Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1965)
Camping Charge To Start August 1 Charge fr liking fsillitlia At Hull IIjiiI i m iir I' ramp Huf mt t nttMnn Mill star! -f Ai;ul I, l'irn l.ucor nf Ihe t. H om Sllte llrJlirr ril.ttltt. Mlll Wednesday. 1ti"r t;o mmi' to f!h at Die tM'.li ate not auhjivi to the ihaur. unlcta liny alo rimn or tdrnle, he said. Mi li ra Mill l placed at Ihe ground for itwy In ay Oih t-o,utrc fre. I harp Mill t-e 2.V l-r iwiwiii lover Iff) l-r day. Mh have urrhacd Coiiervaton slithers at a p t'f IT ir car aie nnl subject to the ti'. and their Slickers Mill lw aitniii them In all oilur finest Nlc farllillia where ever a charge l made. School Building Finds Good Use As County Office (Continued from !' II building rrailv f"r this new serv ice Ma li i "lr broken water l- that hail froi-n In the winter, hut Ihe fob I done, and I hr proud Ieslngton mIiiI rema an sound at a dollar. It floor are ami hlnv. It lxiata Ixilh a tamp anil stair M'av l Ihe wcond floor. Windows of sevcrsi of the rlaiaroom remain lioarded hut Ihl l about the only evidence that Ihe structure I nt bn k In full utility. After tlng cramped In the two small room In Ihe court hou, the staff mav have a llm becoming accustomed to their spacious quarters, but lhv Mill get ued t H- Those Mho need lo know the new telephone number should find It cav lo remembcr--ll I !e.Hl2.1 Aftrr you urt through the Ha and the SI. It's a easy aa ABC. Lead the parade at New York Store , with Official PARADE MAJORETTES Vtt, liivi Acme's cuitoro Ityltd Wajortttt Boots to put you at your niih ittppinf btitl doming all-whlta. f racaf uliy cunwd to fit and flsttsrl Solflinf Umit in sllwhitt or in your Khool COlOfll 8.95 II , , . CMItD.IN 4 Mlllll NEW YORK STORE 369 8. Main Pendleton WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE... . . . that we have purchased Stefani's Fine Foods in lone and are now open for business, ready to serve you. We have employed an experienced and expert chef to provide the finest foods at reasonable prices. We will have luncheon specials Mondays through Saturdays and meals will be served until 1 :00 a.m. in the lounge. We cordially invite everyone to come in and enjoy the atmosphere of our restaurant and lounge. YARNELL'S (FORMERLY STEFANI'S) Y . I0NE. OREGON -Alton and Mil Yarnell Krieger Discusses Heppner District Recreation Plans it'tiiitliiiu tl fioin '!:' II t.. j)!'-r hss fund at tho irt i,t time In li vri'i Hum, (iiimtli f mi i door rtcalln In Hip t'lillrd Mali- hat Urn tirmnidima In rei-ent Near. Ihe H-nki-r aald. In Vn thrip Mt-ri 1VU l.ll to Kiirr! JWlf lint anil hv I'fM Ihi iiiuntwf III.) L'tiiMfl 7lM Vlull t'i i.f Inn arrai for iHi.itiDtr and aklini; haa nmr-i. kiliii? li.i itouldrd and fp dot hied;' Iip aald. I'm i.f an-a In Hip Hrl'Mirr dUlrlil I lu-ht romrvd to inanv V. s. rort arra imi-sum llir f.illiilra at noi olfiitd I. I'll- Kjt'h-i-r aalil. Hut the ( 'oiiirht of Juit oiip area. Hull fralup. Inn many tlotiiilni imp iip lr iHtP tati;oic tt Wtv tlun In I'MVJ, V) rantT uwd thp fi.kt ari-iin; after Hull lTlil- Ma d vi lnpd Hip numtwr mtar nt al -iir to fil'tO ramH'i. In V.n2, WM) .lrnlki-ra ramp; l iM rr thir Mrrp I2.'i"t In l'a... thfrp Mifp I5.