Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1965)
I KZtmtn GAZETTE-TIMES. Thurtdoy. Wrmbr IS. INS j i j' : 1 I UV MW L " XV1 17 lVy3 x ' - AL LAMB, ltft Hrppner, manager of the Morrow County Grain Crowrt and may of at Heppner. was r-lctd to tb executire board of tbo Oregon-Washington Farmers Union at the orqani tatlon's 56th annual convention held Nov. 1113 at Wett Linn. Other olftcera are (left to right) i Alan Ham. La Center. Wan re-elected vice-president: Clill Taylor. Battleground. Wash and Richard Mohler. Cornelius, elected to the board. The Oregon-Washington Farmers Union is an aitiliate ol the national Farmers Union organisation headed by James C Pat ton. The group played an active role In security passage of the recently enacted lour -year farm program. Davidson's Team Has Perfect Record Bob Davidson. Jr., a Hcpprwr Hlch school graduate of 10, sruirlcd his Junior high school football team at Wanrrnton through, a perfect season this year, winning five carries and losing none, according to an item in an Astoria oaoer. Davidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson, Lexington. Is coach and teacher at Fort Stev ens Junior high. Last victory of the season for the school was a 38 0 win over Star of the Sea's Jayvees. The Ft. Stevens team previously defeated the same school 34-0. It also won over Lewis and Clark twice. 20-0 and 27-0. and over the Warrenton freshmen. 14-0. Thus, the Davidson-coached team scored 133 points while its defense failed to yield a single point. Heppner Gridders Make 1721 Yards In 1965 Season Heppner High's football team amassed enough yardage in the reason Just ended to travel the 'ength of a regular field more than 22 times. They gained 1721 yards from rushing and 4SS vards from passing, for a grand total of 2209 yards, according to npures from Coach Jim Potter. This more than doubled the opposition's yardage with a to tal of 1063 of which 860 came on rushing and 203 on passing Damage Action Case Continued Auto damage action of Paul Breeding, plaintiff, vs. Gerald Davidson, defendant, scheduled for Morrow county circuit court Monday was continued bv Judge William Wells after Herman Winter, attorney for the plain tiff, filed a third amended com plaint the same day. Attorneys George Bvler of Cor ey. Byler and Rew and Bob Ab- rams of Mahoney and Abrams, representing the defendant, ar gued that they needed suffic ient time to study the third complaint. A Jury that had been called Ella Davidson, 76-Year Resident, Dies Here Sunday Yx Amanita CluMitu lVtll- . 92. it 76 ear trftUk'iit if the lone area, died In I'lneer Memorial hospital. Heppner, on Sunday. November 21. after a lengthy IllneM. Her husband, Lcwt Petty Pa ldson. was a pioneer rancher In the lone area ami Morrow county. He preceded her In death In 19.HV Klla Loveren wis horn Janu ry 3, 1S73. In BUtnark, Kana, '(lie daughter of Johanna Sophia and Andrew I. Lovcrrn. and moved to lone with her parents when ihe was 13 years old an I had lived there ever since. Her father homcMcaded In the area. She was a member of the Lu theran church, of Lvust chapter 119. Order of the K.iM.-m Star. I and of Bunchgraa Kcbckah llj;e, all of lone. Surviving are three daughter, Mrs. Mabel Rim. Toppentsh, Wn.: Mrs. hlvcna Becrlev. lvb bins. Calif.: and Mrs. Delia Me- Curdy, Heppner: one wmJ Thomas Davidson, of Santa Ana. Calif.; a brother. Kugene Lov gren of Hilisboro; 11 grand children; 30 great grandchild ren: and 11 great great grand children. Funeral services were Wed nesday, November 24. In the United Church of Christ, lone, with the Rev. Walter B. Crow ell officiating. Interment was in Highview cemetery. lone. Sweeney Mortuary was In charge of arrangements. Death Takes Brother Of Lincoln Nash Earl Nh. fill, brother of Urn oln Nakh of Heppner. died No. cmber 15 In llmnl River after Ix'ing In ill health for mwix tune. He was one of a family of nine children rln't hrolhcu and one Mer nod nit brotlf er ami the siktets nurvlve, FuiwmI whIui veie Satur day at 1 p m. at the Andcon Funeral liume, llmnl River. At tending from bete were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nah. Mr. and Mrs Arnold tBud) Sitflngcr, Mr. and Mrs. I Van Connor, and Mr. and Mrs, 1-ce Palmer of lone. Also present was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Lincoln Nakh, Mrs. IMi Parsons, of licavcrton. Tell the advertiser you saw ll In the Gaette Tlnus. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients who were admitted to Pioneer Memorial hospital during the paM week for mod leal care, and were later (lis ml ed, were the following: Theresla Mwl. Fosll; Camp Ix-ll Mit'arty, Mmmtrnt; Ihiug las Mii'lure, Heppner; Irene Crabtree, lone, and Chester VVrlM, Heppii-r James TruehliMHl of rll was admitted, and U still rmvlvlng medical care. BOWLING Thursday Team C. Kt Cole Buggies I Nil LodUs W K. Dick Mlljolles Columbia Basin Murrav's Klrst National Wishing Well High Ind Game Harriet Ev an, an; High Itm. peries nos le Uivgrvn. Ml; High Team Game C. Fd fide, 73; High Team Series Kd Cole. ititU Xi 2, 21 t 1HS IT 134 L II MS ;i 2J 21 25 27 30 i L0OKIN' FOR HOLIDAY FUN? Come To The TURKEY TOP SATURDAY, NOV. 27 9 P. M. TO 1 :00 A. M. " Lr. Xr.".r lo hear the case was dismissed. Breeding seeks general dam- gainst 59 for their opponents. t; r-ii ii - u - I . v I, . I .till ij (.null, cn.r nan uan lui I n ... -JA rwu ,j , I : K ir..o.nno Vl nininai iruii iiiiic man litiil ilia irajii 9 iuii 1.60 and pay Bcrgsfrom is Chosen Rhea Grange Master Rudy Bergstrom was elected Master of Rhea Creek Grange when the group met for its No vember meeting at the Rhea Creek Grange hall. Other officers who will serve ! with Bergstrom for the coming , year are Robert Stevens, over, seer; Marilyn Bergstrom. lettur-. er; Thomas Huston, steward; j Walter Wright, assistant stew-, ard; Mrs. Orlan Wright, chap- j lain; Elmer Palmer, treasurer; ! Mrs. Rolert Stevens, secctary; , Harold Wright, gatekeeper; Mrs. Harold Wright, Ceres; Mrs. Ev- MUSIC BY DICK DESLER'S "DARTELL FIVE" Of Pendleton ng yardage with 875. He car- ment for loss of time from worklalyn Farrens, Pomona; Mrs. i - .Z 1 iT-ti -o i,"'.', "a .i.T. m 5l.4U20 as a result of an Barton Clark. Flora; Mrs. Ruth i citA. "V-u .k" accident that occurred August Bergstrom. lady assistant i my M'i the great equalizer- RURAL ELECTRICITY More than any other single factor, electricity has helped to "equalize" living condi tions in rural America with those in urban America. The many benefits and comforts made possible by electricity re available to all. As pioneers in the electrifica tion of our area, we are proud of having contributed our share to the progress and prosperity of our people and this community. COLUMBIA BASIN ELECTRIC CO-OP "Serving Wheeler, Gilliam and Morrow counties" j r ) T'V.a.. V l. I ' liiai WLUIICU AUCU31 inlUUiii) loU cui.itaill oivn ZLa , UT.rl. T:V" r-I Plaint Clark and Dean Graves, execu ynu ledums Kruumi Th- nlanfif nnoe that h ,mmllto mmKi.r' r.r. r " "rJ? rLK?,f?..?t was a passenger in a car drlv- aid Bergstrom and Mrs. Walter tm, . i t,k oil latter drove "said vehicle In a Third was Jim Jacobs with 213 1 aria n, i.. Vtf0,?"1" hliKent manner" causing the SPONSORED BY SOROPTIMIST CLUB MORROW COUNTY FAIR PAVILION HEPPNER $1.50 Per Person made 168 yards on 46 tries for j overturn a oo average ana maae six Breeding said that he suffer points. Simon Winters went 116 .kih... - ZL i . a rt I - va W- mautiu U uaill I IT U a C :,a" "rLMro' inJri in the accident. rJT -VX" oi'V-rVS "ch included fractures, bruls -"". ""'-'x ries and other injuries. v-w., . ln an answer to tne con,. oray two yarus on one carry. pialnt( Davidson seeks $20,000 , yj1 l5JJ?e Jf.lf !ErJwnAl. damages from Breeding, ... o ln aad,tj0n to special damgaes extra point placekicks out of 16 of $1873 damaKes toBthe """'i '" auto and $110 personal proper- f vt ji . . ... ty damages. He contends that Mickey Kindle led in tackles Breeding was driving the car at uuuumi u cKawii, """V1? Uie time of the accident which ray in uiis ueparimenu wnie occurred on highway 74. - uruiicu nun Uvl kj caj Murray. Others are as follows: Gray, 56: Johnson, 51: Winters, 47; Mark Brown. 