Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1966)
THE IIEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 27, 19C6 Sec. 2-4 poges Lutherans Name Officers At Annual Church Meeting A i '.V. "11 I a- ,f 4? I i ; -i 1 fc v iff ' 7w f -if -f - ar IT EATHCIIINC UNDSTKOM IONK Mrmtr of Valbv Lu theran chunh held their annual meeting lat Sunday at the church following tluk din ner al nMn In the parish hall r'.lcried lo the Uiard of trus tees for three years wm Paul Tew, other trustees are ltin:r I'almer, with two vears to serve, and Lawrence lUskct. with one ear to mtv p. Ix.nald ivtrran waa elected aa a deacon for lhri- year. Thw serving with Mm are Henry Haker. with two vear remaining of hit term and kavmond Uindcll with one year, IxKita Carlson, secretary, and Gerald IWgatrom. treasurer, were both reelected. Annual reports were given by Mra. Iul Carlson and Mrs Paul Trw a. Itoland IWgMrom. chairman. preMd at the mMllnf. A new chairman for lWfi will be wled ed at the flntt board meeting following the annual meeting. Newly elected officers of the Valbv American Lutheran church wonwn are: president, Mra. I-nula Carlson: vice presl dent. Mra. Donald Jflerson; aec-rctary-treaeurer. Mra. Paul Teva; lufretary of stewardship. Mra. William Rawlins: and sec- SEE THE WORLD'S LIGHTEST DIRECT DRIVE chaiii mi. MCCULLOCH MAC 1-10 The greatewl lightweight of 'em all la here. 104 lb. of fast cutting, dependable, easyhondltn' McCulloch. It'll tackle any cutting Job you've got around the farm, cabin or right at home. Complete with Hi" cutting bar and chain, fingertip primer, wea therproof Ignition, big capac ity gna and oil tank and the new. streamlined design that won't hnng up In heavy brush or limbing work. big Mi rlaht only. dry. M bar ml rlmln ONLY $191.50 PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Building Supply Heppner Ph. 676-9157 rHary of education, Mr. Ken neth IMdiiM'it. II CC Plana fo Elks' Annual Mr Jainea l.ln.Uay Hat ltt ru f..r the Wlllim Grange Hume rononilni club on Thur 1av January 11). With Mr. M IL rot lor aUllng Mghtern member were present to rnjoy the delicious otium ninncr Mra. Marlon Palmer, chair man, appointed standing coin miiii-f fur l!Ml aa well aa pe clal committee to plan. cpare. ami serve tne dinner ir ine lik'a annual on February 19. There will ! no regular II KC. meeting In February. Smaller groups will be called to gether aa necessary. Itev. Walter It. Crowcll. Rob ert Jcpacn. Holert Itlelmann, nt ikmaltl lwiiw. moderator. drove to The Dalles on Sunday evening to attend a meeting 01 the Capital tJalna Campaign of th United Church of ChrUt. Jcpitcn U lne chairman and Ale Currle of Condon la dWrhi chairman for the Mid Columbia AoMoclatton. Chief lUdarman Claude IVt tvjohn left Wednesday for txmrf Beach. Calif., where he will re turn to duty on the U5.S Mad dox. He haa been apendlng leave here with hla mother, Mm. Fred Pettyjohn, and other relative!. Mr. and Mra. Donald Lundell pcnt Sunday and Monday In Portland on buftines. (iuent at the home of Mr. and Mra. Blaine Chapel thla we-k-end were Mr. and Mra. Kho Bleakman of John Day. Bleak man went to high achool with Mra. Chapel and Mrs. Bleakman went to achool to Mra. Chape!,, when he waa teaching. Lh llama returned to Long Beach. Calif, for further schooling and work. He has hern nix-ndtng several week here with hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Venter Hams. Karl Pettyjohn haa been In St. Anthony hospital for about a week fi treatment. Mrs. Alta Lofton of Condon came over laM Thursday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. II. M.irlik and family. Mrs. Oui Berg&trom returned from lloneer Memorial hospital on Thusdav after a two-week My a for rest and treatment. Mrs. Ilerval Tettyjohn and children of Yakima were gucMs of her mother, Mrs. Arthur Crawford, aeveral days last week. Bill Akers spent from Wednes day to Saturday visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers from his school work at Lewis and Clark College In Port land. Stephen Llndstrom arrived home on Sunday for a few days semester break from Pacific Lu theran University at Tacoma. Mrs. Glen Blehl and children fo La Grande were week-end visitors at the Robert Jepsen home. Coach Blehl was travel ing with the La Grande basket ball squad to Bond and Red mond over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hvnd and llunnle spt-nt the week-end In Portland. Tltey were accompa nied bv Ml Pit Kerr. Their un DMk of Oregon Mate met them In Portland for a visit. Mrs. K. T. Martin was gue.t npeaker at the Pendleton Gar den Club on Monday evening. Mrs. M'iftin, who Is director of )t. No. 10. khowed