Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1965)
Irrigon Lions Select Officers For Coming Year BT LaVEM.E FAITLOW lUKlCON Th Irrlcon Uon rlub met Ut ThunwUy evening and elected officer for the com ing ficl year. Visiting diem. trle for the meettnjr wrr Dis trict ConiuUr Arlo KcJUml. .IVn.Jloton; Kelly More. deputy dliiirlct Kovernor. Latiranue; and Mr. IUnnj: of the Internation al Family. Chicago. Ill Newly elected officer are: Itoruld Eve, prenldent: Boo Stewart, aevretao-treasurer: 2 year director are J. J. McRae and Donald Adams: I -year dir ector are One Hurley and Har ry Snvder; lt Ice president. Leon UBUnc: 2nd vice-president. Maxwell McKay: tall twUter. unanimous reelection oi Dan Hill and Uon tamer. Kan Overman. The officers will be worn In at a later meeting. The budget committee Cltv of IrriRon. comprised of Mr. Karl lsom. V. L. Elfiln. Sam Sny der. Mr. Chester UlUon. If. U Senn. I. J. Holm nd member of the City Council, met last Thursday evening to prepare t ne citv budeet for fiscal year. The Irricon Lions Club held a dinner meeting at the Anchor Inn Cafe Sunday afternoon. Vis itine dignitaries were Zone Con sular Charles O'Connor, lone, and Mr. Hastinc of the Interna, tional Family. Chicago. 111. Sev eral clubs east of the Cascadei were represented at the meeting. A letter was received from Claude M. DeVores. president of Lions International, expressing condolences In the passim; of Ir ricon Lion John L. Cooley. The irrigon Baptist church drove to Boardman Sunday eve nine following a short service, to see a film at the Boardman Community church, entitled Teenagers." Mike Smith recently vacation ed in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Caldwell. While there. Mike attended the National bas ketball tournaments. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry. Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Run Mc Coy. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McCoy. Jeff and Greg. Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cochran. Raymond and Robbie of THla-( i. .1 nrn uwkpnil PtiestS Of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle Mark- haAn Immunization Clinic was held at A. C. Houghton school on Tuesday, April 6. A. C Houghton baseball team will travel to lone Friday, and plav at 2:00 p.m. The Intramural Fun Night will be held at the A. G. Hough ton Gvm Saturday evening. April 10, at 7:30 p.m. Menus at A. C. Ho u gh ton school for the week of April LJ 16 are as follow: Monday - Hot dog toasties. buttered corn, po tato chips, olives, cherry bub bles; Tuesday Spanish rice, grapefruit, green beans, dixie cups; Wednesday - Chicken and noodles, cauliflower or broccoli, carrot sticks, hot rolls, apple crisp; Thursday - Spaghetti and bread, dried prunes, pudding; meat balls, green beans, french Friday Soup, potato or clam chowder, peanut butter or lunch meat sandwiches, fruit, pine apple upside-down cake. All meals are served with bread and butter and milk. Menu Is sub 1ect to change. Womens volleyball team from Echo will play against the Irri gon team at the A. C. Houghton Gym Monday evening, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. Returned from N- Africa Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price, George and Eddy, who recently returned to the States from Trip oli, Libya. North Africa, where Price was stationed with the Air Force for three years, are visiting in Irrigon at the home of Mrs. Price's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sanders. They were joined Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell and fam ily of Hermiston, and Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. James Forney and daughter of Arlington. Price will leave for Klamath Falls Monday, where he will be sta tioned, and Mrs. Price and the children will remain in Irrigon with her folks for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reeder, La Grande, spent Friday to Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Ver non Stewart, Sharon and Tom- mMr. and Mrs. Max Graybeal, Gary and Jerry and Mrs. Dale Shingledecker, Ricky and Randy, all of Walla Walla, were Sunday afternoon dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill GraybeaL Miss Janice Terrell of The Dalles was a guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. John H. Ken nedy the past week. Miss Sandra Creamer, who is employed with the Pendleton Branch Experiment Station spent the weekend with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Art Creamer. Ann and Robin Schmeder, stu dents at Eastern Oregon college, LaGrande, spent spring vacation with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmeder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coy and family andXeRoy Vigil returned to Irrigon after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. William Vigil, and other relatives at La Porte, Colo. They drove to Bar tlesville, Okla., where they visited Coy's brother and sister-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Coy and family, and also Miss Clara Fay Coy. In OFallon. Illinois, they visited Mr. and Mrs. David Fitzgerald and daughter. - Jim Wilson accompanied a Naval Reserve Unit to Portland team traveled to Athena Satur day. and lot ti Athena Satur core of i 0. Superb pitching on the part of both team result ed In the enllr game being played In 4'J minute. David Svhmeder pitched for A. C. Hou ghton. Mr. and Mr. Jame Bent ley and on arrived In Irrigon Wed mosiliv to attend aorne time with hu foiki, Mr. and Mr. Len Bent ley. Jim Bent ley ha been t allotted in Tokyo, Japan ulnce UM. and hi btlde, Rlchey, U a native of Toko. The Jame Bent ley flew from Japan to TrU Air roree woere they were met by hi brother. Boh Bentlev. of I'alo Alto. Calif. After unending four day with the Bob Bentlev. they flew on to the Pendleton airport, and were met there by Mr. and Mr. Leon Bent ley. Mr. and Mr. V. L. Flgtn. Ron ald and Lana Couslneau drove to Kennewtck Saturday, where Mr. Elgin attended a fashion show. Thev drove on to Yakima, and attended the Installation of the While Shrine. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and family of Amity, spent the week end in Irrigon vUiting Mr. and Mrs. Chester Collin, other friends and relatives. Felix Friend I a patient at St. Anthony Hospital in IVndle- j ton. I Al Reeve, music instructor at j Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undesigned ha been duly appointed bv the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Morrow County. State of Oregon, a administrator of the elale of Arthur Keene. deceased, and has Qualified. AH persons having claims against the estate of ald de ceased are hereby required to present ame with rver vouch er duly verified to the under signed at the office of Winter and B-tlfe. Ileppner. Oregon, within lx month from the date hereof. Dated and find published thi Mh dav of April. liHCV. BKYCK KEENE, Administrator WINTER AND BALFK Attorney at Law m Heppner. Oregon t-Ur NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned ha been .i..k. iwiint,it hv the county Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Countv. Slate or Oregon. a administrator i ine m A. C. Houghton Elementary and Riverside High school, attenoea a Music Educators' convention in Portland Friday and Satur day. of Cora Allyn. deceased, and ha qualified. All person having claim against the estate of aald decea. ed are hereby required to pre sent aame with proper voucher duly verified to the undersigned at the office of Winter and Ualfe. Ileppner, Oregon, within ux month from the date hereof. Dated and first published Ihl Sih dav of April. VM&. JOSEPH D BALI K, Adiolnloliatttr WINTER AND BALFE Attorney at Law Ileppner, Oregon NOTICE Or riNAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY i;iVKN that the undersigned ha filed hU Final Account In the estate of Alex Huber. deceased, and the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County ha fixed Monday, the 3rd day of May, DXkV at the hour of 10:(W am. of atd day a the time and the Countv Court Room In the Countv Court House at Ileppner. Morrow County. Ore gon, a the place for the hear ing of exceptions and objection to ald Final Account. Objec tion to said Final Account should be filed on or before Mid date. JOHN KREBS Executor of the and Testament Ihitx-r Deceased WINTER AND BALFE Attorneys at Law Heppner. Oregon Last Will of Alex 16 9p) IN TWt COUNTY COURT OT THE STATE Or OREGON rOR THE COUNTY Or MORROW, FROIATC DEFARTMENT In the Mailer of the Fatate of MARTHA GERTUt'DE O'HAR It A. iMveased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. I&4J NOTICE IS IIMCEIIY GIVEN that the undersigned ha been appointed Executor of the eslate of Martha Gertrude Ollarra, de ceased, by the County Couit of the Stale of Oregon for Morrow County, and ha qualified. All person having claim against said estate are hereby notified to prevent the name, duly veri fied a by law required, to the undesigned, Newton Ollarra, at Lexington, Oregon, within MX month from the dale hereof. Dated and first published April R, VMW Last publication May (V 1!H3. NEWTON O'HAKUA Executor GENE B. CONKLtN Attorney for Executor 412 S. E. I Virion Avenue I. O. Box 1121 IVndleton, Oregon tsik-l NOTICE Or riNAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned ha filed hi Final Account In the estate of Alice K. Clark, deceased, and the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County ha fixed Monday, the 20 th day of April. UHtt. at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of said day a the time and the Countv Court Room In the County Court Houm at Ileppner. Morrow County, h tili- for th hearing of exception and objection to aid Final Account, imjecwoiui to said Final Account should be filed on or before said date, HOWARD KEITH LEY AdmlnUliator eta of the Fatal of AUc K. Clark. Deceased USA MINCER h HAN7.EN Allorney for Administrator ft a liJ H. K Court Avenue Pendleton. Oregon (I H'l PUTMAN FLYING, INC. WEED CALL HOTEL HEPPNER PH. 676-9623 : A MESSAGE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST about repeal of the 1913 Excess Freight Train Crew Law being considered by the 1965 Legislature. him mm with other states unless the 1913 Excess Freight Train Crew Law is repealed! What's your business? LUMBER? When southern lumber ship pers get a lower freight rate to prime midwest and eastern markets, and you still have to compete, what happens? LIVESTOCK? You have asked the railroads to reduce westbound feed rates so you can compete with grow ers in other states. What if the I.C.C. should deny the reduc tion because of railroad costs? Oregon Is one of only two states west of Chicago In which an archaic law saddles every consumer with the burden of paying for unnecessary firemen and brake men on freight trains. This burden amounts to over $5,000,000 a year. California repealed a similar law last year. it it . & j GRAIN? If railroad competitors are suc cessful in persuading the I.C.C. to suspend recent railroad rate reduction, and you still have to compete, what happens? ORDINARY CONSUMER? Much of what you buy is made elsewhere. What happens when the trains carrying goods to you have to stop at Oregon's border to take on an excess fireman and brakeman for the ride through Oregon? VOU PAV THE FREIGHT Freight Rates Are Based On Railroad Costs All railroad freight rates are subject to approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission which can investi gate, suspend, and in some instances prescribe specific rates. Since the Interstate Commerce Act was amended in 1958, the primary consideration of the I.C.C. in arriving at rate case decisions has been actual railroad operating costs. Old Oregon Law Now Inflates Railroad Costs The operating costs of Oregon railroads today are in flated by about $5,000,000 each year for unneeded firemen and brakemen required on freight trains by the 1913 Oregon Excess Crew Law. Repeal of this ob solete law is now being considered by the 1965 Oregon Legislature. It puts an unnecessary cost burden on every consumer and shipper in our state. In all the nation only four other states still have laws requiring six-man crews on freight trains. Remove this handicap to Oregon's industrial growth THE RAILROADS OF OREGON Great Northern Railway Northern Pacific Railway Northern Pacific Terminal Co. S. P. & S. Railway Company Southern Pacific Company Union Pacific Railroad Company Paid Advrtlimnt Orgoo Railroad Aocltlon, l Q. Millar, Manajw. Hanry Bulldina, Portland Orofl The A: C. Houghton Baseball