Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1965)
Portland Ceremony Joins S. Campbell And Larry Martin Mlu Sandra . CmpMI. daughter if Mr, Flien M. Camp bell, llcppncr. U'came the bride of l-rry ). M.ulln. Km ot Mr rut Mrs Ifciuglae Mrtln of Warren, at a double ting cere mony in Saturday. Juno 12. Tlifl IOUd ek liaii(cl Vm I iin evening ceremony In the Find Imnianurl church of I"ort Intnl. In the presence of rela tive ii ml rloe frlcnda. The trtl wan given In marriage by her brother, Terry Campbell. Attending from here, lll-a the bride's mother ami brother, were her grandmother, Ms. Al ma Morgan, and her aunt. Mm. Harriet F.vans. The btlde wt a rraduate of lft'llnT llti'li school In V.hVJ, and for the pant Iwn yrar ha been employed In the data iriMVklnir (It'imrtinrnt of f ho rnanut-l liopltaI In 1'iirtUnd. Tin ncwlywcd couple will move li turvallla In fatly fall, where the crtMim will rnrull at a senior at Oregon Utate University, v.v v I WL, TburM Til Au. 11.12-13 GET TOURSELP A COLLEGE GIRL Watul. Swim. Dog. The Monkey, the Frog. Plus THE PLEASURE SEEKERS W here l gtxd little girl" go when they wnnl to la bad? Sat A Sua Aug. 141$ PAJAMA PARTY With Annette Funlcello, Plu THE TIME TRAVELERS With Triton Foster Tue. Aug. 17 UM A Cor TOUNO GUNS Or TEXAS Jatnc Mltclium, Alan Ladl. Jody Mct'rea. Plus THE LION Starring William Holden Wed Thur.. FrU Aug. 1819-20 YOUNG CASSIDY Starring pod Taylor, Plus A HIGH WIND IN JAMAICA With Anthony Qulnn GROVE DRIVE-IN THEATER HERMISTON a 1 I i i c 40 J'" ; " ) 1 V MRS. CHARLES IL SMALLWOOD. tba former Diana Maloa Miss Diana Malone Bride Of Charl es Smallwood The marriage of Mis Diana Malone, daughter of Mr. and Mm. John Malone, Lna Angeles, to Charles II. Smallwood. nun of Mr. Lcona Smallwood, lleppner, Mii solemnized at an lmrcs slve lummi-r wedding Saturday, Auguxt 7. The Key. John Olson officiated over the exchange of vowa In tho AnjrHus Temple In Ls Ani;rli-a at 5 p.m. K"Hvrt"d to the altar by hrr father, th hrldc'a wcddlnR ttown wus an Alfred Ancclo original, .-.simply beautiful beautifully simple... NEW! PATTtUN J i-.i i i (vM Itrl I 52 PIECE SERVICE FOB 8 027 All the beauty of sterling at fraction of the cost. Your complete service in one purchase!.. 0Mlttr 1847 ROGERS BROS? Choice of these gift packaged introductory specials ENTERTAINMENT SET 8V4" sllverpldtod dish and pierced jarvor for many uses. $L95 plu 25 Fl. tax "T on dish only SERVING SET Cold Meat Fork and Serving Spoon oftorad (or just the price ol one piece alonol $495 "Something from tha Jewalera. Is always something speciaL" JEWELERS Store Hours 1 9 A. M. To 6 P. M. PH. 676-9200 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER ! 3 Q tuil'ilMn'. GREEN a traditional floor length gown of Chantllly lace with full chap ! train. The bodice was embel lished with wed pearls and se quins. A crown, sprinkled with aurora barlalW Med tH-nrls, hel 1 in place hrr full lllublon veil. Her bouquet was of orchids, white roses ond itephenotls. Attendini as matron of honor was Mrs. Martha Walters. Her full length gown of eopen blue was styled with a bell skirt and the ithort sleeves were edtfed in dainty ruffles. She carried cojen blue chrysanthemums. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Jona Clark, Mrs. Kvelyn Hamilton, Miss Karen Harvey, Miss Judi Mint on and Airs. Margie Kott- man. Their towns of powder blue were fashioned Identical to that worn by the matron of hon or. They carried bouquets of light blue spider chrysanthe mums. Lighting the papers were Miss Vlckl Adams and Miss Donna Liebelt. cowned in dresses Iden tical to the bridesmaids, and wearing pikake lets flown in from Hawaii. Karla Paulick, In a powder blue floor length dress, served as flower girl, and Burt Court ney was ring bearer. Best man was John Malone II, brother of the bride, and ushers were Jim Clark. Bud Ivey, Larry Freeman, Harold Malone. Gary Taylor, Mike Simpson and Bill Ivey. Organist during the ceremony was Mrs. Lintile Olson, who also accompanied Harry Early when he sang the number "Walk Hand in Hand." Harpist was Janet Lee Taylor, playing "Lieb estraum," and a choral ensem ble sang "Savior Like a SheD- herd Lead Us." Mrs. Malone. mother of the bride, chose to wear pink crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and an orchid cor- Rare. Mnthnr rtf thn hrlHnrronm 1 ro Cmalhirruul time nnahla t n ' be present. The couple was greeted at a reception immediately following in the youth center. Assisting in the serving and about the rooms were members of the 'Diadem" club that Miss Malone had sponsored. Miss Alona El llthorpe was at the guest book. Following a honeymoon trip to the eastern states, the coup le will be home in Portland, where the groom will be em ployed as an electrician. He was recently discharged