slides of tl National Convention held at Klamath Kails this year. Mr. Martin accompanied her. They have alo rerntly visited the Iktardman and Kcho Clubs for their Chrlstmaa partlea and lo the January meeting of the L'matllia Garden club. Mr. and Mra. Imald Heliker were hoMs on Friday evening for a crab feed, (itietts Included Mr. and Mrs. Phill Kmert, Mr. and Mr. Herman Blettell. and Mr. and Mrs. Kov Gjolrow. Mrs. Fmert. Mrs. ileliker. and Mrs. Blettell uere all celebrating re cent birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. E. !L Schaffer are apendlng aeveral days In Portland for medical appoint menta. luacbarosa Rabekah Lodq Install Slate of Hew Ottlcers Installation of officers of Bunchgrass Rebekah Lodge was held at the home of Mrs. E. C. Heliker on Thursday. January 20. with Mrs. Florence McMil lan. Dlllct Deputy, as Install ing officer. Her InMalling mar shal was Mrs. Adolph MajesKe also of Holly Kebekan uoage ai I a. I n nlnn to. A.,.n llamlrtt WSS In- stalled aa noble grand with Mrs. Heliker. right aupponer to inc noble grand, and Mrs. A. t- Swanson as Ielt supporter o the noble grand. Mrs. Paul Pet tyjohn. Sr.. Is vice grana who t' l' Craufiirii B rifht supporter to the vice grand and Mrs. Ida Coleman as u-u sup porter to the vice grand. Other i.wti-i and ai)ioinu-u uumu are: Mrs. Wallace Matthews, secretary; Mrs. Mary bwanson treasurer; Mrs. cieo uraKe. wr tier; Mrs. David Rietmann, con Hiirnr- m. Omar Rietmann, .u . ..I . I hm llarvvv lflni In- guardian: ana iir. vivji Rea. outside guardian. Serving on tne social commu i... ... ih vninir were Mrs 1 in ...--.- Milton Morgan and Mrs. uoya Morgan. My Neighbors mm WHAT KIND Of A BUY IS A BUCK? Mm lav -j i ii m k tiii llvify nd htndllnj cliva jrowpwwiwn - Now you can afford a Bulck. Now you no longer need to settle set tha best posslbla trade-in deal. Th. monthly payments won t crimp, tha I budget Make . thS i week on of the best In your life. Hop on over to your Bulck dealer. It couldn't be better time. See your local authorized Buick dealer I I r, ,.r'l . " fc-v'i- " ! -v''"- tf 'iii yy' 'v'' . f '-, . ' I iJ7' - I- - V f t JB ALMOST A WHOLE ROOMFUL of saddles and award wtr pr- anlad tO COampiOH cwwooyi una viun w kuuw. v west Rodoo Association conTtntlon hero on Januarr 15 and 16. Seated in (root from left are Ken Trailer of Ellensburw. Wn. named Rookio of the Year John Van Eelle. Outlook. Wn stock contractor who accepted the saddle given to BUI H trier a el Toppenlsh, Wa. champ bareback rider; Chuck Johns of Engene. bulldogglna champion; Gene Jordan, of MitchelL champ sad die broae rider; Dick Powers. Ellensburg. champion cow milk er; Bob CooJorth of Hermiston. champion bull rider. In rear (from left) ore WUIle Slagle. Baker, who receleed the. tangne-in-cheek "champion spectator award giTen to a non-winner; Howard Johnson. Condon, stock contractor, owner of aaddlo bronc and bareback horse of the year; Danny Green. Omak. Wa, owner of the champion bucking bull; Bill ward, Athena, retiring HRA president and winner of oil-around and caM rop ing honors; and Miss Delene Johnson. Condon. Miss KRA of 1965 who presented some of the awards. Brad Botta I Ellens burg. team roping champion, was unable to bo present. (Photo by Lynn Pearson). Yocklcy Completes Military Course Pvt. Joel O. Yackley. son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Yack low r Th Dalles, and formerly of Heppner, haa completed a 10- week supply and part course at the Army Engineer School In Fort Belvoir. Va., according to Information from his parents. During the course Yackley re. ceived Instruction in maintain ing records pertaining to the receipt, storage, issue, classifi cation and salvage of engineer material. Yackley is a 1962 graduate of Heppner High school and was employed by the Oregon State Highwaly Department before entering the Army in July. 1965. He received his basic training? at Fort Ord. California- Need extra cash? Sell unused items around your place with a Gazette-Times classified ad. How do some families )j 't, t- manage to save for an wV jf EJfflTffli ill - .ssrrra lift J '.i.v'J'A V- ' I ii jpjj You'll find First National people are as happy U U KmS as you are when you've reached your savings goal. TC ill ffuvliy We'll help you reach it, too, with an automatic 1 3 I UI VSa savings plan that makes it easy for you to save fMllCy il regularly at a convenient full-service n , I First National branch. So if you're dreaming of 9. S.K FXxvO T! that special vacation, (or any other savings goal) (w.- flu.rd your v.t,on m..y it ... .r wn make it easy on yourself! Ask FIRST! IIFIRST i f, 1 I NATIONAL 1 f-$V jLj BANK OF OREGON I