Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1965)
Legion, Auxiliary Hear Delegates Talk At Dinner Meeting w I. .'!.- la u' ami Girl' Mte tlit ial miKinrf ne e- -Ul l)f III .llllm-. meeting M-i.Uy. 4. ! I he Amril. rt Ui'ln IVmI No, k n. I the LrtMun Aunliai). Harliiitf with m lluik dinner Murearrt iltrrn i1 her inferrMintf et-lletier Ctrl Mate, m Imir m. Tlfii IiU 0. 11. Tim Tulll. Mark lli.-n n (rt iin l liKi r ruli Kai lt talk on their int-l'lu 1. f Ui' Male. AIimi i. m w ill Mrro Mr. ml Mrs, Al l-Binli, tereehtlrij Mt rw County (iraln Cirowtx. hi 1ihiii J Coin llcliker, ami Mr. ml Mr. Marlon ;- n. rep tinri'iitim; I hi Hank of r il' rn Oregon, who r nMre 11m Tulll. Other guroU urre Mra. Nettle Juhnnon and Mr. I'ato M 1-eo.l, Mr. S IvU Well ami Mr. Karl iiltllam were rat'h ewnt rd 4u ear merni-rhi,i tun. with Mr. rrank Hamlin. lnt fU1 6 president, maklnit the pre arntation. Sinuate meetings were held aftrr I In dinner ami program. Ilir auxiliary U making plans for a M-nefit i-utilic rrl party on Monday, October 23, vUlh nx rrd to help teuvlii slits fur tlit Veteran' HoKpltal pa llrnt. Chairman for the event la Mm Wallace Wolff. The Au&lliary haa been akel In prepare and ere the larn City banquet In November. Mr. Arnle l-linan ami Mr. lUley Munkcrs arc serving a ru thaW- men. Visitors Entertained At Lodge Guest Night The iK'jiree on Honor Protect ive Ajmm lailon rntcrtainel 16 Ultr at It annual (;uet Mifht meeting Tuesday evening In the First l lirUtlan church so rial room. Mr. Kllm IIm krnnmlth, prrs Merit of Magnolia Lodce, Pen dleton, attended In comimny with seven other members of her lodce. There were rlicht lo cal (.'Ut'ota rrrnt. A talk on the lodge's Insurance llana wax irlven by Mrs. Hill Karra Mho nlvi tolil of high light of her trip I nit summer to tin national convention In Mr. Lucille rarebit, rlvlr chairman. reported on ac tivities of the lodge during the pat year. lilteuviion was held on attending the district conven tion In Pendleton on Tuesday. October A part of the evening's pro k'mm, Mr. Ed Hunt and .Mrs Adclo LuTracy entertained with an approprlale iantomlne, In rostunu', "Indian hummer. The IhIk drill team ficrformrd un der the direction of Mm. Mar" iirvant, lode m'lderit. IU'frehmint were nmdl by the tiateMa, Mr Martha Kln. Mr. I'arrlsh and Mra. Karra. The fall theme wa umh! In decor ation of fall leave and flow era. A point of particular Inter cut wa the dlnpluy of a potted orchid plant in beautiful bloom, crown by Mra. Karl Soward. Vc. the Gazcttc-Tlmea can print the form you need for bus ne or ranch u.e. I'hone 676-922H. I f S0H3DEHY HlTTMt CAZCTTC-TIHCS. Tbutxl. Octob 14. IXi College Couple Engagement Told I n r .. Mr. nd Mm- Kbn W. Fiidth are announcing the engagement 44 tUt-W finufhfr, J'j'ly i!anr, to Kinneth t. wrleht. n of Mr. and Mra. Harold Wright, all of lleppner. N dale ha been net for the wedding. Rlh younf iieopla are iu denia at Katirn tJregon Col lice, .a (kande, where Judy U a frcitrtman and Kenny 1 a nophomore. Ith are rraduatet of lleppner lllKh achrad. Kenny ai tended hi frenrnan year at Oregon State I'nivrruiy in c'or- valll. Pomona to Meet Irrion will be ht to the fktoler rneetlnf of fomona ;ranK on Saturday, (Viol i. The meeting will Ret underway at 10:.V) a m. with buMne to Include the election of officer. Lunch will be aerved at noon In the Irrlgon achu'd cafetorium. All crangera af urged to be pretcnt. Tell the tdvertLK-r )ou taw It In the Uazctte-TUnea. Ceremony in Unites Sally Kansas Swift lis "from this day forward have your ES Wallace Sterling on our MRS. GEBRALD CORDON WHfTE. the former Sallf Je Swift ol Soitoa, Kanaaa. carried at her wedding. The brlde'a only attendant, MIm Barbara Kern of Wichita, V f n u.'tf ea nn ftnllnnn fnlfi ftilk TO Lt. Gerrald White Uult. 