Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1964)
ntttntm CAitmnuu. TrdT. t u Morrow Stockman of Year I V"1 SADDLES AND GEAR la th barn at t Sot rrsB plc mark It as true cattl.mans operation. Th 4 Cattleman tand besides torn of th cear. (G T fhoto) MORE THAN 8000 acres or lncludsd In th ranch operation of Bay French. Cattleman of too Tear. This big rang makes con serration of water Important. Be U shown trf one of the water boles that he has developed from hillside seepage. Water holds almost constant her. (G-T Photo) CATTLE of the Bar French herd graze In picturesque setting tur rounded by rolling bills while Morrow county's 1964 Cattleman of the Year stands by his pickup in the foreground. (G-T Photo) New Members Join Two Tracker Club The Two Tracker 4-H Horse club met at the rodeo grounds October 29. The meeting was called to order by the leader, Floyd Jones. We elected new officers. They are ail Malcom, president; Marcia Jones, vice president; Jana Lee Scott, sec retary, and Dovie Alderman, news reporter. We practiced our knots and discussed what we will study at our next meeting. Floyd Jones served pop and cookies. We have five new members this year. They are Jana Lee and a:ii i TT 6 TTIII Deliver Your Processed Meat WHOLESALE MEATS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING SCHEDULE: Hogs Tuesaay attle wea., lnurs. Sheep Any uay Follett Meat Co. HmJston, Oregon Ph. JO 7-6651 Oo Hoiston-McNarv Highway J&fttlY i Of Charge jLsTiLl I I Heppner, Lexington 11 v A 4 -. Jill Scott, Abbe Wilson, Mike Bergstrom and Benham Malcom. Dovie Alderman, reporter 1 0 FOR HOUR A AND D) DAY IN CONDON SAT. DEC. 5th Ranches 84oo Acre Spread Ravmond rrriKh 1 l'U Live t.k Man of the Yrsr. lt)mond. 31. end his family live w the ranch on vshMi Kavmond was rv ftetuitunf from the ?ay in 1W he married Murm lr nn and hs inflated the lnh xi: tr at time. WasvcS) De.efMee, Ana Naeeti The operation Is ctmpoed of 5M acre In trie noroe place, mill rented livtn hi rmHhef. Mr U. llim-l.. and i'U head fittest permit Include m.untain end foothill ranee Twrniv five acre of IrTtgsted hav UftJ 1 -lsl Mi-r the vear beginning shen lUymond took nrr the isrun in iu piuviaes Ihu crop of slfslls grs hay, part of what he need for hi herd -f cows. Alwavs Interested in lmprv ine the ranch development Kay mond has leen trvmg various Ivpc of aifalla U't hay Includ ing Ranger. Lodak. Lahontan end Vernal eMail arletle. Mil reference at the present is for Vernal which produce a high tonnage of ly hsy. Since he doe nt produce hay enough for his herd, he buys hsy from How. ard UevrUnd. Ilintun lYrrk hay producer, and believes that he Is getting some of the best hsy In the country P" tr th best of condition with no weed eU i. contaminate his ranch. The operation, unlike many in Morrow county, lies as a unit with foret allotment close at hand requiring only short moves as his home place is utilised for spring Erartnc. then to CalhW Meaduw and eventually to the, f.imi twre. The owratlon re quires approximately 50 miles of fence which must d consxanuy maintained in the rotation-deferred urailne program that is part of the ranch management system. Stock watering ponds have been developed over the ! years until there are row eight on the home ranch which aids in proper dimtbution of live 'stock on the range. Raymond ; states that he is lucky to have several live streams throuch his 1 ranch which consists of Butter- creek and several canyons ieaa in Into ihl rnaln stream. In addition, there are live streams on the forest allotment and 20 to 30 stock ponds have been de veloped there that aid In proper distribution. A small pasture Is used early In the spring where he is able to hold for approxi mately a month with the bulls which facilitates quick breeding, "bunching" his calving time. Bulls follow the breeding herd to the forest allotments and in Officers Named For Livestock Club The Blackhorse Livestock 1 11 club met at the Tad Miller home on Sunday, November 1. witn it members present The officers for the cominir year are Barbara Bloodsworth. president: Nancy Campbell, vice president: Nancy Doherty. secretary; Michelle Miller, reporter: Kirk Robinson, recreation leader. Our leaders are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Do herty. Nancv Doherty. a member of the 4-H Judging team, gave a report on her trip to the PI in Portland. We were reminded of the Achievement Party this Fri day night Our next meeting will be at Jim JtJiooaswonn a nome on December 6 Michelle Miller, reporter Club Makes Cookies The Butterfinger 4-H cooking club meeting was held at the Dr. Wolff home last Wednesday. There we discussed officers and decided on electing one. Shelley Wolff was elected reporter. Then we divided into four groups to bake cookies. Two groups made peanut butter, one was brownie and one was oatmeai raisin, vve gave cookies to the grade school teachers for their coffee hour. Shelley Wolff, reporter K aJW most year, are removed by July. Livestock Man9aaat The ttt of iM-eratin la row calf with the raKes brln ul4 In (Vluiirr aa lh herd la l rruned f rvwtt the MeM allotment nd vfcd into the foothills lor late tall pasture N-fore rmlng la the home umh I t wintering t ante are bred to calve w Hh the bull, romtnt In January an.l leUruary with late rah eta culled aa a means of keeping calving from stretching oer a number of months. Pa-lure umhI In ratty spring are dofetred fur the tet wl the triiun t ranee can go to seed. As older cows and late ralvera are culled. aproxlmat rly 1 tf the heller crM Is kept fur replacement. Three hundred thirty brd cow are kept with Id bull turned In on the flrsl of April so that calv In ran start the firt of the ar. A program of numbering rtws Is followed that record can be kett enabllne the matching of uierlor calve with their moth er. With a record of calving dates, a can can be dUposed of If she becomes a late calvcr. it tw doosn't nrtnlure m can each year she Is sold In the fill even though she might otherwise be a real good conformation cow. Bulls are selected for growth Iness. (ill re for age) with good conformation. The lop battery bulls are given a lot of the cretin for the excellent type calves weaned fnm the cow. Bulls are selected from top reg istered breeders that have kept rood performance record. Pre ference is shown to the regis tered Hereford herd of Frsnk Anderson, the bulls of which Mr. French likes real well. Heifer calve are vaccinated for brucellosis and all of the herd with exception of a very few that might have been brought in from outside are now vacci nated as a result of this yearly practice. Disease has not been nroblem in the herd and reg ular vaccination for black-leg, malignant edema and shipping fever is made. Replacement heif er are kept from this herd as Mr. French has not been able to find what he likes for re placement on the market He say if tney are gooa enougn to keep, someone else wants to keep them rather than sell them to him. Club Studies Buying: On Thursday. October 29. the Ruralette 411 club went to Hepp ner to studv the buying of socks. We looked at the ones at Elrr&s and at Penney's. After we were through looking, we went upj to th conference room of the Con- ty Extension office and held a business meeting. Our next meeting is on -November 12. , Christine McCabe, reporter I . . "walks" mm ...u 1 1 in i. v ''4,'. 11 J'""-".-;-;';" , jjilLmemm ' T" ' V - " ,"!!... . '.f J ' lassm "'"iiiiim"'-" ? M , Independent front suspension takes the "truck" out of truck ride. It smooths rough roads, protects truck, driver and cargo from excessive jolting. And on Chevrolet pickups it's a proved system with millions of miles of user experience behind it Try it out on one of Chevrolet's great Fleetside or Stepside pickups. It's one of the big reasons that Chevrolet is first choice with pickup users from coast to coast Mites! Cfiwltell; Contip County Agtnt'i Office Tax Study Shortcourse Planned This Winter ly W. C ANDERSON Plans are well on lh road f. tax study MtorttMurse wnun will be hrld In Mormw county this winter. The hrtMurie, a tesult if revtunmendatlnns of the Morrow County Wheat Growers AAMfc-Utlon Ut year. Is being a- range! through a steering Mtn nutlet coii)iM-d of Paul Tews. Don McKiligott and Loul rati son, lone, retnewntlng the Mor row County Wheat t.rowera As sociation, and Norman Nelwm, Lexington, and Paul Ilutr. Ilt-p-pner, ret'resentlng the Morrw Countv Tax Advisory Research CtmimWlon and Tad Allller fnin the Extension Adliry Council. With Marlon Thomas, exten sion agricultural economist, OSU, niuklng arrangements for the re source Hot who will he help ing with the frhortcuure, dates have iwcn set for January 2U and 21; February 2 an.l 3. The steering committee. In developing the isiort course, ha Indlcattnl that the objective and purjmse will be to acquaint hu p!e and develop methods of creating a better understanding among Morrow county citizen with property tax problem and procedure