Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1965)
u I KCrrNCR GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday. Dc-smbf 1. IKS Anna L Forquer Dies December 8 In Walla Walla y.rt. Anna X- Forqu.r lid D (vrnlxr 8 at the age of ht at a Walla Walla hospital, Nee Anna ljuri Gilliam, she wa the daughter of an old pioneer fam ily which settled In the Wtllam rue vallev In 1852. Her father. William Gilliam, had come by wagon train from North Caro Una, though originally the fam ily was among early Virginia colonist. After several years the family homeateaded on a ranch nine miles southeast of Hepp ner. Her father fought In the Indian Wars of 1S55 and lSTxi with the Oregon Volunteers. Mrs. Forquer often reminisced of her childhood when Indians came each fall to camp In their timber claim, a few trees of which still stand on the barren slopes above Rhea Oeck. along with vestiges of a hand built stone wall. The Indians relish ed the fresh fruit and freshly churned buttor which no one thought to refuse them. Her mother. Laura Ann Capps. was the sister of Dr. Will R. Capps. a pioneer physician In th Walla Walla area. Her old er sister, the late Mollle John son. had one of the earliest real estate and employment agen cies In the city of Walla Walla, Mrs. Forquer was married to Celsus Keithley who died In their later home In Pendleton. After his death, she moved to Walla Walla where she contin ued in her sister's business un til she retired. She was married to Edwin Forquer who preceded her in death here. A nurse, she covered many rural miles In this line of duty. In 1903. after the disastrous Elf tfj Jrt Hft U'N SSftott) Canrtcm it 1 th(ti ry !1 0 THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE cloudburst which took a heavy toll or lives in iieppner, ne helped in the morgue and kitch en which fed survivors. Her strong historical sense and her full life which spanned the careers of many presidents, prompted her to keep extensive records, pictures, and other data of Interest for her niece, Mrs. Mary Koch, who resides in Wal la Walla. Though she had no children of her own. she was always vi tally Interested In young people and helped In the rearing and PAN CE NEW YEAR'S EVE WITH MUSIC BY The Henchmen FAIR PAVILION Heppner FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. CONCESSIONS SERVED $1.50 Per Person education of several In her home. Throughout her lifetime she was active In the circles of the Christian church. She served on the state Board of Missions and traveled widely In Oregon tnr tnanv rar llor adult bible classes at the Fendleton church were attended by people In great numbers. She later trans ferred her membcrsnip to tne Central Christian church In Walla Walla. One brother. Walter Gilliam. of Sonora. Calif, survives, as do several nieces and nepnews. Funeral services were held at the Groseclose Mortuary in Walla Walla at 10:30 a.m. Sat urday, December 11. with inter ment In the Heppner cemetery at 2:30 the same day. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients who were admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the past week and are still receiving medical care, are the following: Marie Oswald, Condon; Inez Erwin. Heppner; Elva Starns, Heppner; P. W. Ma honey. Heppner; Dale Wagner, Heppner. and Wayne Brown, Heppner. Those who received medical care, and were dismissed, were Garrett Turner, Fossil; Don Pe terson, lone, and Joe Bolin. Spray, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Fernan dez of Condon are parents of a fnnrth cnn. horn Monday. De cember li weighing 7 lb.. 94 oz. He has been named David Joseph, and Joins three broth ers and three sisters, Jeanne, Jose, Michael. Lizabeth, Billy Joe and Loretta. Mat e r n a 1 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hand of San Francisco, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jose T. Fernandez of San Jose, Calif. Metsker maps of Morrow, Gil liam, Umatilla, Wheeler counties on sale at the Gazette-Time, $1.25 each. Others available on order. JUST ARRIVED FOR JUST ARRIVED I Large Selection Of TABLE and POLE LAMPS $6.95 up JUST ARRIVED I RECLINERS From $gg to $0 v JUST AHRIVEDI EARLY AMERICAN Maple Furniture JUST ARRIVED I OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $39 up JUST ARRIVED I BEAUTIFUL PICTURES JUST ARRIVED I New COUCHES From $Q5 JUST ARRIVED I BEDROOM SETS 2k SIMMONS QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS SET 95th Anniversary SALE $149.95 PTA Renews Invitation: Join Now! Ai 60,000.000 American children move forward in the current school year, their jwrcnta ami teacher will receive an Invitation. U sued to the nation, to join the ITA. The Congress of Parents and Teacher now has under way it annual membership enrollment, aiming to nIJ new mem. tiers ns it tackles tl -critical issues" that affect chil dren tHl;iy issue such as financing public education, rilucaUn fr a rhanmiig so rwtv. hrlnmf diaadvantarrvt children, .n;ing th riu-i and roping it i rrponihilit y nf parenthood, including ae educa turn. This undrttinlkinn, to be carried out in a thre-yar action ru gram, "ill U ITA rraourrea to the utrnoat," National ITA I'rm.litit Mr. Jcnnll Mmirhrad. "It is nt too much to say that the outcomes of thea Uaues will hava far-reaching, fateful eonacouenees for our na tion and Its children." A aampls of th PTA' tlT tivenesa in action specifically, action U kelp disadvantaged