Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1965)
nitrnm CAirnx-TiMcs. Tkmn&r. rcwr it. ms Lindsays Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. anil Mr. Larry Unday re annoum-lnf ihe Wrth ft Ihelr seeoru dsuchter. Mry Catherine. trn Wednesday, le rmer IS, at Si. Antrumy hiw- . ...I IIm l.lrth win .. 7 ii n , n4 ?. ' !'U she Hn Is month, old lter, School Directors Plan for Budget, (Continued from II hut, which aa delivered Tues- Ann Mart. Malrf rial t rwlpr-nU are Mr. and Mr. A I- Itemlly f li.rtlan.l and hr internal grandmother li Mr Ales Lind say of r tnclon. lireat rrana lather U lan Lindsay ul llirm iii on. cxmmssuis fitt ti iii lltf HSfiUTCIT tlSUBS ft! the iiriinrr-North losing I on run of lvntr.l Munkers. Motion Pictures Of Viet Nam War Shown at Chamber A motion picture shotting how the atiOfii al lliu t.l. Viet Nam. ti constructed In ill da Mith I Mi1 cooittlon t( the I Marine anil Seabees, H it view- Htn Dure tan waUt coats .. .flOJS Lam Insulated coots . 1JS Hmt dutr lona wool In ulatsd coats wbood 1T.S0 Excellent Mtoction of otltor enata How camp coti .. t-S$ Bamboo cloths basksts - 1.19 Rubbot door mats MS Wotkshooa T-S5 Lots el f boots. Also harrr duty 11" boots. AUo loco to too boots. TVt-tVi CI paratroops lumn boots, rwr low Drtco MS Also CI mold shots. small si . 5-30 Now Long Tom shotgun 33-95 Plastic lockets wnoods. color rod & touow iJ Insulated cobs woannutis lor baldlos 1.75 Insulated orana. rod hunt loa com weannutls 139 Thormo undorWr. oa. Vs Insulated suit underwear. special price 9J3 loop can nozzles 1-60 Jeep cans. S gaL S-8S loop can gaskets 22Sc Pack boards, oak frame .7.50 riold packs 1-50 pc rubber ralnsult 730 Black rubber raincoats ... S-50 Wool Insulated blue Wary waist coats J5 WE STILL BUT GUNS SUPPLT SERGEANT Hennlston-McNarr Hwy. Tt.S Othrf f W hum, Wtikh ill tarty A ienser on a paMtrnrrr (hauls to double as an aittuty hus for Ion Utpv Mill lx aM.ij:nrvl to lne for the run rf Mr. lnet fhntiher son. It has rt twen delivered, to this time. The committee alt rrvm mrnt(sl that the rnwird vniv. er trattinc the small dutrm se!- n now ue! by Supt. Pall ttir fr a 9 itcnxrt suiion tacm. The board ave'ted this rrcummenlatiin and aKel the kutiermtendrnt to determine the specifications fvr the vehicle. Work oa Guidance ITincipal Jack t;runiekle of Henpner elementary chil cave a report mrnvrnlnc the elemen tary and aecindar curriculum committee' work. The rlemen- tarv group has been developing an elementary Kuidance and and rounM-llini; program, and a I tiiini mMllnii hu lmn sl tar el at the Monday mcvtlni 4 the Ihppner Mar urn county Chamber i4 Comnu-rce. Tie film was shown lhnunh the artattgement of Ihvman Winter, a Marine renerve oftt cer. who brought It frm Yaki ma. Wn, Sutulav. Anoihty reel. entttletl "War Within a War, showed the effrts helnit made ti win the confidence and fiieniSh'n of the Viet Nam na live who are terrorised by the Vieteontr. I'hu 1.1. now a principal strip for combat oieratton, was orii: inaltv designed for carrier bannl planes and has an arreMing rear similar to that on carrur. Tte urf4ce of the field Is com posed of aluminum planks, each weighing 114 pounds. IT lor to lablihing the Uip. Marines moed In and eourvd the countryside for the Vlctconjt guerillas. lnce in oivratlon. the airfield Mni meeting has teen set lOT r-nuir. hllnv i,,n of suindies Thursday. Heecmber 16. at,,.acn tlaV- M.-anwhile the Mar which time the two committees J (,., designate themselves a will seek to determine whun -ivk ind shovel srchtt.vt." and direction the district snouid take dli trier foxholes In the sand on the matter of guidance. -nt trol,ic heat to cuard the field. Winter pointed out In connec- Music Tableaux By Church Choir Set for Sunday A tableaux with music. "The Prince of Peace." arranged by Anne E. Tierce, and based on the Bible, will be presented by the combined choira of the lleppner and Lexington Christ ian churches on Sunday. Decem ber 19. at two programs. I'nder the direction of Mr. Al Boschee. the choirs will give the first program at the Lex ington church at 5:00 p m.. fol lowed at 7:30 p.m. at the llepp- nec Christian church. The pub lic Is Invited to attend cither service. Carols of Christmas are fea tured In the Prologue; Tableau I. "The Shepherds." and Tab leau II. "The Manger at Reth- lehem." Solo parts of "We Three Kings are taken bv Carl Mar- lem. Since roads are mined, the auardt. Ilarley Saeer and Ever vehicles must often co throuch ett Struckmeler. A duet. "Lo as provided by law; heard Supt. 