Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1965)
MS S "YTcSaomL DTO OF DD3 TJDC rviT7 mSD" j jr i Classified Rates i pr word nlalnmm 7S Card e( Thank LM CUnattUd DUplar-40 per lac ft. CLASSIFIED DEADUNK Noon WtttoMdaf To volJ billing, cash U r. ruatd lot small ads bl brought U the files. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS With sincere appreciation, I wUh to extend my thank to relative and friend who re- mem lured me wllh card, flow, rrs. elfu and vUlu during my recent stay In the IVndlrtoii Community hplta!. You thoughtfulm wa most deeply ly appreciated. Gladys L. Drake 3.1p 5 Work Wanted YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK any kind, town or farm. John ITIvett. h. 676-9920. 33c BACK HOE and dump truck work wanted, by hour, or by contract. Bob Torre, ph. 670 MoT lleppner. Box 4 Hi. 32 4lp Wanted AKTirLKS NEEDED NOW for Civil League Rummage sale, Ortobor W 30. Fr pick up In Hrppner rail Mrs. Jimmy Frock. C76 Ml 2 or Mr. l)on Mi-Clure. 676 5HO0; In Le.lng tn call Mrs. Lynn Pearson. K9 842H. 31-34C For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT 2 bedrooms, easy to heat, available Oct ober 15. ph. 676 9090. 32tfc FOR RENT or SALE Three twvl room house, conveniently lo cated, attractive terms, i25i0. Itione 67653K3. 34 37p FOR RENT or SALE Four bed room home, owner moved out of town. To see the Gordon Pratt house, contact Eddie Gunderson. 676 9210. 27tfc FOR RENT Two furnished apartments. Th. 670 9-191. 29tfc FOR RENT Furnished ment. Ph. 676-9G84. apart 27 tfc 8 Services FALL HOUSECLEANING? Child ren's clothing outgrown? Don't throw them away Rive them to the Civic League Rummage Sale. October 29 30. Call the committee. Mm. Jimmy Prock, Mrs. Don McCJure. Mrs. Lynn Pearson, or leave at Dot's Mar ket In Lexington. 31-34c WE BUY COPPER, 20c lb. and up; iron, $13 ton. Used cars for sale reasonable. Body and fender work. Repairing and rnmrvblln(r Radiator renalr a specialty. Ceglia's Shop and Wrecking Yard. Ph. 676 5595. 33tfc SAND AND GRAVEL HAULING. Contact Hams Truck Line, lone. ph. 422-T2T7. 41-tfc FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip ment for sale and for rent L. E. Dick. 676-9920. 35-tfC 9 Livestock, Poultry FALL QUARTER HORSE B' NANZA, October 16 and 17. Saturday, all breeds of horses and ponies. Sunday, 500 AQUA registered quarter hor s e s. Starting at 8 a.m. each day. Northwestern Livestock Co., Hwy. 30, Hermtston, Oregon. For Information call Omer Bonney, auctioneer and horse sale manager, 567-5722, Herm lston. 33c FOR SALE Six -year-old sorrel gelding horse, well broke, good barrel prospect Call Don Robiason, 676 9761, or see at Joo Yocom place, Lexington. 32-34C MARKET Tuesday Sal October 12, 1965 Hogs 9; Cattle 784; Consign ors 62: Buyers 33. SLAUGHTER CATTLE Light Bulls 14.00 to 15.00 Bulls 16.00 to 18.20 Young Standard Cows -14.00 to 16.60 Commercial , ,Min Cows 13 00 to 14.40 Utility Cows 11.00 to 12.40 Canner & Cutter Cows 7.00 to 10.50 FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers 700- 800 Pds .21.50 to 23.00 Steers 450-575 A Pds 23.00 to 26.00 Steers 300-400 , nt M Pds 21.60 to 24.00 Yearling Heifers 700 pds. . 17.00 to 18.40 Heifers 400-500 pds 19 00 to 21.90 Northwestern Livestock Com. Co. Highway 90, Bermlaton DON WINK. Mgr. Era. M7-SH1 10 Farm and Garden NOW YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER Highland Machln. rry Company, t ondon, Orriton, phono 3H4 M52. 33 tic 12 Furn., Appliances FOR SALE Starck uprlfht pi ano, $75. Mr. John Lrdbetter. Ph. 670 5312. 27tfC 13 Misc. For Sale TO GIVE AWAY One German hor1halr female dog, payel, uImmM tltfee years old. Call (7 9957. ."He FOR SALE IVrmanent anti freeze, any amount vou want. SI SO per gallon. Padberg Ma rhlnery Co., Lexington. Ph. IWJ H145. 30 33c GOOD used cornet for sale Phone 670 96HI. 29tfC FOR SALE -Clone out Irlces on all J'.MA Mobile Homes, Travel Trailers and Camper Boxes Freddie's Tradimr Fust. Ken newlck. Wn. 22 51c WEDDING. PARTY and ANNI VERSARY Napkins with names imprinted: Monogram med Playing cards; Regency Personalized Note Stationary; Wedding Books. Inquire at Gazette-Times office. 24x LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack SIS per unit No. 5 Jo per M TIMBERS TO 18 FT. 4x4 Posts 39c ea. 2x2's 10c ea. Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676 9440 RADIANT SIGNS that glow In the dark full variety of mis cellaneous signs for all pur poses. 