Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1964)
Tcnnagvrg Lean, to Halm llrcuil in ,. Today's oun leaiiafrj a luncin ff 1ht Int homrmalinf lata ana enjinf utiUn.iiftf ura far eiata. IJjm Id Aarwlte 1st Mat, (tub Snember, already ha lrn Intra Jttlt M tlue fuod U Hal lief fafl U bakinf bread, el lim Nat anly da Mr pare nte ami tao )our.rr SUtert enjoy tha ftr.hly baked breed, but M do (Hr mil and HhUx Annett manage t i4 but la bake and Mil bread, liar terlp printed hart It eair ! folia, ityt Annette, Khe la an of mui than a half anilllaa 411 members frem Main la California aha art parUripeuni In the national 4 II bread program rondiMted bjr Iht Eileaalen Srrtlre and ipoo oitd by Standard Ufande. WMITt tftCAO (Ipong Mathoa) tfataa t lmn 1aa aaaai r not' III') Willi ! M a A toM4 .. a ana4 awt mh m..i,. c ta lal M a Maim a'ata anlil a, I tun aiaa aa aia awf ua t awm ae aia.tia ea m a tm t J .ki m ik U.. ila Kiual I nlin lat rl la mm ti i..a ana ih a 44 tM a wn(4 awba iff ata a a( Vv t 40 4 iniMin Hwon 7 1 , ; Ttitad raclpat and baking (uldft ara furnlthad by Iba tponaor along with county, ttata and national awardt. Tha youth ful rook not only learn to takt bread by modern method, but lby alto try out rertpet for ralaad ronaa cake t. roll, dough nut and fancy holiday bread. Sbawt Other Haw Demonstration! and contrtt art part of tha program. Meal planning, nutrition and bal a rued diet ara ttudied and put into practice. Sucre with bread plu general 4II arrompllth ment can earn for tha member an eipenie paid trip to tha iS'ational 4 II Club Congret In .-9 ' nKaaa, f tka k-a" 4qk it a vary Ufit rUp la Waaa kakiaf." aaya I M'a AaaaHa taW, "aaa H i ai air aa H UaU All M laiat ii a littta pfaaMaa." Chicago and 1300 college acholarthlp given by Standard Orand. County winner receive medal. Annette U not yet eligible to rompett for the date trip award. but neit year when ih U 14. the can try. The pretty brunette geta plenty of encouragement at home becauae her mother wa 4 II member and attended the Chirago rongrea a winner in a dairy food project Any girl or boy can join 4 II Club. Depending upon the local club, a member can itart on bread immediately or gradu ally work up to the project in connection with other food project. M Til Ii XI l C III I a IV F Vl7 M X m the Little Things tn.. iot nniMT xtfAA'tno Invlrtrlons! One of the most Jm um, rvm " - , portant little details which are necessary to make your wedding I luccess. ... Art Point invitations are always socially correct in every detail, you will be proud to send them to your friends as it marks you s a person of extreme good taste. A price and a style for every bride-to-be; from $14.93 fcr 100 and upl Reception or At Home footnotes on the wedding no extra charge. j Let our Society Editor have all the details about your wed ding plans. THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Ph. 676-9228 ntttntM CAXtrrt TJMtt. Thuraday. NaaaaUf X IH4 l Boardman Friends Honor New Bride ly MAIT LXI MARLOW (r. orr frorn Iat r-kl ItOARDMAM Ma Dr.4.1 U ( liaiue wii honored nh a mla rrllanroua hiMal ahuurr lil.Uy nlfhl at the hm tf Mr. K!'h .SkouliO. Co ! er Mfa. Claud 0ta. Mrs. Iranli Marlw, Mra. Don Duwrtry. Mr. 3arl (ill'eaplc, Mr. C1l Hamilton rut Mr. Florarvr tUnA, TTirra were Zl preent. Tle honwr- vt aUteJ In or nlnf her ftfi by Mr. t;irn Carfirntrr nl Shlrlry l.'arwoul. In a tm playrd. irlj Her won by Mr. II. M. Walhrt and Mr Carjrnter, Mr. Arthur Carjrnter u hwt'a for Xhm Boaflman Gar dn rlub Monday nlfht of la it wr-k at her ine, with Mr. Walter llayra aa cu hnateaa. Mr. Arthur SaMn wa taken In aa i nrw mrmbrf. IjiII rail wa amm-eted by naming a plant or n-tl