Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1965)
KCPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. TlmrdT. " lone lo Host Midland Council An lmrlant meettne uf lh Midland ITA r.wil announced for Tuedav MiolK-r 19. t th lone HUh Mhl at P"- MnL Robert lavidon. Ion ITA president. U m charce (4 arrangements u the croup. ITA unit In Morrow. Wheel er and i;mim countiea have iMvn Mned lor arveral years tn the Midland Council. Midline awe he la in tne vr "" j Itles lo equalize in 'SSSSSSSSSSEBSHBSSSBaE II DON'T CAUGHT With Your FOG DOVll 'Warp's aEX-0-EUSS.tha It. Cover oH opening NOW (door, window. porch) thai let in cold winter . rrt. u cut Warp. H.EX-O.CLASS with hear, tack ever or frames for low coat winter protection. Warp'e C'Auin,j crytal-clear 1 LLX-O-CIASS hold. IN heat-keep. OUT cold. You'll save up to A0 on fuel costs ... be "y1 fM winter long. ILEX-O CLASS last for year, at 'Uon the cost of glass. Only 90 square yard at your local bard ware or lumU-r dealer. Tuesday nU'hf meeting will t,e a w oik shop lvr ottioer an! committer. that Ideas may t. rxchaneed and perpleunjj problems dicuscd. Officer tit the council .Mrs. 1. H tuk of Heppner: Norman Nelson of Lexington, and Mrs. Jack Smith of Condon ultl act s consultant for pres ident. Mvtelarle. treasurers and program leader. There will alM le tiM'ui'n Kru membership. hospitality and w ax a and means committee. Hxe meet ins are open lo all ITA member. Union Pacific Gets Top Safety Award Union raclflc Railroad has been selected a a find place winner of the Railroad Employes National Safety Award tn com wKit.n imiin rl:i one rail ; roads, according to the National ! Safety Council. Class one railroads are tnos with annual operating revenues of more than $3 million. The railroads are placed In croups for the competition ac cording tt the nupmber of man hours worked ry employes. Attinti are then presented to railroads establishing the best employe safety record in their nrMf-tiv rroUOS. i Union Tacific's first place award was won in competition with railroads whose employes worked 40 million man hours or more during 1S4 The W cas- lualtv rate was 6.74 per million I hours of work. Lj' j . n i f I BOWLIMG Commercial Laogu run 1 3p Team St I'atrick'a A. U l'atfi:lt tlauk of m ritt Nallonal lUttk Willow Oeck Hub II. h(.iiT Mtt.U 1 ! ardmr at lllh Ind. tlame IIIH M.wen. 211; Itlri Ind. S. tles-IUll Scrlv tier. .V1; IHth Team tlaineM. Pairliks cnurih. if; 'earn Srt SI. 1'amc a Church. raeriNartNC tha word for tta ' door treatment on tha 198 ford Station Wogona. o T S!SSSSa bt tart Atts ol Keppaer Auto Soles. It s blahlT practical ond loo. U m to uJVt In thU lashloa. ThU I. on. new featu.a ol ford that make, the 1964 models acpnoBa"T w1 rT. TO THE EDITOR. . . I " ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarra motor- ed to Mt. Vernon Sunday, un To the Editor: It povtbly would be very r.,.., k in urii.-r (or me to sa.V aomcthlne alKut our tentatively organized onn .moituw ivum, Irrigaticm district. Ahtut one ear ago. Mr. Rex Elli trom Pendleton lot about n,l one-half WH'tions of the Patterson rerry Idea. We mut wjjanle a dis trict, have a study made as to feaiitiuty, and arrange br fin ance. Mr. Getty alo said we would have first opportunity. Harvest coining on with me I soil of dropped it but. to ue Topsv's exepresslon. It "rowed" on me. Harvest over. I pum-a n up again. X5o ahead and file on a pie-e of the land." said Mr. Ellis. "We want you as one of our officers." That. lov had Its appeal. I have alwas btvn In terested In promotion so this was an opportunity. Also. I have iim.. r.H-niMil.'i'd that North Mor row countv has a tremendous itn.t nivir site and on the Columbia Mvcr rtcntial for development there In North Morrow coun- t , December Dale Set for Annual Navy Corps Exam Vice Admiral D J. Scnmrs. Jr.. Chief of Naval Personnel, an nounced today that the 20th an nual national competitive ex aminat ion for the rejrular Naval Reserve Offiwrs Training Corps will e clven on )c'mlH'r 11. Kliible hih sehiwl senior an.i H 11 12 HI Id K 7 4 I. 4 7 M 10 1 u 11 111 w 17 15 15 14 12 7 1. 7 1 H 1 12 15 17t k ir.t nH uiidiue reiuue iu ol i uvni nh. jid mut filed on the ' eraduatc should submit their established there on oner 3. to Join in the cclebra-, Hay Kd. Now I say nn nf the 50th anniversary 01 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farra. held at the Mt. Vernon Grange hall. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Theron Adlard of Heppner. The Sam Earns are an uncle land aunt of both couples. Ac companving the Adlards was Mrs. Willis Ca-son of Condon. i TYPING PAPER. Mimeograph paper and other office sup plies for sale at the Gazette- 1 Times office. ummmm the John lost al- thiuj;h it was not exactly lost a. he did receive what he term ed a very minimum remuner ation for it Now Mr. Ellis had made plans to develop this land into some- thing similar to me uujm.nj; FlexOGlass Glass-O-Net yr-OGlass Screen-Glass FlexO-Paiie w4irs iineie on tmi ii muni lariiMCTio) vaisNttia TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. t-t-d PH. S7S-9212 nxriiaai ! uniihl fill I H the other one half section Lo and Dehold. When 1 came to the ULM office 1 learned that every foot of the BLM land in the area had been filed on Just two days previously bv a Portland synd icate. They did not want h take my application. After much de liberation I persuaded" them I" r iu it anv nav. i also IIO'U nf.-'irmlc-k ranch. The land wa- I . ...., . i t.,i,.mi. practically Identical and ct- i Callel Mr El- Linly hai a great pent,al. Be- That ' '"J "".'iu ng somewnat o ,'j iT AT , d." he said' 'They till " get a hold on some of the BUM lands there in North Morrow countv and really prove what could be done with it undet water. I was asked to join him to sort of head it up. as it were. lr had its appeal. But these lands, as I understood it. were not exactly available and if available at all. it would be un der the Desert land entry. Here an individual would be entitled to 320 acres but must show def inite proof that he could develop it. At least one-eighth, or 10 acres, must be under watet within three years and a def inite plan for the entire acreage. This seemed a bit stiff. A few were irrigating from wells and very successfully, but a few others having difficulty and great expense in fulfilling the requirement "Let's form an irrigation dis trict and get water from the river" says Mr. Ellis. We began looking into this. Last June we had a visit with Mr. Getty of .. t tn Portland. Act- ually he seemed favorable to tne ni.nlicatlons In-fore November 19. t'.HVS. Designed to supplement the officer output of the Naval Acad emy, the NRtrrC program makes It possible for a young man to earn a regular commission while Mudving nt the civilian college of his choice from among the 52 college with a regular NROTC I'nlt. All tuition, fees and book are furnished by the Navv. and the student revives a subsistence allowance of 5j0 per month for not more than (...- v....r tmrini? the summers i w would lie Iirst. 'or -" didn't they?" Yes. I remembered. Mr. ElUs had already arrang e.i for the Cornell. Howland. Mayes and Merryfc'd n-ople to K.k into our proo.sition. Mr. Howland came, it seemed mo. feasible to htm. It was agreed they make the study for us. Mr. FUis would underwrite the cost. The cost is more than .l"w an . training, nuclear training the filing for water rigms tlli,mi.rin.. tralninL' offer var fin Spinners Team Hank of IX) Elma's i terson'i Jewelry tvls Market No. 8 Jack'a Chevron Hilstows Market I'll. 'a " ... High Ind. Game joaiih Dyck. ISV. High Ind. Scries JoAnn Dyck. l; High Team l!ame Hank of Eat.-rn re Ron. HSl; High Team Series Bank of Eastern Oregon. 2115. City Loou Team Heppner Nor Gas Morgan DU-vator Highlander Grove Construction Fiesta Bowl Hrllker Farley Motor Mason 111..H l ml (liim ?m- lllt-h Ind. S-rles l'l Pier. MS; High Team Game Grove Construction, ion; nign Team S-rles Groves Construc tion, 2S-I3. Lions Host Wives At Monday Meet the club at Yarneils b-U ir- ant. lone. M -V " f,h fj ome fl peron present for He dinner and cnteitalninent. Mr. and Mrs Conley l-a"''f" w,., Wa rural, and Mr Unh.m showed od-.e.! of their winter In tun . lo ISMil til. l 'e same Hm cubing the niunuy and their cMH'tlcncc abroad. At the club meeting after "e progr-m. with Presld-nt turn lilslon In charge. lh l.lm KSdrnd Plan. Init liriMMtt PitU ami Uuf ini il l n t IJnd-av Klncald announciu .tl u mcmtiershlp moAth and Lion, who brlntf In memlier. rltber new - fer. will rec.lve Htal award.. training cruises as a midship man. After successfully completing a baccalaureate level college couise. he is commissioned in the regular Navy or Marine Corps and goes on active duty as a career officer with the Navv's modern floats. Immediate challenging assignments to avi- Learn All Breeding Techniques Yourself from ABS, Leader of the Industry The four-day course will teach you how to breed cattle, when to breed, heat detection, herd management. Many other subjects will be covered, such as physiology of reproduction, genetics, reproductive diseases, equip ment and facilities, and the importance of record keep ing. SELECT THE SCHOOL NEAREST YOU Burns, Oregon. . .November 1st through 4th Moses Lake, Wash. . . .December 13th through 16th Redmond, Oregon. . January 3rd through 6th, 1966 Burns School applications accepted through Oct. 25th WRITE FOR APPLICATION AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION N0W1 American Breeders Service, Inc. P.O. Box 66008, Portland, Oregon