(w fMur mm Mi: lat yrar thi-rp Mi-rp i'li.iiin Numlr of huntrr. rra mmatdv rnoiu:h. rrmalnp! altotit I hp mine Mlth IHOmi In VMV2 iiinl a alnillar numtMf lat year. Nda rroactd It I rti)i-1rd that by thp ypar it "x I. hi am of ramp k'round ajmrp Mill Ip nrdHl In the dtatrUt a compnrpl Mlth Ihp ir'.'nt Tt uivt. Tln-rp Mill tp ni'fd for I atrr for tdcnlck. Ihk a rompari'd MHh the fp rut rk'ht arrr. In th dUtrlrt Forent SfnUe dan for l!al t. mnt of the proJiTl havp tn-rn brouKht up aa planned, Krrlk'er alt. KorP rnot.1 of Ihi-M Ma development of Hull I'rauie Mhlrh now haa 43 camptnit and ptnihklng un it. Willow Spring. fraMford Sprlmra antl tiovernroent prlnK camp, primarily fur hunter'a um. Mere develojed In thli p'r' PmI. On the achrdule for are development of Shaw Creek ramp. toMard Arhurkle Moun tain. enlarKiment of Falrvlew and Bull ITalrle. and prouram mini; of Wagon Wheel and four other for tatnpKttea. Krelger aahl that develop ment I contingent on fund available and aald that this year the district Wt polnR to net a dime" for aucn aeveiop ment. Summer Koroa roller Told In a question and answi-r per iod frm an Interested audlcnre. he aald that no area on the dlstrlrt has been planned for ..irrmpf hump alte to the pres ent time. Summer homes scat tered In the district iiecome an ..H..,intimtlv hi'ndache." he said. At reservoir developments. jhiIIcv t to give the general public me aavuniagc ui u.-.-tlrHt. Mlth picnicking sites at ui.ii ramiivrounii site back of them", and postbly summer homo sites fanner out in nnu'Pf in the Question ihithir the Service would co- op-rate on proJKrts by accept Iiik state or tirlvate aid lor de velopment, lie saia uiui n Mould, and this occurred In the null Prairie. Dc- velopment of Bull ITalrle cost " a . . .j lift I I . tltla a total of vvnue iu is considered a very low figure, ...h , thn niKt waa for land- iiiuvii v - - , clearing. Such extensive clear- Intr would not dc rcquirea i Swale Creek, he said. In discussion on the matter following the talk, it Mas pro posed that the inamncr cowut ...nh ih Porotit Service and other groups In planning to wards these developments to present a unmeet ironi mv might bring speedier progress. Need scratch pads? Get mem at the Gazette Times. PUC Ads to Hold Th I'nlon Tartfle Railroad's atinounrrd dan lo dlm-ontlitua It lea than rarload freight uvl to point In Oregon was at rat trtniiarily derailed to day Mhen lublle I'tility torn na.l'iiir Joml ('. Hill onlind the nitiipnoy li rntln!P the mi in- until Jovrmler Ti, ao lii-tai!tli.n now undrrway inn he roinplt'tid and luallni; held. Th hearing Mill drier mlnp Mhither ir not LCL K-rv. lie khould tp mntlnurd on ship ment of Miunda or Ipmi. Ttie t I" fll.-l Its plan June 21, In ami ml H'L service on Aug ut I. ThP I'UC ImmiMllately tontarted liler and other In lneMrd partie to learn Mhether or imt the public oppiwed auih a move. t iiinriiltklotier 11)11 today re-eh-d that a ronli!rrble num-ln-r of letter tf proteat had Ihh ii mailed to Mm. Among thoftp requrntlng a hearing a numln-r of bual nik firm In llrppner. Builneas e here have ib-pended to ton-nldi-rable rktent on the lea, than carload lot shipment by the railroad to Arlington, Mhere It ha been picked up by tnick for distribution In lleppner. corttlnuance of the service Mould mean i-reati freight co! on mall shipments, the merthants ti-lleve. ill 12 Hearings on Halt Iltll also notified Charles A, Webb, chairman of the Inter- late Commerce Commllon, I hat hp had temporarily stop-I-d I'l'a lime table and rnjueat rd similar action by Hte Itf. r said the I'P Intend to abandon X L errvlT n olhrr wrstrm ktales making Ihe matter of In lemtate as Mell as Intraktate roivern. lie pointed out that the Slate of Wyoming aIo Is op Ioed to be plan. l-ks than carload freight UafllC ha been handled by Union I'arlflc alnee rommenee. ment of It oeratlons over a o ntury ago. Our record show that the volume of fU traffic handh'd by Union I'arlfle In Oregon and revenues therefrom have not changed kubitanliaiiy during the pakt five year. In view of theae facts and the pub lie protests to abandonment of this service. Union Pacific khould fx required to Justify Its action. Therrie. I m suniiend Ini? the proposed diirontinunce tj tru service lnifar as It ap plies to Oregon IntraMate traffic landing Hearing anu inveMiRa- Hon. 