Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1965)
4 . " ' nttrntn CAirrrc Tmis. nndr. tu - IRA BUM NEWS County Agent's Office Columdia Plateau Program Studied for Three States r XXL ANDERSON Supervisors of the Heppner Soil and Water Conservation District recently made plana lor several activities sponsored by this organization, heard report on plan for establishing a "Cot umbli riateau Conservation rrorram." and heard the prog, resa report of consecration ac tlvitlea established for March, IMS. Kenneth Turner. Sandhollow area supervisor, who represent ed the district at a planrtn meeting In Spokane in mid March, reported that thia meet In was called to discuss mean for accelerating conservation program In the trt-atate area where soil erosion has become a major problem. The area, out lined as 25 counties In Oregon, Idaho and Washington, has the "second worst" erosion problem In the United Stales, Turner re ported. A steering committee of five persons representing the three states have been appointed to Investigate the possibility of a Columbia Plateau Conservation Program. V. C RosewalU chair man. Soil Stewardship Week, re ported that he had material ready to go and was contacting all ministers of the churches of Morrow county as well as dis tributing other educational In- RANCHERS! SELF FEEDERS FOR CATTLE CREEP FEEDERS FOR CALVES QUALITY "PRODUCTS AT QUAWTITT PMCES For All Tour Building Needs Com Te WEATHERLY SUPPLY CO. 1035 W. 11th St Becmlstoa. Or. PH. 567-8222 formation throughout lone, Lex ington and lleppner. Vernon Munker. chairman of the Sixth Grade School Conser vation Tour, announced plans for this annual tour to be held In mid May. Roger Palmer, chairman of the Adult Conser vation Tour, reported some plans for this tour which will be held In late May or early June. Ken Turner, chairman of the lSfcS Soil Conwrvatlon Speech contest, announced the subject to be -Wildlife Management in the lleppner Soil and Water rnnunallrtn I)ilriit". School contacts are being made to en courage participation In the pro gram w hich has oeen sponsoreo hv th llnnner District with special awards from the Morrow County Grain Growers. Progress report lor me monm KMwntiui hv Work Unit Con servationist Ralph Richards. In dicated one new conservation pla.i was written for A. C Wa. reru lone, and George Steagall. Lexington, Is new cooperator. Soil surveys were made on 2300 acres and 24.4T5 feet of divers ion ditches laid out for Don Ev an Roland Rercstrom. Rudv Bergntrom. Van Scholack Broth er MrFIllenrt Rrothert and Pet erson Ranch. Forty-six acres of lan.i leveling have been com pleted for C- C Jones. Ela er Heath, Burl Wattenberger. Del bert Emert and John Mollahan; TOO acres of contour strips have been established for Bill Mc Clintock and Bob Van Scholack; 309 acres of grass seeding has been done by Luke BioDy, ueorge Steagall and Vernon Munkers. Correspondence with the state engineer relative to the need for water permits to construct "wa ter holes" for livestock were read and reported that such per mits will not be required for ACP Federal Cost Sharing In the future. The suDcrvisors author ized letters to congressmen rel ative to tne neea iot retaining rp fiinrf tn encouraee conser- i-tlrM- asked that the comments made by Verle Kats er, SCS Agronomist, ai uie am- nuai meeting or me aismci summartied for distribution to all district cooperators and that a questionnaire on soil conser vation be used in getting a cross section thinking of Morrow coun ty ranchers on conservation needs for the future. Top 4-Bers ore It coned On Livestock Field Car TVi ton tpn livestock Judges at the recent 4-H livestock judg ing field day at the fair grounds were Steve Pettyjohn, Heppner; Mitch Ashbeck. Pine City; Larry Pettyjohn, Heppner; Alfred Drake, Henpner; Sue Green-ip, Heppner; Pattl Healy, Butter creek; Bob Harris. Rhea Creek; Tag Greenup, Heppner; Thom as Rawlins, Eightmlle, and Ter esa Harshman, Heppner. This was the annual 4 11 livestock Judging day. one or several whuh are planned during the year to (He 4 H club member eterUnoe In livestock Judging. Top Judaea selected to represent Morrw county at the State Fair and Pacific Internat ional 4 It Livestock Judging teams from aoorea of these spe eta I livestock Judging days wlih the County Fair contest. This U the first for the 1!M (A club vear becauw of the ne-vuy to ii pone an earlier planned contest due to tVocmber flood. With top pOM.Itle soore of TtX from elae of llobteln heif ers. Guernsey Cow, light steer, heavy steers, auftolk ewea and southdown ewea, Steve IVtty John had total of 6173, Mitch Aahbeck. and Larry IVtty John 6JL1 Other In the lop ten had acore down to 006.1. Of the top ten. six were from the Hoof and Horn 4 H Live stock