Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1965)
KtK OUTTC Tlim TtiUT. 1 ' lw County Agcnl't Ollice All Concerned Hail Tour 'Huge Success Br H. C. ANDERSON From nxnmonii heard from PortUrut Kth Krar. their hust biy and till ami I am nun Ui wrrkmd'a prt Irt pHh.r was muiually enjoyed bv j"-,1 wralhrr cooivrsted vsvndmuliy and everything i-nd to Rrt oif without a "hitch-. Th J3 Portland truest at well at their hosts utm.-.l nire attentive and lntereted to loam on both the Friday and Saturday tour. From comment heard at th bus JJurutay noon, vshen ready to leave lor iNwlland. the tm m "Jut tto ahort" to enjoy the company of these boy and sul. RANCHERS! SELF FEEDERS FOR CATTLE I fc. . J . I i i i 4 c "CREEP FEEDERS FOR CALVES OUALTTY PRODUCTS AT QUANTITY PRICES For All Tour Building Need Coma To WEATHERLY SUPPLY CO. 1035 W. 11th SU Hermiston. Ore, j PR. 567-8222 We heard mwc maklnc latv for a trip back thla summrr. Som parent told u that tht u one of the rx't events they had part let ated In. Other parent told u how they had quite a time getting their fjuwts off home or awav from fulling In time to get them In to meet the bus for their return. We are sure that everyone en Joel Ihl event. Applications Now Open Tor Rang Touth Camp Plan are underway now for the select ln of four boy a be I wren the ace of 11 and 17 Vc-ai o attend the annual Range Youth Camp. Thin will be held cn at ine uk vm ;uard station near Seneca In tlrant county. I Sonored by the Northwest ,Stvtion Society of Range Man sffrnwnt, about t r"tem d id St-uthern Oregon boy have the opportunity to spend a -k in the outdoors learning atxut trees, soils, camping and ranye management principle. County chairman l "Moe''" Steven. Ileppner District V. S. Fotet Hr tot. Application are now U'ing taken frtm any farm or town U y U tween t.e age of 1 1 to 17 who U int.rcMed in th outdoors. Pate are August -through 7. Scholarships o.t wr ing the bos have been provided for several war by the Ileppner Soil and Water Conserv-itu n District. Ileppner Morrow Coun ty Chamber of Commerce. Mor- COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL FARM AND HOME ; W ??rd Pendleton row County lJve!k Grower Aoclattin and Morrow County Farm Bureau. Much !atrt Shows (a Stocking FUh foada While many of the tarm flh ponds in Morrow tvuntv took outte a beating from hU'h vsst ei and kilt of the IVtvmtnr run ulf thoie that reaped damace aw Uing reto-ket now. On Mav 1 . 11" Rainbow and koil.'p lintfeillni! were re leased In 1 on.!a on the Al Bunch. Harold Wright. Al Uw eren. H.uton Clark. C..orge Kug. nd Brother. J IMieitv. W. W Weatherford. Frlti iMUfitth ai I Ken Turner pond Coi tln ued lnteret was klunn again this spring by a number ot tnHtnle ho Hmha-H fuh for retiH-kmg. lr I V TU'blr. who can be given much of the credit tot MimuUttng interest In farm fish IH.tnU. ativked several Hnd himself. FTetl Mankln. Ileppner. I a tu-vvcomer to the farm pond entcrprUe and I Mending mny hour In making the 2.u lish l-.e purchased proluce their max imum growth quickly o that he might he able to do a lt of farm iH.a.J fishing. Gerry Kod. BUI Lme and Jim Wet " other intcrvMed in this proleit Plan are being made for ile li ciing another load of fuh t. the o'unty late thl month. Those ho are lntersttsj might indicate to Dr. Tlhtle or thl c.rtue In pooling thl delixery. tioxioa Wttdt Frohlbltod guackgrass. horsetail rusji, morning glory ami Canada thui .. i..... Ium.ii r.H-s-ntlv rlJslfied r.y the State Dept. of Agrlctilture a noxiou wee. Thev will Ik prtiiubitisl in nurer Mok xld in tregon aftT S'ptemN'r 1. Panel Eicus Program Cf Eoacroic OpportunttY Act Member of the .Morrow Coun ty 1. Mention Advisory Council had as their guest at a meeting last week County Judge Paul Jones. Countv School Superin tendent David Potter. Rev. Ken Robinson and Juvenile Counsel or and Welfare Administrator Lowell Challv in a discussion of ; K"o:iomie Opportunity Act of l-;'. ... , The group studied the provls tons of this program which pro-v.d.