25c Now on hand at Gazette-Times office. tfc 14 Automotive FOR SALE 19C2 Volkswagen red deluxe model with aun roof, radio, heater, and gas gauge. Best offer. Curtis Culp, Ph. 676 5539. 30tfc SAVE ON Camping Trailers and Travel Trailers. Phone 922 3348. Bcntley Trailer Sales A Service. 6th ft North Main, Irrigon. Oregon. 1-tfc FOR SALE 1956 Plym o u t h. good radio, heater, tires, runs good. Ph. 9H9-849& 32 33c FOR SALE 1954 Jeep, with hubs, wench, metal half-cab, $750. Call 676 9939. 33tfc Phone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any colon) station wagons pick-ups panel delivery $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pjn. 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT Heifers 275-350 Pds 17.00 to 19.30 Light Holstein Heifers 400 Pds 16.00 to 18.40 Heavy Holstein Heifers 700 Pds 12.10 to 15.00 Light Holstein Steers 650 Pds 16.10 to 17.40 Heavy Holstein Steers 900 Pds 16.00 to 17.90 Young Stock Cows $150 head Baby Calves, Beef .20.00 to 31.00 COMMENT: Market active, heavy calves and fat cows, strong to 50c higher; light calves steady. Sell your livestock where more buyers are arriving to buy the increased numbers of cattle. Remember Northwestern is your closest and most profitable mar ket. Don't forget the HORSE SALE, Saturday and Sunday, October 1617. Pbon 667-6656 EVERETT SNYDER, Br. 567-2961 you 14 Automotive ONE STOP SHOPPING LOOK at these Deals! Used Cars 1962 Chevrolet Monza 4 dr: S1300 19G1 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan .... 11 Chevrolet 4 door 19!W Chevrolet Station Wagon 1957 Ford 4 dr. sedan 0 cyL, auto, trans. ....11250 ..-.$1123 n4T50 G00 Commercials 1964 Chevrolet Pickup S2150 1958 InL Pickup, 4 wheel drive ,, $1200 1941 Chevrolet pickup . . 1130 WANTED Mechanic. CIRCLE J HORSE TRAILERS PRICES START AT $355 See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS AH Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PIL 676-9921 INTRODUCING THE TUNED CAR BUICK 66 TUNED TO PERFORMANCE STYLING RIDE AND HANDLING 1964 El Camlno. V-8 Motor, 4. speed transmission. 1963 Bulck Electra, full power and air conditioner. 1963 Pontiac Starchlef, power. 4-door sedan, full 1963 Ford Falrlane 2-Dr. Hard top, automatic and power, ex ceptionally clean car. 1959 Volkswagen 1957 Buick 1957 Pontiac 4 dr. Full power Used 4.Wheel;. Drives 1964 Jeep pickup, like new. I960 Jeep pickup. 1955 Jeep pickup, flatbed with excellent stock racks. 1952 Jeep plckup with recon ditioned v-8 motor. 2 used station wagons. Pickups and Trucks 1963 Falcon Ranchero Pickup. new ruDDer, low mueage, speed, radio and heater. 1962 Ford pickup, M ton, a clean unit. 1953 Jeep station wagon. Agee, 676-5833. 32-33C 1950 Ford H ton pickup, very cxean, witn new paint jod. SPECIAL Number of good fishing hunting cars. and WE ARE YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY h"3! are hereby required to Pontiac-Bulck-Wlllys-GMC Rambler Phone 675-9116 When you patronize Gazette- Times advertisers, you help make a better paper Tell them saw It In the Gazette-Times. 15 Real Estate 'FOR SALE Iloltz rooming tioune, 6 bedrooms. 3 bath rooms, full baftrmcrit, with or without furnlhlng. brick fence and garnpe. For more Information call lone 422 7211. 33 3op FOR SALE 132.54 acres. 10fl tillable. 2G 1.1 pasture. In Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N.. Range 24. KWM. Contact Frank Turner. 23 tfc FOR SALE Three bedriom house, 2 lots. In Lexington. I h 422 7430. lone. 15 tfc FOR SALE 5 bedroom house. l' baths. $1000 rakh. Contact Andy Van Scholar. .TfW Laird llermuton. pn. dj7 dt: or Heppner 676 9772. 32tfc FOR SALE Large three bed room house. Call or see Clint Agee. 676-58.13. 28 31c FOR SALE Two bedroom house In lone; llvlng dlntng room combination, kitchen. Phone 422-7195. 37-tfc Public Notices NOTICE Or SHERIIT'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an execution iKHued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated Sept ember 23. 