trom the U. S. Navy, alter servlnc aboard the USS Deliver. The couple met in Hawaii while he was station ed near there. The bride Is a graduate of John Marshall High school In Los Angeles, and Smallwood was a Heppner High school graduate in 1961. Saturday Date Set or Brindle Wedding Nuptial vow will be exchang ed between Miss Jacquelyn Lee Brindle and Lonnie Marlon My ers at a ceremony Saturday af ternoon, August 14, at 2 p.m. at St. Patrick's Catholic church. A cordial invitation Is extend ed bv the couple and mother of the bride-elect. Mrs. Pat Brind le, to all friends in the area to ttend the ceremony and recep tion which will follow In the parish hall. The prospective groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville My ers of La Grande. Miss Brindle returned home last Tuesday from La Grande where she completed her work in the Audio-Visual Library at Eastern Oregon College. Miss Bloke to Wed In Corvollis Church .' gazette -times tw. ai q ms Mr. and Mrs WHLmJ A Rlake of Monmouth, arul formrtly t.f r-iini-r. f rrtourwirif (hr re. rrtit rnitaifftm-nt r! fortttnmt Injr marriage f thrlr UuirMrr, Iarhra, to l--nnl lli--tlwn. tMn of hut tvt-hn Iti-rMwm. Condon, and Wlllatd IdrMton of $n rrnl''. Calif. Vo Mill ! ruhancH at an af5 rr.n r r fi."iy Siurlv, Auut at tit pm. In the Ctiaix-I f the Ki.lMopal ihurrh In Corvalli. A rrf-piion ulll follow In the ihiinh lounj'e Hi families t thU means of rktrndlnit a eordial Invlta turn to all friend In the arras of Heppner and ondn t at tend both the u-remony ami rTritlon. MlM Blake praduatcd h-r-with her rl4s Ian .rlng. was rtlve In im hied and ra fune lion. a well a In Itjlnlmw f.irls and In nimmuriitv affair Her patrnU were ovner of tUf former Wilin's Meri t Wear and mord to Monmouth ln sum nut. wher they are at home at 2C2 Stadium Drive, So. Amoog theee com In 1 (rem out. of town for the Frank Adklns funeral sorvire JjM wr-k wer Mr. Lvdla 0n-y and aon anl daurhtrrdn-law. Mr n,i tr Charled GcMnry. all of Portland! Mrs, Lvdla Ownev la the fr of Mrs. Adklria' daughter-ln- raw. MISS BARBARA BLAKE Nile Club to Serve Pre-Gamc Breakfast Ttie I'matllU County Daugh ter t,f the Nile Hub of enlle tori Mill i"nvr t annual cof fee Saturday mornlni'. Aurut 21, prrcrdlng th KastVrt fxjthall came, at th Temple Terrare, Temple Hotel, Pendle ton. Serving will be from 10 30 ta 12 nrxn. with all Shrlner wives and Nile members Invit ed. General chairman is Mrs. Joe Snyder, with Mm. George Win khlp, co chairman. Invitation Extended To Nelson Wedding A Public Invitation U ektend- ,ed bv Mr. and Mr. fvivHn Nrl jwm. -inrton. to their many i ffirndt In thf are in attend tiie jOiniins mArrit;e of ttteir daush tef. Phalli Jean, to lt-rt Paul Ttte ceremony will tx Satur day ever;lng. Aufunt 'J. at S o'rpxk In tie Firt ( hrtatlan rhurrh T75 Wet Highland fet in llermltn. Frl-nd are rtjfdlally Invited to te prevnt for the r-r-mony and recettion which will follow In trie thurth aortal rooms. Mr, Knill I the m,n tit Mr. and Mr. Jak Krolt, Conallu. anl the young coupl vere atudents lat rar at Llnfleld College. Chicken Dinner Set Tonight in Temple Chicken and dumpllnsr dinner, to be served with a variety of Mlad. Mill he tonight, Thurs day. Auut 12. beginning at 6:.T0 In the Klks Temple. This Is for Klks members, wive and guets, according to Calvin Sherman, who is In rhartre. The catered dinner will be fol lowel by lodge at 8 p.m. for members with bridge and pi nochle planned for the Elks ladic. For Your Protecton Turner, Van Mortcr ond Bryant Answers Your Insurance Questions QUESTION- I read in the pa--r about ome people v. ho had their car on a beach and It got stuck in the sand nd the de runic up and ruined the rar"s Interior. Is there any Insurance to cover this? ANSWER! Yes. water damage of that kind and from flood covered by comprehensive Insurance. This public serv ice U our way of advertuing. Your Insurance questions will be answered without charge or obligation if you'll send or bring them to Turner, Von Morter and Bryant Heppner Ph. SHOP HERE WHERE MIS lb. 75C 2 1b. $1.49 3 lb. $2.23 6 oz. Instant 99c 10 oz. Instant $1.49 Pillsbury 25 lb. FLOUR! 1 1 $2291 fMiitfl CD DURKEE'S FRESH ECO MAYONNAISE 49 SUNSHINE BISCUIT 10 ox. Pkgs. Hi-Ho, Checzits, Hydrox Cookies Vienna Fingers, 6 4 for $1 YOUR CHOICE S & W 28 oz. New England .for $1 Haley's 46 oz. Orange or Grape mm 3 for 79$ Low Calorie Coca-Cola TAB, 6-paclt 59G Plus Deposit FREE SAMPLES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Family Size 4 Fisherman (Fisti SfkiJS m no. i USDA Good and Choice POTATOES 10 lb. 590 95 f',p;Y SEEDLESS U VV "Mm GRAPES LeffUC6 rump Round-Up Brand Old-Fashioned Cauliflower - 25$ FRAMIf.j Lr 79C PRICES GOOD AUG. 13 and 14 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps -MARKET ieaav. GREEN STAMPS J