'the natives' rice fields and tear! How A Rose E'er Blooming." Is Potter discuss briefly a new set of standards set by the state for school libraries; and considered again the effect of the proposed limitation of property taxes to Supt. Potter said that when the 1966-67 budget Is prepared be will be willing to go to any croup or anywhere at any time to discuss It with them. ' Presented at the Tuesday i meeting was a letter from Pr. Leon Mlnear state superintend ent of public lnt ruction, recom- mending that contracts for j teachers be written (or 190 days i Instead of the present 1S5. The ! additional five days would be I used for Increased Inserv ice I training. No actions was taken i bv the board. Mrs. Vance discussed chang. ies faced by the district In the I new Social Security rates. With t Increased rates and an Increase in the amount of the base cov erage from $4H00 to Sii0 of the salaries, the district will face a sharp Increase on this Item in next year's budget. In other matters considered, the board Instructed the clerk to destroy old outdated records tlon with the film. "War With In a War." that the Vtctcong will terrorize natives bv ampu tating the arm or leg of a child in front of parents or commit ting similar atrocities. This type of treatment makes them fearful of giving Informa tion to the Americans, and the U. S. soldiers thus have the problem of winning their friend ship. One of the best methods to help, he said. Is to contrib ute for CARE packages. Soldiers themselves are donating to this cause, he said. Use of LVTs (landing vehic le track), armored personnel carriers, presents another prob them out. thus destroying their sung by Mary Kav Hughes and livelihoods. Communists then rvoretta Marquardt. use this as propaganda against Accompanists are Mrs. J. O. the Americans. Turner and Mrs. Carl Marquardt. Pictures showed the medical Supporting the chorus is the care given the Vietnamese by following cast of characters: American doctors In service and Mary. Mrs. Bertha Sagcr; Jo- by medics, and .their grateful seph. Bob Bergstrom: Angels, appreciation for it. The use of Carletta and Loletta Marquardt ood to win their friendship was ana Linda Baker; Micpheras. Dig Turnout Enjoys Annual Christmas Party for Wranqlcrs Santa Claus made hi appear ance at the annual ChrMmas party for member of the Mor row County Wranglers and their families at the fair pavilion Sunday evening. A new event (n the evening was the taking of iilcturea of severs! iif the voune- rr children sitting on Santa's lap Nearly 1 members and guckls cn)ocd the evening. which tcgn with a tluck din ner, followed bv a short hul nesa meeting and the party, with a visit from Santa Clau. During the program. Lynn Pearson showed a collection of !Mcs of pictures of local scenes taken throughout the ear. In cluding rodeo pictures. Judy Jones, Janice Baker and Joan Stockard sang several Christmas songs. The following were elected as new officcis of the Wrangleis for YM'4i: Rolce Kullctno, presi dent: Hob IWgstrom. lce pre, j Ident; Mrs. Pole Key. secretary- treasurer, and Art vance and Fred Mankin. director. George Thompson Dies at Age IOI fleorge W. Thorn pon, who would have reached his lo.'nd birthday In February, died Tues day. ivocmhcr 11, at the iH'la Marter Nursing Home in Pen dleton, He had made his home in Milton Frcewatcr since liMl. The Oregon centenarian was a homesteador in the lleppner area In the early who's. Horn February 14. IHol. at Bohvcr. Mo. he traveled west Freewaler In W14. Mr. Thompson had many friend In this area and ret tun ed often to attend the Memor ial Day picnic. A siecla high light of his lUHh birthday was receiving a special letter of erecting from President Lyn don B. Johnson. Graveside services will he at the llcpliner Masonic cemetery Friday afternoon, December If, Wlin m pan-ms K. e me , 2 , , ,h , A, k h. Ihain. tke.. In lMo. He returned ee officiating. Sweeney Mortu ary Is In charge of the arrange ment. Ills wife, three sons and one daughter are also burled at the HeppiHV cemetery. Survivor Include two daugh ter. Mr. Una Queen of ndle ton. Mr. lHltert Jackson. Wles- er. Idaho, a granddaughter. Mr. Ikorothy Moon, ivmiieion, a eon, Ceorc TlHMi"n of I'IkmmiU, Arli., and a grandson In t-'u- gene, to Missouri in lM where rie was married. He and his wife moved to lleppner where they hoincsteaded and lived on a wheat ranch. In 1!M1 thev sdd the ranch and moved to Wiener, Idaho, living on a farm until I'l.Ti, when they movett hark to lleppner. They moved to Milton Mustangs to Play DeSales Saturday; At lone Tuesday ilso shown in the film. 