Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1965)
bp I Mrs. Marion Weatherford Talks To lone PTA on Conservation r KAT1IEIUNE UNDSTIIOH K).MMr. Marlon Wrathrr f,f. nl AfUi'o't wm M'rak ft at I iiKvllntf of Uw lorm ITA last Wrrifirsilay evrnlng at lhi rafrtotlurn. Mrs. Wfnilirrford, uho la prra rntly chairman of lh Oregon Mite Fair Commission, In 'a vrry attlvt rttUrn. Sh lias lorn statu Tral!rnt of th Oregon I'rilrration of Wumrn'i clubs, ha nrrvrcl on arvrral General rY-ttrratlon committees, Inrlud Intr conservation department, ami liai leen on various other hoards anil committees relating to conservation. liii'auiw of her deep Interest In the aul)t t ah (done to aeak n "Conservation as It Aillea to Citizenship." .She stressed the Important' of using th wealth of our natural resources to twst advantage so that our children and their children may alao en joy them. "All venerations totally dependent on them f future use," she aald. She told of many ways parents can begin teaching their child ren at a very young age the beauty of the world around them and the proper use of the things they see and use. During the business meeting Lt O'Connor led the flag aalute and Susan MmUtrom the prayer. Mra. Hubert Davidson was elected president for the liKiS tA aho year; Mra. Ernest i hrutopheraon Jr., vice presl secretary treasurer. Carol Mil ler iilaved two beautiful trumpet solos, accompanied by Mra Hill Hletmann on the piano. Kcfrrsti ment were served by Mrs. James IVttyJohn. Mrs. (Ill Lujan, Mrs. ltlH-rt Kletmann, and Mrs. Itoy W. Undstrorn. Mrs, Omar Lumlill returned on Tuesdsy from a vacation kM'nt visiting lu'r aon and daughter In law, Mr. and Mra. Harlan l.unricll and family at llolse, Idaho. She made the trip both ways by plane from Pen- dleton. Mr. and Mra. Milton Morgan left Monday morning from l'ort land International Airport for Washington. D. C. Mr. Morgan will be there several days at tending business meetings for Western Wheat Asso elates. From Washington they plan to go to New York City and attend the World'a Fair, which oieria for the new season on Wednes day. Mrs. Mary Swanson returned home Saturday from a two-week visit at the home of her aon-ln- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. fclmo McMillan In Salem. She also visited a few days at the home of her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson and family In Port land and Mr. Swanson brought her home. . i Clean up Day In lone was rieia last Saturday. Koy W. Llndstroml used his truck and Kldon Tucker dent, and Mrs. Blaine Ch a ,!. drove the city tractor and acoop In pliklng up refuse cltlena left on parklnga. Others who donat ed their time were Fred Martin. Hugh Salter, and Donald U'U tow, nd James Harnett. llle Madden went back to Portland on Monday after stand ing Faster here with hi moth er. Mrs. K. J. Akers. and other relatives, lie Is attending bar ber school In the city. Id. I ml Flint rom was another college student home for the hol iday from Wenatthee junior coi n'e. . Miss Alice NWhoson of Salem kiH-nt the week end here visit ing her mother, Mrs. With Men-oson. Mr. and Mr. Alfred nelson. Jr.. left Monday morning for Portland, where they win visu hit father. Alfred Nelson. Sr.. who Is hospitalized at llulladay Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helmblgner left this weekend for Kugene to visit with their aon and dau ghter. Tom and Linda. Going to Portland for Taster Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. i-w- llalvorsen and their daugn- the AUr GAZE HEPPNEII TTE-TIMEs Heppner, Oregon, Thurdsay, April 22, 1965 Sec. 2-4 pages day night In Pioneer Memorial CUl Attsod Rainbow fteceptloa Hal in ileppner witn a vir For Weed Spraying CALL ON ML BOYER Owner Gar Aviation Spraying-Dusting-Fcrtilixing-Sccding CRT OS UQUID rcmUZCI APPLICATION. ITA NO Alt!) OR KJCH DENSITY SPRAT APPLICATION. A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 ter, Mrs. Larry jtock anu in Ann. They were guesu ai me home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kea and family. Other guests present lor tne nay were mr. anu Mrs. Dorr Mason and Jerry and John and Mrs. Bert Mason, sr. Darcle Kea came home with the llalvorscns for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert KKstrom, Sr., went to Albany to spend the Kastcr week end wtin ner mom- er. Mrs. Lester Wllklns. John Swanson of Portland came home Thursday for a spring vacation from University of Portland. Sue Townsend went back to Portland on Monday after send ing the week end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ilershal Town send. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree over Easter week-end were Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson and four children and Konald Crabtree and Scott of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Alvln McCabe and boys of Colfax. Wash; Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle McCabe and girls and Mrs. Arthur Keene of lone. Honald and aon. Scott, and Kev. In McCabe are spending the week here. Mrs. Elmer Grirrith returned on Monday after spending sev eral daya in Portland and at Lake Oswego with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dwtght Haugen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell of Milwaukle were week end guests of her mother, Mrs. Arvllla Swansotv Tammle Jo Docktor. email daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tu gene Docktor. spent last Tues- EVERYONE COME TO THE HEPPNER I 1 v X J? COUNTY FAIR PAVILION liospl us infecilon Mrs. Leonard Carlson arrived on Saturday for a Uslt at the home of her aon and daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carl son and family. Mrs. Ella Burgoyne returned from the Community hospital in Pendleton on Sunday afternoon. She had been In the hoKpltal for two weeks and had rna)or aur eery. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and family went over after her. Charlotte Griffith of Portland Is spending a week'a vacation from school with her psrents, Mr. and Mrs. George Griimru Dennis Stefan!, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stef anl. spent from Tuesday to Fri day evening In Pioneer Memori al hospital in Ileppner with a respiratory Infeetlon. Charles O'Connor, Lions rlub rone chairman, drove to The Dalles Saturday to attend a Spring Hound Table meeting of the Lions clubs of District 3oG. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepsen and family spent the week-end at the Mt Mazama cabin on Mt. Hood. Mrs. Erneat ChrUtopherson, Jr., has returned from a two-day Primary Teaching Conference at the Salt Lake City Tabernacle. She spent two days with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Bonne at Provo, Utah, and also visited In Nampa. Idaho, on her return. She made the trip with Mrs. Sid Wlnzlcr of The Dalles. Loyrntn to Conduct Service Next Sunday evening the Mor row county laymen will conduct a service at ine unnea murcn of Christ with laymen from var ious churches in charge. Women are cordially invited to attend as well as the men of the com munity. Refreshments will be served during a fellowship hour following the 7:30 pm. meeting. Sn. Lee Hams had a brief vis- It with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vcster Hams this week-end. He is assigned to the VS S. Hornet, which put in at Long Beach for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor spent Sunday and Monday In Eugene, where they visited Mrs. O'Connor's mother. Mrs. Edna YarnalL who has been quite ill. Mrs. Roy W. Llndstrom, Steph- en and susan, spent mursaay and Friday in Portland. Stephen spent Friday arthe Oregon Leg islature In Salem. He returned to his school at Tacoma on Mon day after a 10-day spring vaca tion at home. Laurie Childera is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Bechtel at Helix. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Chllders took her over on Thursday. Mary Nichols, worthy advisor; Susan Llndstrom. grand choir director In Oregon; Linda Nich ols. Sharlene llamlett, Mrs. Adon llml-tt, Mrs. Uy W. Undstrorn and Mr. Lewis llalvorsen. moth er advisor of Rainbow Assembly .No. wi. attended reception hon oring Shirley Krwin. grand rep-r-M-i)tative of Nebraska, at the Masonic Temple In Ileppner on Monday evening. Mrs. Roy W. Lindtrom and moth-r, Mrs. Elmer Griffith at tended Troutdale Chapter, Ord er of Eastern Star last Thursday evening, when Mrs. Griffith was presented her SO-year Pin by her daughter. Mrs, J. W. Towk. sis ter in law of Mrs. Griffith. Is Worthy Matron of Trouidale Chapter this year. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom returned on Tuesday from spending sev ers! days in The Dalles hospit al. She Is still confined to bed and not feeling too well. A I ami If fatberiaf art tha Paul Jones home last week-end Included the presa-nce of Mrs. Jones' brother and sister-In law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson, vacationing here from V'allejo, Cal.. Mr. and Mrs, Gary Jones, Holly and Guy. Hood River; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nellson, Linda and Janet, and Ray Vickere, all of PendU-ton. Hu9uete at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cos over the week end were Mrs. C'a sister. Mrs. Vic tor Wlese. of Mtllon-Freewater. and her son, Victor Lee Wlese. recently discharged from the V. S. Army after serving on and one-half years in Korea. Mrs. Leona Jackson arrived home from the Ileppner hospit al on Tuesday and Is progres sing satisfactorily. District Aide Named For Little League Jerry Haines of pt-ndleton has been appointed sssltant admin istrator of dutrut No. 5. I.litUt League, according to Irv tlr son. Hie Dalles, district admin istrator. For the past four years Haines has been arm in the Pendle ton Uttle League program, serv Ing as team roach, board mem-U-r, and president of the board of directors for t-o years. He will work wttn leagues within district No. 5 in the ad visory and technical capacities. If and when needed. Communi ties active In the district are: The Dalles. Pendleton. Ontario. Baker, Ileppner. Ilermuton, Mil ton Freew a ter. Vale and Athena Ad ama. Reasonable oricea on business cards at the Cam te -Times. EDUCATION PATS 110 DIVIDCNDS Complete high school edu cation at home spare time. Si monthly Includes all books, Instructions, diploma, etc. Send for free lesson and de tails. No obligation. American School. P. a 12HT. Pendleton. Ore. Registered with Oregon State DepC of Education. GET GO WW Plant Now For Beauty and Enjoy ment In Your Yards And Gardens Choose From Our Selections Of Dahlia Tubers Chrysanthemums Pussywillows Annuals Perennials Others PLANT & FOOD SALE Sponsored By lone Garden Club Wednesday, April 28-1:00 to 5:00 P.M. At lone Builder's Supply Bldg. Pie and Coffee Served During Sale. Lots of Home Baked Foods For . Sale. Come Early For Best Selection. THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY BANK OF EASTERN OREGON I0KE BBANCH Member. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Zing into spring! Chevrolet Impala H DUNK TANK COUNTRY STORE FISH POND DART THROW AND MANY. MANY MORE SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 P. M. You May Win A Door Prize! Supper Music by Heppncr Dance Band CARNIVAL SPONSORED BY BAND PARENTS' CLUB FOR PROJECTS OF BENEFIT TO MUSICAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE SCHOOLS THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY TOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE B ANK OF Eastern Oregon HEPPNER IONE MEMBER. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION : CkevroUi Impala Super SporTCoupilni oJtwbucketeaUd beauttetfor 65. V7Vli: People who buy other big expensive-looking cars get One thing yOU WOn't (big expenshe-looking payments) It looks like a big car. And is by almost any" standard you want to apply. Width? Nobody builds a car as much as one inch wider. Length? It grew three inches this year. Roominess? Every closed model's got three inches more shoulder room, front and rear, and more leg and foot room up front too. Luxury? Nice little touches like the look of mellow walnut across the Impala's instru ment panel. And big touches. Like the fine ness of the same Body by Fisher workman ship that makes some of America's most expensive cars look so expensive. How about the ride? Chevrolet engineers took the Jet smooth one and smoothed it out even more this year. Also made it more stable by widen ing the wheel stance. Price? That's where Chevrolets fall way short of the other big expensive-looking cars. But we wouldn't have it any other way. Would you? One last question: How soon can you make a good spring buy on a Chevrolet? One last answer: Just as soon as you can get down to your Chevrolet dealer's. HIGH TIME TO TRADE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DCAURl Zing into spring in a new Chevrolet, Chcvellc, Gorvair, Chevy E or Corvette FulIeSdn Chevrolet Comipan 36-3 m HEPPNER, OREGON