Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1965)
(Continued from page 2) DETAILED REQUIREMENTS BY FUND rOl THE FISCAL YEAR IMMKC BEG1NNINO JULY h IMS County Contributions Deportment General Fund HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL, Second tint Budget Preeediaf Preceding Current TM Thi Tmi I i.vwm f 1.697 50 s i.toooo 4U19 W7.5o !wnoo 11 .Kt oo Ma oo 1 1 rw oo rnit 2133 imioo I.lVMfJ 1.1K.1I5 1.31 U) 47 00 MM 1.(110 00 itwoi 3XiS4i 10,0(1000 217 H4 14170 K)00 1.MHU 2.44 52 1.MUG0 7MM 1 31 HO 2V) 00 l.V)00 IV) 00 1VIU0 4.&M.77 17(irtfc5 S.onom 742'.) 1.7.1140 1.500 00 Hk)f4 837 41 IjOOOOO fij D00 25M20 1.131.73 1 04,50 4'JU) 100 00 2.232 40 25X140 2.NW00 313 00 WO 00 WD 00 AHO .00 100 00 38 03 46(13 100 (W .00 3110 00 1WOO 130.00 JO 00 300.00 9y33u l aw oo 1.2x100 13.74700 11334 W B.W9 00 L50000 moo sooo I 43.21916 t 42.613 93 S 53.969 00 MATERIALS AND SEBVlCESl Audit Expense Honda to. and Home firm. Agent Civil Drfenee (ment epens (Telephone) County planning Committee Oners! Operating Contingency Fquallratluii Board expense UfTtlofUl lleppncr Rural Hr Expense 4 ll Club contribution Insurance Jail Expense M unburn Fund Mentally III Expense -... Official Publication ..... Registrar ftxisl Security . Stream Caring Fund expense Soldier's Indigent fund Relief to the Indicant Water Matera expenae Carbare Land fill expense ... County parlc Fund .. County Ambulance fund ... Welfare rund Mid Columbia Planning Committee Keep Orr gon Green TtrrAL MIIIMH""l''WII Budget re CMuisf Tee Approved I 1.7V) vn 12.27 lw 1. 0 10.WW 2V) 1.7(10 2o IV) 3.UW 300 1.0"0 so 2. DUO none 100 100 3V) 300 1,050 None 15.849 1500 50 I 61.736 General Roads Department General Roads Fund Precedlne; Year S 6.00000 rU33834 23.215.17 3.9(024 3.143 .08 14.263 K2 9416.97 17411.17 S159.671.79 rint Year S eonooo 17.100 00 54.406.91 23.27775 13.0292 3.6UH.3A 12.1 GAM ami 6 32.06 M 2.CZ3.23 1172.524.23 Budget Current Taor S 6.30000 1 18,0(0 (W 3 6155000 1 30.000 00 22,50000 8.000.00 1 9.000.00 10.600.00 30.0(000 3,ooaoo 20.00000 S228.650.00 ROAD DEPARTMENT! Personal Service! Road Master's Salary Set Sslsrtr Labor A Overtime Bookkeeper .. MATERIALS AND SERVICES! Repair .. Supplies Iruurance , Gas and Oil City Appropriation Fund Misc. expenses . ..... Social Security Road Material A Suppllea Capitol Outlay : New Kqulpment ..... TOTAL. Budget Tot Ensuing Taos Approved I 6.400 1R300 .. 65.000 - 3.900 .. 26.000 . 3.500 - 9,000 - 15,000 .. 8.000 .. 2.000 , 3.500 .. 48,100 . 48.500 .$257,200 Special Fund Second Taar S 1000.00 1.000.00 492.96 S 49Z96 210.25 210.25 run Fracvdioa Taar S LOOO.OO S 1.000.00 1.400.00 4.G58.50 S 6.0M.50 4iW53 486.53 200.23 S 200.23 Rudavt Currant Taor S 1.000.00 S 1.000.00 1.000.00 5.000.00 S 6.000.00 600.00 S GO0.0O 500 00 S 500.00 DOG rUNDi Malarial and Sarrlcaat Llvcatork killed Dog tags TOTAL WEED CONTROL FUNDI Weed praylnr employee MATERIALS AND SERVICES! Chemical Capital Outlay! TOTAL LAW LIIRART FUND! MATERIALS AND SERVICES Book for Law Library TOTAL ALCOHOL ENFORCEMENT FUND! MATERIALS AND SERVICES! Supplies for district attorney TOTAL Budaat For Ens ulna Taar Approvad .J 500 ...none .4 500 .4 2.300 .. 3500 Nob . S 5.500 S 400 400 500 500 Predatory Animal and Rodent Control Department Special Fund Second Fraeeding Taar S 5,295.00 S 5.293.00 Flrat Fracadlna Taar S 5.467.00 $ 5,467.00 Budgat Currant Taor S 5,730.00 S 5.730.00 Material and Sarrlca Budget For Ensuing Tear Approrad Matching money for state and Federal trappers $ 6,557 TOTAL -S 6.557 Second Fracadlna Taar $ 11.000.00 S 11.000.00 Hospital Maintenance Department Special Fund First Budget Budgat For Frecedlag Currant Ensuing Taor Taor Taar Approved Materials and Senriceat $ 8,000.00 $ 9,000.00 Maintenance and repairs to county hospital $ 8.000 Repairs to county ambulance - . 