Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1965)
Irrigon Women Represent Extension Unit at Convention LaVtlXC MBTLOW IHUHMJN Mr. Warrrn Mi--Vvy, lllrM VII riMHM-iiiiivi tf IjkII'- llmi KtriiMon IJnll, nt Mr William :rvl-l. In oimlnrf ihiilrnuin of thi Irrljron I 'nil, rrlufiul ! In ln las TtiutfrUv rvt-nlriR aftr attnl tng a ll'mrrnnk-r ('oiivrnilon ln-M on ih tnTn Uni versity campus al C'ofvalll. Mr. Mil v llrmltvl art csw ullvr lMrl nwetiriff on Monday, ami iNo ailiMuW'il a lea fur ll rmfutlv iMianl al tin Iiiiim ! Mrs Janus J-mmii. v.lf of Hit irrlirnt on Wrlrnlay. Tlx la'lli-a ttttiinl! workshop Mson on Tuostlav ami Wed nesday. ith Mia. VMr I. Mr. rla iMaklnK n "You Are I he Key.'' Another main nH-akT w lr. I.IIIIan Van lwin. Kuifene. Ttio ladle attendc'd noon I until eon and evening banquet al the Memorial Union llullding. Wednesday evening featured I lie International hari'iuet, with several foreign atudent arllr I paling Mm. MrOiy also snent Mtm time with her daughter. Nioan MH')'. a freshman at 1 1 eollege. Mr. an.l Mr. Ceorge Kalnv Mch and family of I- firande spent Mother Day with her mother. Mr. Jessie Owner. The Kalmharh were accompanied by friend. Mr. and Mr. Ceorire livlngston. also of La Cramlc. They alo vlaltrd Mr. and Mm. Cuv Itlddle. The A. t Houghton 8th grade will make a trip to the Oregon Muvum of SHence and Indus try and the Portland o on Sat urday, May 15. A. C. Houghton srhool will hold Ha annual rlrnary trark m' t Friday. May M. The Itlvcrshte High arhol band will present a concert, un der the direction of Al lleeve. at the A. f. Houghton Cafeteria Friday evening. Mav 14 Student of A. C. Houghton Elementary will participate In a Junior Olympic track mrrl at lleppner Monilay. May 17. Ale and Mr. David FHgcr aid and daughter Kay of O'Kal Ion. III., arrived In Irrigon Sun day to spend eek with her folks. Mr. and Mm. W. F. Coy and her brother and ulster in law, Mr. and Mr. C.len Coy and family. Fitzgerald H being transferred to the air In Hawaii, where he will te sta ttoneil the next three year, and hi family will Join him there. The Irrigon Ladle Home Kx teaslon Unit held It last meet ing of the lineal year at the old ac-hool last Monday. Topic for the day wa "Vou and Small AialUn-e" and Mr. Mary Ad am and Mr. William (Jrayheul wero the project leadiK. The noon otluck meal featured hamburger atroganoff. Morrow (iHiniya annual llitmeniuki r Ac tileventent Fell val wa held al the lihea t'Mi-N tJliinK'' ll'til Wednesday, May 12. Ttirmii fr th day Wi"M -l. Ing (liango with Zesf and fea lured x-aker wna Mr. Huena SieliimeU, (orvallu. Mr. and Mm. U-n MeTy and Terry mhI her brother In law and klsler, Mr. and Mr. Harold I'rlmlle and family. Umatilla, nM-nt the week end ramping and fishing at Tollgate, hlgln and Wallowa Lake. Mia. Hoy D.tvl. Wanda Mae ami llarbtiia, Mr. I'earl Fone, Mr. and Mr. Dave Callci and son Keith, drove to Walla WalU Sunday and vUlled at the home of Mr. and Mr. Tony (iallo. The Inlgon Haptlst rhunh honored the yum: t and old est mother present at Ha Sun day morning aervire on Motliera Day. and the Junior t'holr ang a sHtlal number honoring mother. The Iloardman Community rhurch Joined the Irrigon Bap- Hat chunh Sunday evening, fol lowing their regular church aer vlee. for a Joint Slngsplratlon. Mra. Karl Isom wa in charge of the Mother Day program pre aented at the Irrigon Assembly of i;xl c-hurch Sunday morning. The Ix-glimer presented drill, followed by a aong by the Pri mary Choir, and a reading by (truce Buchanan. A skit wa giv en Ly Mr. I'erry Pummel. Mr. Myrtle Markham and Donna lsim, iirtralng the atory of Naomi. Kuth and trpha. Tle program concluded with a num-bc-r by the Junior Choir. The youngest and oldest mother were honored, a well a the mother with the most children present, and the moth er with the most gramlchlldren. Mr. William Llttrell and