for levying and bud geting tax money and potiMhle demands and condition In the future. The shortcourse will In further aimed at reducing con fusion, dissatisfaction and frus tration growing out of tax levies and taxing procedures. It's objectives are to acquaint people with the existing tax structure of the county, includ ing property tax, various pay ments In Ilu of taxes, state and federal school funds, city funds, how the total welfare budget is made up, how the road budget is prepared, what property taxes are used for, and In general, cover the subject of taxes a thoroughly as time will permit and the interest of the people warrant. Successful tax study short, courses have been held In other count les and we are sure the people of Morrow county will welcome this opportunity to dis cuss taxes here. Since taxes are something that concerns every one, we would suggest that you hold the dates of January 20 and 21. February 2 and 3. You will oe contacted shortly by the Steering right over bumps and trouble Telephone your Chevrolet dealer about any type of truck HEPPNER, Committee and given an tpj.r tunity for pie legultailon In making plana for Us inwbanl.s In holding the shortcourse, rsdta Prects si 4 II Msmbvt a Coin In Hooois Paul Proudfoot, lone, 4 II member. Is well on his way as a sucieskful purebred livestock breeder. His registered heid I'f Angus has been devel'-ped from some of the top bl.wxl lines in this breed and he has added lo the herd until he iuw has nine head of cow and a bull. SKne of the heifer from his oilgtnal cow are now In the breeding herd and the herd will Im-rvate faster now as he saves top re placement heifers in the years Rticad. An excellent herd sire ha lust been added a the number has Increased enough to warrant Paul keeping his own bull. Thl Is a lop registered Angu herd In watch as Paul continues in 4 II club work over the years. liri-f breeding projects such as this one are quite worth while for 4 II members. While market projects are good and give the club member an opportunity to learn about feeding animals, the breeding projt'ct which con tinues from year to year, with an opportunity for the member to Increase livestock numtx-r according to the resources on Ihe ranch, ha given many a 4 II boy or girl a start In the live stocn business. While swine projects are now at a low number there have been some gd breeding pro jects developed over the year that have done much In provld Ing gooil breeding animals for the area. There are a number of real god Klieep breeding projects that have been built up through 4 II club member uih as Terryl Ann. Sue. Bill and Greg Greenup who are also building a registered Angus herd; Patti liealy. Michelle and Mark Mil ler. Maureen. Nancy and fr-cky Doherty. John. Tom and Carol Rawlins, Kenny Wright Just 10 name a few. Some registered beef herd have been developed by present 4 11 members Mitchell Ash beck. Sheila Luclanl, David and Dean Wright. Dale Van Blok land. Barbara Bloodsworth, David and John Hall, Charles OREGON Start Knitting Work First rneellnt U lha Pusy Needle 4 II Hub was at the home of Mi, fipohn art ttrtober l.l We gt our new kniiilng Uioks and talked about Whal ue of yam we netd fot our sweater. We met attain fVtoher Tt and had lo vlsiioi. Carol llolta and Mrs. Ilolii. Ws hae a new mrin lMr. Clnty lktnm. We have slatted kfdttlhg ur sweaters We it. t s-in NuVrioU-r 2 al Mrs, holin home Fiances Wiley, resirtir ami Ki-lttv NiUm, Hal llerg stroni. Nurida Clark, John and Hob llartla, Nancy aiu letir CauiptH-ll. OSU Sponsor Shiteour On Soddl Mo4s gtudy Intcicsted Hfoiis ate remind is I i the NadJIe Horse Munt couise which will lie lu-IU at Oregon .Suite I'nlveislty on No vember 13, II atvd IV It liuludea thl )ear 4 II conlcieotv lot all horsemen Interested In 4 II saddle horH clubs. Ihere will be a dcinonstnatlon of stock set, and reining his-ses dining the shottcourse with first aid, after surgery treatment. curicctivo trimming and shoe ing, taking much of the ograjii this )ear. 11km who are Inter ested should get In their regis tration now. Consumption of Bf lilob by th U. S. Nory Much Is Mid about the promo tion of beef and need for greater consumption to keep up Mlth pioductlon. With this In mind it U pMHl to hear that the 4.0U MUlshlpmert at Annapolis ar (Continued on page 4) CLIPPING And SHEARING BLADES SHARPENED FREE Aa A Service To Our Many Friends end Customers Compliatnts of HUMPHREYS REX ALL DRUGS AND ER WIN'S SEED axANiifa 36-3764 amy