1915, In that certain ault wherein TUCKER-ECHO RANCH. Inc., a Washington Cor poration, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against the defend ants. JOHN A. YOUNG and COLLEEN L. YOUNG, his wife. for the sum of $1.71071, to be recovered from the lands herein after described, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per annum from September 6, 1964. until paid; the sum of $88 for taxes paid by plaintiff; the sum of $25.00 for a foreclosure report; and the sum of $100 00 as plain tiff's attorney's fees, and the further sum of $79.80. plaintiffs costs and disbursements in this suit to date; and a decree of strict foreclosure against the de fendants. John A. Young and Colleen L. Young, his wife, and all persons claiming any inter est In said real property or any part thereof, by. througn or under said defendants or either of them: I will, on the 12th day of November. 1905, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., said day, at the front door of the County Court house In Heppnet. Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand the following des cribed real property situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The East Half of Section 13 In Township 3 North, of Range 26. East of the Willamette Me rldlan: EXCEPTING THERE FROM, however, the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 13. AL SO EXCEPTING: 1. Conditions and restrictions imposed by instrument in cluding the terms thereof, recorded December 3, 1906 in Deed Book "U", page 1, executed by Northern Pa cific Railway Company to Malcolm S. Corrigall, re serving mineral rights, etc. 2. Subordination agreement executed by Northern Pa cific Railway Company to the State of Oregon, dated July 18. 1963, recorded August 22, 1963 in Deed Book 69, page 384. An Avigation Easement created by Instrument, in cluding the terms and pro 3. visions thereof, dated March 13, 1962, recorded November 1, 1962, in Deed Book 68, page 423, execut ed by Ed Tucker, et ux, to State of Oregon. 4. Mining claim filed by Frank Swaggart on March 21. 1955, recorded in Book "B", page 50. Avigation Easements and corrections thereof granted by the plalntur, the de fendants, Northern Pacific Railway Company, and Frank Swaggart and Hazel M. Swaggart, husband and wife, to the State of Ore gon and assigned to The United states of America by the State of Oregon, recorded in Deed Records of Morrow County. Oregon. io be sold in one parcel to sat isfy the plaintiff's judgment. costs, attorney s lees and accru ing costs of sale, and the plain tiff may be bidder at this sale. DATE of first publication Oct ober 14. 1965. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff Morrow County, State of Oregon 33-36c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Executor of the estate of CLAIRE E. O'DONNELL, deceased, and all persons having claims acainst the estate of sairf rip. Jic-trin same nun lujnr vuuui ers duly verified to the Executor at the office of Mahoney and Abrams, Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 30th day of September, 1965. Harry Thomas O Donnell, Jr. Executor 31 -34c Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice I hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County. State of Ore gon. Executrix of the ettate of SADIE M. SIGSBEE. deceased, and all persons having claims galnut the rotate of said de ceased are hereby required to Ir M-nt same with proper vouch er duly verified to the Execut- trlx at the office of M honey and Abram. Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and published this 23rd day of September, 1965. Maine S. George, Executrix MA HONEY It ABRAMS. Attorneys at Law Heppner. Oregon 30-33C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon Executor of the estate of Maggie Case, deceased, and all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouchers duly verified to Ih rvMitnr at th r,fflr-A rtf Ms. honey and Abrams. Heppner. vttKuii, v 1111,1, a I A jiiviiuia uvjll the date hereof. Dated and first published this 7th day of October, 1965. C. H. Hynd, Executor of the Estate of Maggie Case. Deceased MAHONEY L ABRAMS, Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 32 35c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Executor of the estate of HARRY THOMAS O' DON NELL, deceased, has filed his final account and report In said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge there of has fixed Monday, the 25th dav of October. 1965. at the hour of 10 o'clock AM., as the time, Citv Council in the County Courtroom lnlM7 M w Heppner, Oregon as the place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Harry O'Donnell, Executor Mahoney and Abrams Attorneys for Executor Heppner. Oregon . . ,x . 