Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1965)
HCPPNH GJUXTTt-TIMta. Tasrsdar. fU tl WS Festival to Start May 6 At Milton-Freewater All Milton frecwatcr roll out the red carpet May 6 for the big thrcedav annual lYa festival. rommumtvponioil lrty that's tx-rn getting bigger, efc cent for a few war year, ever since the flrt IVa Festival cele brated the opening of the city flint canning plant, back In May. 1936. Thia vear. two bt new Satur day afternoon shows, a mounted Cvmkhina and a junior track and field meet, running almul laneoiulv. add to the ctrcua at mosphcre of eventa that Jam pack the time from the 9 a.m. Thursday Junior Livestock Jud ging to the Saturday night IVa IVMival dance, with music by The Sunliters" and. as ho- teses, heau 1 1 f u 1 1 y gowned Queen Bonnie MeOanlel and Princesses Judy Ballard and Carla Wolt. In between there's a Style Re vue at the high achool auditor ium at 8 Thursday night; Kid dies' Tarade at 10 am. Friday; Orand Champion Livestock Showmanship Contest at 11 a.m. and Horse Showmanship at 1:30 p.m.. Friday: 400 exhibitors In the Junior Show's FFA. 4 11 and Home Economics clubs displays and closed-door dance for Teens that night at 7:30 at the Com munity Bldg., "The Sundowners" playing. There's a Broilercue from 5:30 to 7:30 p m. Friday and Junior Livcvtocfc Sale at McLoufhltn Hich School Ag Shop at 8 that night. Nominal price prexall at Broilercue and dance. Just as at the t.lant Barbecue Saturday noon. The Grand Parade, 10 a m.. Saturday, will cam' the IVa Festival court on ""Sounds of Mumc" float, theme of the VM Festival, and ISO entries rrom a two-Mate area alone about two mile line of march. A registered gelding a top orire and ribbons for first to elchth Dlace will aour entries In the eight event Gymkhana at 1:30 i m.. Saturday, same time a the blue ribbon Junior Track Meet A carnival will run on Broad wav. in me neart or town, an week long. The Queen and her court will be crowned at a 20 act variety Talent Show at 7:30 p m.. Mon day. May 3, at Mac-Hi auditor lum to officially open the IVa Festival. There's a change, wtih Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsoring this and the tree Junior Show. Ja coos sponsored Whlkerino contest will he Judged by a bald-headed man during the Saturday night fes tival Dance. Broadleaf Weed Battle lo Begin r 2iraira(2uV7B ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY END OF THE MONTH CLEAN UP 100 Pr. Men's stretch jeans ... 3.88 19 Pr. Women's white dress flats . 4.44 8 Pr. girls' white dress flats 2.99 9 Pr. girls' service oxfords 4.44 Girls' better easter dresses 4.88 Pr. girls' stretch colored jeans ....1.66 22 Boys' short sleeve summer shirts 1.44 34 Boys' cotton shirts, long sleeve ..1.00 4 16 DRESS CARNIVAL NOW IN PROGRESS The Largest Selection of Dresses Ever Available For Our Store. 300 New Dresses Arrived Last Week The battle Is about to beln on annual broadleaf weed in cereal crop, states Martin Jtlm. merman. cHiniy extension agent who la working part time here on weed control. Nearly ltiO.ta) acrca of wheat and barley Is eeded each year In Morrow covnl). Much ot then areas will need treatment lor aeietneu weed removal. Wceda take a big toll In Mor row County as well as the rct of Agricultural Oregon, eating up 1W of the crop. Zimmerman atd. This means that four to five bushels f wheat iter acre Is lot each year. 1'ncontrotlcd weeds cot much more. lo keep los to nilnlm'in.. giowtr will Mart a malc campaign to remove the brtvi I leaf weed from the growing c 't.. t;routnl applicatois a..d eir!Mne will both be uet. the county agent ald. T.ming is very Important .it thi tuilness.' Zlinim im..n Mn.-M-d. "Wheat and bari-y t.teoi to bt big enough to wi lt -land the ho-k of the herbicM t eainvnt The weetls on i other hand, nnil to be una I enough to be eliminated by the treatment. "We recommend four or live good heaihv tillers on the wheat before treatment, and the bar ley houkl be a little bigger, pat tlcularlv spring barley.' Accurate calibration is always I;v,ih riant for safe and cltett.xe chemical application. Worn n ut iles should Ih replaced and prop er operating pressures main tained. Spraying In heavy winds should be avoided. Zimmerman emuha.siml. Most field situa tions will call for three-fourth of a pound of 2.4 D parent acid per acre. Fast I v controlled weviU will require lest and the hard to kill Kind will nivd heavier rate. Tho Casualty Count