Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1965)
PTA Hears of Math V KATHEIUNC UNDSTHOM IONK Avty Mlllrrln. a kltlll MIlM'lllltlMltlflll nf I Iji :r ! in ii'i. a rut !! er at rihruary ITA inert- ln Ul VNV.I(iUv rrnlnf. II r t )aii ll I try mailt l(ii. whlih Mill l taught In Oirtfi.n m hcmU tiet rar ami la now twin taught In am hNjL I'aat fllrfii of lti l"i ITA wri lntrlmv.l In t'tmrr vain f louwlrr'a lV. Iltfrrli merit wrr m-ivpiI liy molhrr of iht avrnh fl. Mr. I I'nlmrr n Ih tr i. Odl Aid March at Dim Mi-nilirn l Ih trtll nun munity met Hatuntay rvrnlnir Id lit hall alx.v Hi C'itiI (it fr Mtlu(k dinner ftiHmci lv a 4 II ni"tt on leallwr trait. Younii il Vklm ar enrolled In Ih 4 II rlul.a In lum man agement and leather rr.ft isav ilfmonntrallona. Tit ret 'f Hi rvt-nlnir w aprnt plating rar.U ami atmut 11 donated for U Marrh f Dime. Mr. Vi1r Hietrnann reviewed ih tn-k "lilark M- by CJrtfftn for th February meet ing 'f ! !" Tl rut held at ih horn if Mra. Klmer (Irtf llth. Mra. Griffith alo retried on iwo matrarln art Ir lea. on by r. Martin Luther King, ami on Put a Mock' on financial loss! Whv take unnece nary rUkx when it nt ao Utile to carry theft, Imurancr on your valuabl. Sec us fur full details. Tor afaty'a aoka, b amart and Injur Iis Rugglcs Insurance Agency Ph. 676-9C25 Htppnar "walks" mm -.l, .III. ' 'll'Jm JtWM..). wWoi Independent front suspension takes the "truck" out of truck ride. It smooths rough roads, protects truck, driver and cargo from excessive jolting. And on Chevrolet pickups it's a proved system with millions of miles of user experience behind it. Try it out on one of Chevrolet's great Fleetside or Stepside pickups. It's one of the big reasons that Chevrolet is first choice with pickup users from coast to coast Fulleton ClarIefi Company by l'l l on lb tat lal Wu In lb aoutti An animu li;w iIImum-'I Milh km-sU la ri lu lb i-uMw litrary. Mra. LlniUay KWualil wh tUtinK hiwt raa. J.U, ar..l Mr. Ixvtl lUtvnrirn. ki.ithv nation ! I matron of OI.S l ui I bai'tt r No. Hi anl Mra Itoy V. l.lmWtrom. erand n.inrnlit memlwr of Crand (tiai.iir. attended Kilnlhlp Sit 1. 1 al Jaatnln 1iailt-r .No. 71 In AiHinrtun on Monday rvi n Injf. Th Mid Winter Youth 'on-fi-ii iM-r of lb I'nlted thunh of ( In il will Im In Id al CM-aham on February 1W. and 27. Anyon llitrfotrd In allHdlliit atiould n.niail lb mlnl-trr. t.-v. Walirr II t ruwill. Mr and Mr. Mrlvln Martin ar tlMim In Ihclr Irailrr Ih.ums firar Hi famll li'un of Mr. and Mra. ludaml W-iclrom, whtl Mr. Mrtin ! Inixifarlly rmdoii at Hi Jaik Mitnnrr rant h. Tli Junior tlaa I ionrlnj; a movl "lildKi-r al Ih MitU mIkmiI rafptorlum on Sunday evening at ::) im. ronrrnna will alM l iw.ld. Mr. and Mra. Itov NS. Mini trom M-nl from Kildav In Mon day at Tacoma, wher Mr. I.lnd ttrom att ndtv had a Wrrk-end m iitli on lli raclflo Lutheran rntveralty rampua with Ihelr Stephen, a freihtnan. They a I mi vUlted al Ih horn of Mr. l.lndstrnrn'a brother-In law and Mer. Mr and Mr Frank llellna arid family In Seattl. Krldi. Club met at Ih home of Mra KotM-rt Jei'M-n yt Tuea day afternoon. Mra. I'JneM Mc (al won Mk"h lrl. Mra. Im Vern Van Marter. Mi-ond Mk'h. and Mra. Walter Jacob, low. (Mher tuenta were Mra. fn Mall. Mra. Hubert I-S)aln. Mra. Lldun radlr. and Mra. JUy Bovr. Wnmrii'i Kellowhli m-t at the United Church of ChrM lal Thuridav afternoon. Mra. Hob rrt Hietrnann prewnled a pro-l-ram pUlnlnR th new curric ulum of th United Church of ChrUt She waa amtttcd by two other church m hool teachers. Mra I.lndmv Klncald and Mra. ICotiert JepM-n. A film atrip that Is UM-d In class work waa also known. Mrs. Hoy W. LlndMrom served refreshments. Mrs Lewi llalvorsen, Mrs. E. C. lleliker. Mrs. W. V. Crawford. Mrs. Hi-rl Akers and Mr Oscar Lundell. officers of Wlllowa Crane Homo F-onomlca club, attended a luncheon meeting In the banquet room of th Hotel lleppner on Mond.iv. The Home 1-onomtcs chairman of lhc Or gon Stat (;ranr. Joule Cross of Madras, conduct! a Home r-Vortomlc offlwrs conference for th offlccri of th cluba In Morrow ctiunlv. Mr. and Mrs. Maine Chapel "in niy right over Telephone your Chevrolet dealer about any type of truck System ml Caul and Mra. Joel I'ngla roann and Frank drov to Walla Walla on Katurday. wbrr they tliiei Arcni naunir. 