Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1965)
4 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. TWsdor. NtTtmtwt II. lKf Farewell Dinner Disbands Arnica Club after 22 Years IT DIANA IJNCA1D IONK Amlra Hub members and their huhand eathered In te l-nr Lesten ttstl Saturday evening l.r a "rarrwell twin quet." Aflcr a fried rhlcken din f-r prepared by Thet's, Mr. John Jeis-n. president, cave short ulk ant presented each or in mmuK-rt with a mcmon to. Smet pa la for the ear were reveaieti. HoMeMwa, who ha J deewated the hall In a festive rail Ihrme were Mr. Art Stefanl. Jr, Mrs. lialih K i maul ami Mra. Cleo rhilder. IkMtr prle were vn bv John Jepsen. Iii Ic Krebs, Joe lUuslt-r. ana Bill flirt mann. The rluh, which wai ore an Ired In 1IU.T. u disbanding for an unsperiried length of lime. Trio November bulnea meet Inu tif the Beta Omeca Sorority wn held at the home of Xtr. Bob Kictmann last Wednesday evening. After the business meeting Mra. Eugene Dock tor and Mr. Joe Hausler presented tne atutty program on "Amerl ran Folklore." Croup folk song singing kii led by Mra. Dock, tor. In addition to the large num ber of members present. Mrs. Bob Webb and Mrs. Llwayne Bergstrom. Ueppner, and Mrs. Lindsay Klneaid were guest. Mr. K.ilph Klncald assisted Mrs. Rietmann as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan son spent the week-end In Port land where thev attended the 25th Wedding Anniversary re ception tor the rsorman fcwan- sons, held at the Aero Club They also visited with their son. John, and his fiancee. Kath leen McMahon of Konnewick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Linds trom drove to Portland where Mrs. Llndstrom has entered Emanuel hospital for minor sur eery. Her mother. Mrs. Fannie Griffith. is staying with the family at home. The regular meeting of the Rebecca Lodge was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Coleman. Fol lowing the business meeting the members had a handkerchief shove for Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn on her birthday. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Lucille Rietmann and Mrs. Edith Math ews. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Emert spent ! several dava tUitinf their son and daughter In ialern. Ifc-lorl la employed by the Memorial and Skin U aj-.vUied iih the State 8hool for the Blind. After spending several days In rUiie. Idaho on business, the Adon llamlett returned to their home on Friday. The country home of Mrs. Lee palmer was the scene or a birthday party honoring Mrs. i'aul ivttvtohn. Sr. on Friday anernoon. rnoe enjoying an afternoon of visiting were Mr. Clell Rea. Mr. Gary Tulli. Mrs. Mike MeCahe. Mr. Lloyd Mor ran. Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn. Mrs. Marion Palmer. Mrs. Wayne Ham, and Mrs. t leo Prake. Mr. Palmer also feted her hutband. Lee. with a birthday dinner Saturday evening Thce driving from Ueppner for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nash. Mr. and Mr. IVan Connor and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jensen and family. Trie 5th and Clh grades en tertained Ginger and Cindy Ned- rv with going-away parties In their rooms at school. Gifts were presented and refresh ments served to the sisters be fore they left to make their new home In Wasco. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Graham spent the week-end visiting with their daughter and son-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mey ers. They also enjoyed the game in Mitchell on Saturday before returning to their home In Se attle. Topic Club will meet at the home of Mrs. M. E. Cotter at 2;15 Friday afternoon. She will be assisted by Mrs. Paul Tews and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Sunday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Marion Palmer were the Elmer Palmers, Harold Wrights and Ralph Richards, all of Heppner; the tarl McKlnneys of Hermls ton. and the Markham Bakers, Paul Pettyjohns and Lee Palm ers. Several guests were cele brating birthdays and anniver saries at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Klinger and son drove from Pasco this week end to visit her parents, the Mike McCabes. and to attend the Mitchell-lone football game. The illness of her young grandson. Brent rortschey, has Soroptimist Director Mokes Official Visit; Club Sponsors Dance Put Met Director Rernadlne Baiter of Vancouver. Wn, was an honored guest at meeting of the SoropttmUt rluh la week. Mo Batter met with the official board at an evening mt-etini Wednesday at the home of Mr. Wavel Wilkinson, and was a runt at the business meeting conducted by Mr. Charles Stark, prcldcnt, at noon luncheon on Thursday. In a talk to the rlub, she re viewed highlights