Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1966)
Chott With Your Home Agent Important Training Session Set for 4-H Here Saturday IT DONNA CEOftCt Fourll member and leader will turn their attention to working together In club meet ing Saturday, January 8, at the 411 Club Training. The program will begin at 1:3d pm. In the Catholic parish hall. Heppner. and U for 411 club officer. lead- nthr intrt-rsted mem The purple lnpectln mark ing Ink U harmless. t'SDA re quired that all such Ink must re safe for human consumption. Even the picture on the pack ace a froren chicken pie. beef tirw, or TV dinner for esample must pas Inspect Ion If It la lo be labeled -I'SDA Inspected." When the product I prepared In a test kitcnen irmrumu ben In South Morrow county. (A direction on the label. It must similar training meeting will t,ook like the picture on the la held for Boardman and Irrigon riuha at Boardman Riverside High school the following b urday at 9 a.m. Club not able to attend the aesslon In their part of the county may attend ihe other aesslon.) The pro cram will Include leadership training relating to club business meeting. Idea for 411 club group activities, and information on 4 II events and opportunities. The Kettles and Spoons 4 II club of Heppner will present "model- 111 meeting. This will be a aklt written and dramatized by the members to demonstrate a good democratic 411 meeting In which members and leaders work together effectively. Another part of the program will give specific training for the officers in performing their H..tM ffoetlvelv. iMIicers are MUM.. - - --rf- Veterinarian and scientists In the meat Inspection service perform this type of work lor ii mt rirrkliim-r under Fed eral inspection, providing a ser vice to the looa anoppeu . she alone Is not equipped or qualified to perform. Students Invited To Enter Contest On Wheat Topics lllnh cs-hrvd Ktudi-ntS thfOUCh- out Oregon are again invited to enter the annual High School duties eiiecxiveiy. nuiuwr article contest, me urged to bring their notrtwoks 8ponsorlng Oregon Wheat Crow (such as secretaries and report- rrs League announced thl; vrs rpvurusj nun ... questions relating to their of- flee. . . onarate classes lor Ollicvrs week. tv.11 Wrw-wlu jr,t nf Pendleton. president of the grower organi zation, said that two subjects tiiil he taucht bv the following ' Krn elected for this persons: 'year's competition. "Advantages Recreation and song leading f wheat in the Everyday Diet lt'M i; a Diulln aSlSted ' . .1 I If orlrntincr by members of Sew-Along 4-H pf Oregon Wheat." The contest 'l . . V. I 0 d vA rlAU Presidents and vice presidents Gail McCarty. county exten sion agent News reporters Wes Sher man. Heppner uaicue-iu" opens on January 3 and closes with entries postmarked on or before May 1. Woodward announced that all Oregon students in grades nine through twelve are cugioie i" editor. I compete, with the exception of Secretaries and treasurers , those whose parents hold hi Donna George, county extension u in the wheat League n con t 1 Adult 4-H leaders and non officer 4-H members are encour aged to participate in the rec reation class or may choose one of the other sessions.) Consumers' Silent Helpers Aid to Homemakers The protection provided ty meat and poultry inspection programs of the U. S. .Depart ment of Agriculture aids the American housewife any time she buys these food products, says Mary M. Holthouse. Exten sion Food Marketing Specialtet Oregon State University. All meat and poultry products that crosses state lines must be fed erally inspected. When a prod uct carries the label Teading, "USDA Inspected", In addition to knowing the meat or poultry is wholesome, you also can be sure of several other things. When cooking instructions ap pear on a ieaerauy-iij product they have been check ed for accuracy. The statement of contents on the label has been examined and approved the product conforms to the pro portions listed on the label. An inspector has made sure that the ingredients used are the same, and are in the order of predominance as listed in tne . 