Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1964)
Arbuckle Awails Rope for Tow With 13 Indira of anv at thr (up i'f Arbitrate Mountain and 0 Itiuhra at Urn bottom of ihi k run al rt (t. hx-al akl rra arr rhoroplng at the Ml t get Into action. Chamber of Commerce. Monday that Ihr Arouciue I rvr loj.ini-nl Corporation U awaiting arrival if a nylon rot that will be used im Ute ft. rojie tow, twin a lung a laat year. It la exrvt rd to arrive vrry amui. The ssl trail Itaa Iwrn cleared to thr t"P of mountain, lint room of a Kort .Service- ty hrtVr brrn inataiir.i, thr warm inif nut nai ix-en itiuvni to a new location, and Ihr beginners' an a ta brrn expanded to thrrr lime t former sUe. The OirtKirathn la seeking flnanrlnif lor nwna Lift which It hop to Install by next sea aon Carnegie Class Sels 1st Session First session of the Carnegie class with lion Marsh aa Instruc tor anl thi Soroptlmlst club of H.-ppricr a lm-a Kinsor will Ik- Turn-lay night at M jun. In thi .arlh hall of All Saint-.' K'lvirja church. nil' session U jM-n to all t!i"M at all Intcrrstrd, ant thr public U Invltrd to nmie and scr how a sample session 1 con ducted. Thr first meeting will br devoted to remembering name. There Is no ctiargc for attrnd Ing thin seln. All graduate of thr flrt Car negie clami here, conducted rati irr thla yrar, arr urged to attrnd this Initial class session. Pettyjohn'. Slofc Anniversary Event ruM amii-.rtary a Pettyjohn's -" mi nuii.i.-rn riu.y Mill I i.trrvrd .Saturday wnh Ml falur- Mr m i j i it,, it..... rd Prttyjohn. own. fi .announce. y iiimiimi ,f liiikliiru, formerly ll. ii at .Sales yrar Mr and Mr. Frank Hamlin. 'lir Itulldrr Ktuilv ulll i,iu coffer f.,r J,, H,, r-, taunt day Thry arr offering arrlal anniversary harcaln. tn ih. ublic and aonte of these arr Isted In an advertisement rl- . whrrr In thla liatier. Tlir firm la also iarthiratlng In Christmas opening and will havr irlra of N-rrd Satin and Ujstrr paint for thr winners. Matilda Potter, 82, Dies in Vancouver Mia. Matilda Poller. Kl m r.-.l. drnt of Hardtnaii many year go. at Vancouver, Wn., Friday, NovemtHT VI Kervl.-e were In Vancouvrr Monday. Mrs potter was an aunt of Tom and Tlrl Howell and Mrs (lar- nv Wise, all of ll.-f.nn.-r anil f (lari-rxr llowrll of Irrliron. Ala.i among tin fturvlvor l hit brother, Frank llowrll. of Monu- mrtit. Altrr Iravlng Hardman. Mra. 'ottrr had llv.-d In thr Wlllfltn- tt. Vallry arra mit of thr time a!nc Traveler Shows Slides on Orient By La V CUT FAUTTjOW irrownrd qu-n of Uir Hlvrmldr UtlilCON Warrrn McCuy IHKh hid t arnlval hrld at thr kh.mrd alldra which hi took on I Itlvrratd High gymnaiilurrt Frl- hu rent trlu to thr Orient at ITA Monday rvrnltig. Mit'oy, who wa gn OVrr llvr wreka. t.ll.l vrr In th Hawaiian UUrida rnr.ut to Jaiwin. H x ril arvrral daya al (fcaha. Hl.rrr hr kla)rl with hl hrtrth rr, Mac M oy, From thrrr hr wrnt to urn-oka and llong Kong, whi rr hr did roiialdrrahl aight wi-ing and took many rwlorrd alldra Hr returned to Tokyo to takr tn thr Olymiilcn. and while thrrr, ktayed wlUi hla brother and aUtrr In law, Mr. and Mra Ota M.i'oy. Mioy returned liome by way of N-attlr, and flrw from thrrr to IirtUnd. Ati. fr hr waa met by hla family Mi -t oy br-MUL-hl numrrou aou vt-rilra home, and aoma i.f Uicm are currently being displayed at the A. C. IhMJghton mIiooi. r California Relatives Guests at Ball Home fluent over thr Week end of November II with Mr. and Mra. lj-n Hall and f art llv v. i re Mr. nd Mrs l-Xward Hate of Ma dera, Calif Mr. Hatca In the former Freda Hall, adder of I-on Hall. They were on their way to Seattle on hufclnrha connectrd with Mr. Hate'a work In thr hher- Ufa department In Madera. AIno jolntnir In thr family re union wan F.lmcr Hall of Pilot Kock. father of Mrs. Hi ten and Mr Hull BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS NO 0OWM on all Adding Machines Typewriters Cash Registers (Nw or Uad) TYPEWRITERS From $69.50 to $127.50 START EASY PAYMENTS NEXT YEAR! GUARANTEED SERVICE ON ALL MACHINES CHOOSE FROM UNDERWOODS. SMITH CORONAS. OLTMPIAS AND ROYALS IN PORTABLES OR REGULAR TYPEWRITERS Inquire at the Gazcttc-Timcs Office Sco Model on Display There Standard Office I2UV Adama EQUIPMENT - La Grand Ph. 963-3531 J !ewry Wrnt of Woodburn. vUltrd at thr home of hla brother-in-law and aUtrr, Mr. and Mra. K. A. Strphrna, Friday evening. He waa accompanied by hla aon, I)ewcy Wot, Jr., of llourdman. Mr. and Mra. Ben Mi"oy nd Terry ajwnt the wn-k-rnd at Hereford, where they atayed wltii Mra Mct'oy'a brothrr In law and lter. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Trimble. The annual fall Blue Bird ong festival waa held at the C.KC In Hcrtnlfiton Friday, NwfmlH-r 2), from 4 00 5 U) with approxi mately HO glrla and their lead- era from IrrlL-on. Umatilla. Mc Nary. Ilermlnton and .Stanfield, attending. Mra. Uly Knapp of Her rnl.slon was chairman for Die evrtit. and Mra. Cliff Calklna. Kxecutlve atretary of the ( amp rirc AjwM'iation, or rcndieton, led thr kinging, accompanied by Mra. Julie Fj kstirn of Mc.Nary. Mi and Mrs. Mn Hill drove to Portland for the wwk end and vlMltrd with Mr. and Mrs. Kom-m Crok, Khonda and Allyn of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch and family of (ircsh-am- Hills returned to li-rlgon, Sunday, ai-comnll by Mrs. KoMite took and chlldn'n, who will atay with the Hills while Cook Is elk hunting. Menus at A. C. Houghton Ele mentary for the week of Novem ber 30- Ditrmber 4 are as fol low: Monday Beanie-weenies, hhh and carrots, apple ttauce and donuts; Tuesday Hambur ger pizza, grern salad, Kplnach, tM-ars; Wednesday Potato sal ad, lunch meat sandwiches, pickled beets, applesauce and cake; Thursday Spcghettl, french bread, cauliflower, fruit salad; Friday Creamed tuna on hot rolls, green beans, cheese stick? and peach crisp. All meals are served with bread and butter and milk. Menu U subject to change. A public meeting will be neld at the A. C. Houghton Cafetor lum Monday night, November 30. at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing a proposed muni cipal water system for the City of Irrlgon. The public is urged to attend. The Irrlgon Tlannlng Commis- slon will meet at the school Thursday evening, December 3. A. C. Houghton will play bas ketball at Stanfleld Friday, De cember 4, at 2:00 p.m. Members of the Irrlgon As sembly of God church met In the church basement lor reiresn menu following their Wednes day evening voulh service, and presented their pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. John Ken ney, with a turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner. Judy Friend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Frrlend, was rvrnlng. Terry Mty, atu ly prriJel July. and hrr day dent lod) Just In Time For Christmas Opening We've Expanded Our Furniture Lines FOR YOUR BEST GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Li I i A LAMPS LEE'S CARPETING til M t Upholstered Furniture f .! r-c I . w T . i M &- R DROP IN AND OUR GOOD SELECTION TODAY! SEE Company 278 S. MAIN HEPPNER PH. 676-9418 rrldertt, ITuwned rMixi waa John l.athrt Itunner-up prlm-rM waa patay Havla. nw-orir.t by Mikr Partlow. hrr i.tlncvM, F.lta hutton and J J no a Tlortr, wrr rucortrd by AUn Moor nd Carol Lathrvp, rrprctvely. Thr flrat 4 II Community meeting for thla season waa held at thr A- C Houghton Cafrtor lum Thursday rvrnlng. Novrm-tM-r VJ. Mm- Floyd llobhs will br th Community Club leader, frf flcrra rlrtlrd Werr: President Hrui-r Jonra. Vlc prel'lrnt, Jeanlcr M Flroy; S.7rtary Ivanrtr M.FJroy: Trrasurrr Tammy Snydrr; Nrwa ItriMrter iJonna Pummel. Tlir cl u b mrrnbrra signed up for thr rlub they wantrd to oln. and the I meeting waa followed with niuarr dancing and games. iirv adlournnnl with alnglns "Sinu Your Way Homr". Paula Williams, a freshman at E. O. C. at Lafirande, spent the week-end In Irrlgon with her erandparcnt. Mr. and Mrs- P. J. Holm. Mr. and Mrs. F.. A. Stephens sK-nt Monday and Tuesday In Pendleton with Mepriens1 aistrr, Mrs. Mae McKlnney. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pittock and Pattl of BoiM, Idaho. r.i-rit the week-end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. John Swcarimrcn and Graldlnc. Mlsse Sandra Creamer and Barbara Davis of Pendleton Ient the week-end with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Art Creamer Public Invited To Free Movies Free motion plcturea on skiing. . n tmtn lift iij 1,1 ui v, and 'liirni .Skis f..r Great .Ski ing," will br known by Farley Motor Co. and Prtks Jikl Mop on Monday night, Novrmbrr 35. it p rn. at Farley Motor Com pany. Thrr Is no rharg tor attrnd Ing. and all thoM Intrrrstrd In skuntr arr Invltrd. Krn Pnk of the akl ahop aaya that othrr motion puiurr films may arrive In time to be shown the sama rvcnlng". and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and family. Tlir West Knd Mstrkl Udd ers of thr Camp Fire and Blue Bird Association will mret at thr lirrmiston Catholic Parish Hall Sunday aftrrnin, Drr- tilh, from 2:00-3:30 pm. While It Is urgrd that all Blue Bird girls attend this merting. It la awo mjulred tfutt each Blur Bird attending br accompanied bv one or both par ents. The public and all club sponsors arr Invited to attend. A program will be prrarned by Camp Fire Glrla and Blue Birds from the various local groups. HCPFNCR GAZmT. TIMES. Tbius4t. Neves U. IM4 am. 019 Club Hears County Agent Review Points Of True Credit Costs IllchlU'hta of the county e. tension unit fr tlir month. True Cot of Crrdit." wrrr brought vUably to the at trntlon of members and gursis of trie rxoptimiat rlub last Thursday run by Mlsa Donna Oorgr. county eatrnslon agrnt. Intrrrstlng data, not oftrn rr allzed by the average citizen, on the use and abuse of rrrdlt tn evrryday life waa noted by the speakrr. Othrr rursts f-r the day In rludrd Nancy Cleveland and Anita Grovra, both lleppnrr Hijrh ach'al senior. First session of the Dale Car. nririr Course, which the organ ization is sponsoring, was an nounced for Tuesday evening Decrmbrr 1. at the Episcopal parish hall. Enrt.llmrnta will be madr at the first two sessions, but the public I Invltrd to at trnd without obligation. Mrs. Wrs Sherman, presldrnt. an nouncrd. An enrollment of 23 Is nerded to guarantee the con tinuation of the class by Bob Marsh, Instructor. Miss George, Introduced by Mrs. Charles Starks. program chairman, called attention to many Items which would aid In making better decisions on ua Ine consumer credit, the dan gers In overuse of credit, the way It would fit Into the family budget, the added costs and In terest charees. and many others. Differences between open and re volving charge accounts were visibly charted by the speaker. The club will resume meet ings December 3 Governor Accepts Graduation Date It's lust a few months early t be thinking about high s hol fraduatkin. but Governor Mark latHftf r.s arrr;tcd an tnvj. tatinri tn apeak at lleppnrr May Hlch'a commence mrnt on 2o, Principal Gordon Pratt nouncrd Monday. an- Farley Motor Co. and Pecks' Ski Shop Present A SPECIAL SHOW Monday, Nor. 30 8 p.m. At Farley Motor Co. "AVALANCHES TO ORDER" "GREAT 8 CIS TOB great s king No Admission Charge gy f Please Her! VIKING GLASS LENOX GLASSWARE WESTMORELAND GLASSWARE FOSTORIA AND IMPERIAL FRANCISCAN WARE HALLMARK CARDS FOR THOSE WHO CARE TO SEND THE VERT BEST AT Humphreys Rexall Drug Candy WHITMAN'S SAMPLERS APLETS AND COTLETS BROWN AND HALEY PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH ROGER'S FAMILY CANDY DuBarry and Ciro's Perfumes DOrsay's In toxica Hon Max Factor's Hypnotique, Pnmitif and Golden Woods Tussy's Midnight and Enchantc Yardley's Gift Sets -All At HUMPHREYS DRUGS H Do your Christmas shop pine comfortably and con veniently . . . we've a wide selection of gifts for every one, and we're HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS We Give S&H GREEN STAMPS