Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1965)
fr ntrtnz CAimr times. Turda-r. aihU is. iw Chats From Your Home Agent amily Camping Ideas On May 2 Program F ir donna cconcc Sunday afternoon. Mv 2, h Iwcn mI fr the extension pro rrm on Family Camping. Start leg at 2:30 p. m. t the ilrppnrr fatrcround It will lmluW tip fr M-ltTtUin t.f cami'inc uuj mem urh a lvplng rK ana m M-hot! too. cooking ulrnotU; ramp cuukrry irhildrrn ccn t-howrd ! and (kI Morale Idea: a film on "Woodland Manner" ana other ucfii'ktlona lor rami'lng. All interred person will bo eneourareit to come. I'lan are being made lor cMrtmoed earner to bring their favorite luttva tf riulmt(U to be di pla)cd. Pat Urn Alteration Studied During the pat cek vour home acent along with thie (Mm other norlheaM Oregon counties attended training Mens in IVndleion. There. Klaine l'arlon. extension clothing e tiihsi. cave u induction in rural families with mother who wen full time homemaker. TTie children of the cmplojed mother did mor houeork than thoe of unemployed moth er. But household chorea didn't keep thee children from conv inuiutv act i it lea. Thev did Jut Kural tend- the enev to mlbchae when (mother were employed, j Look like we should discount some of the commonly -held I idea about the effect of ork jlng mother on families. Work ing mother are here to stay. I Demonstration May be Step To Career lor 4 M Metnbei Ctrl who start their 4 II Home lYonomle pro)iil work with simple demonstration such a how to break an eeg" may la ter develop Into efficient home manager or careertM. Continu ing in the home economic pio cram through high school often pattern alteraiion and with Kuili result in a decision to major in Brasher, state 411 club agent. presented augffestion for In struction of 4 H member and leader In clothing selection and drcs revue. Tlan are underway to have a workshop in pattern alteration in Morrow county next October. A Reminder to Older 4 H Member Several Morrow county 4-11 members have already come to our office to bring their Hrma nent i II record sheet to b used in application for attending 41! Summer School. Their leaders are also bringing or mailing in members. April 20 is the dead line for both of these forms for the recommendation sheet for Summer School applicants. II V III HH'IM" - - - - - I - There are K-iali?ed fields such at textiles, clothing construction, child development, institutional food management. Journalism and art. i A w ide variety of Jobs are open jto college graduates ranging from teaching to fashion design- , ing i More than 1.212.000 members .participated In the 4 11 Homo Knomlcs program last rar, which rates second in popularity after the overall 411 achieve ment program. Clubs now extend into city areas. The comprehensive program 'covers all phases of homemak ing. It Includes balanced meal planning, food preservation, sewing, home improvement. ' t -O' ' i ! i 1 111 t I I y v I. d ! V i iU'J ! ALBERT RAT BRAZELL i I Scout Fun Fair Big Event of April 2U By LaVCLLE FARTLOW Ilil.KHIN Un-re will lie l-y Si'iit Tun 1'alr on the A I llxucl.Uui iKhool grounds S1 tfl., April .1. -nMe. by Itie lirlfi'll IJonv i tub itd ! A f, ll.mgimin I I'A I'l.Heed Imni the oiloii and ciiMf I will I -i- doUit-d in.'Oi.- Hie ll I'uh Boy ,lM'ut, end Sea Kxplureu Hie ITA will rccivo the fund fr-in the turn mage le S'hedule ff event I I l) am. t:ploier Olympic, wliu track and field event for l p'lHir Scout. l H Com- petiiois trout the tSvgon Tiall ant I niatilU ilKlrUt will take ait 10 tXt a in., inee!slon: lotdog. ioiHMrn, imiato ihtp, punch and ct.ffee wiH te aviu a bl all day at a low pi I. v. i I in to em lunch at the ' u ;t Kair. 10 ul a. m PTA IM.i i.tflge Sa'e In the havmeril of the old school building tp-n ior huminos all day, a long bargain h.dd out. 11 U am. Auction Sale. After the auttloa closes. ther will be rcv for thi kid with prize rihb n. being awarded ta. 4 10i The final event of the day will In- a gieasi-d pig i ace for kids 4 Id Free babysitting will le provid ed from M:M am. until all t vents are over. Anyone wishing ti donate inert haiutlse for the auction or tu 'imiage Kale, mav int.ct vl Hcexes. J J. McKae, Bill Schmi d er. Ken lamb, lion Adam, toy Keetl. la-roy Pro tor or Perry Pummel. Caster Activitiea Planned liure will an l.'aster eg hunt vn the A C Houghton school t;rtmnd- Satunlav, Api.l 17. at 11. til am. for children oi.e tl.roueh 