'iii I th vetrtana hoapltal. Mra It W. Hrlklow lnl , wri k vlsitirs tr and ' daut l.ier in law, Mr, and Mra. Jji-rry HrUlow and family at I Tillamook and la Uniting this week at th horn of another I wn. Mr and Mra Tom HrlHow I a i. II r Hrta. oil iimiiii in ,..... jtoW look her tn th coast city. I liarbara Hlshoii, a frrt-hman at iFastern Otei-on ridleg In I-a-tirand. arrived horn on Friday lu upend lb week end with her ! parents. Mr, and Mia. Itonald lililio Mr. and Mm. F. T. Martin kpent Wednesday and Thurwlay attnulliiif to buklnesa and visit- : Ing relattvea at Madras. They wer jfu,,u 'f 'ila brother and !mter In law. Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Martin at Madras and also tils Mother In law and auter. Mr. land Mrs Harold Crater at Warm i Mrinj:s. j On February 2) confirmation cI.iwm s will tM-Kln at th United ( hunh of Christ for anvon In jM-venth vrad or older, who doe ! riot belong to th church. Th clsvws will rontlnu until jManh 7 and confirmation aer , ies will l held on I'alm Sun day at th morning worship aer- VliT. Immuniationa in th Ion Mhools will he held on Friday, February 26. Tom Helmblcner. a freshman n University of Orepon. was In itiated Into Alpha Slums Chap ter of Theta Chi fraternity. Tom. who was aalutalorlan of th 1'.1 raduatlntr class. It enrolled In tr md coumea and Is on a mmnastie team at th Univer sity. A lari; ! roup of young -ipl from ti.e United Church of Christ enjoyed an outing at Spout Sprlnea on Sunday. Junior Class mcmoera going were Kicky Bar net!. Cathv and Terry Cannon. Carol llausler. Crcg Jacob. Clint and Jan Krehs, Brock Llnnell. Tnnva Tucker. Dtdibl Wlnkel man, Kristin Nelson. Susan and Bill Jensen, and lrank Halvor-M-n. Thv wer a"impanld by their teacher. Mrs. Robert JepM-n. Mr. Jepscn, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hietrnann. John and Joe, lo.llo Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Klncald. and Mr. and Mrs. I'ete Cannon and Arlcne. Th hlirh school class with their teacher. Mrs. Henry Krebs, also went skiing and then Joined with th other group for an hour's worship service In the Snack Bar, which was closed for their use. Mrs. Klncald played her accordion for a Bible Hoot enanny. Those attending were Bcrnlece and D niece Matthews, Bonnie Hynd. Cherilyn Smouse, Merrl Lee Jacobs. Joe and Mark Halvorsen. Charles Nelson, Jim bumps and i THE U7 GAZE Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, February 18, 1965 ii ONE Or THE countya ldf ra Idanta la t- luikwu wb. ar hi 9th blrthdcrf tMa month. A lotmllr qriD j honor! hl rabruary 7 ot tb , Masonic hall la Ion, wiui ou of bla children prnt Jacobs, and Susan Llndstrom. Mr and Mra. Norman Nelson, it.' . .i Mr Walter Jacobs, and Kenneth Smous furnished trans portatlon. Ititurnlng horn through I'endleion they foppi-d at in nmc " "n- i U Ueuallen for hot chocolate and sack lunrhea. 