Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1964)
r r MISS KATIICniNC ANN HE A Rca-Martin Betrothal Announced by Parents Mr Hint Mr C 1 1 !e of (,ie have ren-ntlv arirouiM'fd the en Ifaj'rmenl i.f their dmehtir. Kallierinc Ann, to Janii'n Ij-roy Martin, Mn i.f Mr ami Mr, liny M.irtln of j-lfn;t.iti Mia Re l nirnt graduate f I'hagan'a College ( Uuiy in lYndleton. Mr. Martin l employ, ed mi a t-oinmrn iit tiy Vn dleton Alrmotlve. No date ha Ihtii act for llir wedding Martin Home Scene Of Holiday Reception A lowly iii-cptlori wa held mi Sunday afternoon at the horni' of Mr anrl Mm. Fredrick Martin lionoring their rum ami lt u jrli ter in law. Mr. and Mr Melvln Martin, who were tnnrrlel ! umber 19 at Albany. The r rn weri decorated In the ClirUtmni theme with a beautifully light tl ChrWtma tree on I lie pat o ;ut uulM le tlu floor length windows of the dining room. The tea tah!i wa centered with a lnk de orated wed diiip cake flanked by iink taiM-r. Christmas i-ookfm and furuh arid coffee were also aerv ed from tin lace covered table. Mr William Rawilti. Mm. la land Hergstrom and Mm. Car la mi Kwanort were assUtln,; p.i ktrksra and helped serve. Al. helping about the room wen thr groom's klsler. Mis Jean Martin, and Shawn.i, Car Icy. Kny. and Lorl HergMrom. iVr-pifc the Inrlemerit vv rut her, over fifty guct arrived to gre.-t the young couple. Coiih'm Hunts SATURDAY. Jonury I Oidi of EaaUin Slur Social dub, Mailc hall, S niru j MONDAY. Jaouary 4 Chaintwf (f Commerce. Wa;on j Vviil. noon. Oirtar el ftinhow for Clila. Mai. onic hall. 7;J0 put. Am.ricao Uilon and Auxiliary. Ilion hull, potluck dinner. Wu(iiii ciuh, rloMd meeting for membeis only at I ha Bob lleniy horn, t p.m. TUESDAY, January I Wianqlei. Club house, f p.m. WEDNESDAY. January Junior Chamber el Commwra, Jayte boll. pan. Odd Fellow. IOOr ball. I p.m. THURSDAY. Jaouary 7 Koioptemlata, noon. Elk' Ladle Nita. Elk' Tempt. dinner at 1:30 p.m. Open House Extends Yuletide Greetings Wi ! over I'M ff.,,n rail. 1 M the ,isi Wilkinson hum ; iMiMei n the hour i.f i :.'W mid v 1 on Sunday for a m hi hoi- : en bouse, t'o In.! with m". vvuMiiM.ri were Mr a Mi frank ll.iiiiliii and Mr. aril Mi' link Wilkinson Olest entered Into the living' loom, wn cnhaiitcd iy rany lovely holiday'e- j ip- m., mi iiiiuii; niiMiirw ui't'tr f I It'eJ With dllnw ftirne. ' ChriKtina randlea, mlntletoe an I a Ix'.iutiful arrangement of lare Itrhtnl t hrlslriia lu ll over ih. fiiejljire, A variety of hor 1 o.'in. were nerved the eucs! I'orn n iM-autlfully aipointed bofht tahie I' in. on Id. IV ll COME IN AND SEC THE GENUINE Raleigh 28-Inch Bicycles with 28x1 Vi UrM REBUILT 8CHWINN BICYCLES RaoorullUoaad olbar makaa HERMISTON CTCLC SHOf Rt 1. Box 946 HarmUton W. Jacobs is Elected lone Masonic Master Imitallatlon of offlrer for Mn-Minle Lodee i0, AT. 4 A M., waa held on Monday eve nl rut at the Mavtnlr Mall follow inn a delliioua xitlurk dinner wrved to Mawona and their fam 1 1 lea. Those clex'ted and aroolnled to nerve for the coming year are: Walter Jacob, wornhlpful ma ter; Charlea O't'onnor, M-nlor warden; Iula ll.ilvorwn, Junior warlen; (Jene Kletmann. wore- tary; (toy W. I.lndatrom. treas urer; IUv. Walter H. C'rowell. ( h.iplnln; ! Crahtree, mar nhall; IHnanl llerrtrk. iwnlor deacon; fieri Akem, junior dea- , eon; Omar Kietmnnn. wnlorj oteward; James Harnett. Junlir teward and Herbert Kkstrom, Jr., Tvler. IrtstalllnK officer wa Ilerlx-rt Kkstrom. Jr. and Installing mar shall was l-eo Crabtree. A iat mastcr'B tln from the liMljre wn tirewntel to Hkstrom by the new master Jacolw. SflOETY LOT ifA!l3!N. Uinf fhoa ?