-s for a number of youth, community action, work experi ence programs; programs to combat poverty In rural areas; and employment and invest rrent incentives. There was a lot of discussion on program opport unities as the group analyzed statistical evi dence of low income in Morrow county. While they found that Morrow county ranked third In the tt In payroll Income, they found that lt or our '"7 had an Income under Hm'j II I: under W.ttM tanke.1 2MH In the slate In ivn-ent of famllie on wellare, lluy found that at the lat tviuu only HI I. f Moirow iMunly ttuiaicn It to 17 er were atteiuung i lu'l. These and other alatUtlcal evidence pointed to an e-pitun-II v i, wnitc tij-e of ptvgam ! Mtrniw count, a youth and the grvHip went on rrerd an favor ing an Investigation of poihtl Itiea and program in a Joint venture with I'matilla county, it ha bH-n that theie le a kurvev of nee.1 bv a kiwlal joint is.mmlttee wnktng 1om-i with the Blue Mountain College fir uch an activity. The tvuncil dieused a re rent mciing el the newly or ganized Mid Columbia Eten. ftton Council with rpres.tatlon from the Morrow Countv Coun cil of l-n Kennev and Mr. An drew Si lie of ,i:tm',.V1r ivuglas Drake and Tad Miller Ileppner. TtU council which eoiuist of representative from Wasco. Sherman. Gilliam. Wheeler. Morrow and I'matilla counties wa organized fr the purtH of dealing with pro gram relating to Information, education and development ol resources In the Columbia Basin, both human and economic. The group will met! eriodlc ally to ducuss program In guiding extension both from a county and area stand point. I hey are giving much cinpfia-iH on water resource and ccononlc opportunity development at preM-nt. I'Uicer are ,mn " s.iri. Condon, chairman; l-oy Penney. Hermiston '"rsl.V. chairman; Mis. J mcs Whll taker, second v ice chairman, and Mr. Koland Johnson. Wasco, secretary treasurer. Ollu-ers of the Morrow lounty Council are IV.n Kenney. lrrlgon. ihairman; Mrs. Douglas Drake, vice chairman, and myself as MHTetary. South Africa Speakti Oa OSU Cattlo Program The annual loef cattle dav Is schetluled for Oregon State Uni versity for Friday. May The pro-ram for the day links inter esting dealing with a review of livest.xk research pertaining to fed effitiency. finishing rat Ions, pastures, fertility, cross breeding, range seeding, and diseases. ,,, The main attraction will be Dr. Jan Bonsma. Professor of En vironmental Physiology. Univcr sity of Pretoria. Union of South IFYE to Jamaica to Make Talks in County it donna cconcc Ml Nellie Van Oalcar of Cooa Ray. Oiegon. who ha Jul visited Jamaica through the In- ternaiiooal Farm Youth r. change progtam. will make her (tikt .r-M iiiii.n about life In i la. i-Mtiblw-an nation Thurday evening. My 13- ThU pmgram at U p m. In the t.pieopai ish Hall U oH-n In the public lYmrna of all ages sre tit view her colored slide and disc us a her observation f home. farm, social and political life there Refreshment will te M-rvet. In thes dat of Jet flight when a great numlH-r of Amerl can Hsple can visit other lands and International situation concern each of us. It iM-eomes Increasingly lmvrtant thai we learn what Is happening In nel boring itiuntrle. The major goal of IFYj: I to develop un ilcrstanding leading toward lrace between cltla-n of varl ou nation. A tourbt usually see only the reports and road nlde life of a ccmntry but the IFYK delegate I able to gain much decider understanding by living with families of the hom country a a son or daughter t'tmn returning the IFYK shares these evpcllenee with others as Mis Van Calcar will b doing In Mirow county, ivn 1'ihiiv Nt-lll will reuirl al Heppner Klementarv- School ISHUI ami, lne High hool tlO:.K) ami, luantman High svhiNil tl:iW nt. I. and Rhea Cnvk Grange that evening. Sat urday evening tha lrrlgon com munity 4 11 ii" win u-i apj-earam-e al the A. C. Hough Ion school. RI'IIBFR RTAMIH made la order, U UTAMI'INO TAIH In Mack, red or Rrcen. l"or bust lie or personal use. Orders filled promptly at the Gazette. Tlmea offlie. Africa Mr. Bonsma I a world authority on cattle breeding and environmental