1 Mrs. Ii-wl Halvorsen will he hostess for the Horn Economic club on Friday with a potluck dinner at noon. Members ar re minded to bring their packages for th birthday boxes. Frankle Fngleman waa hon ored on hl fourth birthday with a dinner party at tn nom oi ( his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joel j Kngleman. Other guests were . his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. oi.lno Chanel and Cassi and - Mr. and Mra. Walter Roberts. Mrs. Howard Crowell was hos less on Tuesday night for a sur Kirli,l-v narlv for Mrs Donald McKlllpott. Pinochle was j played by the following guests: I ii,. Pin.iu Ijitt Mrs. Donald Unnell. Mrs. Ted ralmateer. Mra. Harold Snider. Mrs. Keith Hea. Mrs. Roland Bergstrom. Mrs McKlllgott and Mrs. Crow ell. Mrs. Halmatier won high prize and Mrs. LoU received low. Busy Needles Meet The Busy Needles 4-II club's meeting was December 15. W met at Mrs. Spohn's. Everybody was there except Teresa Tucker. Our next meeting was January 19 and Mrs. Holtz took us out to Mrs, Spohn's place. Frances wlley. reporter trouble x 36-3764 TTE-TIMES Annual Report Shows Loans Up In the counties of Umatilla. Wallowa. Morrow, Union, and Grant, agriculture U bl busi ness, with Increasingly heavy requirement of working tp'I for Ih Individual ranches. Thia is lb conclusion to b drawn from Ih financial report of Pen dleton Production Credit assoc. lation presented to its members at their annual meeting. During 1101. crop and live ttoik loans to i.. u.Ur of the anviciatlon totaled mor than Tj'i million. This represents a train of over t7J0.000 during the past year. IToreeds of the loans wer used to finance equipment,) buildings, stock and month-to-! month operation of 473 members j engaged In row crop farming. I wheat ranches and cattle nd theep spreads. j Assets of Pendleton production Credit association as of Decern-1 her 31. 1164. and amounted to S3.79-l.Wti. Capital stock owner ship by association members ; now totals $3X0.153. Accumulated j earnings, retained as liquid re- j serves, amount to $281,130. Two members of the hoard of directors wer re elected for an- j other term. They are Clifford Johnson of Wallowa, who com-! pleted the unexpired term of the j late Charles F. Lltch, and Robert Rothrock of Adams. Holdover members arc Myron C Hug, Summervllle, R. G. Saylor. Echo, and Paul Hisler of Heppner. President is R. G. Savior. My ron C. Hug Is vice-president, and J. C Southern Is secretary. ! treasurer and manager. 1 Offices of th association are maintained at 702 S. W. Dorionj Street. Pendleton, and 102 N. E. I First Street, Enterprise. QUALITY MEATS FRESH Srpxaiir Mq)s OREGON CHIEF ib. 39 FINE FOODS WILDERNESS (Req. 43c ea.) CHieriry Pie Fi Penthouse 2Vi Size Can Peaches 4 cans FRESH PRODUCE WEiif e mk? Crisp Solid Heads lb. Prices Good Friday & Saturday, February 19 and 20 HEPPNEII 10 cents Butter Creek Club Studies Livestock Prolcct books and record sheet wera given out at the January 26 meeting of Butter Creek Junction Livestock 4 II club. All 10 members were present Members filled out most of the calendar of events sheets and record of the previous yar wer rviewed Th meeting w a held at the Bill Healy horn. On February 2 th club mt at the home cf the leader, Bill Doherty. Mitch Ashbeck discuss ed th "parts of th pig" chart and members named the part as their roll call topic. Sarah Witherrlte, reporter COME AND HEAR Scott Lamb and Claude Of The Solcm Office, Farm Bureau Discuss The FARM PROGRAM At the Regular Meeting of the Farm Bureau TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8 P.M. At lone Legion Hall EVERYONE WELCOME ROAST: Ib. mm $1100 bo KKPIIIIIT U y vwii ai TOSMT W Will Deliver Your Processed Meot sAay ( Of Chan WSdM I Hppa. WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE I Hoga Tuesday Cattle ,,. Wed. Thur. Sheep Any pay Follett Meat Co. Ifrmiita. Oregess th. Ul Uil 0a RarmUton- Mclfarf Wrhwirf Willi iams lb. BEEF CHUCK 0 2 1 & i 1 1 1 1 TV SCHILLINGS lb. bag TASTY 111 N. Court "THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" Ph. 676-9643 HEPPNER. OREGON