Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1965)
Relatives of Pioneers Gather for Reunions y KATHCRINC UNDSTROM ONK T)m fliHMntUnl -f Iknry ami Martha VrntUtttg h' their annual iiilo In ti vini. nry Talk, at lona on Kurulay. luiMrrn K ami 70 lo'l t Irnilfil. Will Padlwrir uf llciipiirr, UniU ratlM-rit i'i Iiit, ami Mr, I.) it I a llratoti f IVixllcion rrp- riMiili-ii the olilcr Kenerallon. Among out of -town VUltora werr Mr. ami Mr. Klrnrr llarr if lYmlLton; Mr. and Mra. J. K I'ailluftf ami family of I'lKllaml; Arvh ralltertr, Sr , of ll 'n r; IHIa I'ailtH'rir of Islington, ami Mr. ami Mia. I.r Koiimly of I'awo, Wn. Iiula I'ailtM-rf? mart a Unlc laM ami lnatt'l ll the park a a t ill from thi ilrM-rnilanta of Martha ami Henry raiUterj;. kMvmltnt of the Frank lAimliil family cathernl at the Legion hall laat Tulay eve nlnjf for a 10110141 dinner and to meet Mr. anil Mrs. Lynn I'r terMn ami ihlhtrm. Marilyn and Trurt. of Marllirraon, Kan. It Ma the retffftii'a flmt via l her and their flnt opjMirtun- It y to meet Ihrlr l.umli-ll rtu Ina, lliey ar on a lur f lha elrfl ktalit ami after VWItlng li.-i Weiloewlay, lilt on Tliur lay for loHlanl and SiaMlr Ittey rr guru at the h'irm of Mrs. Kar l-wmlill. (ueu at tho IwnTir of Mr. and Mrs. (Ixir I'eteraoil thla werk w.-r Mr l'eterMin'a brother and fdml'y, Mr. and Mr Carl 1 nj:ntrm and daut'hter Kathy. Kruin hrrw Mr. IVterwoii ar-t-oinpanled Ihem on a vUit to Crad-r 1-aKe and to lleaverton, wlirri they are VlMlIng the IV- lerMtn'i aon In law and ilauth ler. Mr and Mr. Ho.1 KvUlad. Mr. and Mr. Dal Ray vrrr her from Lvl. Wath-, fr thav we'k end. Mr. and Mm. Bill Kletmann Hrnl In JortUnd and hai k Sun day ( vlit Mr. Kletmann'a nlve, IJmla AnuVraon. or Ar- llnctnn, wlui 1 a patient at the Samaritan hocpltal. They wera happy to find her moth Improved. The Maa of the Angela wn IT'S SKY-TACULAR ! f See The Greatest AH "OFF EARTH DURING THE INTL. CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES SAT. & SUN., JUNE 26-27 Jam-packed with spine-tingling acro batics, sky diving and aerial feats never beforo performed in the inland em pire . . . All Action Right Before Your Eyes ADM. ADULTS. SI. SO FREE PARKING PENDLETON AIRPORT llrppner fr th Infant daur''rr of Mr. and Mr. Uonald M:iJI ho n at M An iliony hoapltat In frndleton. Juno 17 aealyaa Thloqf Daft INelyn May Jewn. daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Waltvr Jrpaen of l'mt. a nvemher of tha 'JA graduating ! at North- wrt Christian t ollrta In Kuroe. At the annual tt.m ineiiternent rkerdaea held In tha r1rl (tifUilan rhurth. Lvrlyn imivnl a !' heli of theolmfy di-i-ree In the ari;t-l araduattiiK ilot In the liUtory of tha Mhool. Ivelvn naa aerved aa arrrrtary of th aenlor clan thla er. At tending lh rommenrement from lm er flvrlyn'a aUter. Mra. Mary IIIU and daughter, t ar. ol and Kathy; Mr John Jem-n. and Mr. It"lrt Jepoen, .Suian Jan and Kill. Mr. Illt alao liked up another aiiiter. Ml ircinla Ji-wn, In Portland. who went vWtft them to Lugenv. IU-rl KnniL'n of Newmrt left for hi hotna on Thurttday after a Ult here at the home of Mr. and Mr. Ilunton llryxin. Mr. and Mra. Huaton Orv-aon lerit laM week end vNitlnff rel ative at Bremerton. Vn. They brought home Mr, bryaona nephew and reUe, Jne and raieen Slvart. for a vllt Clila Attend Grand Aaaembly .Vven clr la from !n Am-rn- hlv No. Kl Will a!Unit offered Monday tnorniriK at M .the annual Crand Aemhly of ratrhka t'alhollc churrh In International Order of Hlnbow 'for ;irla at Clll Collaeum In Cor. jvallla from June to 22. Thoae lattenillni? will 1 Grand Choir Ilre1or Sunan LlndMrom; eholr memtwr Mary NUhnU: Worthy Advltor Shirley Ulrica; and Cherllyn Smouae, Bonnie Hynd. I .I nil a lomell and Sharlene llamlett. They will be accom panied by their mother advlaor, Mr. Ia" I lalvoren. Mm. Charlea O'Connor and da'uKhtera left on Saturday fir the lM-ach at Ocean Ijike. Mra. O'Connor will attend the Iot-mnnti-r convention. With Mr. O'Connor, the family plana to attend the 25th wedding annl. verarv celebration of Mr. and Ms. Clifford Yarnell at Madras on Sunday and a family dinner there on Saturday evenlnc. Mr. and Mrt. Jamea Carpenter and family Uft on frlday even ing for their new- home at Gold endale, Wn., where Mr. Carton- ter hai been working for several weeka. Mr. and Mra. Rlalnc Chanel and Caviie and Kathy Cannon attended the Leatheni' family reunion in Hartlman on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Earned of Portland were week-end vl.sltora at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mm. Kay Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett and family left this week-end on a fishing trip to Western Canada. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Sam Barnett. Mrs. Walter Campbell of Camas, Wn.. was a visitor In the r tviT nEPPNcn GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 24, 1965 f r "1- hla parenta. Mr. and Mra. W. C and Mr IJoyd M'n an. fUl iru CHILDREN UNDER 12. 7Sc f J I ; V - "f - ! - ' flRST IN tha Amador's Futtua aarlas of childran'a pi dura from lona or thaaai Top row (from Uft) Touna Ham. 3. and Jasat Kama, 2. doobtars of Mr. and Mrs. rata Kama; and Frank Blalna Enatlmon, 4. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Jol Engalman. Bottom row Otrtitio Lindatrom. t. dauqbter of Mr. and Mrs. Rot W. Llndf trooa fthotldaon Brannar, 7 no. daughter of Mr. and Mra. K. L. Braanor; and Tammlo Joa Docktar. 13 mo daughter at Mr. and Mrs. Eugana Docktar. lone on Friday. Sha U the daughter of the late William Thorna. who farmed near Cecil many years a to. She was ac companied bv her alster. Mra. Victor Kletmann Is vlalt Ins In Portland with her sister, Mrs. Ksper HaruM-n. During her absence, Mrs. James M on ah an of Heppner Is staying at the Mot- mann home. Mrs. Rov W. Llndstrom and daughter Suaan drove to Port land Saturday. Mrs. Llndstrom, who Is a member of the creden tial committee, will attend Kastern Star Grand Chapter In j Portland. Public Installation will be held at the Masonic Hall, June 20. at 8:00 p.m. for June and Charles OConnor as worthy matron and worthy patron, and for their corps of officers. The annual atrawbtrry supper will follow. Lee Hams, who Is stationed aboard the USS Hornet at Seattle. Is visiting at home. He came to Pendleton by plane. Alton Yarnell. accompanied by his mother, Mrs. If. C. Yar nell. drove to Madras Saturday for the 25th wedding anniversary of her son. Clifford and wife. from Madras. Mrs. Yarnell will Co to Wheeler for treatments. Mrs. Keith Peck and daughter Natalie of Portland have been visiting thla week with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mor gan. Mr. Peck came up Sunday to take them home. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Crawford and family of La Crande visited Crawford here on Kunday. Arthur Johnson, who has been vUlting hera with his brother, i.ui. ana wun 014 mentis, left on June 14 for his homo In Oiamt. Hweden. going by plana from ! Angeles. Mr. Johnson waa for many years a realdent or mis locality. Mr, fj. Herman of IfermUton entertained Friday In honor of the IdrlhiJay of Mra. Cecil Thornr. Friends from In who attended were Mrs Paul Petty. Cleo Drake, Mrs etmann. Mrs. Marlon Lee Palmer. Mr. Harold Sherer. Mra. William Kpohn. Mrs Walter Huberts. Mrs ( lell ftea. Mrs. Gary TullU, Mrs. Fdlth Mch'Mon, also Mrs. Larl ,M Kinny of llermUton. Miss Geraldlne Morgan of Portland was a week end visitor at tha home of her parents, Mr. attended wer I Mm, Mrs. ; Omr luetmi ' I Palmer, Mrs. ROV W. Und.trom 1ltrirt deputy tit tha grand master, and Walter Jacoba, worshipful ma, ter of lona lodge, returned Fri day from attending Grand Loriga In Portland lat week. Mrs. Chalea MclIlUg.! of Portland la vUltlng this week at Vim homes of her aon, porta Id and Charles McKUIgott. Tha lona Public Library has recently received tha "Oregon &io rk jTibiLihcd fcy tr.a state, containing Important facts about the government of the lata and other llema of Interest Another new book, donated re cently, la -Oretron for tha Cur lous" whU'h Is valuable V tour. Uts and cltUena alike. It con tains many Interesting pictures. More lone News on page 4 AN INVITATION TO FRIENDS, BOTH OLD AND NEW As of July 5 I will begin oper ation of the Porrish Garage in Heppner, and I invite all friends, old and new to come see me there. With years of experience in automotive work, I will give expert service on your auto needs. GENE COLE Lexington Ko be f r' IJ--' .5i""iaw?e"?"k H-, 1 wmi a. YOU DON'T HAVE TO A MEMBER OF Lexington Oil Co-op. "" , ii: lilt fc2 I. . ' -ii i -.;nt . ; picture of quality. . . northwest processed foods Growing, processing, and packaging top quality fruits and vege tables to serve the nation's markets is big business in the Pacific Northwest, and contribute greatly to the region's economy. Union Pacific shares importantly in distributing these products to distant markets. Specialized equipment and skilled personnel, combined with electronic controls and communications, assure safe, de pendable delivery ... the automated rail way. automated railway t olh ham cas) wry Pttme Hun txwiwt Piii T. ' m v 1 1 rvil I .T" ill UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD J. M. LANDAU, GENERAL TRAFFIC AGENT WALLA WALLA TO SHOP HERE AND SAVE Many folks in this community have asked us, "Do I have to be a member of your association to be a customer?" We would like to clear this up right here and now. The answer is: "No, non -members are most welcome!" In fact It Is to your advantage to stop at the sign of the big "Circle P." That emblem means that we are members of the PACIFIC family of cooperatives. It also means that the tremendous purchasing power of the 70,000 farm families who jointly own the 125 local Pacific cooperatives is combined to bring highest quality products and volume savings to each customer . . . WHETHER YOU BELONG TO OUR ASSOCIATION OR NOT. REMEMBER Patronage dividends are paid by Lexington Oil Co-op to both members and non-members alike. Look for the sign of the "Circle P." Make it your sign of savings, quality and friendly service. member PACIFIC COOPERATIVES Start """"X if Ur J J farmers fgi 0i LEXINGTON Ph. 389-8115