Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1965)
Couple Takes Vows In Lexington Home Anna Tatum r-f fVntlleton n, rrni ii inici .-niv arin of iLfauiitn ttvra miVfrLr.1 In I alma ton hturUy, Augu.t at n I'm in i lit" niHiir i.f it trv an-1 Mra Sowiml Tr tlrr!)nr trrrr the MUlca rt-iit, Mr, and Mr, lurrrll T. Vlnn of Hrpimer. Mra. ! Harnett and mn JUtt, the trioaiin'a inoMii. Mri (lair nnniTuin; l.ri.inrr m law am Ulrr, Mr. anil Mra 1-aWrne Kriihlnr an m. Jay, all of lirpprirr. friends of the rout. If, Jane oiauair, llri.f..r. ami l.aty ItlthanU, Trml Irion, wrr the niy aiirn.UnU. Mr. Sriarrln I rmiilriVoil l a . u i t .1 Maupln ami Mr. S hwarrln U i-ni it unir si ,uue Moun tain Collet; to lrciim a f.rao Ural nurse. Thev eMe1 t0 make inrir riom in Mauin, Full Evening Set For Legion, Auxiliary Fall art. till.- f,.r ih Iran l-fjrion ami Auxiliary will r-um wnn a meeting on Mon lay evening. Sri-t-mor 13, l the lotion hall, according t. Mrs ton Munkrrt, auxiliary president A hotlutk dlnnrr will t mtv ttl to mnnlicfi and L'uet. f,. lowed v a prnrram featuring a rurt eaker Important areas of )ulnni will t dlwuiuwil in aenarat meeting of the rroua following the oroirram. with Mr. Munkrva ami Frank Hamlin. ISlon commander. In charge. Addlnir rnarhln tan s mil Gazette Times. Wad.. Thuw FrL. Spt 12) BEACH BLANKET BINCO Starring, Frank) Avalon and Annette funlirllo. I'lua DIAIIT Of A BACHELOR .airing joe Mivrr and ixrni LuIm. Sat. and Sun. Sept 4-S nvrrr Starring Tony Randall and Shirley Jnnra. Tin NORTH TO ALASKA with John Wavm. .Stewart (.ranker, hrnl kovacs, Fabl- an. nl lapurlne. Tut, Spi. 7 SL2S A Car werri and llammcrsteln a STATE FAIR With Tat Booms Bohhv Darin. ramcia Tiriin. and Ann Margaret. riu WAR PARTY Wad Thurs FrL, Sept S-9 I0 WAR COOS Of THE DEE? With Vlnrrnt Trice, plus BABT THE RAIN MUST FALL With Steve McQueen. Lee Kemlrk, and Don Murray. GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON fl?rmrpnTTrTrur nlllllUlnHin . . . . . :., ..I!iilir V Mill . III HL TIF V- I It m m m m J i ai t II I r . 7 II I i i i a i 1 j i I II i i i i in i n iii . i j ii ? I ! 1 I ! ' 1 i . ; I Ifrixm. Mra. Pat Brlndla, llrpp . i . i . 1 1 . . lirr, miut mia. jiiiii it-m, vwr vallla. ivurlng coffee and punch wrra itraridmoihrri of I ha bride, Mra. (orge IIm of Hell, and Mra. (iuy JVrlMjn of llrrrnlnlon alMi Mr. John I letrltrr. Port land, grandniollirr of tha Kootn and Mra Ken lladley, I'f.rUand aunt of trie K'uom. Keeolnjr the tuol Ixx-k wa Mimi (.all lloHklna. Jlrti-mr with Mlkea Ann lirlndJe and hht-rldan Wyman. alo f lleoo ner. In rhave of the rift table, Hie new Mra. Kroli Eolnir away rnM-mble waa an olf. white ault. worn with match- Injf actfaaorlea and accented vtiih a red roMbud romute. I ol low I nit their weddlnit trip i Miinta or mierei along the Ori'tcon and California coanta, me couple i now at home at 125 Holly Way, Apt. 9. McMlnn title. Mr. Kroll will enroll In hia armor year at Unfleld Col lece. whece he will receive hla decree In Lnk'lUh education. I he bride, a eraduate of Hrno- ner Idch achool in l'l, aio atiemled Llnfu-ld part of 1j1 year and buMlni-ai achool In Portland. Ttie church waa well filled with frlenda and relative, from a wide area. Including the ttalea of Wakhlngton and Oregon. Need extra cash? Sell unuaeri Itema around vuur nlaro tvlili a Gaiette-Ttmea clasalfted ad. Family Gathering Honors Mrs. Neill Trie family of U. L. D. Nell leatantly aurprined her with irthday oien houae durlne tha afternoon .Sunday, Auj-unt Z2, nonormit ner on her Hnh birth diy. Aler thrlr family dinner toeether, frlenda and other niaiivea were invited to th Weill home to extend their birthday ereetlnfi. Present for the