'with catching circlet head- niece, and carried bronze and antique gold chryaanthemuma. (liarle White of Tlburon. Calif.. M-rved hi Uother a lest man. Clarence King. Jr., Sallna. a couMn of the bride, and Larry Kern of Manhattan, Kan., were Ufdier. For her daughter's wedding, Mr. Swift, wore a brown en xemble with brown accessories. Mr. White, mother of the bride groom. choe a russet colored ensemble with matching acces .coric. Both wore corsages of cymbldtum orchid. A color scheme of antique gold and white was used In the Persian Id Him at Kim In Salina. whore a wedding luncheon was nerved. A floral centerpiece de lgned as u wedding car on hon eymoon lane, was artistically nurrounded by white gladioli, antique gold pompons and chrysanthemums. Mr. Clarence L. King, Jr.. was in charge of the guest book, and Jeff and Jonl King distributed rice bags from an antique gold wicker basket. After graduating from Abilene high school, the bride received a Bachelor of Science degree in education from Kansas State University. Manhattan, and was I a member of Alpha Delta PI 'sorority. The past two years she taught American history at Sal 'lna high school. Lieut. White, a graduate of lone high school, received a Bachelor of Science degree In economics from Willamette Uni versity, Salem. He attended the university In Mexico City, Old Mexico. His fraternity Is Sigma Alpha E'psilon. He Is presently stationed with the 310th Air Re fueling Sqdn. at Walker AFB, Hosewall, N. M. When Lieut, and Mrs. White left on a wedding trip to San Francisco and Portland, the bride wore a three-piece cape suit of oatmeal tweed, brown lizzard accessories and the orch ids from her bridal bouquet. The groom's parents honored the newlyweds at a wedding re ception at the Anchorage res taurant In Portland Saturday evening, with several Invited guests from this area attending. Marriage vowa were exchang ed N-tween Mis Sally Jo Swift, daughter of Mr. ami Mr. Bruce Kugene Swift, ll'iw Highland CUc'e. Salina. Kansa. and r'irM U. f;errald Cordon White. Hose well. N. M . Mm of Mr. and Mr. Gordon Allen White of lone, at a noon ceremony Saturday, Sep tember 23. The First Me!hodlt church In nearby Abilene wa the setting for the double ring ceremony. I with the liev. Jame Lnnsoowne (officiating In the presence of the Immediate families. Tall stand 'ard holding bronze, russet and ! antique gold chrysanthemums. hucklelK-rrv and cat tall decor ated the altar, flanked by light ed taper in candelabra. I Preceding the ceremony. Mis .Patricia Jordan played the tra ditional organ music. The bride wa given In mar riage bv her father. She wore a ault of oyster white imported silk-faced peau de sole with re embroidered French lace shell, matching circlet hat and shoes. She carried phalaenopsls orchid and stephnnotl on a white Bi ble and a family heirloom hand kerchief which her mother had Be n accomplished hostess from the very start. Come In, choose your favorite Wallace pattern and the number of place settings you need. A lifetime set costs less than many temporary home fur nishings. Why wait and wish? Pay only pennies a week per place set tingwhile you enjoy your pre cious Sterling. Prices r for l pc, Service for 4. tint U "Something from the Jeweler's. Is always something spedaL JEWELERS Store Hours i 9 A. M. To 8 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST HEPPNEH t sWsselsasV' CR$EN BTAM PS Garden Club Meets At Duvall Home A meeting of the Lexington Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. Amanda Duvall Tuesday afternoon. Some inter esting articles were read on the (Trowing of Japanese Iris, also discussion was neld on the con ditioning of gourds for orn amentation. The ladies present included Mrs. Nell Anderson, Mrs- Cleo Van Winkle, Mrs. Edna Mun-kea-s, Mrs. Madge Bryant, Mrs. Cora Warner, Mrs. Alma Scott, Mrs. Doris Graves, Mrs. Pearl Wright, Mrs. Duvall, and her sister, Mrs. Nell White of Pilot Rock. Mrs. Spencer Greeted At Afternoon Coffee Mrs. Bob Jones entertained at her home last Wednesday after noon with an Informal coffee hnnr In hnnnr nf Mrs. Bruce Spencer, now of Coqullle. Father ana Mrs. pencer were nere iur a short visit with their son-in-law and dauphtpr. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Clark and family, and to do a little hunting. Calling to extend greetings to Mrs Snenrer were Mrs. Rod Mur ray, Mrs. Terry Thompson. Mrs. Bin siewert, bits. Jim unscon Chapter Discusses Projects MISS JUDT DIANE SMITH The flrxt bulnes meeting of the fall fr UHa Omega chapter of t.i-oilon Sima Alpha was held rn-oteml-rr 7i at the home of Mr. Janet i4ndtrom. Annoorwemrnt of the dWtrlct council meeting in rr"itn Oiobrr 10 was made. Wats and means chairman. Mr. June Undktrom gave the group aeveral Idra f money making pro)eti. Much dlcu Ion was held on philanthropic project for the group. Mr. Maslne Rietmann. mem rhli chairman, reported on ruh plana for prospective mem ber. The budgrt for this year wa presented and approved. Mr Maalne Rietmann and Mrs. Itom-lta Palmaterr gave the educational program on 'Dream and Horoncoj." Cuekta were Mrs. Eulenna Vaughan. of Hayfork. Calif, a former member, and Mrs. Ei leen Padberg of Lexington, a member at large. Refreshments were nerved by Mrs. Undstrom and Mrs, Betty Haukler. co-hotea. On October 6 the chapter held a buinc meeting at the home of Mrs. Ida Lee Engleman. The group voted to take as th-ir tihllanthroolc orolect as- sUting Pioneer Memorial hospit al at lleppner to punhM a wa ter aoftrner. As their firt money making project towards thi equipment, the chapter will have a fruit rake sale In No vember, at's Men's Wear In lleppner and Brintow'a at lone. They will have a win dow display at each of these stores to show the public the need for this equipment More Information on rush plans for November was given by Mrs. Maxine Rietmann, mem bership chairman. Additional plans were mad for the district council meeting in Pendleton Oct over 10 Dlsctmlon was held on the annual Fall Festival The chap tee will act as general chairman this year. An organizational meeting for the festival will be held October IS at the home of Mrs. June Llndtrom with del egates of all Interested clubs. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Engleman and Mrs. Max ine UnneiL co-hostesses. MeUker maps of Morrow. Gil ii ii.iiiii whMlr counties on sale at the Gazette-Times, 11.23 each, outeri avauuw order. - COFFE I LB. 2 LB- 3 LB. 10 oz. INSTANT 73C ?l.45 $2.I5 ?l.29 iLP REG. SIZE WITH COUPON 2 for 250 DETERGENT REG. PRICE 39c SPECIAL PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 290 LARGE SIZE CASCADE (Reg. 83c) DISHWASHER SOAP ----- 590 SUNSHINE NO. 1 FIG BARS 3 pios. ? D WALLET'S IS OZ. cno Ste; r i i Hi ft-j jack J aU N ALLEY'S 21 OZ. LUMBERJACK 3 for $1 i FROZEN BANQUET 4 FISHERMEN FAMILY SIZE PIES APPLE CHERRY PEACH 2 for 630 (GBgafegEBL Fishsticks 59 SUPER MARKET French Fries 10 for 1 mm LETTUCE 2 25 LOCAL RED DELICIOUS APPLES 9-$l CUCUMBERS 3 25c CELLO 1 LB. PEG. CARROTS 2 25c HIM USDA GOOD AND CHOICE BEEF STEAKS T-BONE, LB. 99c SIRLOIN, LB. 89c OREGON CHIEF OLD-FASHIONED FRANKS lb. 490 n SWEETHEART BRAND Linlc Sausage lb. 550 SMOKY CANYON e SLICED HAM SMOKED SLICED BEEF SLICED CORNED BEEF SUCED NIPPY BEEF 3 roa 1 PRICES GOOD OCT. 15 and 16 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET G KEEN STAMPS 1 and Mrs. Ambrose mapin.