1 1 When you see the term all beef used to describe federally- 1 ta frankfurters. VOU Can be sure that only beef is used- no scraps of cut-on iat or um beef by products, wnen uaun- IllSrlO-lCU loin"-" . - beled as being "sugar cured, it 4.. or thattin artificial sweeteners. Even seasonings and spices used are microscopically-examined for purity and to make sure no narauui ma terials are used. V I rTVn - or the Oregon Wheat Commis sion. . . Entry blanks and research materials may be obtained by writing to the Oregon Wheat Growers League. P. O. Box 400. Pendleton. Essays admitted on either of the two subjects must be typed and should not exceed 1500 words. . . Cash awards will be made for the winning entries. Woodward reported, with $75 going to the author of the best article, and $50. $35 and $15 prizes for the .wwvr.4 rhirrl. nnrt fourth Place 0CVIIUf . .... u -- - entries. The winning papers will be published in a numwr 01 Oregon newspapers and larm Journals, he saia. ana me win ner will be a special guest of the Wheat League at its annual state meeting in December. Entries will be Judged, the League president said, on orlgi r,oiirv cnMMt matter, spelling ..L..1..7 . J " - - In addition to the tour casn awards,, merit eertuicates wm be presented 10 to rumnaa-ur-; Winner 01 me wneai 19G5 newspaper - article contest was . Linda Glennie, a high school sophomore from Pendle ton. II j neighbors thntiornmnf n SQ. YD. 36"- WIDE MAKFS. YOUR HOME l90? WINTER tight; J ; DRAFT M.- ON FUEL Cut with Shears and Tack On ri rv n PI it lh onlv UCMUMIC liwv-vww ' i window material that carnes a Z year uarantee. The name FLEX-0-GLASS is printed on the edge for your proxecuun. in t vTd say I'm about 35 per cent for it-30 per cent agin it and 35 per cent undecided." Pendleton-Heppner Freight Line DAILY OVERNIGHT SERVICE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY TERMINALS: Heppner Bill Forra. Ph. 676-9448 Lexington George Herman's Service Station Ph. 989-9593 lone Rletmami'i Hardware, Ph. 422-7211 Connecting With SITES FREIGHTLINE AND CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT -WAYS, HERMISTON. ALSO GARRETT FREIGHTLINES. ' PENDLETON. OVERNIGHT Serrlce Prom SEATTLE, Wash, Via Con solidated FrelghtwaTs Only- Wool Orowers To Hear Aspinall At National Meet Km an VVivn N. AI1- nail (IX-CokU. chairman of the ret-ntlv creale.1 "ubllc Land Uw Review Commission, will he the krvm Mrr mi UHH annual convention cf the National Wod timers a"?' n.. 1. rs.nUn.t Jinuarv 19 11 mhrr dignstariM who will ad lrt- the convention ucirKi- Include Aklunt SHTetary of it,, llarrv It Andrrton: (trecon's S-crvtarv of Slate. Tom MiVall; and nieaor. memtH-r of Ihe WaUiincton State lloue J ltepreenlauvea. The roster of speaker chosen lo dlcu current mailers of vi tal importance and tnleret to Ihe nation' lamb and wl pro ducers Includes John S. tlotu chalk, director. Bureau of Sport Kuhcrie and Wildlife. Wah Ington. IX who will peak ..r.oi.v minimi orablemsi Claude M- Mer. Jr. national livestock tax cum mil lee, ienver. who will diois rai and In heritance tae; William S. T' on. Washington. O. C counsel ho uvtirn Rnce AsMx-ia- turn. whoe aildre will cover minimum wage proposals iur acrlcullure; and William A. Mc Kerniw. IVwaukee. Wl.. prel dent. American Sheep rro.lucers Council. ho will speak on ad vertising and promotion activi ties on lamb and wool. One of the convention eionj on January 21 will feature a) live-member panel to cxplor-V . . 