occasion wera her two daui'htera, Mra. Halpn .vt.ii or Lexlntfton and Mra. Nea KniKhten of Kennewlck. Wn. and her ajn. Guv Moore ol Athena. Mra. Neill waa remembered with many card and elfta from iter family and frlenda. Three rreat pranddaurhtrri iana iee and Jill scott and Linda Baker aerved blrthdav cake and Ice cream to thoae call ing during the afternoon. Benldea the above mentioned. othera present were her aona- n law Italph Scott. Lexlnirton. and Neal Knlghien. Kennewick. her daughter In law. Mra. Guy Moore. Athena: her grandchild- ren. Mr. and Mra. Clarence Ba- er and family. Ileooner: Mr. nd Mra. Bill Scott and family. Heppner. and Spencer Moore. Athena, and her huaband, L. D. Neill. See ua for envelooea r,t all kinds. The Gazette-Timea. HEf FNER CAZETTE-TIMES. Tkarador. SepUnbar 2. IMS Bellenbrock-Gribblc Betrothal Announced The erteagement of Mia Cheryl fiellerihrork. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Donald Belien brork. to Stuart Grlbble, an o Mr and Mra. Lowell Cribble, all of lleppner, haa been announc ed by parent of the bride elect. Mla Bellenhrock waa a mem ber of the I'M A graduating rlaoa of lleppner high arhool. Sha will mart training thla fall In the Beau Monde College of Beauty In Portland. After hla graduation from lleppner High achool In ISM. (kibble haa attended two yeara at r.aitern Oregon College and two yeara at Blue Mountain College, and la now employed nere wltn hut brother. Doueua, in the farm pelleting bualnema. Mr. end Mra. Ed Roatatter of PhoenlK. ArU., came (ait Thurs day for a week-end farewell lalt with Mrs. Itattetter'a broth- er and aUter In law, Mr. and Mra. Nela AnderiMin. and fam ily, before the Andcraons de. parted on their trip to Africa. HaMetter la a retired bualneaa man In Phoenix and the couple waa vacationing In the north west, planning to continue on Into Washington after their visit in Heppner. 1 1 i L 1 MISS CHERTL BELLE NBROCX Mr. end Mra. P. B. Coaaar of The Dalles apent rodeo week end visiting with his aUter, Mrs. Laura Moyer, and they enjoyed the events of the rodeo. While here they aUo enjoyed visiting with Mrs. Conncr'a sister, Mrs. Bertha Hunt, of Lexington. MIL AND MRS. ROBERT PAUL KROLL (Phyllis lean Nelson) (Lyons Photo) Pretty Summer Ceremony Unites Phyllis Nelson, Bob Kroll in Marriage! The sanctuary of the First Christian church In on was the setting for a beautiful Hummer wedding which Joined In marriage Miss Phyllis Jean Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mri. Delwln Nelson. Lexington, and Hobert Paul Krotl. son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kroll. Cor- valll.1, on Saturday, August 21. The double ring candlelight ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock in the evening by the Kev. G. Lee Matlock. Puyallup. Wn.. uncle of the bride. Vows were exchanged before an al tar decorated with white stand ards holding pink rows, white gladioli, accented with large white satin bows, and flanked by white tapers in candlcabra Given In marriage by her (g)l HERE! SKRIPRITER BALLPOINT 2.49 (Compictc with refill) PLUS EXTRA REFILL 79 C PLUS HANDWRITING BOOKLET FREE Reyulot Value $3.28 i II rout !. World famous Sheaffer quality at a bargain price! Regular $2.49 ball point writes smoothly over all $ur faces, always starts Instantly. Extra FREE king-sized refill of Skrip ball point fluid. Valuable FREE booklet shows you how to Improvt your hand writing. OFFER LIMITED ... GET YOURS N0W1 "Something from tha Jeweler's, la odwaya something special." Storo Hours t 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER crIen STAMPS parents and escorted to the al tar by her father, the bride was lovely In a white