Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1965)
Several Attend Labor Council Meet If VIRGINIA XtLSO KINZt'A Mr. and Mr. Far I Norrl. Mr. and Mr. Kenm-th .Norria, Gordon Fulton and AUn Mat hew. of KoU enl to Itend tn November 20 to attend the ouarieriv eonventton of the Cen tral Oreeon tntrlct Couiwll of A V. of L Fulton wit lntalled a thm year truitce. Meetlnca were hehl both Sat urday and Sunday at the Labor Temple with dtcuion of trtb- lema concerning union iw-mnrn In thla district. Spending Thankcivln with Mr. and Mr. A. B. Coleman w Mr. and Mr. Nate Coleman and dauchter Janna of Kucene, Mr. and Mr, tonest FatUnd and Mr. and Mr. Jack Fatland and children of Condon. Mr. and Mr. Busty Medio and aon John went to lleppner Tuesday on business and medi cal care for John. Mr. and Mr. Karl Norrl and Mr. and Mr. Kenneth NorrU went to Prinevllle Thursday to have Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr. Fred NorrU. Mr. and Mr. Richard Mortl more went to Portland Thurs day where Mr. Mortl more en tered Emanuel hospital for ma jor surgery on Friday. Richard returned home on Sunday. Arriving Friday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Medlodc and family were Mr. and Mr. Jim Fountain and family of Cold Beach. Mr. Fountain will be remembered as Luana Medlock, formerly of Camp 5. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James and son David were in Heppner Mon day for business, shopping and ARTHRITIS? RHEUMATISM Try Alfanal Satisfaction guaranteed Writ ALFANAL LABORATORIES Box 68 Ashland. Ore. 97S20 For Free Pamphlet mistical care, . Mr. John Hawk and Mr. Jack Werner went to lleppner Sun day to take Grace Hawk to her hume after spending Thankciv ing at Camp The FrWmUhlo club wa en tertained Tuesday evening with Kotoe i;raham aa ho-teaa. Wsh was won bv Carol Nonl. low bv Rita Conlee and floating by Rita Ctnlee and IViris Stubble field. Others playing were Na omi Rice, Molly lav. Marilyn Bailer. Judy NorrU, Tatay Me- Minn. Mavis Uyler. l-avtna von-n-r and Barbara M'Wtlmore. Mr. Lee Allen took her dau chter Dell Vonne to John Day Monday for medical care. Mr. and Mr. Don lxnton of Creaham announce the arrival of a new daughter. Delorts Amber who was born November 11 and welshed 9 lb. 3 ox. She joins a sister Maria. Mm. IVlurla is the former Janet Worlein. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs, Joe Worlein of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Donlon of Gresh- aiMr. Frank Ferrel and Mrs. Slim Rhoton were in Walla Wal la Friday of last week on busi ness. On a recent Thursday even ing 2 members of the Camp 5 Women club had a banquet at the Round t'p Cafe In Condon. Those attending were Betty Murdock. Lola Ferrel. Marie Phnlnn Mario llulftt. Hflon Troxell! Linda Warner. Barbara Mortl more. Jean AieaiocK. juoy Norrls. Etta Ferrel. Nancy Hawk n,4 (-ami NorrU. During this dinner a special meeting was called ana it was oeciucu u assist with the Trl community criruima nartv Barbara Mortl- more will represent the Camp club. Mr mt tr R I. Dace of Cottage Grove visited Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMerritt Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Sharp went to Weston Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Grogan. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Nelson and family of Portland spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferret Mrs. Ferrel went to Portland on Sunday to keep a medical appointment on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Slim Rhoton and Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdock went to Silver Lake Thursday to do some bird hunting. They had Thanksgiving dinner at Crescent with Mr. and Airs. Paul WaldvogeL Mrs. Jack Ball entered Pioneer a 1 In HfDDner on Saturday where she had her apemlt removed Saturday evening Spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr. J Browning were Mr and Mrs. Ray May of IV iroit. Oregon, bob Loonu of rwmil nd Joan frowning 'ho was home from Blue ML Col lege In Pendleton. Mr. and Mr. Roy Keller and family spent Sunday In Madras visiting with friend. Mrs. Ray Rector and wit Jeff innt the week end at Spray with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman while Ray was on a hun.lng trip to Desol- Mr. and Mr. Loul Lorengel and family went to The Dalles Wednesday for medical care for Mr. Lorengel. They then went i.. Rifhl.imi where they spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. Bert Hoover went to uo anon Wednesday with Mr. and Mr. Verne Edwards of Fossil to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mr. Bill Edward and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Rush and r.n.iu. f Ijiniy Creek sient Thanksgiving here with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon IVrr" and Mr. al oris Nesaelrodt and son Elton. i .n, Mr Jifcs Bowman and family went to Bend Sat urday afternoon to spend that evening and Sunday at the Fat Murphv home wnere mere j reunion oi tne memovr v Mrs. Bowman's family, iney i.iL Iaa Anil rw-nnl Murphy and Larry Espinola to Bend with them. . i. .n,i Mr J amps Nvseth moved over the week-end to near Amitv where sirs. .ij-n will live while her husband re ports for induction Into the serv ice next week. Spending Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mallaroy were Mr. and Mrs. Art Relchelt and Mr. and Mrs. Jack trane and family all of St. Maries. Idaho. Mrs. Olin Weems returned home last week from a trip to Winslow, Arizona, where she got her father. D. E. McGinn Kmnohf him hnmf with her. t.avt wtwR". ...... . Here during Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McClain and family. . , Mr. and Mrs. David Sitton and dauchter Debbi of Spokane spent from Thursday until Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sitton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lee eogie oi Burley, Idaho, visited Thanks- j giving w ith Mr. and Mrs. W. C j Freeman and family. They also; attended the Brisbois-J o r d a n weddine in Mitchell on Friday i afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. r ranees ooas( Hope, Volby Plan For Stewardship Week-end Dinners Members of Hope and Valby Lutheran churches will meet for their annual stewardship din ners and programs this week end. It Is announced by Rev. Kenneth Robinson. Valbv member will meet Saturday evening at P m, Gunl irakrr will be the Rev. Samuel Goldenman of Trinity Lutheran church In llermUton. Hope members will meet Sun day evening at 6:00 V-m. Guest speaker will be Edward W. Chrutopherson. a Christian lav man In chemical research with Battelle N W. Laboratories In Richland. Wn. He Is a member of Richland Lutheran, and will replace Rev. John Rettan who will be unable to attend, due to conflicting schedule. Mrs. Oscar Peterson Is In charge of arrangements at Val by, and Mrs. Cherry Hermann is chairman of arrangements at Hope. aT.lIrlIratliW of Toledo were Thursday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods and Mix. Thev also vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sizemore and family. Mr. and Mr. Bob Woods and famllv of Kueene arrived Fri- Haw fit BiM-ml th uwk rnil with Mr. and Mr. Clarence Wood. Mr. and Mr. Richard t. one land of Portland visited Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Muzzy. When you patronize Gazette- Time advertiser, you help make a better paper Tell them you saw ll in tne uazette- junea. REDUCE FAT If your overweight la du to over eating and you want to cet rid of that Ugly rut get out our tablet called SUIMUDKX. Available wlth.Hit a d.-t.ra prewrlptluo 8LIM01K. mil help you u IIiom extra inmnda by derrealng your dealre for rood, not by atarving you. but by (Imply eliminating the urge tor extra rx tlona. 8LIMOtnX coeta only J00 pu UCiUARA.NTEED to work or get your full money back. 8L1MODEX la old ucluaively by: artramArs bctsll satra eppsr ktail Ordara TUled l0 .ytaJ.i MaayTlt.. WITH GIFTS FROM ELMA'S APPAREL pcbeautiful giftS if jOOMM i Panties make the prettiest gift pack age. eee tally w hen they're o lacy and femin ine. Other Fine GIFTS IN LINGERIE AND ROBES on everyone's list LINEN HANKIES $1 In Plain And Colored LADY ARROW and SHIP N SHORE BLOUSES JANTZEN AND PENDLETON SWEATERS COME TO CHRISTMAS 0EMNQ SATURDATI 001 PRIZE F01 THE GUESSING CONTEST! 110 GIFT CEtTinCATE El mas Apparel Ph. 67S-M26 MrlWTatrTWrWsHrW SANTA SAYS AT VAN'S VARIETY ARE- IJOtSbf Nr- THEY WANT GAMES-DOLLS-TOYS OF ALL KINDS MATCH BOX SERIES Authentic Scale Models Cars and Trucks, ea 49c I SPECIAL! Reg. $2.69 B WASTEBASKETS SATr?T 990 o Christmas Decorations Beautiful Candles e Religious Ceramics ft GOOD STOCK OF CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AMBASSADOR LINE CHRISTMAS CARDS BOXED AND SINGLE Christmas Wrap Christmas Ribbon Tree Decorations VAN'S VARIETY MART AND WILBUR VAN BL0KLAND HEPPNER OUR PRIZE IN THE GUESSING CONTEST SATURDAY: A Murray Tricycle ji Xfcy Any mon wf, 0,, d (J w"" y 1 Tkll what you find hr. L5t f;4f&) fsi cfn fS Hi? W J V mm u IrlL f n) mm m Ar . khd ,v--7 i,.-m.. 26i r VII muffler 1 - 'J 11 iVJI t V K If - i QUALITY GIFTS IN A WIDE PRICE RANGE TO FIT EVERY P0CKETB00K OUR PRIZE In The GUESSING CONTEST Saturday is A SWEATER MEN'S WEAR "The Store of Personal Service" MARJ and LeROT HEPPNER FREE GIFT WRAPPING Gift Certificates On Sale in Any Amount Heppnst