4M lh runner imprun'nn-mi nroducllon and marketing of lamb and wool. Alx featured on the program will be annual reports by the National Wool Grower Aocla. Hon president. George K. Hlslop, Yakima. Washington, and exec utive secretary-treasurer. Kdwln E. Marsh. Salt Lake City. Utah. The convention will oH-n with a tour of one of the nation's leading woolen mill, including a luncheon and fashion show. Other entertainment features In clude a get-acquainted party, a chuckwagon breakfast and a gala social hour nd dinner dance. , The National Wool Growers Women's Auxiliary will also meet in Portland during the convention. National finals of the "Make It Yourself With Wool" contest will be featured on January 20. According to association offi cers, advance reservations from 23 states and the District of Col umbia indicate considerable In terest in the convention and a good attendance, marking the beginning of the National Wool Hrowers Association's second century of activity. Unit Meets Tuesday A lesson on time scheduling, "You vs. the Clock," will be sub ject of discussion for the Jan uary meeting of the Heppn" unit of Home Extension.- - Members are asked to meet Tuesday, January 11, at 10:30 a.m. at the apartment of Mrs. vnr Tiimof fn, tha meptin? and .1 Ul U ... d a potluck luncheon at noon. Need extra cash? Sell unused Items around your place with a Gazette-Times classified ad. Urged to be Alert To Disease Signs Modem form of IfiMi-mU-lion are a b.n to the liavrlrr needin Quick tran.wtaU o n but It could lell th'uhle lor livestock Isolde bv aiding In the unread ( fot and mouth dna. lr Clenn H Ilea. t vrt erinarlan. Oregon ivpartmem of Agriculture. Hinte.t Ihls out a he remln.le.1 veterinarian and Ihe iebk lndulry that they need to aeH " Vm" il.xn of UiU U t.vk. which ha rea.hed epi demic protrtlon In Kuta. The particular strain mmln through the livcto-k IniluMry of Kula. lr. Rea said U a vir us that can live on inanimate object well a the tlwiues, which mean the vlru could still be alUe If It were on ome object moved Into this country bv air. Rea treed the fact lhat the livestock Industry of lh United States should not panic over this warning but to be alert to any symptom to prevent the dis ease from Retting a foothold in this country. Noting that there are olhr dica with symptoms similar to foot and mouth dieae. In fact so similar that laboratory diagnosis is necery. Kea urg ed livestock people to immedi ately contact a veterinarian should any of their animals have sore In the mouth or on their feet. , The Oregon Department of Agriculture Is sending informa tion on the disease to all coun ty agents In the state and alert ing veterinarian. Kea ald there I no vaccine for ihe particular strain of foot and mouth diM-a moving through Kusslan livestock and pointed out this could lead to its spreading to Europe where for some time they have vacci nated against the more com mon type of foot and mouth disease. The slate veterinarian saiu there have been no reports ofj any rases of fool and mouth1 disease In the I'nlted States and again stressed the fact that the warning Is onlv to alert ltve- stock people so this country could Immediately take control measure should a case appear, thus preventing Its spread and bringing economic ruin to the livestock industry. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. (PU) Mc- Murtry spent the Christmas hol idays In Philomath. Eugene and Portland. They first visited Christmas eve with his broth er and sLster-ln law. Mr. and !. I 1 M-Mi.rtrv at Philo- .1119. . -..