club led bv Dean Graves. Hardman. Two were from the Buttercreek Junction Llveatuvk club led by Billy Doherty and two from the rtnea iTee ur Chati From Your Homo Agent Small Appliances Topic For Unit Study During May stock led by Gene Hall. In Mth place a t year old Mary Ann Greenup who while not a 4 II member, participated In the con test and had a grand total score U 5"cJ with three 100. Being only a second grader and lack in., i h ahiiiiv ia write reasons on a cla was the only thing that kept her irom placing nip- - rtnlvr n nth.T lUlU'C. Mt sister. Sue had three perfect scores, these being on different classes than mary Ann's. Thirty-nine 4 II memoers irom the Khea Creek. Buttercreek Junction. Hoof nd Horn and Rli.Whorse Lvetock club par ticipated in the contest- Retura Ured of Questionnaire Korwntlv a slt"Cted CroUD Of ranchers in Morrow count v were mailed a questionnaire by the Economics Research Service in cooperation with OJS.U. Agricul tural Vonomics DeDt. The ques tionnaire Is part of a project that the Ag. Economics Dept Is studying on changes In farm organization in the Columbia Basin wheat area. It would be of great value If those who received the question naire would return it promptly to the sender. This Is only one phase of various research proj ects that tend to strengthen the farmer's agricultural posilln through this type of Informa tion. Nw Rohhitrr Bualnas Finds Co?. Ready Market A new inaustry is Dooming in Mnrrmv muntv' A recent Visit tO the Harold Beach ranch in Sand hollow revealed business there that Is supplemenUng the wheat and alfalfa seed ranch and steadily being expanded as a market is found. Larry Miller Is the enthusias tic manager of a rabbltry which produces young tender frying rabbit for local market We have known for some time that Larry was an authority on rabbits but had not oeen aware oi ui pri vate enterprise until last week. Larry Informed me that their nmHnr-tinn wn not ere at but was being expanded as markets were developed. ua hat fnun4 that local stores hav had an increase In demand for the product as consumers find it Is readily available at their meat market The rabbits. grown under strictly sanuary conditions dressed and pack. octaH in An attractive eve aDDeal lng package for market Is part of the success. Larry is inieresi TEST THE BEST ! MEET THE RICHEST LOOKING MISER ON THE ROAD 5 EALCQN nii7?S -1 (mm --J FALCON FUTURA HARDTOf Our stylish new Falcon with its bigger new 170-cu. in. standard Six and Cruise-O-Matic transmission actually delivers up to 1594 more gas savings for '65! And with low initial cost and minimum maintenance, Falcon adds up to a mighty smart investment. The ride? Plushest in the compact class. Test it now-Six or V-8! Test...and the best! See your Ford D lWm AUTO SALES, Inc By DONNA GEORGE -You nd Smalt Appliances", ih mv iiuilr Mitrrtmr nun- ty home etenlon unit, will be featuretl on Tuedav. April 27. at a training action for unit leaders bv the home agent. The latekt Information on "election, care, um and storage of small eUvtric appliances la to be In cluded wlih emphasis on mt era, electric colleemakers. rlc trie kkllleta and toasters. The pro)ct leaders will meet at the lleppner fairgrounds at 10.00 AM. The wonien who have choaen to teach thla project for their home etenton units are: Mrs. W. K. t:rabeal and Mary Ad ams. Irrlgon L'nlt: Mrs. Lee Ah beck, and Mra. VVillard Kreirh. Pine City; Mrs. Gene Ferguson and Mrs. Bill Heath. Heppner Unit: Mr. Harold Peck and Kla. Iva Bouker. Rhea Creek; Mrs. D. Baker and Mrs. E. Y. Bedord. Board man. and Mrs. L. A. Mc- Cane, lone l'nlt. Cettln the Bi Heodt If for anv reason our head Is getting bigger, or your head size is a beiwtvn size, a hat wt.h a stretch sweat band will be good news for you. The stretch sweat band was Introduced in cloth hats last summer, but now they are available In some felt nat.v OSU Extension clothing special ist Elaine Carlson predicts con sumers will have a wide range of styles from which to choose. The retailer can carry more be coming styles within a given budget He needs to stock only three or four sizes Instead of the usual ten or twelve. Criteria Questions Test For Wall Adjusted Children How do you know if your child Is well adjusted Mrs. Roberta Fratser. Extension's family life specialist at Oregon State Uni versity, suggests that parents can evaluate on the basis of ed in further expanding the bus iness and Harold Beach, his em ployer. Is enthusiastic about this bobby that appears to be paying off. too. Larry Informs me that there Is a good demand for rabbit In the area and that he has had encouragement from State Department of Agriculture Meat Inspectors. Who knows? Maybe someday Sandhollow will be noted for this new Industry. the