Mr. Vella Harlan drove to Sunnysnle Saturday, and visited Mra. Guy Travis, who la a patient at the Sunnyslde Memorial hoapllal. Mr. and Mr. Joe Gomez and iKjys, Portland. icnt the week end with Charles I line. Mr. Mary Adama apent the week end at Wenatchee. where she visited her brother and sister-In law. Mr. and Mm. 1. W. Hash. While there, they attend ed the Apple Blossom Festival Mr. and Mr. John Menner. Jr., and son Jack recently drove to Haines and attended an ojn-n lion liofioihiif llenner'a grand mother. Mr I.ul4 Gudle. on her !Mh birtlulay, Jak llenm-r la Mr i;nl.le' only girat rrai.dw.ii. The lii-bl at the hom of Mr. and Mrs John lli imer. Sr. Mr. and Mi. John Califf aro I'ttit lit of a baby Ixiy, lnald Mwaid. brn at the Gl Miep herd liosoilal May 5. The baby weighed a Hiunds, and Join to brothei, Jolm and llmiald. Ma ternal iirandpurent are Mr. and Mr. lou (iuktin, Umatilla, and patermtl grandi.irenta are Mr. and Mi. Miner irUhm-r. Memorial Decorations Created by Co-op Club Under the direction of Mr, Vern .Nolan, the lxinjion to on lilddie decorated stvrofoatn rro4- to n usc-d for Memor ial Day dec-oration at Its last meeting. May 3, at the Lexing ton UXiK hall. Mr. Bay Drake, vice halrman, nmducted a short Imslnc-M meet ing and the group will now be alourned until next ()ctoter. Mrs. Kenneth Palmer served refreshments to the 11 members attending. Club Installs New Officers At Last Meeting Until Fall New .fflr, r lete at the Apitl meeting of ie ll.jpner Miither club. Were lliolallt'd ill t cdlh e at th i t bustnes inectli g Monday evening Mem Im i i" t at the iat.h l.oine f Mrs lloi.r Fuliin, with Mr Herman Winter asUtmf n. llMliid.d III Hie dtw slate of oflii'ris are Mr Kverelt Mrork ineler, president; Mrs, Winter, vice president. Mr, M Stephen, s" t ary treasurer, and Mr Bb Henry, proeran c hairman. Mrs. Ai-lta M kard served a Installing officer In vitation He-re extended three ne w member to y-in. MemtM-r Arie thanked by Mr. Harold IjiHJ. rettilng pres ident, for support through the year, and for cto-peratlon In thi no host dinne r April 3ri. when the club entertained guest an I had the privilege of viewing lol Ivuvirl beautiful CCilored slide of Ida travel last year In Kn gland. Discussion was he-Id on plan for participating In the county fair and rodeo parade and in the sidewalk bazaar scheduled for July. Ihla wa the last reg ular meeting ui til fall. Tell the advertiser you saw In the Gazette-Time. Radar Station Invites Public To Open House tlprn hous- Mill l the otilt-r o the day em Sunday, a tht Cai Badar f-ua-lfo, Jon. observe Armed Force Day a a part of the nation wble ob servance cf Armed Fercra Week. Among tne many attraction (if Interest that lll be available Id the iiublir. the moal !tular every year again will undoubted ly lie the fu!ieJ lour ti me Ojieratlon and Seanh radar building. These lour give ine bale function and an expU nation cf Hie mission 4 the suadrron. For the younger member of the family there vaIII be movie of the Air Force and the !je of aircraft that are used for the many different assignment ; that the Air force u rejuire.i to wrform. a guardian ed the freedom of the world- ' There will also be a colorful ; military ceremony In ronne-eUon with lowering of the flag at the conclusion of the day. A line program consisting entirely of local talent I being prepared. A new feature th!ycar will be a special program for the science classes of the high se-hool In the area. Condon. Ar HZtTHtn CAXrm-TTMES. ThunAay. May It HS llngln. lleppner anJ FU- U will g Into more detail on the prirw iplea of radar and tHher oa Ksiaied elecirnle ecjuipment that 1 used at a radar squadron. The w-ru-a of lecture and tec hnl ral films to be presented ha been irejared by Larry Jb-rton. the liiiku company lechntcal rrpfe-nt4tive. An, jf ilm tios f-f all a;- will te dlply of penia that have been