The complete report will bo out next week. Many of our sub scribers are hesitant until they see the report. Financial ar- must l. made. Mr. Ellis and a "Mr Murray (attorney in Portland) looked into this. Can be easily ar ranged, they. sa to. tuner glob al obligation bonds or revenue bonds. In the fonder only water users will" pay. In the latter all will pay. That is. all within the district. Certainly there will be quite an extensive capital out lay. Taking water from the river in possibly as large a conduit as ten feet. With us also will be part of the West Extenion Irri gation District. They wish to firm up their supply for their west end. I have long been Interested in Jmlnnmpnl in OUT North Mof- row county. I have met many friends who recognize this- It is also unfortunate that there must be conflicts Just now. The Rec- lamation project or proosm mnrll TWinitplv SO. WeTP I nOt so heavily involved in this our North Morrow county irrisnwuii nictrint I unutd want to bC along here. But not now. There are many inenas lnvoivcu m our proposal. I shall be with them to the end. It Is unfortunate that I nave nnt husn ahlo tn DrPSCnt OUT proposition to the county court, planning commission, indmuci of commerce and others. If they will bear with me, it is coming. Sincerely, Oscar E. Peterson W I. 19 !; 7i ni if)' i.t it 13 11 7i ll 7 17 6 17. Del Piper. Thundery Nit LodUs Name of Team C. Ed Cole First National Huggles MlLadles L. E. Dick Phils Wishing Well Ind. W 15 13 12 11 9' ! 5 Game Jo L 7 8 9 10's 11 14' Ann . -Cm AIM I.Atnfl Ann nytK. mi, ; MlUdles, llltfh Team hrli L. K. Dick. Pcndloton-Hcppner Freight Line DAILY OVERNIGHT SERVICE MONDAY THRO TRIDAY TERMINALS! HppnrBlll Tana. Ph. I7I MU Laxlngton Gonja Hrmaa I Snrlc Station Pa. too RUtmonn'i Hardwara, Ph. 422-7311 ConDctin With SITES rREIGHTLINE AND CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT WAYS. HERMISTON. ALSO GARRETT rREIGHTLINES. PENDLETON. OVERNIGHT SanrUa From SEATTLE. Wash- Via Coo olldatvd rralgbtwoTS OnlT- led can-er oixrtunities to those graduates who apply and qual- ify. Hlch school seniors and Rrad uates who will have reached their 17th but not 21st anniver sary of birth on June 30, 19M. may apply for the NROTC ap titude test. Those who make a qualifying score will be Inter viewed and Riven n thorough medical examination early in 1G. From the number of ual ified young men remaining in competition, about l.X) will bo tn nttmi college next Cnnimh(r ti Dreoarc for their naval careers. Application forms are availa ble at local high schools and Navy recruiting Stations Pen Hiotnn Oreeon. or from the Chief of Naval Personnel, Department of the Navy, Washington, D. C. 20370. Jehovah Witnesses Meet in Prosser A delegation of '45 persons from the Hermlston congregation is attending the circuit assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses In Pros ser, Wn., this week-end. Monte Chambcrlin of Heppner, a book study conductor with the Hermlston congregation, is lead ing the delegation. All of Jeovah's Witnesses are encouraged to attend the con gregation book study which Is held once each week, using one of the latest publications of the Watchtower Bible and Tract So-ciety. I . ' : I " '1 ' " . ; I : ' - ...!"'; ' j- ' '?.'."' 1 ; - -' , - . V i V, . . J.;.- - " (' "VJ J-'iii t'r " V..' The 10th of the Month is The Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Always par Your bills by th. 10th of tha month. Remember; tha war You pay todaj, ! way TOU axe building your credit record for tb next RED BOOK -Credit Bureau of Umatilla County - SLOW AND PAST DUE ACCOUNTS ARE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAY YOUH SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOR COLLECTION Get to the bottom of your heating problems These are the bare facts . . . Electric Heat offers a new concept of comfort and conven ience for your home . . . Electric Heat Is safe because it's flameless . . . Electric Heat costs less to Install because It doesn't require ex pensive ductwork or chimneys . . . Electrlo Heat Is Inexpensive to operate, thanks to low cost rural electric power. But most Importantly, Electric Heat Is so comfortable. That's because you select the best temperature for each room. There are never "cold" or "hot" spots! Don't take our word for It. Ask your neigh bors who heat the modern way . , . with Elec tric Heat. Be sure to ask about how clean It , Is, too I ELECTRIC HEAT Mtthv you phn to build or r-moM, It'll pay you to consider Eactrfc Haat. Our htatlng apa clallsts will gady rtv(a your plant and maka iuggetoni that will not only aava you money but alto ncreaie tha over comfort and vaua of your houie. There'i no ob!feton, cf course. COLUMBIA U Basin Electric Co-op Ui SERVING WHEELER. GILLIAM AND MORROW COUNTIES