ctlterla ued to gather data (or the standard tcsihouk, "lia clpllne of Well Adjunled Child ren" Authors of the test considered whoot age children to le well adjusted if principals and teach ers could answer yes to each of of theae questions: Does he play well with other children? !ca he appear to be happy child? iKtes he have reasonable con trol over hla emotions? Can he be depended upon? Is he achieving somewhere near his rapacity? Is he able to think for him self? Is he kind and helpful to teachers and classmates? Is he liked and respected by hla peers? If you ran look at your child as others see him and answer "yes" to these questions, chanc es are your child could be class ified as well-adjusted. New Stertlistatr Process Keep Milk Tresh ladefiaiterf A procvas developed over nine years by three teams of British scicntlext claims to produce milk that can be kept Indefinitely un der refrigeration and will last six months In any climate. OSU foot! marketing special ist Velma Seat reports the pro ces ultra high temperature sterilization Involves heating milk to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, where It Is kept for only two seconds and then Instantly cool ed. Scientists In 22 countries have kept samples of the milk in sterilized containers for six months or longer. A Ktminderl Don't forget the special pro gram on "Family Camping" bun day. May 2. at 2:30 P.M. at the fairgrounds. Watch for more de tails about this program. Public Notices NOTICE Of riNAL IIEABtNd NUT1CK W IIKKFUlf CilVFN that the vnderslgned hat filed hi Final Account In the estate of Mary IVarl Irvine, deceased, and the County Court of the Mate of Oregon lor Morrow County has fixed Monday, the 10th dav of May. 1! at the hour of 10.00 am. of said dav as the time and the Ountv tVurt lmm In the County Court llouae at llepp ner. Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of ex eepliona and objections to said Final Account. Objection to said Final Account should be filed on or before said date. OKIAN ALBFirr WRIGHT Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Mary IVarl iVvtne, deceased WINTEK AND BALFK Attorneys at Law M . Heppner. Oregon (6-lOp) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HFKKUY GIVEN that the undersigned ha been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. State of Oregon, as administrator of the estate COLE EUCCTBiC Motor Bewindlnf INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL FARM AND HOME S. W. 23rd Pendleton Joins Association Richard M. Struckmeler. 18. Heppner. has been granted a junior membership In the Amer ican Angus association at St. Jo seph Mo., Glen Bratcher, secre tary announces. He was one of 2M young people In the United States to receive Junior member ships last month. of Arthur Keen, deceased, and has qualified. All persons having claims agalnat the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the under algncd at the office of Winter and Balfe. lleppner, Oregon, within six months from the dale hereof. Dated and f irat published this Hth day of AtH, VMX IlltYO: KIKNFn Administrate WINTKU AND IUUK Attorneys at Law lleppner, Oregon 16 lOcl NOTICE Of MEETING OP COUNTY BOARD OP EQUALIZATION Notice U hereby given that on Monday. Mav 10. VMA, the Moard of Equalization of the County of Morrow. Oregon, will meet at the County Courthouae In llepp ner, Oregon, to publicly examine the asaeaament roll for said county of Morrow for the year. t!.5 and to correct all error In valuation, description or qual ities of land. lot or other prop erty asaeaaed by the asaeaor. The ratio between awtesaed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pur suant to OR3 3W W4 la 23 per cent. . . It shall be the duty of the per sons interested to appear at tha time and place appointed. Petit Ions for adjustment of aaaea ment muat be filed with the Hoard of Equalization not Iter than the Monday of the week following the first week that the Board I In seaalon. ROD THOMSON. ASSESSOR County of Morrow, jj PUTMAN FLYING, INC. WEED CALL HOTEL HEPPNER PH. 676-9623 Is Anxious To Serve You With CI WM Sales And ervice With the best possible service on your John Deere equipment will be our goal. We have a well trained staff to service your equipment whether it be on the farm or in the shop. We offer you a . . . FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP Cr PARTS DEPT. RADIO DISPATCHED Service equipment provides area wide service on all John Deere and other equipment. FARM Cr INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY New Phone Number 276-6341 AREA 503 mm mm m iiiiii mm mc mm uuu 'Your John Deere Dealer-Sales and Service l Pendleton Airport Road Walla Walla Airport Road I Dayton I West Main St. jj HEPPNEH, OREGON IE