Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1965)
Hirrmn cAzmr -nwra. Thursday. October ss. mi School Principals Inform Soroptimists On School Relations An opportunity to become tx-IIi-r acquainted v. 1th the two new principals In the Heppner school svstem was afforded th f.ors4.i$rnUt club at lu iuiutxHin mcrlinc last Thursday noon. Cuitti of the day were Mr. and Mr. Clayton Norton, high school principal and Mile, and John L Grusanlckle. principal of the irrade school. Thev were Intro duced bv Mm. John Pfelffcr of the program committer. The two administrator told of some of the curriculum change they have born cxper imclng In their respective schools, Mr. Grossnlckle tpoke hlchly of their new addition of a full time art Instructor in the arhoolt this year, also discuss ed the scml block scheduling of seventh and eighth trade stu dents Into area where aubjects taught are In close relation with each other, and under more spe Damons Are Parents Of Baby Daughter Congratulations are being re reived bv Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Damon of t.'ugen, form llepp ner residents, on the birth of a 6 lb . 6 or. daughter. Ann Kllr- aheth. on Thursday. October 21. She Joins two brothers at hante. John and Mark. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Claude Graham, Heppner; paternal grandmother la Mrs, O. W. Damon of La Grande, and a great grandpar ent 1 John Wlghtman of llepp ner. clalized teachers. He expressed Sans Souci Extends Welcome to Assembly President October H The official visitation of State Assembly President llaiel Wain scott. a member of Pauline Re- bekah lodj;e No. 13, IVndleton. was the occasion for a special dinner and meeting of Sana Souci Rebekah lodge No. 33, on Mayor Names Committee On House Moving Code ly HART LEE MAR LOW BOARDMAN At a special, Grade school for the wlt of November 15 are as follows Monday -hot dogs, phkle re 1 meeting of the city council Utjix(,, Hulo chips, spinach and Thursday night Mayor IVwey West arpolntcd a tec a Uxtk into the cud for moing houses from the old town to the new tow rune, Kl Kuha la chair cherry crunch; Tuesday -beef and scalloped potatoes, cole slaw, bread and butter sand- Miches and fruit; Wednesday bologna boats, rolls, tomatoes. BOWLING Council Chooses' .. Officers for Year Thursday Nils Ladies Team l. tA Cule Kusglcs rlr National Ml-alit- I- K. luck Murray's rrm Wishing Well W 30 IT Id 14 12S 12 12 man. ana vvauv iirnurn imm n,ii.... Bn.i i.w rram? the city council, Vernon Kus.ll Thurdav chill beans, French and Hon Daniels from the city bread, vegetable sticks inJ n, US; lllch Ind. .Series llliih Ind GameHokl L 8 II 1J 14 15'. ni 10 13't Lov- IVane tJraves was reelected president of the South Morrow county 4 II council at a meeting lat Thursday evening. Hoi lUrvt rnt a elected lce Itesident and Mm. I'aul tUaylrt AitxiL-ant was flitted scciclaiy Mrs. Hob t Marlon I Abrams was reelected treasurer, The council tentatively set the aate lor ue II Atrueveniini I'arty a November 6 In the hlch lanmni! commission, and Palel mimt.kln nuMin: rtdav Koxle Lovcren. Ml: Wch Tram I school. It also worked toward r'ades, Konald Black and Arthur I lTrarm.j UIU ov,v toast, cheese (!me C L'd Cole, 973; HUh Icoinplcllnu' details of oruanllng appreciation for the rood rela tion between community and schools, and spoke briefly of some of the problems they are experiencing In the area of home economics and shop. He Invited the croup to visit school and to attend the open house planned for the November PTA meeting. Areas in the hlch school touched upon by Mr. Norton in cluded the importance of regu lar attendance by students. In order to gain the most out of school. The new activity pro gram set up for the last period of the day was discussed, as well as possible future chances in broodenlng the curriculum offered, for both the slower as well as more advanced students. He encouraged a better orien tat ion program for the incoming freshmen, and stressed cooper' at ion with the community in use or scnooi lacumes. Founder's Day of the Sorop timist Federation is be In? ob served this month by the Hepp ncr club, in celebration of the 43rd anniversary of the organi zation. Under the direction of Mrs. Charles Starks, president, plans are also underway to entertain Listrict Director Bernadine Bat- j October 14. ters of Vancouver. Wo, at board and business meeting next week. How to get your money's worth in MOVING SERVICE Osa't bt mislead by lt rics Ugi wires "ihepping" far a maver. Semember, at itaka art thi thtusands if dollars ytrta invested ia valued ptssessiaai. Trot economy lies ia chttsisf trie niver experiesca, skill and persiruiiztd cars as sart tkeir fittiac, fill-timt sritectiia . . . PLUS tbtst tapirtant suvinr. extras: Personalized "Pre-PIannlng WtyVan$ t Equipment Latest Uni-Packine Methods Bette Malone Consultant Senrtci Call today for an eccurcrfa esf'nofe whhout obligation. Flatr's Truck Service GENE OBWICK Lexington Ph. 983-8420 W. Arm j5V Authorized Agutt f 1 for sf United Van Unoa Mrs. Wainscott was formally Introduced and the honors of the decree extended to her. Also presented with honors were Mrs. Florence McMillan, deputy pres. ident of District No. 20 and Mrs. Kdward Hunt, noble grand of Holly lodge No. 133. Other mem bers of Lexington were also warmly welcomed by Sans Souci Noble Grand Lucille rarrlsh, as were Mrs. Clara Gertson and Mrs. Ellen Moore, who had not been in Heppner for some time. Mrs. rarrlsh accorded the 50 year veteran members with handmade tokens of apprecia tion. A "Uream Boat adden dum. depicting the emblem. chosen flower and colors of the state president, was presented by several local members. A staff of members in white for mats gave an impressive mem orial ceremony, draping the charter In memory of Mrs. Jessie Batty, a member of Sans Souci since 1922 when she transferred from Mistletoe lodge No. 25 of Hardman. The banner bearors, carrying emblems of the degree, gave an exemplification of this phase of the Initiatory work. Mrs. Wainscott. at the request of District President Mrs. Mc.Mu lan, presented assembly seals of perfection for unwritten work to Mrs. M. N. Kirk of Hermiston and Mrs. Larry Cook of Heppner. In telling of her visitation in Oregon, the assembly president stated that this was the luutn lodge visited since her term started in May. She emphasized the good influence which the U. N. Pilgrimmage for Youth project has had. allowing over 800 students to gain education al advantages over the nation. Two students from the north west were also winners of the trip to Sovereign Grand Lodge in Chicago. Mrs. Millie Doolittle and Mrs. Eugenia Huston were thanked for acting as musicians in the absence of the regular musician, Mrs. Dean Connor. Nomination of 1966 officers is planned for the next regular lodge meeting on November 5. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Frank Ayers, refreshments were enjoyed during the social hour. Prior to the meeting, guests and members met at the Hotel Heppner dinine room for a no-host dinner. Allen, who are the Board of Ap peals. In other action the council ac iv p ted the recommendation of the planning commission and voted to recommend to the L'r ban Renewal Agency that devel cpment plans be changed to at ,w J,w Tatnn fit rrert a serv ice station on his lot with a res Uurant and motel. Mayor West stated that the street lights were expected to be put In in about days In the new town. At a short Urban Renewal Agency meeting following the council meeting the agency sticks, ereen beans and orang. Team Series C, es. bread, butter and milk are served with all meals, i:d Cole, rieata Worn n't Major W Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson t . ana son jH-utt ana jonn oi J; Turner. Van Marter L . n. U' . I. .. ....