made in the hobby shop on the base by the person mi and their b-pend nta. Ce r amic In all sta'e of orepara tlnoo. gem e-utting and polish ing, and rock cutting and prep aration for making of rock latile will hlgblight the dis play a. Tlie Air Fop-e will ao have a group of aircraft perform a fly by of the squadrron and the cliy of Condon. It ha been ac hed uled fur A pm and will tut a thrilling ixirt of ah prrogram. Ample parking npt Will be available and military person nel will be on hand at all point of interest a well as cm th tour lo answer any question that may arise. M Wive Hurt Will dispense free coffee and doughnuu fur the adult and soft cirtnk for children from 1 p m t 4 pm. The achedul of event will he a follow: 1pm. to 4 pm, "Open House" wtih guided lour of the radar lower and the op eration building, also vartou display around the squa.lron. Fniertalnmrnt by the le Club will be from 4 to 5:A) pm. Payroll deduction Hp r tale at the Gazette-Time. on TALENT WANTED FOR PTA SHOW MAY 21 (HEW DATE) MUSICAL, NOVELTIES. .KITS. DAHCTTtO. ACROBATIC READINGS OH TOU OWN JFEdALTT. CALL 676-9690 TO REGISTER FORREST BtfHIENBIHE FT A FHES1DEWT I n EDUCATION PATS BIG DIVIDENDS Complete high school edu cation at home apure time. $0 monthly includes all books. Instruction, diploma, etc. Send for free lesson and de tails. No obligation. American School. J. O. 12U7, Pendleton. Ore. Registered with Oregon State DepL of Kducatlon. I ! : i I ! i L II HIT i ' ; I , f j I I II I I II II m lie WITH NEW RPM DELO MULTI-SERVICE OIL The most advanced oil in the RPM DELO line. A true mixed fleet oil, outstanding for low tempera ture, atop and go driving or hot, heavy duty serv ice in either gasoline or diesel engines. It disperses contaminants so thoroughly they pass through the finest commercial filters in a size so minute they can't harm engines or form sludge. This will at least double your oil filter life! We stock this new RPM DELO Multi-Service Oil along with other RPM DELO Oils for any engine and deliver them promptly. L E. DICK Heppner Ph. 676-9633 DISTRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Let's Make Heppner . . . The Cleanest City regoo Let's Make If A Community Project! We'd like the cooperation of every citizen of Heppner its commercial clubs, civic clubs, schools, churches, boys' and girls' clubs and any organization and our people in general to take an active part in this constructive program for community improvement and beautification to in- sure its success. CLEANUP IS EVERYBODY'S JOB This Important Community Project Merits The Support Of Every Citizen. A city that displays pride in its appearance is readily accepted as a progressive city and one desirable in which to live and raise a family. Let's get behind this project with all our civic pride and really do a Bang-up Job. O Clean Front and Back Yards O Clean Vacant Lots O Paint and Repair O Beautify With Flowers and Shrubs Heppner High School Students Will Be On Hand In The Afternoon Friday, May 14, With Pickups, Trailers, And Manpower To Load Any Trash Left On Curbs By City Residents. THIS AD SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING C. A. Ruggles, Ins. Western Auto Store Anderson's Builder's Supply Penney's Thomson Bros. Grocery Gonty's Lairds' Variety Store Dr. Edward K. Schaffitz Hotel Grill Heppner Hotel Heppner Auto Parts Wishing Well Wragon Vheel Cafe M & R Floor Covering and Heating Heppner Cleaners Ford's Tire Service Central Market Gazette-Times MERCHANTS AND FIRMS: Pettyjohn's Farm and Builders Supply Wee T.V. John D. Ceglia, Wrecking L. E. Dick Howell's Union Service Farley Motor Co. Heppner Auto Sales, Inc. First National Bank of Oregon Heppner Branch Elma's Apparel Case Furniture Co. Phil's Pharmacy Jeanne's Beauty Shop MiLadies .':,. Morrow County Creamery Herman Winter Joe Balfe Turner, Van Marter and Bryant