12 years of ak'e. i:acl. MRS. Jean Martin is Bride of Al Brazell At Impressive Corvallis Ceremony Do Children c4 Employed Mother "Run Wild"? fiecent research indicates they don't. In this study, cited by Oregon State University Exten sion specialists, a croup of rural idimii" wins viiii'ivjra Hiwu.v hinninf? were compared with a group of j niJl&inemtcTs home arts and crafts, thild care and home management. Younger 4 H ers learn home- making skills right from the loutset. .Many assist with day-to-Idav tasks of home by helping with meals, housekeeping and IONE Wearing a tiny gold cross on a gold chain, a gift from the groom's mother. Jean Marie Martin became AM Hi -MiKl' IP I p I 7 Jt: the the the often take role of a junior leader club under the guidance adult volunteer leader. tn of Kern-Tone The reason is simple. If the easiest way to lovelier rooms. One coat covers and one gallon does the walls of an average room. Guaran teed washable. WE HAVE ALL THE NEW COLORS Come in and tea them! Goilon $6.95 Quart $2.35 CASE FURNITURE CO. Ph. 676-9432 Heppner Remodeling Costs Vary With Project Extensirenes Thinking about remodeling your home? Costs often decide just what you can do. To give you a rough Idea of costs, Ber , nice Strawn, home management ' and equipment specialist with the Extension Service at Oregon , State University, offers these es- timates, but warns that your (taste, materials used, and other I ideas may review the figures .usually upward. If you do some of the work yourself, then you may come out on the low side. Adding a bathroom can cost from $1,200 to $2,000; enclosing a porch may run from $1,500 to $3,000. Finishing an attic may be $1500 or as much as $3,500 or more. To make a family room out of a garage would cost around $1,500 to $3,500, or more. It all depends on what you have to start with, the size and how de luxe you want it to be. Cost of remodeling a kitchen varies greatly with the size, whether you buy new applian ces, add new flooring and wir ing. These are often needed. Fig ure on $1,500 up to $4,500. Some people do only a partial remod eling lob and are able to do some of their own labor, wnicn reduces costs. Whatever you do, the specialist advises, plan the complete Job at one time, then do it a stage at a time as you can afford it. Golf Match Set With Wahtonka Heppner High's golf team will play a match with Wahtonka high on the Willow Creek course Saturday. Another match is scheduled with Pendleton High on the Pendleton course Mon day. Four Heppner players who will play Saturday are Jeff Turner, Russell Kilkenny, Tom Green and Dick Flaiz, and two more will be on the team from the following aspirants: Ron Jones, Dave Gray, Steve Petty John and Tim Loyd. I Mm One Ever Expects HAIL But No Farm is Immune! No farmer ever expects hall. But every year thousands of farmers are hailed out. Any grower may lose his crop be- r.niKP nf hail, hut faraichted Prowers do not lose their income. Early in the season they protect their crops with Hail Insurance. Get the facts about Hail Insurance today. Your production costs are high and hail is a severe hazard. A Hail Insurance Policy protects your costs and guards your income. We will be glad to give you complete details without cost or obligation. See or call us immediately. Act Today to Save Tomorrow! C A. Ruggles Insurance Agency the bride of Albert Ra Brazell. son of Mr. and Mrs I A. Brazell. on Saturday. March on 20 at 2:00 p m. in the first Meth odist unurch at lorvauis. The double ring candlelight ceremony was performed by the Rev. Chester Earls before an al tar decorated with standards of 'blue Dutch Iris, yellow acacia, and white pompom mums with white bows. Two torches marked the mothers' pew and the aisles were marked with white bows. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick T. Mar tin of lone, was escorted to the altar by her father. She was wearing a white floor length gown with lace over taffeta fit ted bodice featuring a pearl and sequin design at the cummer bund waist. Full lengtn sleeves helped to accent the neckline, trimmed with scallops of lace. The bell-shaped skirt had a de tachable train with matching lace design. A lace rose headpiece decorated with sequins and pearls held in place the should er length silk illusion veil. She carried a cascading bouquet of white stephanotls and white feathered carnations, centered with a corsage of light pink cymbidium orchids. Martha Hindes, Corvallis, a senior in home economics at O.S.U. and an Azalea House sis ter, was maid of honor, and Mrs. James McGill. Corvallis, a Jun ior at OSU and Evelyn Jepsen, lone, a senior at Northwest Christian College at Eugene and lifelong schoolmate, were brides maids. They were dressed In light blue gowns of taffeta brocade. The bell-shaped skirts had re leased side pleats and the bod Ice was fashioned with round front neckline and v-shaped back neckline. A self fabric rose and bow set off the back waist line. Headbands of blue featured an illusion veil falling from a taffeta rose. Their necklaces of crystal were a gift from the bride. They carried lace trimmed parasols of Dutch iris with cas cading heather and acacia. An iris corsage attached to one side was worn during the reception as the girls served as hostesses. Junior bridesmaids were Lorl and Kay Bergstrom, lone. They wore light blue cotton brocade, designed identically to those of the other attendants by their mother Mrs. Roland Bergstrom. They carried nosegays of white carnations with blue trim and wore pendulant aurora borealis on a gold chain, a gift of the bride. Carley and Shauna Bergstrom, lone, were candle lighters and they were dressed like the Jun ior bridesmaids. They wore wristlets of white carnations with blue trim. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brazell of Jack sonville Beach, Florida, who were unable to be present lor the ceremony. Gerald Raburn of Jordan Val ley, served as best man. Seating the guests were Melvin Martin, lone, and Ralph Martin, Oregon City, brothers of the bride; Phil Ebert, Corvallis, and James Clark, Chevy Chase, Md., both students at OSU. Thomas Roberts was organist, playing Purcell's "Trumpet Vol untary" and "Trumpet Tune in C" and "Now Thank We All Our God," Kary-Elert. Rev. Earls sang M a 1 o 1 1 e's 'The Lord's Prayer." Besides the wedding party guests from Roseburg, Spring field. Salem, Oregon City, Port- land, Maupin, Bend, Dallas, lone, aunt of the bible Mr. Melvin Martin. lone, was j In charge of the guest book and j.Mrs. Roland lU-rgstrom. lone as ;siMed with the gift table. For going away the new mat ron wore the pink orchids from in charge of arrange-1 her bridal bouqucl on a three f.- n.,rr.r..m i piece green linen tweed suit ilia. .. ...... - ... . ,...,.. ,... lone. Mrs. Jack Sumner. Corval-, ,l.w,,iPll, lrln ... ,h ir..i.,n Coast and lone the young 'o- I ', pie now reside at the Rose Ter- ' race Apartments. 2.)16 Polk Street. Apt. 10. Corvallis. hi participating 1 requite I li lake three colored egg t illhet (.iK tinwviy if the ( oo. l. li IidhI Mm by t ikt p m itl-l.iv evening I'i !- will Ih Int o for the gold and llvir ccr.. a well a other awui.U The reg hunt U pinfei! by the lim-on I lom t int) and the Inlj'on tirange The A C- Iloiichtoti Klndei ratten, along with grade one and two. will piewent eiilllt.iln nent at a Mudent hody inevt ing Art it ;M. at 'J ik) a in The annual SuiirUe Menu will be rondutted at the A t Houghton loothall field Sunday morning. Apiil 1. al t;:u am The A C Houghton Junior Pand. undei the duictloii of Al lieeve. will ptcM-nt a band ...t cert at the Ami PTA merlin to U heli' at the tafctorluni .Monday evening. Airil I'J. T:. p ni. There wll. be a Retired Ti-aih- rr Meet inc at tin At. iiougn- ion Cafelorium Saturday. April 21 Klt rnentary school will Ih d inl'ed at 1:00 p. in on Hood Friday. Al-ul !' The A. C. Iloughlon baM-ball teaiu tiaveled to lone Friday, ami lost iu lone by a n'ore of 2 3 They will i-fav Stanflel here Thursday, vMll play lone again at A. ' on on Thursday, April 1MKI nm. Rlvetslde 1 1 tti s ho d will play al We-toit on Friday. April lii. they will play Sia.i field at Rlvernlde on Tuesday. April 1M, and al F ho Friday. Aprd '.'.i Mituu at A. C. Iloughlon Mhool for the week of April 111 '-'.I are a follow: Monday funn chow meln casserole. grcn Itean. cottage cheese and JTarh salad, cookies; Tuesday Hamburger and noodle bake. spiihch, aprteot cobbler; Wed iicsday . Spanish rice, grape Irull, mUed vegetable, r her Re take, Thursday ief gravy iver mashed hiIIim. buttered ra. hot roll, theiry rrumh; lil.lay Fillet of hot with tar tur MUr, tahbag law, thitse 1 1 1 k . a torn, applesauce, i.liU-1 ilu. 4.1 and er ram All meal are Mived with bread hud butter and milk Menu U ulJil to thange, Hi tire Jonea, president of I lie lirii'oit Comiiiiiiilty 4 II tlub, lesldi'd over their April inert ii4 Thursday rveiilng Two di nionstralliMi were given- one on i -Icet id lly. by Robbie Adanu i.lid Itobeit Joe Riteir, and one or sewing by Vlky llohh and Flame NliiNmald, llefore ad journlng for gaioe In the gym. Hi.