1,000 Capital Outlay! None $ 8.O00.0O S 9.000.00 TOTAL - $ Q,000 Second Preceding Tear $ 20,370.20 S 20.370.20 Flrat preceding Year S 17.614.98 $ 17,614.98 Budget Current Tear $ 16,000.00 S 16,000.00 200.00 50.00 220.00 605.00 200.00 $ 1,275.00 Special Fund Budget For Ensuing Tear - Approvad COUNTY GENERAL SCHOOL FUND: MATERIALS AND SERVICES: All Monies from Taxes and Revenues turned direct to Morrow County School District R-l by Treasurer . - S 21,250 TOTAL $21,250 BOARDMAN VECTOR CONTROL FUND: Truck driver and helper $ 200 Materials and Services! Office supplies - - 50 Bonds - 120 Chemicals - - 300 Operating contingency - 100 Operating expense 200 Sinking fund 200 Capital Outlay: Truck and sprayer 330 TOTAL $ 1.500 Second Preceding Year County Fair Department Special Fund First Budget Budget For Material and Service: $ 17.428.99 S 16.600.00 County Fair expense S 17,100. 4 396.91 3.500.00 Payroll for Fair ......... 3,500 1,083.65 2.000.00 Supp ies - 000 2 904 51 2,000.00 Repairs fJJ M7 7B 100000 Bonds and Insurance 1.000 capital Outlay! o,ncrt 1 "58 40 36.350.00 Repairs, equipment and Improvements 23,950 S 29,970:22 S 61.450.00 TOTAL - 0 Taylor Grazing Fund Department' Special Fund Second Preceding Tear None First Frecedlag Year Nona Budget Current Year S 2.300.00 Materials and Services! Repairs on Taylor Grazing Land Budget For Ensuing Year Approved $ 3,100 REFFNER GAZETTE TIMES. ThttfcltfT. Jm 17. IStl GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR IMS ISO. BEGINNING JULY L IMS HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First Badge raced! ag Preeedlaf Currant Year Yaw Year SJ23 00 S42.&24I S 2O.00000 11,860 67 7.47)20 3.00000 4 613 39 5027 51 3 000 00 6.1.VJ73 6.76713 6.000.00 )00 .VO00 3O00 1.14 09 1.165.33 1XXO00 tmT7 776 60 Wf3 5.173.09 4.923 M 4-o 00 1.11633 WOW J0Q .00 35000 102774 K')W1 Z16LT8 35.11937 7.4J0.0O 4.406M JOO 2.70000 2Z4 67 2)fO 57B4 97 106.40605 53360 00 Available Cah on Hand (Cah Bails) Previously Levied Taaea Ijitlmated To Be Received During truulng Year Othav Reaeurcee Ck-rk'a office fees . Justice Court fines Water rent from Hospital Sheriffs office fees Reimbursement from Stale Board of Health In Lieu of TaKes Surplus Food refunds ..... Trailer License Distribution Timber Severance Tas Distribution Misc. Receipt and rentals Cosh Transfers 1 Alcohol Control Fund Badge! Fee Eertitwg Year Apfsreved - S 30.000 9000 4 V3 1.100 () 5 on 1.100 3x) Amusement Devlre Ta Fund Total Resources, Kxcept Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources . 3i0 61ik0 122 61 Sl42d 'Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. Second First Budget Preceding Preceding Current Year Year Year 46.631.46 S 32Jtf&79 30.000.00 13.639.84 97437 1.000.00 S.601JK) 17.033 08 18.75000 2W744 2.100.24 3.00000 4.72351 34.071.18 2.00000 1.83734 15839 1.600 00 78.49 16635 200.00 57634 933A3 RO000 318.16 3O000 7J272-S6 7XXJO0O 71556J50 49.715.01 48.00000 15034.42 155,33a 95 112.650.00 GENERAL ROAD FUND RESOURCES rOR THE FISCAL TZAR IKS-IK. BEGINNING JULY 1. IMS Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources Forest Rentals Badget Far Eaaaing Year Appeared ...A 31W0" 10.000 Gas Refunds Sales and rentals Public Land Sales In Lieu of taxes Timber Severance tax distribution Trailer License distribution Flood Control fund distribution Transfer! Motor License Fund Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources : .. 18.000 .. 2.000 .. 15,000 - 1.000 200 900 00 500 - 9,600 56.000 . 