--a .....1 1 - n 1 1 . t v ni-in-nuj Bryant visiuirs at tne nome oi -Mr. . m.h nriMcnscn. ikin-t,in mi r. mt. ana Mrs, uarvey inner van a Variety and children Mike. Ktcky and Central Market Christy of The Dalles visited at Lot fa Electric the home of Mr, porters tvotn- Klnrua Corp. cr-in-iaw ana sisier, Mr. ana Mrs. Delmer Hug over the week end. 21 2 19 1H 14 14 12 10 It 12 1.1 14 1H 1H 2l 22 as a nun profit coiNration fur tax puriHtM'S. Mm were present, and they set the next meeting for Lcxlng tun on November the third Thurftdav of the month Ih-Ihu the n-guiiir rusting night. It I tentatively planmnf for the cltv hall there. All parents and 4 II leaders are urged to com to the council meeting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bedord voted for the change In Tatone"s Urni son Billie spnt the week-j State Campgrounds Close October 31 Overnight campgrounds in Oregon State Parks will close October 31, Forrest Cooper, state highway engineer, announces. Five overnight camps on the Oregon Coast will remain open as usual throughout the year. These are the following: Fort Stevens, Cape Lookout, Beverly Beach, Jessie M. Honeyman and Harris Beach. Picnic facilities in all parks will remain open to the public, although drinking water and electric stoves may not be avail able in many parks. development plans. Mrs. Glen Carpenter was IWt- ess for the Home Extension Unit at her home Tuesday of last week, with Mrs. Rollin Bishop as co-hostess. Subject for the day was "Food Spoilage." with Donna George, extension agent. Heppner. as the leader. Nlue pictures were shown as part of the lesson. Committee chairmen for the year were appointed as follows: Membership Mrs. Ronald Black and Mrs. Dewey West; public ityMrs. Frank Marlow; 4 It Club Mrs. Arnold Hoffman; Azalea House Mrs. Walter Hayes: pennies for friendship Mrs. Carpenter; memorial stamps Mrs. Bishop; youth and rrnwr Mrs. John Phillips The next meeting will be held November 16 at the home of Mrs. If. M. Walker, with Mrs. Bernard Donovan as co-hostess. Subject will be "new fabrics and fibers" with Mrs. Walker ana Mrs. West as leaders. Meeting will start at 10:30 a.m. High Team Game Turner, V. M , Prvant. rW; High Team ScriesTurner. V. M., Bryant. 257S; High Ind. Gum JoAnn Dvck. 2K; High Ind. Series- Iris Campbell, 51. Johnsons Attend Appraisers Meet In Sacramento Commercial Mrs. Claud Coats was hostess for the Boardman Garden club the first of last week at her home with Mrs. Frank Marlow as co-hostess. Roll call was an swered by giving the name of a plant or bulb desired trom another member. Door prize was won by Mrs, Rollin Bishop, and in a game played the prize was won by Mrs. Walter Hayes. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Hayes Novem ber 15 at 8 p.m. Yes, the Gazete-Times can print the form you need for busi ness or ranch use. Phone 676-9228. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stone are the parents of a daughter, Lyla Lee, born October 20 at the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston. The baby weighed five pounds, eight ounces. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Carpenter of Boardman, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stone of Heppner. Great- grandparent Is Mrs. Myrtle Smith of Heppner. Four tables of pinochle were in play at the card party Friday night at the grange hall. Mrs. Walter Hayes and Mrs. Glen Carpenter were co-hostesses. High prizes were won oy A. R. Fortner and Mrs. Don Down ey, and low went to W. G. See- hafer and Mrs. Cleve Hinton, Earl Briggs and Mrs. Downey won the pinochle prizes. The next party will be no vember 5 with Mrs. Rollin Bisr op and Mrs. Bernard Donovan hostesses. end in La Grande visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pace and Mr. and Mrs. Don Underwood. Sid Ferguson of Ashland was Team week end visitor at tne nome st. Patrick's Church oi nis parents, air. ana Airs. a. liaceett. out. uuv rergu.son, ana ai tne uumc Hank of H of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Hug. willow Crv k CC lie also went to Manueia loiiirM Nat l visit at tne nome oi Air. ana KX)F Mrs. Keith rcrguson. Heii.ner Studs Sunday visitors at the home Gardner's Men's Wear of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Hug High Ind. Gam included Mrs. Bob Toll and children Julie, Laurel, Janet and Garnett of Newport. Mr. Elvin Ely went to La Grande Monday to visit over night at the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lilly. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EMn Ely were Mrs. Ely's sisters, Mrs. Cliff Davidson Of Wenatchee. Wash, and Mrs. Dean Ekleberry of Wasco. Mrs. Mike Chase and children Troy and Debbis of Pendleton visited one day last week at W 21 2il 16 IS 12 11 11 6 rat L 7 8 12 13 16 17 17 22 Cuts- forth. 2.11; High Ind. Series- Don MeClure. 574: High Team Game Bank of EO, 1(H; Team Ser U-rt Bank of EO. High 2N73. City Team Morgan Elevator Heppner Nor Gas Groves Const. Highlanders Fiesta Bowl ParrLsh Garage Farley Motor Masons W 23', 21 21 16' 16 124 11 L 81 11 11 15' 16 23', 21 25 's Dvck. the home of her grandparents, 1 230; High Ind. Series Art Dvck, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sechafer. 27; High Team Series Fiesta 2karl Gillespie had major Bowl. 2J23: High Team Game surgery at the Good Shepherd Morgan Elevator. 1033. hospital in Hermiston last week. fVkllAfTA ctnrl.nt nrrviM f nr th week-end included Dick Skoubo r,n spmneri wesi irom roruana siaie, w- Bank of Ff High Ind. Game Art I Mr. and Mrs. lull Johnson were In Sacramento, Calif, Thursday through Saturday at tending a meeting of the So clety of Heal Estate Appraisers for the western states. It was designed for working appraisers, arid the first day was devoted to a narrative re port seminar Which Included work iM-rt.ilning to attaining the professional SKA. designation (Senior Residential Appraiser). Johnson is resldent of the Northeast Oregon chapter. So ciety of Real Estate Appraisers, thia year. Others from the area who attended the Sacramento meeting were Glen Gilbert and Bill Scharn. both of Pendleton, and Jim Aylward of Walla Wal la. Addresses by prominent men in the field highlighted Friday and Saturday sessions. The Johnsons drove home by way of Lake Tahoe and ar rived back late Saturday night. On Wednesday night, Johnson resided at a meeting of the Northeast Oregon chapter in Pendleton with members pres ent from Walla Walla and from Baker, Union. Umatilla and Morrow counties. There are 32 members In the chapter. The meeting next month will be concerned with probate judg es and their estate appraisals, Johnson said. Actmties Underway For Country Cutters A meellnit 'f the Country Cut ters 4 11 seMlng and knitting club was held Tuesday, (Vtoln-r HI. at the horn of Molly lUt k- el. lire M.ike It With Wool ctm tct to be held In NovernlM-r Wat discussed. Mrs. Carlson, our leador, showed ua how to rea u.nd Officer for this coming year. elected at a meeting at Ifcbhy Warren's home In Septemtier, are: ivtiny warren, president; Sanda Carlwut, vice president; Molly lt set. news reix.rter; and KrUtlne IVtersoti and Lin da YttVrhn. recreation lead ers. Refreshment were served. The next meeting will he Sat urday. Novcmltcr (, at the Campbell home In Condon. Molly Purket. reporter ena West. Jim and 1 Pat Miller. U,., ht Peterson's Jewelry Lima's No. 8 Jack's Chevron Elk's BristoWs High Ind. Game Dyck, 176; High Ind. Series Jo Ann Dyck, 465; High Team Game Elk's. 901; High Team Series Bank of EO. 2539. W 25 19 18 16 15 14 ' 10's 10 Jo from Blue Mountain College. Erma Loomer. traveling vil lage missionary, visited at the home of Mrs. Claud Coats Mon day, w Mrs. Lavern.J'artlow and Mrs. Zoe Billings attended the Del ta Kappa Gamma luncheon at the Tapadera in Pendleton last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kress and children Bryan and DeeAnn of La Grande were week-end vis itors at the homes nf thplr oar- ents, Mrs. LaVern Partlow and Goodman was speaker at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kress. services at the Mr. and Mrs. L. Wayne Work L 7 13 I 11 16 17 17 Vt 214 22 Ann Mrs. Bob Miller of Gresham is visiting this week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Herman R. Burg. Zearl Gillespie has returned home from the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston after a weeks stay there following ma jor surgery. Mrs. Frank Marlow spent the week-end in Walla Walla, Wash., visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ernest Zerba. Cafeteria menus for Riverside High school and Boardman i" Complete Line of APEIIHG ffotr CJGnrjQ ANNIVERSARIES, COFFEE TIME, WELCOME, OTHERS FOR ANY OCCASION both Community murcn Sunday, and at the eve- man and children Marv Ellen, nlng services showed slide Pic- Deedra and Thomas of Cottace furs of their work In Borneo. Grove spent the" week end at They will return to their sta- the home of Mrs. Workman's n mere in aiarcn. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sabin. Mrs. Claud Coats, Mrs. Zearl Gillespie, Mrs.' Glen Carpenter and Mrs. Frank Marlow went to Wasco Sunday afternoon to attend the 25th wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root, son and daughter-in-law of Mrs. Florence Root of Board- man. Mrs. Root is still at her sons home recuperating from injuries received in a car acci dent a month ago. Mrs. Claud Coats has received word that her grandson, Jimmy Aianery, senior at Mount Rain ier High school in Seattle. Wash., has been chosen "boy of tne montn" at the school. He has a grade point average of, is a member of the Na tional Honor Society, and the Letter-man's Club. Jim intends to major In either law or elec trical engineering. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mallery of Seattle, and spent the sum mer at his grandmother's home here while employed at a local service station. JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stanflald. Oregon Old-fashlonad Hickory Smoked Wednesdays. Curing Slaughtering Dots Mondays. Fridays Cutting and Wrapping Locker Bi and Pork Will pick up two beef or mors fr ot charg Phone 449-3623 Jim Tolaa Day or Night AMMUNITION AT REGULAR FMICES 30 30 170 A ISO grains 30 CaL Remington, rat Itatn 170 grains 30 06 ISO grains 301 ISO grains MM Mauser. 170 grains 33 Winchester special 170 grains 32 S a W revolver. M grains 32 CaL automatic. 71 grains 270 Winchester. 170 grains 7s57 broken box Norma 7.7 Jap, 180 grains Norma 5 lap. 139 grains Norma t.SsJS Swedish Mauser, 139 & 54 grains 30-30 Stevens bolt action 140. MM Lugar 31 Automatic 3 Police special 410 shells. 7Vi shot 21 gauge. mixed loads. 10c each Zipper, long length plastic hunting Jackets with hoods colors i ted & yellow, all sites IU5 Waterproof Orange & Red Hunting Caps with ear- muffs - S1.M, Camouflaged cape 11.49 Insulated caps with eannuftt for "old baldies" 11.73 Thermo underwear each half SZM Insulated suit underwear special price; S9.29 Jeep can notilea II AO Jeep can gaskets .... 22Ve Jack Boards , 17.50 Held Packs . SI. SO Rubber Ralntults S7.90 Canteens 11.50 Pistol belts, new & used Gun rack. 1-2-3 places for cans Folding camp beds .. S9.9S Navy Wall Beds 4.W Special soft -nose MI Car bine AMMO Hard-nose Ml Carbine S175 per 50 JUST ARRIVED Wool insulated blue. Navy waist coats S4JS Heavy duty tan waist COatS S10.B5 Long Insulated coats . 114.95 1 Heavy duty with tipper hood wool insulated 117.50 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Oblong bamboo clothes baskets .... ...SIJ9 Cocoa Fibre doormats . 11.49 Rubber doormat SMS Men's coveralls S&9S Bamboo rakes 50c SUPFLT Hermiston SERGEANT McNary Hwy. Rev. and Mrs. Joe Goodman, missionaries on a years furlough from Borneo were week-end vis itors at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Herman R. Burg. Rev. SYMBOL OF PERSONALIZED SERVICE Alsot PcrtsnaBzsd Wedding and Guest Books, Match Books Monogrammed Playing Cards THE GAZETTE-TIMES We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat NL cTl ' Charge V iJil " V I Heppner. p gf 1 1 lone. ljJs MS i w Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULES Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Ph. 567-6651 Hermiston. Oregon On Hermiston-McNary Highway GEdA Members of the Oregon Funeral Directors Association give their closest attention to the wishes of tho family. This important element of personal service can make the difference in your peace of mind. VOUR ASSOCIATION OF OREGON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Look to this OFDA member In your area... HEPPNER Sweeney Mortuary