silk face peau wedding gown, fashioned with fitted bodice, scoop neckline, long tapered sleeves which came to petal points over the hands and fastened with tiny self -covered buttons. Her floor length bell-shaped skirt was ac centuated with large motifs of reembroldered Alecon lace, also carried out in the front of the bodice. A full detachable chapel train was accented at the waist with two rosettes. Her shoulder length veil of French silk Illus ion fell from a caplet of pearls and reembroldered Alecon lace. The bride carried a cascade bouquet of pink rosebuds, gar denias and lilies of the valley, with a shower of white satin streamers. Miss Jennifer Brlndle, Hepp ner. Attended as maid of honor. Fridcsmnlds were Misses Jacqu ellne Kroll, Corvallls, and Shir lev Kroll Olsen, Seattle, Wn. both sisters of the groom, with Sharon Nelson. Astoria, cousin of the bride, as Junior brides maid. The attendants were gowned In Identically styled mauve pink flood length dresses, fashioned with bell skirts. They wore matching bow headpieces, and carried a single long-stemmed white rose. Lighting tapers before the ceremony were Kathleen Tuck er. Walla Walla, and Kenneth Nelson, Jr., Astoria. Flower guis were Tracy Tucker, Pendleton, and serving as ring bearer was Konny jones. Seattle, ah are cousins of the bride. Best man was Merlin Ives, Corvallls. Groomsmen were Le land Dudley, Corvallls, and Keith Titchner, Portland, with Wayne Evans and Mitchell Ash beck, both of Heppner, serving as ushers. Organist before and during the ceremony was Miss Patti Hudemann, Stanflcld. She also accompanied the Rev. Jack Naff. soloist, and minister of the Hermiston Christian church, when he sang the number, "Be cause," Txrccedlng the ceremony and "Wedding Prayer," and "Walk Hand in Hand." during and after the ceremony. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Nelson wore a blue silk two piece dress with matching accessories and white rosebud corsage. Mrs. Kroll, mother of the groom, chose a two piece suit of textured beige with match ing accessories, and a corsage of white rosebuds. The newlyweds greeted their many friends and relatives im mediately following the cere mony at a reception in the church social room. The bride's chosen colors of pink and white were carried out in decorations on the tiered wedding cake, in a centerpiece of pink rosebuds. white snapdragons and baby breath, flanked by tall pink tapers on the serving table. Hostesses were Mrs. Ferdle Hudemann, Stanfield. in charge of arrangements, assisted by Mrs. LeRoy Gardner, Heppner, and Mrs. Carl Rhea, Lexington. After the traditional cutting of the first piece of cake by the bride and groom, it was cut and served by Mrs. Marvin Tucker. Walla Walla; Mrs. Lois Ebbert. Seattle; Mrs. Kenneth Nelson, Astoria, all aunts of the bride. assisted by Mrs. Robert Kroll, "a ' cj- r Van Camp's mk C 1 ami 2 Cans jo) ) 48 OZ. BANQUET MILLS f" DURKEE'S f FRESH EGG pElJj MAYONNAISE 49c N ALLEY'S SHOESTRING POTATOES 2 F0R 43c N ALLEY'S Old Fashioned French. French Chutney, Sweat and Sour. Fruit Salad. Hrrn Q for U LB. 2 LB. $-fl flff JLalll 3 LB. $2.15 10 OZ. INSTANT $4 QQ sn?i3Llg LiHI llTlTTTlTOri UCURltBEEl 2 for 190 TOMATOES 229 NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. mn ASSORTED FUDGE. OREO SWISS, CHOCOLATE FUDGE US 2 for j """"" l,m""'"""lu'iW,wwftmiiii'iwiiu(t REGULAR BONE IN LOCAL Cantaloupes 6 for $1 Seedless GRAPES ... lb. 19c molted HAM SHANK HALF OR WHOLE Lb. 65 BUTT HALF Lb. 69c CENTER HAM SLICES Lb. 98( ROUND-UP BRAND Wieners Lb. Pkg. DEL MONTE PRICES GOOD SEPT. 3 and 4 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps GREEN STAMPS 1 'Mercer Island, Wn., aunt of the