'Since this serk-e abandon ment affects Inti-fktate com merce from or to Oregon as well as M'lthln Oregon, I support the ronuet of the Tublle Service Com m Ihj. Ion of Wyoming that u uru Ends All Subscriptions Secured Thursday, Friday and Saturday must be in the sealed ballot box at The Gazette Times office when the Subscription Campaign closes! Closing Hour The Judge named below will tabulate all votes' for subscriptions which are found In the ballot box Saturday night, and will add them to the total votes each candidate has earned up to and Including Wednesday's report Candidates and parents are urged to come to the office Friday or Saturday morning to check all votes and points earned through Wednesday with the campaign manager. Those who do not come In and check will be considered as having given notice that they accept the campaign manager's count as correct In every dctalL Campaign Judges VOUR SUBSCfflPYIOH TO The Gazetle-Tiimes 1 Yeor-$4.50 2 Years $8.50 Will Help Your Favorite Earn A Valuable Prize. (SEE FINAL LIST OF WORKERS ON PAGE ONE) GRAND PRIZE--$80.00 Schwinn Bike plus $50.00 Cash (OR $120.00 IN CASH) 2 DISTRICT PRIZES--$80.00 Schwinn Bike PLUS $20.00 IN CASH (OR $90.00 IN CASH) FOURTH PRIZE-$60.00 Western Flyer PLUS $10.00 IN CASH (OR $60.00 IN CASH) . FIFTH PRIZE--$50.00 Western Flyer PLUS $10.00 IN CASH (OR $50.00 IN CASH) PLUS 2 EXTRA CASH PRIZES . . . AWARDED SATURDAY fU A p)pf jji A J A. 01 LCL Shipments the Interstate Commerce Com mloklon luktltute an Invettia Hon of the abandonment of this srrvlre on its own motion In order that the public may have an optrtirtumty to be heard In tiiU matter," he said. Oiling Program Starts Wednesday Oiling program on county rr-aua Marled weliiel(iy mum lug, Judgp I'aul Jones n-jmrtrd A kprtion from Hte ranch of Tad Miller to the North Lexing ton levator Ma Ihe flmt lob on the agenda To follow on the oil I' & prOfc'"1 Mi re 14 inilrs at the Oave nietmann placp, iiiih- ai liuily i rgtroin a, ami foi rn-i mk the road from I U'htmile to OooM-tierry. which will give an oil surface from f.'lghtmlle all the way to lone, the Judge said. Alao Mheduled U two mil- at each end of the exUtlng oil on little Butter Cmk road. Some U contemplated, to. at the Al Bunch place In Fuller canyon. Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. GAZE 6 p. m. Saturday, July Randall UttTttt CAimX TIMEI. Tn4mr. )alf tt. ms Princess Dance Has A crowd that set a new rec ord for the season and one of the largest In years attended the Iti.lco iTInci-M dance for lna Winclickter at the fair civilian Saturday riifi (is. I rna la sponsored by the Wranglers. A total of $114 waa cleared on the dance, continuing an r- HELP!!! THAT TIRED T.V. BRING IT IN FOR A COMPLETE OVERHAUL n w . t rs o irs. or svcpcnaoDio jcnricc WEE T. Peterson res Record Crowd eellent season. It waa reported. Mutc by Ihe Western Gentle men of Condon waa particularly enjoyed by thoae attending. Fourteen large comedy typ original wall paintlnga made by Mr. Lois Wtncheater. mother of the princess, depleting horw. cowboys and other weatern fig ures, added to the occasion. Jil r - V. SHOP i 31 10 Another Burton L. Denton Subscription Campaign Associate Member ONPA