44; Hall, 42; Nalbro Cox and Doherty, 39 1 each; Driscoll, 38; Dennis O'- Donnell, 33; Stan Rauch and Ray Jones, 19; Terry Corbin, 18; Morgan, Id; Russ Kilkenny, 8; Welfare, Medicare Talked at Meeting Possible participation of state public welfare in medicare pro grams was the subject under consideration at a 2-day meet- Gene Najar, 3: and Jacobs and Ing of welfare administrators Frank Lovgren each 1. "om across ine state at saiem Dohertv led in kev blocks mursday and Friday. with 10, followed by Murray Lowell Chally, trl-county wel- and Brown, each with six, and fare administrator for Morrow, O Donnell, Kindle, Morgan, Wheeler and Gilliam counties, Driscoll and Jacobs, each with auenaea tne sessions with oth- five. ers from eastern Oregon. Other Doherty as a pass pitching matters of importance to the Quarterback comDleted 21 of 48 welfare program were also con- passes thrown for better than sidered. The meeting was called a .400 average, and they were by the State Welfare Commis- good for 308 yards. In 21 pass- sion. es. Driscoll completed nearly fiM vr, completed' Kd Church to Sponsor - l m A M m MW ft 4 m On the reception end, Brown Week or Meehnnt iron oirrhl. tnr 1 ?Q varHo .. " tuinjuaii Johnson received four for 77 a? nti-t i yards, Driscoll three for 71 llfL. .a"d yards, Doherty two for 50 yards, f xllcs"1 i"" fv7r Gray one for 30 yardS and Steve i?63 are p,anned ,n its Pettyjohn one for 15 yards. vn7s,,nB avana m. vember 28. at 7:30 p.m.. Elder Elwood Boyd will present lllus trated sermons emphasizing the importance of Christianity in the world today. Meetings will Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rogers De held nightly through bunday, (Carole Anderson) of Orem. December 5. A timely message Utah, are najrents of a daughter, will be presented each night Davna Gayle. born November The public is invited to Join 14. She is their first child and in the observance of the spec weighed six pounds, 15 ounces Mai week and atend the meet at birth. riS. Maternal g r andparents are Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson, now of Niger Africa, and pater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tvler Rogers of Pleasant Grove, Utah. Dayna Gayle is the d nrst granacniia ior ine paieruai erandDarents. Mrs. Rogers writes mar. iney enjoy reading the Gazette- Times each week. It's nice to keep up on the news of 'home,'" she states. "I received a letter from my folks ln Africa and they said they had heard from the Shermans and were sure glad to get some letters." As to their daughter, she said, "She's a little doll, and we are sure proud of her!" New engineering magic from Ford... Some people relax to stereo music. Others prefer quiet. "66 Fords offer a stereo tape player and one of the worlds quietest rides. Open windows bring in fresh air. Closed windows shut out noise. '66 Ford 4-Door Hardtops liave Silent-Flo ventilation gives open-window airiness in closed-window quiet. Some people want lively engines. Others prefer economy. '66 Fords offer lively engines up to a diat tltrive on regular gas. Xiilgates are for cargo. Doors are for people. '66 Ford wagons have a Magic Dooigate-opens like a tailgate for cargo and like a door for people. 19 F0R0 7-LITRE HARDTOP Mike Rogers Parents Of Baby Daughter Adding machine tape. 25c roll JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING StanfleUL Oregon Old-Fashioned Hickory Smokad Wednesdays. Curing Slaughtering Doys Mondays Fridays Cutting and Wrapping Locker Beef and Pork Will pick up two beef or more ire ol charge Phone 449-3623 Jim Tolan Day or Night ' " - j Youll discover even more magic when you test the '66 Ford at your Ford Dealer's! Nineteen Ford models in all from the exciting new high-performance series the Ford 7-Litre with front power disc brakes and 428-cu. in. V-8 standard ... to ultra-luxurious Ford LTD's with nylon carpeting, soil-resistant quilted upholstery, all standard. Highway Magic! Automatic Speed Control option lets you select speed for foot-free cruising. Fingertip Magic I Optional SafetyConvenience Control Panel lets you lock all doors with one switch; lights warn if fuel's low, or a door's ajar. Value Magic! New 7-item safety package comes at no extra cost includes emergency flasher system. Come enjoy one of the world's quietest rides at your Ford Dealer's! TEST DRIVE AMERICAS TOTAL PERFORMANCE CAK3 FORD BUMM-HUM -aUBJM-MM -mmaui til EPPMER kUW SMES, he Heppner, Oregon Gazette-Times.