Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1965)
29 Exhibits Displayed At PTA Hobby Show If KATHCRINC UND3TR0M H)NK About exhibit! wrr dlnolaved at I lie lly and raft show at I hi Wednesday tilKht mealing of the ITA. A lart range of talent and an intereat In many fields was atiown Colin-lions, tin hiding old guns, anlhjue wad hes. colna. allvt-r aMHHi, iii4 apd aaucera, ruliv or (Jrarrt "row trait. lanMi, and shell, were rkhlMted. Crafts, such a wol working, kathcr work. photog. taphv. nwdlework, textile paint- MM? V -'.jaa f 7; MORE FAMILIES WITH KIDS paint their walls with Smrwin Wiuiams . SUPER KEMTOIJE IT'S GUARANTEED WASHABLE flnaafmaras. r " van crayon mark, wash right off I We havt all the rtaw color. Coma In and too tbsm. CASE FURNITURE CO. Ph. 67C 432 Heppusi swTsa Kern-Tone Ing. were displayed, along with many other interesting itrina. During the business meeting conducted lv Mm. Henry Krch, president, the nominating corn, mlllr presented th following nomination for offiecra: Mi. Robert liavldaon, president; Mr. l4ieM Oirtito.ln-riMin Jr.. vice, president; ami Mr. Maine Chapel, aecrclary treasurer. Sm changes to th rulea re panting the l al ITA college Mholarhlt were voted upon and any Interested local college atu dent or high school seniors are requested to rntart Kverett II1 stiln. filch school principal, for appllt at Ion. The ITA rrcrlvrd material from the National Congress of I'irrnli ami Tfll'llPII rttilaln- Ing project for l-iral ITA unlta to collect books to -nii to poverty-stricken area In the Appa. . lachlan Mountain. Bill Crooke. Red Cross representative from I Heppner, wa present to explain the Hrt Attl classes to hp start ed In lone an. A meeting to organize will be held In filch school library on Tueaday. March 30. Mr Kwlng llvnd. who I a craftswoman In many area, demonstrated pine needle art istry, showing how to fahlon pine needle Into varlou ahajn-d baskets, txwls, and even hat for the first number on the pro gram Robert Jepsen. who ha been mountain climbing for 10 or 12 year and I a member of the Mamma, showed lld- of a trip to the top of Ml. Hood and hark and alo oleturea of ome other prominent teak he hn rllmued Fifth and alxth Krad mother nerved refr-h-merit a. Mr. Illla Tlmma and rrand daughter. Oayle of IVndleton, were Saturday nlk'ht puest of Mr. and Mr. U-o t rabtree. They attended the !Sith anniversary ndebratlon of Iicust Chapter. Mr. Harold Town!, alster In law of llershal Town-wnd. died on Tueadav at l!ermlton after a llncertna lllnen. Fun eral wnic were held Friday moritlnit In llerml.ston. - THE GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursdoy, Morch 18, 1965 Sec. 2-4 pages Mauler In Morrow county. Mr. AL.r. x,m w C fraifoid. Mr. (KM'ar'l.undell. of lone and Mr. Ola lluffiflea of Heppner attend- ed a m- linif on Saturday ai "' TlllU-utn flange Hall ai iu Moil. They Hned "'er C;ranj:er from Faxtern Orepon In making plan for the Stato Crane. whlh will be held In Pendleton In June. '.tnipy. t w a hon-, t with a aur- t afternoon, 1 1 Whlta and,! Mr. and Mra Milton Morcan arrived home Friday evening I from a few dava apent In Salem I ' and h'rtland. At Salem they via- f . Ited Mr. Morgan a alatrr. Mr. , 1'i.rrw Itarti-ltiia V. wno I ronun rd to a hospital following a aer lou heart attaiK. Mrm Ijlvtha White waa hon ored on her blrthoay w irlM party rri'iay if.rrh l-l Mr Tom Mr Uwl Hall were co hota ,., ihm affair Fifteen ladle i..iinhi a nnnov lrta and rift in ori-M-nt Mr. White. Follow. ln itimn, refrrhrnent were arrved. Dinner guest of Mr. and Mr. Ixwl llalvoraen on Sunday were Mr. and Mr. Hay Hoffman and Mr. Hoy Slender of Salem, Mr. and Mr. Archie Munker of Lexington. Mr. Illla Tlmm and (Jayle of Pendleton. Mr. Ijirrv iTovk and daughter of Heppner. and Mr. and Mr. U-o 1'rabtree of lone. Week end guet of Mr. Elm er c;nfflth were Mr. J. W. Howk of Portland and her daughter. Mra. Hill Moller and two daugh ter of flreaham. Mr. Alice Targart of Sana mento. fallf.. who ha been a i lhi home of Mr. and Mr. Holme Cabbart, left for her home on Friday. Club Plana Btoeflt Lunchaon Mr Cj.n Ift.