-- J m.ih inH Ihon went to EuiTfne , hie tictr Kirs. Marv J. Andreasen. The McMurtry went to I'ortiana sainaay aiu-r vnni- .,icit with thfir son. 1 1 1 IV I'.t. . . . Glen, and then returned to n.nniur thA fnllowlne dav. en- countering the severe weather being experienced oy an min ers in the Columbia Gorge. - George E. Barkler of Tracy. Calif., lifelong friend of We Sherman, visited with the Sher man family here from Thurs- . ..n c.ii,lu lavlnff for Portland that afternoon to visit with otner irienas na He raises sugar beets, alfalfa, . . nthor f-rnn In B 720aore farm operation In the San Joaquin vu.-jr. IU I0p LIVUMUln Judges. Named In County 4-H it cail Mccarty 4 It Ceiiar Aat The ten lop 4 11 livestock Mces weie li-lc-rrnlnel at the ieTmter i 4 II Livestock Held ay. Thlitv U Judge from throughout M row county par ttrlpatrd in this annual rvrr.t on the Miiriow County Fair ground, thit of a powdhle lW is.lnt. the ten hlhrl scres were at follws: t. Sue tlreenup, llepner CM 3 j 2. ftxky lohertV. llepp-nrr-U 7; 3- Tom Kwm. Vf7 4; 4 Michelle Miller. Heppner MTTl; k. I'aill llealy. Ilrptmec . Bill Greenup. Heppner AM 9: 7. Mary McKlll gott, lone M31i . Allert ltil III. lkardman AW.3; t. Tatty laly, llepptser SU 4. and 10, John Itawlins. lone A1J These -ore will be totaled with acure from a spring field dav. scheduled for March 16. and the county fair Judging contest. Team to rreent Mor row county at the iHegon Mate Fair and the Pacific Internation al Livestock KMMwUlon will te fmm the total x-orrs. Llvestoik ued In the Judging class was furnished by Neil and Barton Clark, kum anj Henry Gantrnheln. !n t.reen up, and Urn MiElllgott. Cecil 4-H Club Holds Vocation Meetings A meeting of Bee' Busy Bud die 4 II club was held tHnvin ..... -m i thi home of Gary Thomas. Dennl Chamlx-rlaln Is a new memlM-r. im.rm f.r 1 )il i-ar are: r.ra Ttinmii tirt-klili-nt : Clint Kreb. vice president and news reporter, ana aane retary. Flag pledge were led bv Jane Keb. The club thank ed Mrs. Hyml lor tne nags m gave the club. This year we .11 i.Unj itome Improve- ment and Lcathercraft. Jane Krebs I also taking s-nmniK-Our iirolect for community ser- vice will be to clean the (cell Hall. L - m..t In IVccmtx-r 31 at the home of Clint Krebs. Mrs. livnd explained our nraiu ng f,.r ihls vir. We dls- cus-mh! money raising proJtKls to finance our Held trip, roi- (..ihImii it... hiiKlm-KS mrctlntr WO IUWIMK ......... had a work session at the Ce cil Hall. Clint Kregs. rrjoi-i Assistance Offered On Federal Taxes Taxpayers who need assist ance on filing Federal returns for the calendar year 1905 are advised by A. G. Erlckson. dis trict director of the Internal Revenue Service, that several offices around the state will be open from 8 a.m. until 4.45 rxm. on each Monday through April 11 for this purpose. Amone them Is the Pendleton office. 611 S. E. Emigrant. Ph. 276-3X25. The Portland office, 319 S. W. Pine (Ph. 222-3X01 , will provide information serv ice Monday through Friday through April 15 during regular office hours. 8 a.m. until 4:43 p.m. KtJblUUlllb lldVt'l During Holidays y VIRGINIA BEU0 vi7UAMr and Mrs l-re Hal ley ami Mr and Mi. Atlel Can t Ull weie buslneM vUltois to He llle 17iuriy. Sir n.t Mis Milt Boring re turned home last week from several day lnl , lUn lilrnds and relative in paiem and Mnmoulh. Mr aod Mi. Havld fUH.'ii ! daughter IVbbl left Monday nufnln for Ihrlr home In aane after spending the holl dav here and In lUxietrurg. mih mn lirownlng left Sun day lo return to ndlege In ivn- dlcton alter siH-mnng tne non- da, with lier pa rem. Mr. and Mr. Allen NMd went to Eugene Sunday to take their son Warren bark to hi studies at the I'nlverslty of Ore gon. They were aeeoinianied to ivrtiand bv Mr. I'rte Slclrwall who lolled with her husband who Is htwpttallied there. New Year dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Flack were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook and Mr. and Mrs. lloger lxk ol Fossil. Mr. and Mr. Robert Kelo and Mr. Bert Hoover were New Year' dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Verne Edwards at line Creek. Itustv Medlock and Mr. Frank DcMcrrlt went to Hepp ner last Thursday to get Mr. iv.Merrlt who was released that dav from the Heppner hospital. 