Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1964)
Lodge to Havo Dinner The public U lnvte4 by IMty lUbrkah Ms (4 Ualnftoct to attend IU annual turkey dinner at the Uirtton lOOf hall Sat. urdiy evenlnf. November T. Serving will be between &; and 8:00 pro, with tkket lk H at $130 and TV. Combined with the dinner ill b a baiaar aal 4 handmade clft Items and vart Hlt d hre rakrd tzo&x Porcnti Havo Girt Mr. and Mr. Al Parent t4 Salem recently announced the arrival I a daughter. AlUon Kay. on ntJy, October la. Sh fjtns tww aUter, LWa Carol and Shelly Marie, and U the fraiut daughter of Mr. and Mr. Irvin Andrtun vt Heppner, Mr An-t1i-ton ha twn al the Parent hivm arial week helping kith tt family. 00 ELECT 00 Conley J. Lanliam Fcr CITY RECORDER FORMERLY SEUVtD TOUH YIAJIS AS MATO AND TWO TEARS COUHCILMAN. ACC0UXT. IN G EDUCATION MAJOI IN COLLEGE, (Pd. Ad. By Conhy Lanham, Heppner) International Woodworkers of America (IWA) Local 3-312 Urges Vote VIS MBl,e Bring Guaranteed Benefits of State Workmen' Compensation (Job-In-Jury) Law to 200,000 Workers Now Denied That Protection. Increases Benefit Payments 1SH. Assured Protection For More Than 600.000 Employed Persons in the State. Ballot Measure 3 is WOT a TAX Measure BALLOT MEASURE 3 (Pd. Adv. rWA Local 3-312, Marvin Casebeer, Pres., Heppner, Ore.) ProNuptial Shower Honors Miss Dloke At Episcopal Hall Some 5rt wrtl withers attend ed an aftetn prewedding turner at the I pixpl arih hall Saturday, runrinj( Mia beflv tslake, daughter of Mr. and Mr, hill hlake. mw of Mon mouth, wn rmlnie wcddine, to le litiiiffitd ill an evrnt vt November 21 In Mon mouth. It.wirk handling the ar lanceroefM for Ihe ltvety how. rr were Mr Howard lleteland. Mr JaK Van Winkle, Mr. Wilbur Van felokland, Mr I Itov Uaidncr and Mr. Pat Bun dle. Atii-mling ihe euet twk mi Mr. lUrrrll Blake while Mi Jean Sirwert aUted the brute el.-ct at the Rift table A tride doll whie bouffant kirt wa formed bv a white trkist cake h centered en the iM-rvliti! table. The lover renter. piece ii aurroundetl by four immature i.rnioMnai.i fn, .l.-ii hi lit all Kli'lUf- ed bv Mr. Paul Hcmrich and Mr. Snoda Blake. Ojwn faced aandwtthc wire also avrvrd by ihe rnwtce v tth cot tee and punch tnfi poured by Mi Uinurr Springer and Mr. Wil liam till. Arrangement of bronze and yellow flower were n m,i thniiii-hmit the hall. i Attending from out of town 'were Mr. Bill Blake. Jenny. Kathv and Karen. Mr. Jim Bar rett and her two daughter, and Mi. Kdtth KHifierald and daugh ter. Tertl. French Home Scene Of Bridal Shower A bridal ahower was given In cv;nplimcnt to Mr, Lddie Bros nan lhi former Lorraine llarn- ' de. on Saturday afternoon, CV- tocrr 21. at tne rancn niwe oi Mr Kaymond trench. Assisting the with arrangements were Mm. Paul Hlsler and Mrs. V.rii K Iim of I Hut Kock. Many lovely and useful sifts were presented the honoree by the many invited truest s, several of whom were unable to attend. Mothers of the newlyweds. Mrs. Gerrv Brosnan and Mrs. Delbert ttarnden, rided at the tea table, cutting cake and pouring. A iloral arrangement of yellow chrysanthemums centered the attractive serving table. Coming from out-of-town was Mrs. John Brosnan, sister-in-law of the bride, from Hubbard. Grand Master Meets With District Masons Grand Master of Masons In Oregon Earl T. Newbry made an official visit with Masons of Dis trict 28 at the Arlington Lodge No 8S meeting Saturday, Octo ber 24. Appearing with the Grand Mavtnr ttcr Alfred B. Holme. Portland, Junior grand warden; Don Turner, Lexington, Junior grand deacon, and Bert J. G Tousey, Tigard, chairman of the erand lodge committee on public schools. Roy W. Lindstrom. lone, dis trict deputy to the Grand Master for District 28, was the host. , I Miss Carol Anderson Married In Corvallis Mr. and Mr, lln Ander are anmumin the niartiage of their daughter, Carol to Clarenoe A. Ptxtrr al the Hr Mt iliodiat tUuut In Cvrvaltia on Serein bet I'A Mr rorter. hd U I reaearch avitant In velrilnary mtu-ine at IHegori State t'nietity. U wxiialng fur hi lh l. in tmrite brate aotdogy. Ill new bride, U mahving in :nghh M liSU, wwks part lime a a secre tary In the university's agricul tural deartmenl 11ey ai-e now at home at 2iH N. Kih, Aptm 11, fonallu. Church Announces iNovcmber Events A full program of church ac StlMtie for the month of Noem- Ut ha been announced ty m church board and Itev. L-n B. Kuhback. pastor f the