31-34 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as admin istrator of the estate of Gertrude Applegate, deceased, has filed his final account and report in said estate with Clerk of the Court of Morrow County and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 18th day of Oct ober. 1965. at the hour of 10 a.m. as the time in the County court Room in the County Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as k r,lM k...l.. ........... I and objections to said final ac count and the settlement there of. Objections to said final ac count should be filed on or be fore that date. FRANCIS J. DOHERTY Administrator WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner, Oregon 30-33p CALL FOR BIDS FOR SHERIFF CAR SPECIFICATIONS 2 1966 model four-door sed ans, new, for the Morrow County Sheriff department, equipped as follows: Engine: Horse Power not less than 275 and shall be 8 cylinder Battery: Heavy duty 12 volt Heater: Fresh air. Wipers: 2 speed electric. Transmission: Heavy duty, 3 speed, manual trans mission with 3 forward speeds, 1 reverse. Heavy duty clutch. Body: 4 door, with police or taxi package to in clude foam front seat, heavy duty rubber mats, heavy duty vinyl uphol stery, iront arm rests. Color: Blue. Shocks: Heavy duty front and rear. Tires: First line nlon 4 ply. 14 or 15 inch wheels. Bid price to be F. O. B. Hepp. ner, Oregon, and Include trade in for 1 Wl Chov O Hnnr caHan less sheriff equipment. It shall be part of the sales agreement that the trade-in car is to remain in the County's service until new cars have been delivered and accepted. Delivery date of new cars to be within 30 days from date of bid is accepted. Morrow County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept proposal consid ered best for the County. All bids will be opened on No vember 3, at 10:00 AJM. Sadie Parrish, County Clerk 33-34C RUBBER STAMPS made to order, also STAMPING PADS in black, red or green. For busi ness or personal use. Orders filled promptly at the Gazette Times office. The Gazette-Times appreciates getting news copy early. HmifCM CAZrrrX TTMCS. Thursday. October 14. IK1 LITTLE AP BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DUIldlfiq COflStrUCtlOn Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, REMODELING All Types of Building We Can Help You With Plans Let Us Modernize Your Kitchen Free Estimates Ph. 676-5546 Heppner. Ore. H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Homes And Remodeling Henrv (Hank) Pedersen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7778 Pendleton Heppner City C : ! V.UUI II. 1 1 Citizens having matters for discussion please bring them oeiore me council. Ph. 676-9618 ElcCtriCianS Pendleton Eectric Co. Bonded and Licensed Commercial. Industrial. Real dential wiring. Electric heat, wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE 1802 S. W. Emigrant Pendle ton, Oregon. Phone 276-2672 Exterminatina Service Ayers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray FoggiHg Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Floor Covering, Heating M&R Floor Covering and Heatinq Co. Williams Furnace OompleU In stallations CanxUna? Linoleum OU Burner Refrigeration oerrtce Domesuc and v Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed Ph. 678-8418 Heppner Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Insurance Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Eternal Marker Co. Solid Bronze CEMETERY MARKERS J e rry Sweeney SWEENEY MORTUARY Heppner Ph. 676-96O01 ... 7D Mortuary Sweeney Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 676-9600 Heppner Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 676-9465 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 676-9942 Home 676-9718 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician k Surgeon 1st National Bank Bldg. Res. Ph. 676-9210 Off. 676-9616 The Heppner Clinic C. M. Wagner, M.D. Physician & Surgeon 233 N. Gale St Off. 676-9114 Res. 676-9208 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5:30 Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri. 1 to 5:30, Thursday Ph. 676-9253 Res. 676-9620 rinting The Gazette-Times offers complete , Printing Service 1 Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times ; Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building Ph. 676-9912 Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry k Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner. Oregon Ph. 676-9200