children was its Htwka for Ao- .' r - rM meMenger (n"s (Vila Kkhman, a lrt grader at Ksjr thmA U ( hlrsca) has an Intltatlun for the natioai Join tKe ITA and help lit ihcr iWi.iti a m ehildr in A-arrlraa choU this year. palachia program of early 11X15, when, in Ava months, ITA'a throughout th Country collected mor than 1.100,000 children's books and sent them, In bookcase boies, to ths hundreds of barren, one- and two-room schools In ths Appalachian mountains. "This was a special project," Mrs. aloorhead recalls, "and our routins programs can b squally effective in advancing children's welfare In home, school, church and community. Whllt children In school ate tha of all ITA activity, ths National Congrcas of Tar tnts and Teachers woiks equally hard to keep parents and teach r learning, too, about children. Children's complaints about school wilt get an airing In a forthcoming issue of The ITA Mf nine, uard as a Wl tett by ITA sHnore4 stuly diUMln groups In many coiiiitiuiMliea. la other schedulid articles, paientt will im given suggeatlons tm hoe to prepare for a conference- ltl tl s .iU r, as t.ll a U:ieag Ing views on lg t.t. ablUt giuupiiig and studnt theatltg The ITA'a official magaslni alatt pioU.lrs regular servUvs to thoughtful parents: previews of motion pictures gradi-d for childien, adolescent ami adults; reviews of televlaion programs along with names of their soon aors; rrgular rrpotts on "what' happmlng In e.uctl.m and news of meliral developments that affect children' h llh. All Is Infonnallon that will 1 UM-d by ITA'S as they piogiam their current attack on critical Uaucs. Otlor matters on that action calendar are equalising elucational opportunity; clarify ing the reaponalbilities for educational drcialon making; rt tending and strengthening com. munity services; ComUtlng moral, aplritual, and civic apathy; eliminating certain health and safety has ards and aafeguardlng Individ ual rights and liberties. CowBelles Push Beef Certificates For Gift Giving BMf certificate, which are bocominc lncrcasinely popular for Christmas Riving, are now available at the Heppner Branch. First National Bank of Oregon. In denominations of $3, $10 and $15. according to mem bers of the beef promotion com mittee of the Morrow County CowBelles. sponsors of the cer tificates locally. "For the friend, customer, em nlove. or relative who has ev erything, try this new, tasteful Idea In gift-giving developed by the Oregon Beef Council." the CowBelles urge. The certificates entitle the holder to the full certificate value in steak or any other cut of beef at any time and at any market In the U.S.A. The grocer will clear the cer tificates through his bank as anv other cheek. The CowBelles point out that the certificates make a readily acceptable gift, are convenient to maiL are easily redeemable and provide a good answer for Gust Johnson, 83, Dies in lone Home Gust Adolf Johnson, 83, for 65 years a resident of lone, was found dead In his home wed nesdav afternoon by Carl Troed son who had one t visit him Johnson lived alone and had been in HI health for some time, Funeral services will be Sat urdav. December 18, at 10 a.m, at Sweeney Mortuary, Heppner, with the Rev. Walter B. Crow ell, pastor of the lone United Church of Christ, oinciating. in terment will be at Highview cemetery, lone. Johnson was born August 26, 1882. at Dorby, Mockelby, Oland, Sweden, this being an Island off the mainland of Swe den. He is survived by a sister, Augusta Johanson; a brother, Arthur Johnson; and two nlec es, all of Sweden. Episcopal Church Plans for Services All Saints Episcopal church is planning for CHristmas serv Ices on Sunday, December 19, and on Friday, December 24, it is announced. Father James Reed of Milton Freewater will be present on December 19 to hold commun ion service' at 8:30 a.m., and the children of the church, to eether with Sunday School teachers, will have a breakfast and program of Christmas songs In the parish house Im mediately following the service. The congregation is invited to come and eat together. Christmas eve communion serv ice will be at 7:30 o.m. Friday, December 24. Father Reed will be present for this service al so. Christmas Seals & I HUH A. Yon last minute shoppers. "Anil the Oregon cattlemen who raise the high quality beef worthy of fab ulous holiday dishes, will ben efit In turn." Nearly $300 In certificate were aold through the local bank last year, main ly f Christmas giving. An application blank Is pro vided In advertisement else where In thl paper that may be filled out. mailed directly to the Unit National Bank. Hepp ner. and certificate will b issued. FOR THE MOST EXCITING CHRISTMAS tm i TT " -' T- -- i - - i THRILLING, NEW l j kLII u 'Glorious color . . , beffer j I than ever and more of ill j Lowest prices yet I Give i your family life-like TVI j V if Even Though There Is A Definite Shortage Of Certain Models Of Color Television Sets, We Have On Hand Seven Different Models Of RCA Color TV FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 3 Console Models RADIO - STEREO COMBINATIONS Also Several Portable Models GOOD SELECTION OF SMALL APPLIANCES We Wish Everyone A Very Your contribution mean help to sufferer from TB and other respiratory disease. Yonr TB Tlu Association LOTT'S ELECTRIC Case Furniture Company HeDDner Ph. 676-9432 369 N. MAIN HEPPNER PH. 676-5811 mm aw -a-ar,. n" wm.n wt. r a w..vmr- m. miv