-lmann was ho- te for the March Topic Club m.u.iln at hir rountrv home. She reviewed the play -Camelot" and played some or me mumcai numinr rrom me piy on mr ktrreo. Durlnu the business U)TZ' i a i m i ; v a.. aj 1 IONE NEWS The Garden Club would Ilka to remind people who received new tre- latt vear In their park. Ing area or on Iota floae to their home, that now I the time to df) wredlni? around them, rteep waiering. and mulching, If It wa not done In the fall. Mr. and Mr. Nel Anderaon were In lone on Sunday and aW!ed Mr. V, T. Martin In checking all tfie new tree. r. AmUrton did a-me pruning on lho- tref requiring It. Mr. and Mra. Ray Ilelmhlgnef P-rit the week-end In Odeaaa vlaltlng Mf. Helmblgnar'a mother. Mra. Henry llelmblgner. Seclal gueata at loruM Chap ter No. 119 on Tweday evening were Mra. Elmer Ede. of Pilot Rock, member of the home en dowment -ommi!te t4 the Grand Chapter of Oregon, who wa making an official vlalt- Sie wsi arrorrranlrd bv Mr. r.nrj. Fdelyne IVrrv. worthy matron; Clarence llllger. worthy patnm of Purple Sare Chapter al Hlot funk, and Mra. Iete Urtffm. Another guet wa Mr. Alice Tagcart of Sacramento, talif. rufrehmenta were served dur Ing the aortal hour by Mr. Jame Undsay and Mra. Oria padberg. WINN tflS Or THE TOP two rational honor la the annual Unit ad a a m a ami I .a Lla MAailh Notion Ptlgrtaaaaa lor Taunt spaoa-ou in rmawwii i war Mark Brown. I ft. Kappnar. end Dor Id Wbltnrr, Athana. Whitney, ea wlnnar of tha Odd Tallow and Rebakah aponaorod proloct wUl tle lb xpan porld tour to Now York City, and Brown, a doo runnti-up, will bo on oltomato In tb dlatrtrt lor too trip. for new booka for the library- Other hoatesaea were Mr. Ron ald BUhop and Mra. rorman Nelson. t Mr. and Mrs. Ted Palmateer and family tha wec-k-end In Portland. While there they visited Mr. Palmateera aunt. Mrs. Hazel Beer who U ho pitalizeil at Gresham following a car accident In which she u. talned several broken vertebrae. Don Brlstow. moderator of the i tnit.i r-hnrr h of Christ, i jour uiu'"' land Fredrick Martin, spent Sun. day at Forest i.rove ii'' " the 6th annual Churc hmen a In stitute. They heard "Jr.1; standing speaker on the Truth About the Juvenile Delinquent," The Dealln' Dozen mci ai c . .i . mnii Mr, cieo stereo. During the business nom " A Tbii rsdav evening mw-tlng the member planned U hllderj on Jhuray ev enK a deaaert luncheon and card for cards. Gucsta were Mr rwy party during the month of April, iirooarow high ThU project will furnish fundi Those winning prizes were niK 1 11 n.ri AdoN Pomona Grange r.its ii ri a. . " i mwy v v iru Inland Chemical Service, Inc.? Ow Slogan-. Is Port of nine Answer "To Keep Vou Growing Is Our Business" Reliable Personnel and Brand Name Merchandise .-Good Equipment-Well Maintained ,00 o o .Shell NH3 Shell Aqua Shell NS32 (Top Dressing) Shell Dry Fertilizer Dow Prod Spraying Equipment - - Spraying Know-How (Paul Hansen Will Be Back) DON'T QUIBBLE CALL GRIBBLE! and 300 pinochle. Mra. Perry Morter and second high, Mrs. Dirk Sherer. Woman Sao Mission Film Mrs. Robert Rlctmann and Mrs. Keith Kea were hostesses for the Women'a Frliowship meeting on Thursday afternoon. The film profile of Promise." Mnt out bv the atate office of the United Church of Christ dur ing the month of March In con lunction with the One Great Hour of Sharing, was shown the i women. It wan also shown dur I Ing the worship service on Sun- j day morning. It showed mission! work In Chile. Guana, and India. where the program Is to guide i and assist tne people 10 m-ip themselves. Need sera ten pads? Get them at the Gazette-Times. RANCHERS RANCH flEKO AIRPLANE SPRAYING CO. Owned and Operated By paul n. nnnsEN Will be available for assistance with your spraying and fertilizing problems. Will be using a new, high concentrate spray system that is 95 efficient, as compared to 30 efficiency with a boom and noxxle system. This system reduces the amount of 2, 4-D necessary by Vi to Vi, due to complete saturation of tho weeds, resulting in a considerable saving to the farmer and a reduced shock to tho grain. Inland Chemical Service of Heppner handles the new concentrate 2, 4-D used most effectively for hard to kill weeds and this new spray system. ROUND-UP HAMS Half or Whole lb. OREGON CHIEF WIENERS 2 Lb. Pkg. OREGON CHIEF SMOKES PORK CHOPS lb. 590 BOUND-UP BOLOGNA BT THE PIECE lb. 390 FOLGER'S 3 lb. $2.19 10 ox. Inst. $J49 Nalley's 22 ox. - 0 BETTY CROCKEH Angel Food Cake Mix tenet Pis OR wee Pickles a ROME CARROTS ORANGES n ppn 1 LB. CELLO BAG U U 13 2 for 190 3lb-39C 2 lb. 29 A BJ L I F B, 0 W II HE" 29 Prices Good Friday & Saturday, March 19 and 20 GiUfSEridl CEieGiiki iSirvke core? Condon Ph. DU 4-5600 Ph. 676-9M3 111 N. Court -THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" OTEE u Hfnnncr Ph. 676-9103 rr 1,1