of the district meeting In September at Brook lug and urged representation at the regional convention In Spokane In April. Among the points which re- cvlvcd particular discussion by the director were the club s need for a larger active membership, revision of constitution and by laws, reclassification of mem ber, and club obligations to Regional and National Fedora- ions. In a report by Mrs. Bill Col- tins, chairman of way and means committee, she said that the "Dartcll Five" dance band of Pendleton had been secured for a public dance which the club will sponsor at the fair pavilion on Saturday evening. November 7. The band Is one that was well received during the summer for rodeo dances. nd 1 popular with young peo ple. The dance will be adver tised as the Turkey Hop" with a special Invitation to high school students and college stu dents who will be home for the Thanksgiving holidays. Shower Honors Laura Sumner Prior to Wedding in Eugene HAIR SPRAY 14 oz. ONLY with purchase, and validated coupon famous Qtexalt) Ibrite set CASUAL for Informal hair dos and easyto-managt ttalr REGULAR for hair that needs mora "holding" power HARD-TO-HOLD for baty fine or formal hair styles Brite let Hair Spray sets hair right, keeps It bright! Contains no lac quer, won't flake off. Non-sticky, humidity-resistant. rri I ""bright. Uv,UkW I JUMtyV'' called Mrs. Herschcl Townsend to Portland. The boy entered the hospital Monday. College students home for the week-end for visits in their ar- ental homes were Steve Linds- trom and Joe Halvorsen. The boys attended the football game on Saturday. Home Economics club of Wil lows Grange will meet on Fri day, November 19. at the home of Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen with Mrs. Hershal Townsend assist Ing with the turkey dinner. Member are asked to bring sal ads and desserts. This is an all day meeting with election of officers. Mrs. V. C. Crawford entertain ed with a coffee hour in her home last Thursday afternoon honoring Mrs. Kathryn Yarnell who observed a birthday thi: week. Those present were Mrs. Carl Bergstrom, Mrs. Walter Crowell. Mrs. E. C. Heliker. Mrs, L. Swanson, Mrs. M. E. Cot ter and Mrs. O. L. Lundell. Willows Grange will meet on Saturday evening. November 20. Election of officers is scheduled. Many Cardinal fans traveled to Mitchell on Saturday to see the playoff football game. Among those making the trip were the Bob Rietmanns, Bill RJetmanns, Lloyd Morgans, Fred iveisons, Mike Mathews, Roy Martins, Don McElligotts, Stan Magills. Hershal Townsends, Lewis Halvorsens, and the Don Balls. Many teachers and their wives also attended. Dwight Gabbert of Lake Ta hoe, Calif., is visiting here this week with his daughter, Sabra, and his parents, the Holmes Gabberts. Mrs. Jerry Hoffman had sur gery in Hermiston Tuesday morning. Her husband Is em ployed by Bob Peterson. Friends and relatives were saddened by the sudden death of Albert Lindstrom on Monday evening. Mr. Lindstrom had been a long time resident of the lone area. Obituary notice will be found elsewhere in the paper. Elks Crab Feed Set Annual crab feed and dance of Heppner lodge No. 358. BPOE. will be Saturday night, Novem ber 20, it Is announced. Proceeds will be for the benefit of the Elks' Eye Clinic. i A MONEY-SAVING COUPON This coupon, when validated by Rexalt Drug Store Sales person, entitles customer who purchases one 14-oz. can of Brite Set Hair Spray at our regular price to receive second 14-oz. can for only (Limit ww We tti to J customer with vtlubttd coupon) DUE Mustb validated tflf IMUU flALHfUHN'l MMtlMt Offer good until December 5, 1965 Only. Void where reitncteo or wxeo cy law. AT OUR QtecaU) DRUG STORE MURRAY'S mil DRUGS How to get your money's worth in MOVING SERVICE Don't be mislead by low prlce tags when "shopping" for i mover. Remember, at stake art the thousands of dollars you've invested in valued possessions. True economy lies in choosing the mover whose experience, skill and personalized care av sure their genuine, full time pretection . . . PLUS these important moving extras: Personalized "Pre-planning" MOatVans I Equipment Latest Uni-Packinf Methods BetteMatone Consultant Service Call today for an cccurofa estimate without obligation. Flatt's Truck Service GENE ORWICK Lexington Ph. 989-8420 WAr Authorized Agtntt for The Kxil room of the First aunts. MethodlKt church ws the soene of a bridal shower Saturday af lernoon honoring Mis Laura Lre Sumner, whose marriage will be an event of the Thank elvlnis holidays. A Urio itUtetiiu! of he friend and relatives came to Mn In their good wUhes for ihe bride-elect and to shower her with many lovely and ue ful Kill. Many vvho were un able to come sent their remem brances and sifts. Miss