hyUnju 7Sl I i think rvt iocaho thi nouui." Drivac trroc covttd mart than 3.000.000 coivshiai In 1943. Buttcrfingcrs Elect The Butterfingers 4-II cooking club met April 22 at the Wat are Wolff home. We elected of ficers. They are Kathleen Ayers. president; Shelly Wolff, vice president; Dovie Alderman, sec- rotary: Llndv Leonnig. party planner, and Barbara AlLstott, reporter. We talked about what we had done in the past and what we were troing to do at our next meetings. Barbara Atlstott, reporter Mrs. Tamblyn Enters Hospital in East Mr. Ruth Tamblyn. former lleppner resilient. is In serious condition in a hospital In Ilav ertown. Pa., according to a let ter received Wednesday by Mrs. Kill Farra from Mr. Tamblyn s LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN! Tune-Up Special (5795 AND ur fluj rAiTt COMC IN T0DAT AND LET US CHECK TOUR CAR FOR FERrORMANCC STANDARD BRAKE JOB $9.95 riui Shoes WC GIVE SdH GREEN STAMfS Wes' Richfield tH. S7S I99S HErrNER ner; Alice Cook. Condon; Steven Anderson, lleppner; Kuby Kob. erts, lone, and Christine Nolan. Lexington. A second daughter toincd the family of Mr. and Mr. Ralph KtncHid. Ine, on Thursday, i April 22. Tlie little girl, weigh- I Ing 7 lbs., 6' oz.. was named vlcki Jo, and loins one sister daughter. Mrs. Peggy Franks. ! fnd three brothers at home. Lodge Invites Public A public program Is being sponsored by the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges Wednesday evening. May 5. The lodges have Invited Bob Lowe to show his colored slides of his trip to Eng. land, and invite friends to enjoy the evening with them. The pro gram will begin at 8:00 p.m. In the IOOF hall. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Tambln was stricken with a coronary attack Sunday morn ing. April 23. and taken to the hospital. Mrs. Tamblyn has been mak Ing her home In the east with her daughter and family since last fall. Their home address is 17 Waverly Road, Havertown. Pa., for those who would like to remember her with cards or letters HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to Pioneer Memorial Hospital during the past week, and still receiving medical care. Include the follow ing: Lovena Palmer, Condon; Esther Bergstrom, lone; Zelma Brown, lleppner; Frances Cant well. lleppner; Dick Roblson, lleppner; Adrian Carnlne, Con don, and Edna Bailey, lleppner. Those who have received med ical care, and then dismissed, were the following: Eddie Bry ant. Kinzua; Charles Ross, Con don; Lawrence Matteson, Ilepp- (randparcnU are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Stockard of Stanfield and Mrs. Ceorge K. Miller of Cecil. Mrs. Clara Klncatd. lone, is a great grandmother. Tell the advertiser vou mw i In the Gazette-Times. PUTMAN FLYING, INC. " WEED SPRAYING CALL HOTEL HEPPNER PH. 676 9623 EQUIPMENT In AS-P FV --Z in I I"'"'1 --ater. c AO I if ' ivem .TO.OO. WtX..., .vUIoa; .59 FOPf--UNTW I it Ef Af IS- K-g-TOBO. , DAN, fr fr,ti 1 I x Both y icrmmii Tf 7 I i v w, di If .XSCaXAT? I tj fj t J and J h ! Y!P y, jLJSflt '2iy H f l Krai XI y f fr X - cowr, feuffet satique. V lrJORel-OTf. Sped -Queer,. Mayt. cJrt tyok$ gt OcTW L -Cfc W, 4 UU harU rxVnf A Vf ft M hi K--'" 1957 It. A SrT trap. 1 vtmi&t it ) 'vfeletleA H M (R 'JEngin . flBr if rfOrt Ka4itos,,PJE kl 3 If fitoch to i N Ur SatifcJ CV rf if . Iff xs: - 1 fx uj j 1 u B a -vmormt tm' s ii) U I W I tanks. ir rP ffcyis fit . qa KKy yrm m p,, 1 piumwny ' yys. wwS v ft fy'Ufff J$tfJJ ,fS ruWbS?y, te- dee, AkUno., XJmM&A.---crttiiA--, f it aze tte -T ernes Haying Equipment- 240 Model Hcston 10 Ft Windrowcr $2500 12 Ft. Owatonno Swathcr with Conditioner $3000 Good Selection of La to Model Rakes and Mowers Model 46 International Wire-Tie Baler PTO with Hydraulic Bale Tension, One Year Old $1800 Model 56 International, PTO Twine-Tie with Hydraulic Bale Tension, Like New $1850 Tractors- Model 400 Case, with 3-Point Hitch, Live PTO, 13x38 Tires $1850 6 Reconditioned 9N and 8N Ford Tractors $695 to $975 Model B Allis-Chalmers with Side Mower, Excellent Tires $450 We Are Dealers for the Heston And Owatonno Wind rowers Also the Complete Line of New Holland Equipment We Have On Hand A 10-Ft. Travel Queen Pickup Camper Butane Heater, Stove and Refrigerator, Complete With Jacks. This Unit Sold New For $2200, Like New All Equipment Reconditioned and Guaranteed FREE DELIVERY AND WILL ACCEPT TRADES BMfillca IFwfl! .'Tractor Ci 1461 N. First Hcrmiston, Oregon PH. 567 6529 J