'TTr' ! JjS" Sasssa Tl , ir w , sw7L!rr ri, ,. v; III Steve Baker, Tom Smckard and Bruce Marquardt; Kings, Ray Jones, Larl Struckmeler and Matt Hughes; Nairator, Rev. Al Boschee. They will appear in appropriate costume. With five players on the team currently suffering from cold and virus Infections, lleppner High S basketball team faces the problem of getting back In shape for a return game with DeSales here Saturday night. Coach Bob Clough said Wed nesday that only six players were able to turn out for prac tice. He also Is suffering from the throat Inflammation. Prac tice was cut short for the day. The Mustangs hope to even the series with DeSales after losing to them at Walla Walla by one point. 6.1 to 62. They hit their winning stride again against Pilot Rock here Satur day, 59 to 51. but have the Job now of defeating the flu bug. The Saturday night affair will be a doubleheader. with llepp ner undefeated Jayvees open ing the program against the De Sales Jayvees at 6:j0. Coach Jim Potter's team has a 52-4S decis ion over the DeSales Jayvees. On Tuesday night, the Mus tangs go to lone to meet the Cardinals in a southern Morrow county "civil war" that always attracts a lot of Interest, even though it Is a non-counting af fair. The evening's baskotball play will be preceded by a spaghetti feed which runs from 5 to 7 p.m. The feed Is spon sored bv the lone ITA. The Cardinals, who met de feat at the hands of tall Pilot Rock In their first full game of the season, have two games ahead of the lleppner contest. They play Riverside at lone rrl- day night and then go to Wes ton Saturday night These are both league games. Be Original MAT . A ni gift idea Different and far more valued than desk calendars, candy, fruit rakr any numln-r of stand ard gifts you may have considered giving to your cus tomers and friends. This year give them gift certificates for $, $10. or $15 worth of choice Oregon hrrf Oregon beef certificates are available now and will he honored at any lime, on any beef pure ha e from diet mignon to hamburger at any gnx-rrv store or meat mar ket in the A. bo he orifinal llm Christmas. GIVE HEEF! fhm M my Hk4tf lf Sift fftlflttt xttf sa twlltti Mtt4 Wlni fcs- t C'i''fi UN t - II t tllM f'losa mk chirks psyabU to Orrgon Hof Chiim- or First National Bank, lirppnrr. Now On Sale at First National Bank, lleppner, Bv Morrow County CowBelles. Mrs, Wavel Wilkinson, lleppner. Chairman. Brttisa autotnottva spsitamait R. R. C. Walkar knows cars, but on thing ha dtdn't know was how quiot lha '64 ford Is. "1966 Ford quieter than my Jaguar? Not jolly likely!" said Rob Walker ... then he drove the Ford. How to save money regularly, in spite of yourself Just ask your paymaster for a card like the one above, and fill it out. This makes you an official mem ber of the Payroll Savings Plan, entitled to all the rights and priv ileges thereof. From now on saving money is bo problem; Every payday, your employer sets aside a little from : your check and puts it toward the purchase of a U. S. Savings Bond. Your savings come automatically. There's no temptation. No backsliding. You can get your savings when you need them. But, of course,, they'll be worth ZSYz more if you wait until your Bonds reach maturity. Being a Payroll Saver entitles you to feel pretty proud of your self, too. Because your savings help -protect your country's future as they help provide for your own. Why not talk to your employer and get started saving regularly this payday? You'll be amajxd, X your new perseverance. Wy ' -,i - J? ssr w iiiiii i.i i.... .. i ii Jf-..---.-..i . J--- ..r - -r11l1, , llt)ltl Ford's Qulat Man, who roeantly damonstratad tha 1966 Ford to ownars of soma of tha world's moat axpan slva cars, hara diacutaas tha '66 Ford LTD with Rob Wilkar at his family's aatata In Wiltahira, England. SBD-25001 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds STAR-SPANGLED SAVINGS PLAN CVD All iiFnininn r ' rwn evuu MivicniUMio ThiVJ. Oottrnmtnt dan not pa for Ihu tJrerlUtment. tt h prrttttlti at m pull la fmiet n uUk Ik Trtaturt Virlmrnt ana Iht Adrtrlitini Cci(, The Gazette-Times "Astonishing ... I believe this Ford of yours really is quieter I" exclaimed Rob Walker, famed British automotive sportsman. Ford's quiet ride is the result of built-in quality and overall engineering excellence. Other examples of this engineering magic from Ford are: New Stereo Tape Player option with easy-loading cartridges. New Magic Doorgate on wagons swing's out like a door for people and down like a tailgate for cargo. Silent-Flo Ventilation, standard on Ford 4-door hardtops, gives open-window freshness with all windows closed Quiet-test a '66 Ford, at your Ford Dealer's TEST-DRIVE AMERICA'S TOTAL PERFORMANCE CARS FORD tUMTAMI MtCO f SS1AH FtMO Heppner Auto Sales, Inc Heppner, Oregon