Heppner ihrsittan thunh. Durln the -Week ivf Vlslta. Hon." Normter 15. the vil tatlon and evangelism commit, tee will go calling each night, meeting at the church at t 3d for supper, returning at after railing. A eclal setup meeting U to be held tonight uvtober Wl at 8 pm. for sinvtal In-atructton. Meeting will be held each evening at 7:30 for a apecial Preaching Mission between No vemhof 8-12. Thurdav. Novem ber 19. I the annual Harvest Festival In the church basement at 6:30. Committee in charge In- eludes Marvel Jone. t Urenee Baker. Lorene Grtflith. l.ertruue Parker and Anita Stockard. Archdeacon Comes To Initiate Canvass The Rev. and Mr. George R. Schoedinger of Bend are ex pected to arrive late this ween to Initiate the Kvery-Member Canvass for All Saints' Kls. copal church, according to Father C. Bruce Spencer, rector. The Kev. Schoedinger. arch deacon of the .Missionary Dls trlct of Eastern Oregon, will be the principal speaker at the an nual meeting on Sunday at 10 a m., and a potluck dinner will follow at 11:15- He Is also ex pected to be present Thursday evening (tonight) for a meeting at 7:30 with the vestry and can vass committee. The annual meeting also opens Stewardship Week, when canvassers will call on all mem bers of the church. Spaghetti Feed Set On Election Evening Hungry voter may also hatt the chance to eat at tha lone school raietortum on Tuesday, election dav, after 5 pm The lone ITA U sponsoring a spa. ghrttl feed between 3 and 8 l m, acnding to Jim Harnett, chair, man. The feed U a trnrfi pro )ect of the organliallon to lalie eatra fund for their budget M use In m h"lanhi and othrr (iiblie K-rsice iTojert. Admission will I ft for adult and Mgh a. hl aldeU; TV . for grade a.hmd, atudenia. and 'ftUwue 1V tie l pre aihooWr. M 1 ANNOUNCEMENT I ,m . candidal M th TSlXTtZl Heppner aM would imnrly V' , N.,;rmt-r X My training and r , ,. f b-" f 1 Elaine S. George UM Ad rv i lalrw Mct-two Mr. JmsI Criffia depart d Monday to spend several days visiting relatives In Portland. Accompanying her were her sis ter. Mrs. Gladys Walker, and Mrs. Irma Teeters, both of Port land, who were week end guests of Mrs. Griffin. THE IS A PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Ma) be ) our w ifc wants compact my do-park car. Yon want roomy klgfrppf I Vole for peace. Iluy a new m!JJ!e-lf Ford FairUiM-inaW all factions Uppy. rairUne'i icyrne for 65 is value. Ilcre'i the ptatform: New go-go look cutskle. Luiury intcthns in all 8 model. M more powtiful itandarJ Si. Three Ng V-l optiona. J peed Cruive-O-Matic iranimiwion optional with any engine. Loll more. Win with FaiiUne In 63l L. 1 I ,1 V. - 4 ' i! r r Ad new ' 5 f iuUm .V Sporti Coup Be the first JLIW Lliv a aa u w to cast your vote at your Ford Dealer's today! Uonnnor Antn SalpQ. Inr Heppner, Oregon o D 0 from forest to customer. on Union Pacific i3 a I'll in ' i w -V iy ' I N4 f r. tr: n 0U J1"- KiWtM T .T.LOU T '4' :pac h. i V V fSMte fey-"'- " ' i 1 ''"-i f ysr - t- ff Now kiln-dried lumbar from the Northwest Is pack age wrapped to provide lumber mills and their customers with easy loading, economical handling and fewer storage problems. Another widely used method of transporting lumber to market is In box cars, that offer quick mechanized loading features. Union Pacific gives your shipments . . . large and small . . . constant care and attention. Electronic communica tions, automatic traffic controls, data processing and skilled personnel combine to provide efficient trans portation service throughout the West ... the automated EH way. Call a U.P. freight expert to help you, today. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD L H -. .-,' V Congressman Al Ullman President Lyndon B. Johnson Re-El They Get The Job Done ect This Can -Do Team President Johnson Said: "A tragic twist of fateful sorrow made me President. From that awful day on November 22nd, when President Kennedy was assassinated, I have had but one thought, but one conviction, but one objective: To be President of all the people, not just the rich, not just the well fed, not just the fortunate, but President of all America." Al Ullman: Has accomplished much for his district. Is always on the job. Is your Congressman and your friend. Keep him working for you and for all of America. Re-Elect Johnson and Ullman (Pd. Ad By Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, Al Lamb, Heppner, Chairman) MM