$ iU i A. A I ; ' . j ; ' i - i i I I! Festive Atmosphere Adds Gaiety to Dance By Rainbow Assembly Jean Slewert. daughter of Mr and Mr. Hill Mewrrt. rei)re. k nmen over Ihu vear a Chrutrna )tn.l ilarue, an mrnial eer tori-ri d hv Ituih Asrrt.t.l Sn Order of lialnbow fr r;irl, tti.i Utuiljy V..,.K the V hall. Her .rl nie vse were Kaihy Meii.y, ihiui;titer of Mr. and Mr. Arnold Melt.y. and Shirley ;rwln. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harold I win firenda You n p. i-avt wor thy arhiw.r of the i haptrr and daughter of Mr. and Mr Jfarley Vounr. I'resentid rarh of the re ral trio with a lovely ChrUtmai 1 rorajje. j Some 50 rf)Ujjle en"el the everilnp danrlnjr to records In the hall that wa Ixauiifully j disrated wlih a larfe, pally iikhiihi nr tre, c hriktmas ji'reen-! ery and nowflake. all under a blue false n-llinjf from whiihj there were usiM-nded manv huk'e white aatin balls tied with red rlhtion. C'ookli-s and punch were M-rvcd throughout the eve ninjr. f'hafx-ronlr.jr the jjroup of you n j; were Mr. and Mr. Lowell r;nhble. Mr. Torn Hutrh s and Mr. and Mrs. Hill Slewert. HEff NCR CAZrrTX TlMES. Tburadoy. DtmUr 31. IS&4 Families Inviled To Walch Parly Meihtxlint and ChrUtlan rhtiohes will hav a fam;iv nipnt watch party tonight nhurdayi. .S'ew Yesr in the fririottan church haarment. A cordial Invitation I rttend- ei to thfjM who would like to come. Th watih party will atart at 10 p m. and the young peop of the rhurchea will have charge of the worship kcrvlre mid nij-ht. ..nne will le played and re frehmer.ta will tw aerved. Social Club to Meet Curler of Kaktcrn Star SorfJI club. Uuth Chatter .No. 3i will i ne .SatuKlay, January J. lot lt monthly mertlnj;. An af tern'Mn tjf bi.,;i- and plnocni? will tMgin at 2 pin. at the Mi I'jr.ic hall. MRS. CORDOH LEE ROSS (Mary Evalyn Tuckar) (McEwan Photo) Couple Repeals Marriage Vows in Pretly Holiday Church Ceremony in Salem atf In a Trinity Met hod IM cliurch in Sa-! Sample of Salem. Lshers were lom. Mlsa Mar Kvi lyn Tucker. Larry Ross, brother of the croom Altar woathar and road con dition made It necessary for ;Mrs. Anita Slockard and family i to cancel nn Intended Christmas 'trip to Eujjenr. they decided on a shorter trip to Ilermlston on Sun day. There thev called on her mother In law. Mrs. Alice Stock ard at Ihe Valle Vista Home and enjoyed Christmas church er vices and dinner together. IF YOU need a rubber stamp for any purpose, call at the Gazette-Time office. All atylea of type, all alzes of itampa avail able promptly. LOOK DAD ! IT'S JUST LIKE YOURS! nViST-OFLEX. TRAOIMANK WATCHBAND BY ONU 2 .a a no ta BURABlt AU-WUTHI ITAIHLCSI MOW ... tfi prltc ptrtntr for til top tm frkt itiiilcii itiil wttckti. Dugf t . , . rati. 1 size for every wrist end witch Ileppner, was united In marrlaj;c to Cordon Ixh IJoss of Woodburn, on Welnesdav even inc. IVccm Nt 23. Tlic Ilev. William O. Walker lorformed the double rlnj cere mony at 8 p.m. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Archie I'adbere. Sr., Ileppner, and the irroom Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowell B. Kofs of Woodburn. Traditional Christmas altar decorations uslnc the five ad vent candles banked by silver- KDraved Christmas preens tro. vided an attractive sol ting for the marrlajre ceremony. Tlie bride waa escorted to the altar on the arm of her step father, Mr. Padborjr. She appear ed in a street length wedding gown of heavy white silk bro cade, fashioned with round neck line, lonjz sleeves and bell-shaped skirt. Her shoulder leneth veil of illusion net was held in place 1 by a large white Chrlstlon Dior I rose. Her bridal bouquet was a cascade of white roses and satin streamers. ' Organist for the ceremony was Miss hmlly Bump, who also ac companied the soloist, Mrs. Larry McMurray when she sang "I ,Lovc You Truly," "Because" and "The Lords Prayer." Both were college friends of the bride. Attending as maid of honor was Miss Barbara Wills, a close college friend. Bridesmaids were Janet Ross, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Bill Sample of Salem. The attendants wore street length drosses of royal blue satin, fashioned with bell-shaped skirts, short sleeves and round neckline. Their headpieces were of blue fly-away net held by a blue rose, and their accessories of gloves and shoes were of the matching; blue. Com I today 1 and idiot lha parlact walekaand far yaur jrounijter'i watch. 0 UOREOTINC "Something Is always from tha Jaweler'a. something special.' MWI Store Houm 9 A. M. To 6 P. M 177 MAIN ST- HEPPNER PR. 678-9200 GREEN STAM PS i y , ii i iL, Your Merchant With Charge Service Account Is Your Friend! If YOU Keep his friendship, and build a good record for the NEXT RED BOOK. Always pay by the 10th of the month. You do not want the adjust ment Department collecting from you. Pay your slow ac counts, and keep our Collec tor away. Credit Bureau OF Umatilla County 306 S. E. Court St P. O. Box 102 Pendleton. Or. and Ken Barrett For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Padberg wore a gold and black flecked two-piece suit with black accessories. Her corsage was of miniture orchids. Mrs. Ross, mother of the groom, chose a green two-piece dress with complimentary acces sories, accented with a corsage of miniture orchids. , ; The newly wed couple greeted their relatives and friends at a reception Immediately following the ceremony In the church so- cial rooms. A beautiful four tiered wedding cake centered the serving table, decorated in royal icing, with double heart lattice work, topped with three bells and lilies of the valley and orange blossoms in scroll work around the sides. Cutting the cake was Mrs. F. B. Kubik. aunt of the groom. Pouring coffee was Mrs. Al Parent, cousin of the bride, and serving punch was Mrs. Edwin Tucker, sister-in-law of the bride. Miss Sandra Bierly attended the gift table and passing the guest book was Mrs. Clarence Porter. The couple left for a wedding trip to Southern Oregon and Cal ifornia. The new Mrs. Ross chose a beige tweed suit with match ing accessories for her going- away ensemble. After graduating from Heppner High school In 1961, the bride en rolled at Oregon College of Edu cation In Monmouth, where she is now a senior education student interning at Richmond Elemen tary school in Salem. She will receive her degree from OCE In June of next year. Mr. Ross attended North Mar lon High school near Woodburn, graduating there in 19G0. He is now completing his education at Oregon State University at Cor