Sumner, daughter of Mr. ami Mr, lal Sumner of Prtne Mile, will become the bride of liovi K. Hulson of Walton, at tW pm., Saturday, Noxemtwr ;'7. at the first l omiregatlorui church. UOO 23rd Ave. li. in Luttene. Thev will live In rr.u cone, when? both are enrolled at the t'nlverslty of Oregon. Three appropriately selected vocal numbers by Mrs. Sam Mil ler provided entertainment. Ac- companini? her at the piano was Mra. km II Groohcn. Arrangements were under the direction of members of the Women's Society of the church. and by Mrs. Jack Sumner. Itcpp- nor. aunt of the bride-elect. Ar rangements of while spider chrysanthemums added a decor ative note, and Mrs. Sumner pro vided corsages for special guests and those who assisted as host esses. Attending the guest book was Miss Lora Lee Stotts. and In charge of the gift tables was Mrs. Rodney Ayers. Girls of the Methodist Youth Fellowship were In charge of serving. Pouring tea and coffee was Mrs. Cal Sumner, mother of the honor guest, and serving punch was Mrs. llene Wyman, cousin of the bride-elect. Assisting Miss Sumner with the opening of her gifts was her sister, Mrs. Jrm Lovgrcn. Hepp ner. Coming from out of town were her mother, Mrs. Sumner, and her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Sumner, both of Prinevllle; two Mrs. Jim Sumner. The Halloa, and Mrs. Tom Sumner. Arlington, and a cousin, uta lihea Sumner, Arlington. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sumner were hotita to a family dinner at their ranch home, In honor of the biide-to-he, with moftt of the above relatives at tending. John W. Graves Dies Unexpectedly (Continued from page 1) dlana. sn of True ami Ward Graves. The family moved west to Idaho when he was sl years old and then went to Oregon's Willamette Valley, living In the ;ewberg area. They came to Morrow county In l'X'3 to make their home In the lone area, and John grad uated from lone High school In 1!.Y. lie enten'd tVegon Agri cultural College (CXSU) and at tended for one year. On Novem ber 15, l'.2S, he was married to iXirrls Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Wilcox, now of ortland. in lone. In 1!I1 they moved to Herm- ston but returned to Morrow county In 19-11. they ranched In Sandhollow until 1954 when thev bought their present ranch on RiH-k Creek near Hardman. While at Sandhollow. Mr. Graves was a member of the Lexington Grange, but during ihe time he has been in the Hardman area he has been very active In the Khea Creek Grange. This organization was in charge of nerving the din net at the Morrow County Grain Growers meeting where he died. Mr. Graves had been a mem ber of the board of directors of the Morrow County Grain Grow ers for 13 years. He was also a member of the Morrow County and Oregon Wheat Growers Leagues and of the Morrow County Livestock Growers and Ihe Oregon Cattleman's asocla Hon. In his conncvtlon with (he Oregon Wheat League, he help ed to stage the Mid Columbia Junior l4vctM-k show In The Pallcs In 11U7. Interested In oulh, he work ed extensively with Ihe 4 II or canlatlon and had served as a 4 II rluh leader. Surviving are the widow. Mrs IVirrU Gravca; three daughter. Mrs. Howard (Jo Annl IVlty John of lleopner. Mrs. Louis I Hetty CarUon of lotie, and Mm. Itleta Hill of IVndleton; a son, lark Graves of Hardman; two slNters. Mrs. I Km (Gladys) llker of lone and Mrs. Leon- trMllh) Munkers of Lclng two brothers, Henry Gravi- of Sparta. Ore., and Shelby Graves of Pilot Rink; and VI grandchildren. The family advises that those who wlh to honor his memory may make contributions to the Heart Fund. 5th Grade Parents Enjoy Concert r'lfth grade pupils of Arnold Melby presented a short band concert lor their parents Mon day night at the grade school, playing fr about a half hour. .Some HO parents were Pres ent to hear tti good work of the lieglnners and observe the progresa made WEATHER ir LEONARD GILLIAM Official weatlo-r reort Un the week of NovemlH-r 4 10 Is as follows; HI Low Prec. Thursday J Friday ( T Saturday M ." Sunday M V 04 Monday !V7 TA .10 Tuesday M -H " Wednesday Xi M .13 Need acralch pads? Gel them at the Gawtte Tlmes. AND DANCE Saturday, November Dinner at 6:30 Dancing at 9 p.m. ED) 20 WITH MUSIC BY WESTERN GENTLEMEN. CONDON Benefit For Elks' Eye Clinic $2.50 Per Person ELKS' TEMPLE HEPFNER LODGE NO. 3SS BPOE It ANNUAL Mil .tS of Members of COKJUffflBDA mcreic BAS N Wo. FAIR PAVILION HEPPNER Wednesday, November 17 Registration 12:30 P.M. Regular Meeting 2:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER GRAND ELECTRIC DOOR CLOTHES PRIZE DRYER ALSO Numerous Electrical Appliances Will Be Presented As Door Prizes LIGHT REFRESHMENTS SERVED AND MOVIE SHOWN -1 DURING REGISTRATION HEPFPTIER 6-9S10 United an Llnoa