Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1965)
g KCPrifCl OAHTTX-TTMCS. Thart4T. rfenTT U. IMS Bodes to Movo Loren Bade. Fuller Bnh rep retentntlve. in thl rr for th l'i iH years, hu accepted a new territory for th company and wilt nov to th area. Milton-Freew a ter. by lh ftrt of rwt wk. II haa aikrd thai hi U.hW nrrmrt to his cuntomera here for their aupport Tall the advertiser you aaw It tn tht Gairtte-Tlmea. Municipal Court February V-Dale Adrlard. dt obeyed atop alien, fined $15. February 5-F.arl I'. Ayret, dinobevrd atop ia fined t& February 5 Sherrlll Mcwn aid. violation of batc rule, lined February 5 Lorraine Rea. vio lation of baile rule, fined 1A Need ecratch tad? Gel them at the Gazrtt-Ttmea. ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY Dozens and dozens of daisy-fresh and different dresses . . . charge 'cm by the 2's, 3V!2 dozens! Get famous fabrics and quality tailoring that's incredible at this low, low price! DRESS EVENT WAMSUTTA'S FINE WAMPOISE COTTON CELANESE ARNEL TRIACETATE JERSEY CELANESE ARNEL TRIACETATE CREPE ESTRON ACETATE AND NYLON RIBBED POTENTIA KODEL POLYESTER-COTTON WHIPPED CREAM DACRON POLYESTER ESPRESSO DACRON POLYESTER-COTTON ZANTREL POLYNOSICCOMBED COTTON BRIGADIER DACRON-COTTON POPLIN ORLON ACRYLIC SWEATER 'N DRESS Pasco Firm Low On Boardman Bids TVo firma may har eon t ruction ok on th roJecbi of the new Hoard man towiulie at a reault of bid openrd at a pm. Tuesday the HV hall John K. Keltch of raoo bid Ji.tHO on the ravin, rail road oerpa structure. Mater distribution system and aantury ik-wit atem. This was low bid on the ho of the prolect. Minn Pimktnictlon Co. of Red- i.iw hi.Mi-r on the nrvw-ure line and lnd for the Vurr MMem at o4,Mb7. I In all. 11 bids were received. Before contract ar a anted, the enclneem for the citv. the It. s. Armv Cortx of Knsineers and the .state Sanitary Author ity must check ail Item. HOSPITAL NEWS pii.-m to Honcer Memorial hospital durinir the past week, and Mill receiving nuil teal care. Include the fol low intr: Porvthv Walker. Kin rua: Ueortre Smith. lleppner; Carl Rav Jone. lleppner; Ver ona Fteb. Ine. and Johnnie Jackson. Jr. lone, i Those admitted for medical ' care, then dismissed. Include the following: Laurel Butler. Mavlllo; Ketha Marie Russell, lone, and Ronald Ward, llepp ner. ! Mr. and Mr. Art Stephana and familv left Wednesday to make their home In Tigard. fol lowine his transfer to Portland where he will be in charge of the North Portland Stockyards, un der the Department of Aerlcul Iture. He ha served as District ; Brand Inspector here for nearly two years, and expressed his ap preciation for cooperation of 'ranchers during this time. An t h not vet been IIVUll.v ... . " made of his replacement, but If help is needed, ranchers may contact John Jones, telephone 4I9-3447. Stanfield. ROLL TICKETS for sale In single and double roll. Use for drawings, admissions to events. Gazette-Times, Ilepp nr. Ph. 676 922S. 37-tfc CLIPPING And SHEARING BLADES SHARPENED FREE As A Service To Our Many Friends and Customers Compliments of HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUGS AND ERWIN'S SEED CLEANING This year our best salesmen have wheels instead of legs. Our '65 Fords are grabbing the customers ail by themselves and they've got the sellingest sales points in history. Movie on Program For Church Fellowship Membership and rvangellam CVmmUftlon of the lleppner MrthodUt chutvh M present a color movie. "No Time to Watt. Sunday evening after the friends and member of the church have participated In a covered dun upper in the chunh dining room at C .Til. The film vvill W klovvn at approximately 7;.W tn the church sanctuary. Those who wine for the sup ler are requeued to bring a hot dun and a salad or desert, along with tatdewear. All are cordially Invite! M attend state Mr Carl MelMniel, chairman of the commlwUm. Jayvees Claim 2 Week-end Wins lleppner High" Javef basket ball team ran It ean retard i. ih muni! HorMMneil claimed a clean sweep of Ihetr wevk end fare. el:tnc Hum, ii- 41. and thrashing rtioi iw j- vm. 73.40. . Friday night the lleppner t..