vallis. The couple will be honored at a public reception at the First Methodist church in Heppner Sat urday evening, January 2. All friends of the bride and her fam ily are cordially invited to at tend and greet the couple. The reception will start in the church social rooms at o p.m. Padberg Wins Prize Trip to Rose Bowl Mr. and Mr. Buster Padberf' 'left Pendleton by plane early i i Tuesday, en route to Portland where they were to board a Jet airliner on the first lap of a four day expense paid trip to Pasa- derm, Calif., and the Rose Bowl, 1'iimt on New Year's Day. ; i'adlx-rg'a name was drawn at winner of the much sought after! prliu last Saturday evening dur-1 Ing the Elks annual Christmas I party. Included In the winning package are four-day aero mo- i dations reserved for the couple a' the Beverly Hilton Hotel. j 4-H Horse Club Meets! Two Tracker 41! horse club met at the rodeo grounds Decern- i her 8. The meeting was called to order by Marcla Jones. The secre-! tary read the minutes of our last ; meeting. We had our Christmas party and every body had a good time. Mrs. Alderman, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Fulleton served refresh ments, i -Davie Alderman, reporter . Need extra cashT Sell unused j Items around your dace with i a Gazette-Times classified ad Enjoying tha ChrUtmaa boll- d.iy at the home of Mrs. Josle Jones were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kirkham of Cove. They came Thurad.ty for a three day visit with Mm. Jones, aunt of Mr. Kirkham, and a cousin, Mr. Venice Stiles. Churches to Meet For Joint Services Contfiegalional memtrr of I lie Ium Christian ihunh will b j-uest at th Suhd.iy inont. In tf wwMp aervh at the Mrst Methodtkl i huriti t II til a m , Jsr-usrjr 3. Sunday tr?".?;! rUsxa will meet at the uual U I'j I o-. li ft! the Chrlntian ihunh. then unit f the workup hour, w i'h Leila) rofskat'c t.y lite lv. Mrlvin lii n. On Sunday, January 17. th Heppner and lint:ion Christ ian ihun he will niii-t together fir a combined ervlee In Lex Ington. Henry Searle. who holds a (oition on the tate paMoral board, will be juest x'w-akrr. Congregation wiij Join for a xitJutk dinner at noon at thai Ileppner church, followed by dis. u-ssion led by Mr Searle on "pastoral unity Lodge Sponsors Party Fourth In the series i f kix pub lic card partu-s that ore being ponsorfd by Holly Hcbckah 1'nli'e of Lrklngton. h.i been an nounced for Saturday c-venlnj;. January 2. Both bridge and pin oefcle w ill be In play at Ihe IOOF hall, starting at M pm. with score to be figured In for tot ii grand prl-s to be given at th? end of the series. ',7. ZhonJci fo J 4 oil our many friindt. Wa with ou a wry Happy Ntw Y"tof Gilliam and Bisbee Hardware Claud and Margaret Buschke We Will Be Closed Sat. Jan. 2 We Will Deliver Your Processed Meat atsWk. V 1 ' Charge jpfggJjJ ' Lexington WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: Hogs Tuesday Cattle Wed., Thurs. Sheep Any Day Follett Meat Co. Hermiston, Oregon Ph. S67-6651 On Hermiston- Mclfary Htghwcry h ii ill ii v-d j m tijt mam i i m m w w mi a m f mm mm a ka) m mm. r vm m em iw sj sv . v mr m m a am Mia i mm Another New 1wak M- Year . . . Another rVrf jl) Opportunity MJ I ToThank You LLv...v..M. I ' W T ASJI ID - - !-VLk . I ni I For Your C Friendship and Patronage and ' To Wish You Vflfl llrry The Very Best! 4rJ J I COTM RI1ARKET