11. n.l lira Kiim Rhoton were In Heppner last Thurstiay fur business ami snopomK ni.Hti.-nl rare for Mrs. Khoton. Mr. and Mr. John Hawk and family went to prtnevuie innsj ma to end the dav with Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Wllhelm and family. , . Hiehard Mrtlmore and son Roger went to The Palle last Saturday to bring to Camp 3 Mrs. Jensen who will stay at their place and lk after Iheir ..hiL xtrs Mortlmore Is at Lake Oswego for medical care. Mr. Mortlmore took Mrs, Mortlmore to Lake Oswego Sun day where she will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coleman while she has her treatments. New Year s guests of Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Nrrl were Nlr. Norris' parents. Mr. and Mrs. rv.r. fiiKi .f SU-r 1(T Creek. Mr and Mrs. Jack Warner ....... in Minumint on Christ mas Eve to sHnd the holidays MIOTIC Of Public Hearing On Proposed Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Mmiwj, J Miry 17 n n n n. fp-L e InlDPuil MMwm jiX V. BOARDMAN, OREGON 8:OQ P.M. MARION GREEN, Secretary, Morrow County Zoning Comm. namia lavlr Mr. ami Mr runs 'r'r . . si. ....I nits imiMfi rrr- nil iii ...... rrl sH-nt Ihe Christmas holld)i in isiitland witn Mr. ani in. Huitn Nl"i d family. On Sunday Bl lYrrri wa , n Islher to Heppner rran rntrrrd the hoptal fif treat ment. ... Unending t htisuna nere wnn Mr. and Mr lloy WW im family were Mr and Mr. Wlll ard Uhnen f iVrtland. Mr. ami Mr, iiutiy iuhi- and daughter Tatntny eiii Chrlslma her with Mr. and Mr. Uwls IthtMes. Mr. ani Mn norrn rvci u.rt in llt-Kom-r last inun'r for medical rare for Mr. Jalm Mr. ami Mr. uaw iha oarents nf a ernd dau irhter boin JrsTmter 2ft at the lleppner rnpitai. one tt lb. 1 and was named ElUaheth Colleen. hh loin four bmther and one '". Kir. Ilarrrll C.amroth of llillstwro became th parent k a . V-j. is-i I ai as '11 of a daugmer on ti-' "V at the lleppner noapnai. -"" weighed lb. W . and waf r...,.r.,i Kherrl Lynn. Malernal eramlparent are Mr. and I fa- Hob Uvrr. wrs. V"" L. . . ii..,, ri iKrr and hsi c,"me to sH-nd Chrlslma. with her parents. Buttcrfingcrs Meet; Hold Chriitmoi Party The Itutterflngers 4 11 club met at Mr. Wolff home Ue-remt--r HI After the president called the meeting to order, we answered roll call with a nam of a winter song. Aftr the meeting we had a Christmas party and played five game. Prle winner were Dav r Alderman. Llbby A,'r,"m Elndv 1-eonnlg. Marbara AUtolt and .Shirrv AUup Shelley Wolff won the door prlre. Mr. AD rms supplied ns.kle and co coa for us. Kelley Wolff, reporter CUL CLXCTR1C Motor Rtwtndlna NDUSTItlAL COMMEKQAL1 a i . i P-ndb-ton 27R77R1I i X A WINDOW on the WORLD fee S with RURAL ELECTRICITY Today, all Amtrlcan can sit In on the great events of our time. In addition to all the comfort and labor-saving tools of the Twentieth Century which electricity hat brought to rural America, the power line has truly opened window on the rest of the world. Rural electrification hat mad It possible for people In the most remote areat to be well-Informed by radio and television. Rural people can now take an even greater part In America's social, political, and economic life, thanks to rural electrification. We are proud of our role In helping to open this window on the world! CO LUMB1A ASIN ELECTRIC CO-OP Serving Morrow, Wheeler and Gilliam Counties" i t