-. f..nn.i n--if iii) acaint a touch and big Burn quintet that had beaten the .Mustann Burns. The local five vva on the underside of a 7 sxre at the flit rest stop o Dave Cray ami Mark Brown set out on their crowd pleasing antic and stole v... k.n timM ami time again from the larger visitor. The fast break paved off a tne jayvees tHk a 21-22 Intermission com mand. , , , . Burns fought back but could never regain the lead and the lleppner team had It first league win of the week end. Dick Flalz took scoring honor for lleppner with 13 and Cray and Brown each had 12. Saturday evening the young Mustangs ran over the visiting Pilot Rock club in what turned out to be an easy contest alter the lleppner bovs were primed for a rough game. r, - .1 f-r... tnrn.'il In finP performances again as they led lleppner High. Brown had 19. Grav 10. Klaix 10. and Jim Jac obs 12 to round out the lleppner The Mustangs led at an stop 16 X. 35-23. and 73-40. HEITNER 44 Jacobs 3. Leon nig. Wacenblast. Flalz 13. C.rav 12. Brown 12. O Donnell 3. Tur ner. Johnston 1. BURNS 40 Marshall 6. Flgg 2. Virgill 11. Wenick 5. Weir 10. Hillman 1. Fenlev 2. Hensley. Miles. Revak. Jaques 3. PILOT ROCK 40 C hapman 10. Norris 4. O'Brien 3. Black 4. Wright 6, Williams 7. Bracher 6. Snlvely. Goald. Zacharlas. HEPPNER 73 Jacobs 12. Flalz 10. O'Donnell 2. Gray 10. Brown 19. Rauch 2. Leonnlg 3, Wagenblast 2. Baker 1. Turner 5. Johnston 2. Perkins 5. HEPPNER 16 19 20 1&-73 PILOT ROCK 8 15 9 840 Townies Triumph Over Boys' Club Heppnor's Townies made it two in a row over the Pendle ton Boys' Club team as they downed the visitors Tuesday night. 57-55, on the local basket ball court. , , . The locals took an early lead but the Boys' Club hacked away and tied it on Dennis Herblsons side jumper, 55-all. Ilarley Sager put two for the Townies and a lump ball gave control to llepp ner. Pete Glennie had 18 for the locals, Nell Beamer tallied 17 and Sager added 11. Ken Smith hit for 17 for Pendleton. HEPPNER 57 Glennie 18, Sa ger 11. Beamer 17, Ball 2, Hughes 3, Robinson 6. PENDLETON 55 Moore 5, Herbison 12, Smith 17, Clark 13, Cole, Erickson 8, Schoessler. Mrs. Maurice Elder and Mrs. Fritz Cutsforth departed Tues day morning for Belllngham, Wn., to attend funeral services for Mrs. Will (Bertha) Kirk, who died Sunday. Mrs. Kirk lived in Heppner a number of years. She was a sister of Mrs. Elder and of Mrs, Faye Prock, also of Heppner. Wheat Men Back Parity Bill; Set 8th Grade Tour (Continued from page 1 l7.ft, they maintain a Wash ington offle and are cuiurrmtl with pngram for the wheat erower on the national level. Morgan 1 reported on the Wheat League's Intercut in the Mcilovern bill whUh ak for l(HV parity on domestic con sumption I'nder the present wheat bill farmer are receiving 717'" of parity. He estimated that the Me Govern bill would Increase- farm Income SJ:) to ItK) million with out additional cost to the treas ury of the U. 8. iv. n ivit-mon roirted on ac tivities of the Pacific Northwest Grain and Grain IToduct as sociation. Organised In !!, Its prime purpose t to work for fair and equitable rates in trans portation. It ha saved Oregon producers $1.2lO.