- club dctl.Ted lo hold a pUiit salt Saturday, and also In haw a voikday li-aiilni' Ihe ground Miound In Ijhi.IIiII and ih In icon iH-M-it Lawn Mentor lal Crini teiy. Ml. anl Mrs Mt Gravh.!. Gaiy and Jer'y, Walla, vlMied at Ihe home of Mr an-l Mi- lllll Uraybcat. Sunday nf ternoitn. lynn Davis. Portland. vWUd hi unde and aunt. Mr. and Mm. f.rnest Slepliens, Sutuidav Mrs Ivan Anxk, chalrmai.. el over Hie Ijidle Home Ion meeting at the old lirlgon scbixd eafelerla last IoiMlay A polluk noti lun ihtste wa served following; morning businesa s-s.slori In Ui' uflerrioon. Mrs. Warren Mi i n , xii ltd mi "nie Cost of Hlghe lal iration". Protect for l.i month of May will be "ion ami mall Appll.tiii es" and will be conducted by Mrs Alda Gray. I tea I and Mr Mary Adam-.. .New officer elected for lh oiiom)' year are: chairman. Mrv Alda (iraylM-al vice chair man, Mrs Anderson; ireas UN r. Mr Minnie Sklle. i n siibv Fsl'TsI' Circle ments. Corval lis and Heppner. the brides at- tendants and the tapir lighters assisted about the room. The room was beautifully dec ... ..!.. . - . a oraiea wnn arrange mrriia ui The bride graduate! from lone spring flowers and blue bows J h h(Mln VMl a 8t.nlor ll l ll iuk aid.- vntsa a fireplace flanked with stand ards of flowers used in the cere mony. Mrs. Martin wore a street length blue lace over blue taf feta Jacket dress with beige ac cessories and a corsage of cream colored cymbodium orchids ac cented with gold trim. The serving table was center ed with a lovely double ring wedding cake decorated with gold matched rings on a gold cross. The cake was encircled with Ivy and yellow and white daffodils, and flanked by two candelabra. Mrs. John D. Todd. Roseburg, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Kerwin Doughton, Spring field, cousin of the bride, cut and served the cake. The two Junior bridesmaids passed the groom's cake from blue trimmed baskets. The punch and coffee table was centered with an arrange ment created by Ralph Martin featuring the bridesmaids para sols. Pouring were Miss Marie Martin. Oregon City, and Mrs. Harold Grater, Warm Springs, in home economics education at Oregon State University, and was a student teacher at Linc oln Junior High school at New port last fall. She wa a three year resident of Azalea House and a member of the O.S.U. con cert band. The bridegroom Is a lfM'iO grad uate of Forest Ranger Technical School. Lake City, Fla., and at present Is a junior in Forest rv at O.S.U.. where he is also employed at the OS.U. riding academy. Guests Included the bride'a grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. llorton of Dallas: Mr. and Mrs. Don Brostrom. Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell and Cheryle, lone; Grant Rlgby, Salem; Mrs. William Peeka. Beaverton; and Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight, Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick T. Mar tin were hosts for 24 guests at a rehearsal dinner at the Coun try Kitchen in Corvallis on Fri day evening, March 19. The 10th of tho Month is Tho Business-Professional Man's PAY-DAY Always pay your bill by th 10th of th month. Batnembcr. th war Tu PiY today. Is th war you ar building your credit record for th next RED BOOK Credit Bureau of Umatilla County SLOW AND PAST DUX ACCOUNTS AXE COLLECTED BY THE ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT. PAY TOtTB SLOW ACCOUNTS NOW AND AVOID HAVING THE ACCOUNT TURNED IN FOR COLLECTION ' gJHMMaWBlBVBW i i i f 1 1 . r i a :i . i i n i czn i FORD'S TIRE SERVICE 7TH ANNUAL S iM3 FOUR-FOR-THREE iALE DAII Tires On Sale New Tires, Recap Tires, Truck, Tractor or Passenger Car?; Everything Goes! f Buy 4 Tires - You Pay For Only 3 3 Get One r Tire FREE! I Why worry about Price, Level, Grade Rating, Ply, Tyrex, Nylon or other Jargon? Come in and pick out the tire to suit your driving needs. Put on 4-pay for 3-Get one FREE! "USE OUR 100 OK CREDIT PLAN" Dual 90 Jet Air GENERAL Price Exchange Plus Fed. Tax SJiE North Medn -The Men Who Know PHONE V TIRE J VZr.ll1"1.. TZS Heppner Tire Besr 676-9481 Ph. 676-9625 Keppner ception in Wesley Hall with Ruth ! L snn i nrvM pniinn ill- I --