144.200 113.000 .4257.200 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. GENERAL SCHOOL FUND RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL TEAR 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1, IMS Second Frecedlag Year None 1590.68 43.15 28 49 2.867.27 88.29 4.61733 First Fracadlna; Year None S 1347.93 48.72 14356 64.73 L60L69 Budget Current Year None Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources Trailer License distribution Timber Severance tax Forest Rentals . In lieu of taxes Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved None 1.400 80 140 5,000 30 6,650 14.600 .4 21,250 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL FUND RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL TEAS 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1965 Second First Preceding Preceding Year Tear S 218.93 S 69&M Budget Current Year None 13.49 29.14 26156 16.14 48.59 76357 Available Cash on Hand Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resource Trailer License distribution Timber Severance tax distribution Budgat For 00109 Tear Approvad ..4 100 - 60 Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance uuaget Total Resources 10 30 200 6357 6,557 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. FAIR FUND RESOURCES FOB THE FISCAL YEAH 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1, 1965 Second Preceding Year S 20.233.97 9.641.06 375.00 20.500.00 79330 5154333 First Preceding Tear S 21573.11 10.60155 2374.00 20,700.00 79330 56.041.96 Budget Current Tear $ 30,000.00 9.000.00 1.150.00 20,500.00 800.00 $ 61.450.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources Grandstand Receipts Rentals and Donations Racing Receipts distribution 120 mill levy from state Budgat For Ensuing Tear Approvad $ 18,000 $ 51.54333 S 56,041.96 S 61.450.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources . 10,000 1,150 .. 20,000 400 .. 49550 None 49,550 year. WEED CONTROL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT I, 1965 Second Preceding Year $ 2,17037 505.97 5.19 38.08 2,719.61 First Preceding Year $ 263.61 510.40 &75 51.97 2,834.73 Budget Current Year $ 1,000.00 300.00 10.00 50.00 1.360.0O Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources In lieu of taxes ... Timber Severance tax Total Resources. Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Budgat For Ensuing Tear Approved $ 1,000 100 10 40 . 1,150 4350 $ 5500 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. DOG FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1965 Second Preceding Tear $ 1,029.94 18.48 171.00 1,219.42 First Preceding Tear $ 363.55 356 349.00 715.81 Budget Current Year $ 100.00 60.00 300.00 460.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Previously Levied Taxes Estimated To Be Received During Ensuing Year Other Resources Dog License sales Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Total Resources Budget For Ensuing Tear Approvad $ 250 50 200 500 None S 500 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. TAYLOR GRAZING FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAH 1965-1966. BEGINNING JULT L 1965 Second Preceding Year $ 1.595.64 42052 2,015.86 $ 2,015.86 First Preceding Year $ 2.06757 351.71 2.41958 $ 2.41958 Budget Current Year $ 2,000.00 300.00 2,300.00 $ 2,300.00 Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources Grazing apportionment distribution Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Total Resources Budget For Ensuing Tear Approvad S 2,800 300 3.100 .$ 3.100 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year. (Continued on page 4)