mirnrx-r would like to have. Mr. CTaud Coa a. Mr. 7-afl rljllfple. Mr. Ilollin BUhr.p, Mra. Glen Cartie-ntrr and Mr. rm aoup ml In the gravy (xttri ,rw a-aauninga wrrv um ormtatrd Cmrfilitr rhalrmrn aifJrtti wrir: ivnnlra f. frirnuhit Mr. Clrn Carjirrjirf: mrmorul at a mi, Mr. ar Rnggt; Araira llouw, Mr. Vvalirr Hayr. A tallorlnf work a hop waa dla tuaartl. Tlio neat meeting U at lha horn ut Mr W. G. hWhafrr NovrmtH-r 17. Tt ubjx-t Mill b "True rut of credit.' ftonna t'rte. rounty ritenalon agent. Ilr1ner. Mill )a Iradrr. Mr. and Mra. Ma 'annoy and rhlltln-n Mark and Payi 4 !avla. Calif, and Vannoy brtthrr, rrrg annoy of I jikc vlw. -aitet Sunday at the hm of Mr Vnrvy' aunt, Mr. fi-l Krlairnvn. n thrlr ay to Olymtla. Wah. f'r the funeral of tha men' m'rther. Mr. Andrrw Vnnoy, O. who died uddrnly (-t. 21. She wa a furmrr rId-nt of Boardman. Mr. Claud Ikwmin of lra non I vlaitlng this week at the home rf her brother-in-law and lter, Mr. and Mra. I3vln Ity Week-end vlallor at the Illy LI........ t,. I 'T.'.rJT r tJ'?., ": ! hw were their arm and daueh - ,, r """" wiuif-ra t.i-.l.u .n. ail... iM-iii-iwnt att ar it Uy and na Oary. Larry and Danny of Seattle. Wah, and meeting In Pendlrton. Mr. Allen reputed he had aUcnl-d the dahlia and orchid ahoy In Tort- land recently. Announcement wai made that the national con vention would he held In Port land In May. V)CA in a J ruin or raise" pame piaycd Mr, sawn won hlffh rie and Mr. Have the low. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrt Walter Wywi November 16. ChrUtma eift for the atate hospital In Pendleton are to be brought at that time. The Home Extension Unit met Tuesday of last week for an all day meetlnjj at the home of Mr. RoIlJn Bishop, with Mrs- Guy Ferguson as co-hoMe Sublect for the day wa "Exploring the wasonlng hc!f." with Mm. Blurt on and Mr. Ferguson as leader. One of the dishes served was meat ball. made with an olive garlic dip mix. and dry mush ORDER Rubber Stamps Of All Kindt Dater Stamps Notary Public Seol Corporate Seals Stamp Pads Pad Ink at the GAZETTE -TIMES ntttntM. ORIGOJf tn. tn w their grandchildren IVnce, Ricky and Itena Kly of Hermitton. Their daughter Eileen, student at Blue Mountain College, Pen dleton, was a lo home. Mr. and Mr. Harry Pertwon of Gold Kill were recent visitors at the home of Mra. Peruon'a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ana Mr. Dave CJonncr. Mrs, Closner and daughters Bonnie, Vickie and Shelley returned home with them to vlait last week- They also vUlted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Closner at Cottage Grove. Closner and daughter Connie spent the wecK-end mere and brought them home. Nina Cu of Poultbo. Wru, mother of Forrest Burkenbine, arrived Monday for several days' visit with the Burkenbines. v303E)iflawSG0B J a a i CASSIUS CLAY I Va. I SONNY I USTON?t SrONSOBXO IT PENDLETON JAYCEES SEKD VOV AT10NS TO BOX 2S2. POtDLETOX ORE. jpmmmm - r-w-f" DALE CARNECilt. outhor of "How to Win Friends and Influence People," "How to Stop Worrrina and Start Living." Club ff Heppneif Invites You and Your Friends To Attend The OF THE FAMOUS mi AND An Amazing Memory Demonstration. How To Retain and Recall Information of Importance To You. How To Lead A More Happy and Successful Life. How To Speak in Public. VISIT WITH LOCAL GRADUATES WHO WILL BE PRESENT Tuesday, November 17, 8:00 p. m. EPISCOPAL PARISH HALL BOTH MEN AND WOMEN INVITED NO COST OR OBLIGATION Licensed by the State Dept. of Education. Approved for Korean Veterans r Presented by BOB MARSH BLANCHE PETTIT ASSOCIATE SPONSOR Parkdale, Oregon And Associates, Portland, Ore. Sponsored by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner