Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1966)
Altar Society Plans Day of Recollection; Urges Little Theatre Al the March mcettnu of Bt I"a trick's Altar Society, Unt wit inuili fur the lav 1)1 Itee oiled Inn which will be held Mitrth i!fl The Iti'V. llenatnln Klrrnon of I'rndliton will run Utici the conferences, benlnnlnd ut ti:.K m m. in m . rmiii H a church. All women of t tic r lull re iiivlicil lo ailt-nil Wllh I lie rhanKe of officer! for the year, ouHtolMif officer were jiriMiilnl (fill in apiiriH'iMiion (or work of I he nt yvar. A discussion wit held eon-(i-rnlnir the uri'anlallitn of a Community Link Theatre irroup in iicplincr. Many reel mm, with ocr direction. Interest can bo developed among com munltv rcsldcnts who have tal ent In cither dramatics or art, in a 1.1 1 Theatre organization. Stave facilities of (he Catholic parish hall could be mailt avail able, and with added lighting and utak'c oroa, entertainment In the form o( amateur plays and programs cuuld be pro duced. The officers are Interested In hearing comment and sugges tion from anyone In the corn munlty who would le Interest ed In participating In such an organization. K further Infur matlon. Mm. Wallace Wolff or Mra. Jerry Sweeney may fx con tacted. Hostesses for the March meet Inn were Mm. Annie llealy and Mr. Nora Turner. Local Group Installs Pendleton Officers Several member of Kate J. Young lodge. Degree of Honor, motored lo Pendleton Tuesday rvenlng. February 22. to preside over Installation ceremonies of Magnolia Lodge No. Zi. Mm. Clara II (n-rtuon served aa Installing officer, assisted by Mrs. Bill Karra. In the past pres ident's rhalr; Mrs. Karl Sowaxd, a vice president, and Mr. Mary Hryant. pianist. Ushering were Mrs. Lincoln Nash and Mrs. Kd Hunt. Lexington. Also attending was Mrs. Carl King, winner of the door prize. An executive meeting of the Hrnoner lodi-e has been railed for Monday evening. March 7. at the home of Mrs. E. K. (Ion ty. president, at H.tiO p.m. Also, members are reminded of Car nation Club meeting March 11 nt the horn of Mrs. Karra at H:X) p m. Dr. McMurdo Feted At Birthday Party Pr. A. U. McMurdo was hon-or-d nt a family party on the occasion of his birthday Satur day evening at the CorvalUi Country club. Corvallls. The event was arranged by his son, Sott McMurdo. Ir. and Mrs. McMurdo left Friday, nflng by train and bus to tijrvallls. Three sons nnd their 'vivos were present for the party, and Dr. Hernard McMurdo, brother of the Ileppner physic ian, came by airplane from Burl Ingome, Calif. Charles K. Mc. Murdo of Portland could not at tend because he was Rtrleken with Influenza. All enjoyed the party, and Dr. nnd Mrs. McMurdo returned to Ileppner Monday afternoon. At Inst report. Charles McMurdo was Improving nicely but was Mill In bed. KCrmcn GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. March 9. 1?G4 ife II II I II i ; m r - Iffl tf Mf m ! r MR. AND MRS. THOMAS CLYDE SAL1NG (Julia Ann Pfeiffer). cut tneir waaain cae ax ma rectpuon louowmv mm mo rtage bar February 20. (Lyons Photo) Julie Pfeiffer Weds Thomas Saling At Church Ceremony Here Last Month Miss Julio Ann Pfeiffer. dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pfeiffer, became the. bride of Thomas Clyde Saling. nn of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Saling of Cor vollis. at a pretty formal cere mony Sunday. February 20. In All Solnts episcopal church. The Rev. Richard Payne of Pendleton performed the double ring ceremony In the pre-sence of friends and relatives, many of whom came considerable dis tances from towns In Washing ton and Oregon. Artistic arrangements of pink carnations, white chrysanthe mums and laurel, flanked by lighted taiers. decorated the al tar. Marking the bridal aisle were bows of pink satin, center ed with pink carnations and leather leaf. Escorted by her father, the bride appeared In a floor length gown of chiffon over faille with straight line detachable train, f i.liliini',l with nearl embroider ed lace front, long sleeves tap ered to a point nt the wrist, and slim skirt swept to tn? nat-K with n bow nt the back waist linn Her full length Illusion veil was held In place by organza roses and pearl trimmed leaves. The bridal bouquet was a cas- I 1 THE 3 minute Telephone Call Timer mi a-""- w STERLING kit' a rv $8-85 Corbam Sterling Caps Heavy Incite Center The Deluxe Gift Tells when to stop talking and start saving money. Helps keep those toll calls within the 3 minutes you get for $1.00 all over the United States "after hours". Makes a handsome paper weght. Let your wife try it to time eggs. (But you may havs to tight to get It back!) Wonderful gift for "the man who has everything" (except time to waste?;. "Something from tha Jeweler's, ia always something spedaL" Stora Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN STW HEPPNEH C ill: EN STAMPS 1 cade of white carnations and leather leaf, centered by a Cat alaya white orchid. Maid of honor was a close friend. Miss Genny Smith of Portland. Bridesmaids were Mrs. James Schaeffor, sister of the groom. Spokane. Wn.. and Mrs. Steve (Libby VanScholack) Fen ton of Salem, and former class mate of the bride. The attendants were attired In Identically styled floor length pink satin empire styled gowns, with headdresses of flat pink satin bows. They carried bou quets of pink bouvardla and car nations, set off by. dracenea muraenta foliage. Playing the traditional wed ding music was Mrs. C. C. Car mlchael. organist, who also ac companied Mrs. Sam Miller when she sang, "The Lord's Prayer." Steve Schaeffer, nephew of the groom, served as ring bear er, and Timothy Loyd. Ileppner. served as altar attendant. Best man was Lawrence Wil son of Corvallls. Ushers were !:.m- Rrhneffer. hrother in-law of the groom, Spokane, and Rob ert Saling. urotner or me groom, Corvallls. Vnr her riauchter's wedding. Mrs. Pfeiffer chose to wear an aquamlst brocade suit, with matching accessories, and a white cymbldlum orchid cor sage. The groom's mother. Mrs. Sal ing, appeared In a pink lace wool knit dress, with contrast ing avocado accessories, and a pink cymbldium orchid corsage. The newlvweds erected their many guests at a wedding re ception in the parish hall after the ceremony. The bnaes cnos- n n-ertrtlrxT colors of nlnk and white were artistically carried out on the beautiful three-tiered wedding cake, topped with miniature wcamng news, ana in flnrnl nrrnnpements about the rooms. uirge sianaaras noiums pink magnolia blooms ana laur el, with pink tapers In candle nhrn nrnvlded an attractive set ting for the serving table. Cutting and serving tne cane were Mrs. Merrltt Gray of Ilepp ner and Mrs. James MTiun oi Bellcvue. Wn. Mrs. Jack Loyd, godmother of the bride, ana Mrs. Claude Graham, both of Ileppner, poured. Attending the gift table were Mrs. Bruce Moyer and Mrs. Wil liam mil. former classmates. The guest book was passed by Mrs. R. is. Kice. For her wedding u d. the new Mrs cinllnnr wru-e a snrinff green wool suit, with yellow and white accessories, and the orchid from her bridal bouquet. Following a honeymoon trip tn Sfnttl and Portland, the couple now reside at 319 North 7th Street in Corvallis, where the groom will continue his col lege education at uregon siaie University. r.uKta tmm nut of town trav eled from Salem. Corvallis, Port land. Estacada, The Danes, Ar lington, Spokane, ueuevue ana Walla Walla. Am Ann thnaa attendina Dad's Weekend at the University of Orepnn. Februarv IS 19 were Sheriff and Mrs. C. J. D. Bauman. who visited with their son. Carl, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Turner and son, Jeff, who visit ed with the Turners' daughter, Ginny Lou. Mrs. Bauman went nn tr Drain for nart of the week end to viit her son and family there. The sheriff and Carl saw both the Oregon-USC and Oregon-UCLA basketball games, while the Turners attended the UCLA game Saturday afternoon. Bcckct is Honored By Family, Friends On 81st Birthday Thursday, a v 2i, was a big day for Walter te kef. with Ms family and friend helping him ccl. brale tils XI t birthday In th morning, he and his "coffer frlrnds had a breakout at the Wagon Whe-I rentaurant. In the rvenlnar Mr. and Mr. l-aurencf Ifc-ckrt and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buschke had a dinner for him, with all the Immediate family attending, ex irl Ronald ttcrket, who Is at tending HI tie Mountain college In prndli-tun. His granddaugh ter. Molly lu-cket, and three great grandchildren, sang "Hap py Birthday" to him as he rut th "HI" out of his decorated birthday cake. Those present, beside the hon ore were Mrs. Becket. Mr. and Mra. Laurence Ikikrt and Mol ly. Mr. and Mm. Claude Busch ke. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busch ke and Hryon, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Buschke, Brett and Tan-na. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Tarra trav eled to Portland Saturday to at tend funeral nrvUi-s of a for mer Ileppner resident. Jeff Is- om. who died In Portland Feb ruarv XL Services were held Saturday at Gable's Sunrise Chattel. Before returning home Sunday, they visited Mrs. Far ra's niece-. Miss Louise Ashcraft in Portland. f 1 ' , I j ! r J ! MISS SHIRLCT LOUISE EBWIN Betrothal of Couple Announced by Parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Erwin are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Shirley Lou ise, to Pvt. Richard Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark, ail of Ileppner. Miss F.rwin Is a member of the senior class at Ileppner High school. Pvt. Clark Is pres ently stationed at Fort Devcns, Mass. A June wedding Is planned. District Meeting Honors Mrs. Hamlin Milton Freewater. Athena and MlMn units of the American Uglon Ausillary were Joint hrt for a District 6 meeting recently at tho Milton-Freewa-r Legion hall f special guet, Mrs. Frank Hamlin, Di-iri. pretldent. TTilrtvflv were present at the conclave that Included dis ruikslon of Auxiliary programs, Mrs. Hamlin was able to report that the district was still lead ing In membership percentage In the Department of Oregon. HEPPNEH ELEMENTARY MENUS March 7-11 Monday Sloppy joea with home made buns, spinach, peaches and grapefruit, mtlh. Tuesday Beef gravy with fluffy rice, vegetable salad, ap ricots, bread and butter, milk. Wednesday Macaroni and cheese, green beans, carrot sticks, pears, bread and butter, milk. Thursday Chill beans, celery sticks, applesauce, hot rolls, butter, mint. Friday Potato aoup. peanut butter sandwiches, fruit salad, milk. When you Datrontte Gazette Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw It In the Gazette-Times. Home for a vUit this week end frm FOC were Stuart Dick. Dnn Munkrrs, and Kn Jones, lion and turn spent ml of the week end skiing at Ar buckle. VUHing- In Hei.pner this week end wtve Gail lbnklrui and br nice Thomson, both ft l"ortland. Public Card Party Saturday, March 3 Lexington IOOF Hall Bridge Pinochle Bingo Table Refreshments Proceeds to IOOF Eye Bonk 1:00 pjny-Eeryooe Welcome 1! mrm HI CD MJB28 ox. RICE 3 Fe, n TNT Poly P0PC0RM 2 290 CALGON BATH OIL BEADS SOW 22 ox. CUCUMBER CHIPS 390 Minced or Chopped CLAMS 3 ro, 890 Nabisco Sugar Honey GRAHAMS 2 LB. Nalles Mayonnaise Qf. 49 i Scott Sofrwceve TOILET TISSUE 2 VAC 4 For $1 LARGE Mm SCO mm T0MAT0ES2 49C RED Mew Potatoes 5-39 BANANAS 3 390 NEW CROP CABBAGE - - - lb 90 Family Sixe 4 FISHERMEN FISH STICKS 590 Welch 12 ox. GRAPE JUICE 290 OREGON CHIEF PURE PORK SAUSAGE - 59C LB. G055 nl OCT HDiS lb. 2 03 fans PRICES GOOD MARCH 4 and 5 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET CREEN 3