physiology with It relation to production. Ill specialty I aclection of breeding cattle for reproductive efficiency and the v isible traits associated with the reproductive capacity, lie will put on a demonstration on fertilltv evaluation that sounds quite interesting. The program get underway at 8 :to a m. with registration at Wlthycombw Hall on tho cam-j pus. There will Ik a visit to the! Camp Adair Range hedjuart- ! er. j Budgst Hearinq Announcod Ri'cently annuunisi Is the I. .al. II. Vtilim. I... til.. -U.'IV 'U..,. ... Millie. v. ... Oregon Wheat Commission bud get lor me, tj year, un hearing rintuired by law will le held at 1:30 p m. on Thursilay. May 27. In the ctniferenit- rn of the State Office Building In Pendleton. According to state statute, a copy of the proposed budget Is available at this office for public Inspection. TEXMO POLE FRAME STRUCTURES Low Cost Farm and Commercial Buildings Ideal and Practical For Barns, Milk Parlors, Machine Sheds, Loafing Sheds, Hay Storage Sheds TOR FREE ESTIMATES AND INQUIRIES WRITE OR PHONE HAROLD STINCHFIELD BOX 266. CONDOM. ORE. PHONE 384 545J TEXMO TRANCHISED DEALER TOR GILLIAM. MORROW AND UMATILLA COUNTIES 188 TO CHOOSE FROM An electric gift fits any purse, any occasion, for any person ii '" - USID ICSUiPWliMT ... t . . . , - O ; . . :: :y "'7 .' . rii v ;ygr- : - . - I I r ' W mw'Wm ' j ' f r. ' . ' - ........ . : .irf.....: ' - -, J . ....: .?f. ' .""Owls"- ; , ,?ly.' ,,,. 1 1 Haying Equipment- 240 Model Heston 10 Ft. Windrowcr $2500 12 Ft. Owatonno Swather with Conditioner $3000 I Good Selection or Lore rvoaci ivum; unu m"v.. Model 46 International Wire-Tic Baler .. .. . n I "T ! PTO with Hydraulic oaic icnsion, One Year Old $1800 Model 56 International, PTO Twine-Tie with Hydraulic Bale Tension, Like New $1850 to continue her education away from home? Electric gifts are appreciated by all age groups. There are wonderful electric blankets which grandmother Tractors- Every bride cherishes electrical appliances Having trouble selecting the right gift for that June bride? You'll find a world of wonderful ideas at your appliance or hardware store. Every electrical gift has the double advantage of being both beautiful and practical. Any bride (and groom, too) is sure to remem ber your thoughtfulness for years to come! There's an electrical gift that will exactly fit your budget. Consider an electric mixer for a life-time of tasty meals . , an electric knife sharpener . . an electric coffee maker to help ' start every day better . .'. an electric IfclQcK i ; an electric lamp. in all, there are 188 different elec trical household appliances from which to choose. Each has the ad vantage of saying "Congratulations" time after time through years and years of service! Electric gifts are smart for all occasions I Say "congratulations" to that new graduate, too, with a useful electrical presentl Every young man will enjoy an electric shaver (and so will his not-too-tough skin). Or, how about some electric tools so he can start his very own workshop? The young lady is at her feminine best with a new electric hair dryer. Or, how about a record player... or a portable electric Iron if she plans j, 1 II in T '': " ,V ?: tii,i " r -'' K, Model 400 Case, with 3-Point Hitch, Live PTO, 13x38 Tires $185 6 Reconditioned 9N and 8N Ford Tractors - to $975 Model B Allis-Chalmers with Side Mower, Excellent Tires : $450 will adore . . . and useful, attractive food warmers to heat baby's bottle and food Just right! And each electric gift tells that special someone how much you care ... for years and years to come I., Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties We Are Dealers for the Heston And Owatonno Wind- rowers Also the Complete Line of New Holland Equipment We Have On Hand A 10-Ft. Travel Queen Pickup Camper Butane Heater, Stove and Refrigerator, Complete With Jacks. This Unit Sold New For $2200, Like New All Equipment Reconditioned and Guaranteed FREE DELIVERY AND WILL ACCEPT TRADES matillo Ford Tracfor C. i0 1461 N. First Hermiston, Oregon PH. 567-6529