn, Mrs. Gladys Snyder and Mrs. Collins. Insight Given lone Students by Tour Of State Hospital Thirty-five students In the lone High school boys and girl health ch.sM-s took a tour of the Eastern Oregon State hospital In Pendleton on Monday, tebruary 21. according to Teresa Tucker, reporter. After an orientation meeting uixrn lh?lr arrival, nurses guid ed the gioups through the hyd rotherapy and shock treatment departments, and explanations we;e given of the equipment used. A separate building hous ed the mer tally retarded wards. It also Included recreation rooms, worn snops, uance nan. snack bar, and other activities for the patients. "We learned of the private lives of thr patients, and the different method the hospital Um- for helping thee patients." Miss Tucker re.,rts. The trip was very Interesting and educa tional, and everyone should take the time to tke the tour. They would see what the people re really like." Greg Pierce Enlists Greg Pierce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene pierce, has enlisted In the army and was to leave today for I"ortland from where he will continue to Fort Ord. Calif, for training. Greg had been attending Clatsop Commu nity College. Astoria, after grad uatlng from Heppner High school with the cUa of 'JA. He will be In an airborne unit and has signed for three years. Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. - i PILLSBURY Gold Medal 20 ounce 40 ox fi HOUR sTZZvr3K fl LMi I.I.'.' ' " Pillsbury Hi,,$ Br0$- Sunshine, 2 Lb. M.D. NAPKINS Pkg IOC BANQUET TV DINNERS -..39$ AWAKE - - 3 890 FROZEN ORANGE JUICE INDIAN RIVER PINK Grapefruit 10990 Cherry Tomatoes cuP 19 2 Bunches 15 RADISHES And GREEN ONIONS NO. 2 POTATOES 20690 V d " OREGON CHIEF Smoked Picnics " 55$ ROUND-UP BRAND BOLOGNA - - - " 390 BT THE CHUNK SHOULDER PORK ROASTS l 590 SHOULDER PORK STEAK " 650 PRICES GOOD MARCH 11 and 12 Phones; (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARS 0y GREEN STAMPS