(HW per year In holding down a 7o tx'r hundred weight Increase which 1 pro iHtscd by the Interstate Com merce Commission. Peterson said. Officer and standing com mittee of the county association were announced by lresldcnt Jcpscn a follows: Louis Carlson, county vice president, member of state com mittee, and Conservation Man of the Year chairman Kenneth Turner, second vice president. Marketing and transportation Ion Peterson, chairman. Itoger Palmer, vice chairman; produc tion and land u Bob Riet mann. chairman. Rudv Brg strom. vice chairman; taxation and legislation Dn McEIllgott. chairman, Larry Lindsay, vice rhnlrman; fisicrnl aericultural j programs Kenneth Turner, chairman. Larry Campbell, vice 'chairman: public relations LlmUav Ktncald. chairman, Dean Graves, vice chairman; vouth activities Bernard Do- herty. chairman. Gene Hall, vice I chairman; domestic wheat uttl ) ization Mr. Grace Drake, chair man. Mrs. Bernard Doherty. vice 'chairman; membership IxmjIs Carln. chairman. Tad Miller, vice chairman Frosh Five Rips Young Rockets ppner'8 Frosh head to th rtmd Ihts week after a win from the I'liot Risk Fnsh. .: 17. on the lleppner basketball court Saturday afternoon The Baby Mutangs lake on Condon there Thursday and then travel to Itoardmsn to meet the Itlverslde iv-r Friday night. The local Frosh had little trouble with the lbcket a the lleppner five lowered their de. H-r game. Their offense average 44) a contest. Mutani?a let 10 4 at the end of the first quarter but were held to a mere u poim in win second iertd. The visitors and . i.- u.ih hail Ihelr blcgcst output In the third stanza a Pilot Hock got live anil lieijner H. The final quarter found lleppner way In front and (Va h Kn McClure ran In hi teservea to finish out the game. It wa lepter'a fourth win against tWO IllSM IIFllNFIl 3ts Hall 7. lVlty. iin tl. Kilkenny UK Stlllman 6, Anderstm. Mdo, Kawllns. Avrrs. Drsse. iKibba 2. M)T Itck K 17-Bond fi. Clarkt 4, Cisn 3. Sampson 1. llo;ft i. Flllott. Maikgraf 1. White. Jotea, Liter CarraL Huushela. Jsrrf Andtrsoa. son ef Mr. ! Mis. Nel Andersin. la recover ing satisfactorily from first and Ing satlsfa second degree burn which ho 'Eirf I'UIMX receivsd lt Wednesday wnue lor lleppner nor .a Mmr a oeiivery in vaixr "freeie" ene. uteW Init f Co. In making a delivery Condon, a vaixr "freeze" tene. trated bl right leg and hand. caumng iiesn nuw FLOODED PUflrtP Wo Can Clcan-Bako and Retreat The Winding On Your Pump Motors. DON'T WAIT! BRING THEM IN NOW A DELAY MAY PROVE COSTLY COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL FARM AND HOME S. W. 23rd Ftadlstoa PURE MB 4 lb. 39 BABY BEEF lb. 3 OREGON CHIEF CelebtrafioBi HAM lb .95 IS oz. "65 F0NO LTO HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. For Your Protection Turner, Van Marter and Bryant Answers Your Insurance Questions QUESTION: Does comprehen sive personal liability insur ance protect my husband he hits someone with a ball while he is playing golf? ANSWER: Yes, he is covered when he plays golf or hunts or goes fishing or engages in any other sports activity. This public service iu our way of advertising. Your insurance questions will be answered without charge or obligation If you'll send or bring them to Turner, Van Marter and Bryant ieppner Ph. 676-9652 liiii o o 3 for $1 15 OZ. leef Stew 3 for $1 KRAFT 32 oz. Mmik WEiip Ea. 55c Romes or Golden Delicious AA Lyndcn Med. EGG 2 doz. 89 NESTLE'S Morsels 12 ox. Pkg. 2 for 79c PPL ranges 3 b- 2 ib 2Se m ONIONS Prices Good Friday & Saturday, February 12 and 13 COURT STMI f MARKET Ph. 676-9643 111 N. Court -THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS" HEPPNEH, OREGON t