Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1964)
ntrrxin. cAzrm-TiMti. twut. oum u. tM4 ChoU With Your llom Ag.nt Strong Shopping Points Discussed By Agent SAMPLE BALLOT lr DOKNA CEOICE Ijtti week I wsa In Cor vsllfs f' spirit! elset for home raterulon Agents taught by hne roiHomiiii rstrnaiun apetlaiuta. The eln Included The True Coat Credit" and -Health Insurance" taught by Mr. Aloer la Jotinatin. hum management apevtalut. and "Understanding Teenagers', by Mrs. Roberta Ft aim, family life apeclalUt, f Miters A foahloa Itaaa hweatera have tmimw fath Ion Item well as a utilitarian farment for providing warrmn lirrt are so many kinds avail able that ahot'plnjr tut both fsh- ton and quality ran bo a rral pr blrm. Oregon State Unlverlty :tmln clothing spetialM Klaln Carlson gives thru tla to swrafer buyers In sweaters of th mnt fiber content, th methyl f conMrue tlon will determine the price ot a sweater. Cut and trwn awealera re made from pattern piece cut from knit yardage ana aewn to gether. Uualltv In Ihese sweaters can be drtermlned by hoklng for seama thai ar securely auu neq and overcsst. and the ribs of the fabric are cut on grain. Full fsshloned awcaters are more espenslve because th sec tions have been knit to shape rather than cut. V shaped marks, known as fashion marks, will help you to Identify a full fanh loned sweater. If genuine, the rows of stitches come together at the marks In an angle. Som cut and sewn awraters have mock fashion marks. The row of sttlrhes sre parallel to each other at the fashion marka. Neck finishes may be of a single or double thickness of rib blng. A sweater of soft ysrn. such as cashmere, will keep Its shape better If there Is a double thick ...... Kind ribbing is satisfac tory on aweaters made of fibers rial rrfrvtt, tayt MIm WeUcf However, alia cautlona that If you da UM U.rln. "moderation" is important la avoid developing a tat for highly awrrtrre3 luoua. OFFICIAL GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT PRECINCT Morrow County, Oregon, Genera! Election to be Held on Tuesday, the 3rd Day of November, 1964 MA1E A CJt OSS (X) 01 A CHECK MARK (O HI THE VOTWO tQUAII BETWEEN THE NUMBER AND THE NAMEOF EACH CWOWmVMXB roll AKD TO VOTE OH COKJTTTtmOItAL AMENDMENTS. MEASURES 01 QUESTIONS. KAJUC A CROSS (X) 01 CHICK KA1X (O Df THE VOT1HO SQUARE AFTX1 THE WORD TES" 01 A PTES THE W01D W Wheat Growers' Signup Supports Voluntary Plan he Ore eon Wheat Cruder league this weli Uurd a status report on the fall aign up for the voluntary Whrat lroram pase4 ty (xingeas UM aprlng lru loral farm organlratlon re- tVmd to a bulletin received from Ken Kendrkk, National AsjmjcIs tlon of Wheat Urowers represent ative In Waahlngton. D. C. Kendrlck reiiorted that TH0.916 winter wheat growers have availed themselves of allotment features of the new federal wo gram, or 82', of the total effec Uvr allotment In the fall algn-up area, ne compare! this number to the entire enrollment spring as well as winter f CU.du farms participating In the lJo4 program. The Department of Acrlcul lure Is expecting nest spring's sign up to bring the total to well over the record KjO.usj farms establUhed In Kendrlck obwrved. -This Indicates that whrat farmers do want the vol- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES tntary wheat prram and want 103 r For President, LYNDON B. JOHNSON. For Vice President, HUBERT li lt to work." I I inru ritrv Tor TV nrratb Presidential riecton: W. W. Abraham: Helen Burch; Mrs. Olga Freeman; Dr. Max Friedman; Francis Reagan; NATIONAL COPWTT F01 PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. AND ELECTORS Or PRESIDENT AND VICE F RESIDENT. Vote foe One Croup (T veto fee President foe Vic Prsatdaat and for Elector of President and Vice President make a cress (X) ee a check mark ( 1) Inside th vottna atar bstwoon the number and tn tb eentalalna the names of rear choice foe President and Vic President. Tour ballot a marked will be counted as n vote for sock of tb six candidate fee presidential electors t nppoti year cbotc for President and Vice President) BEPD1UCAN CANDIDATES 101 For President, BARRY M. COLDWATER. For Vic President, WILLIAM E " MILLER. For Republican Presidential Electors: Robert Chriiman; Mrs. Forrest (Virginia) Hedges; Mrs. Lawrence (Bess) Scharffenberg; Bernard Rchur: Mrs. E. E. ( Normal Albert: Mrs. Victor Thomsen. The farm association said that. wr.llr winter wheat area panic! pauon is oniy mouratrlv jd from lat year. Several aouthern and mldwestern atates have nearly doubled their 1104 acre age sign up. He reported thst the overseed Al Weeks. 7, do "sch -oul of lX . 1 . own a a w vf t I r""7 . . thiir allotment. Thft iront opening iuiu ihi a lrnrtWUe rib of the ..i.r and ahould be faced with either groagraln ribbon or a knitted band. The croagraln makes a ! nuiKy nnuin. vi-f it msv not always match the aweater color esactly Th huttnnholes should be Dlacrd suslght on the garment. evenly spacru an m- Acreage diversions to date equal 14"r of all eligible farms as compared to 33 under the T.M progrsm. Quoting Secretsry of Agricul ture Frcemsn. Kendrlck stated, This report indicates thst fsrm- era recogniz the value and lm jKKlance of prke aupirt pro- grama to tnclr larma and to a STATE from th edge. The stitches stsble and sound economy. tanre should be cloe enough to cover the cut edges. The buttons should be sewn securely, with no dangling threads. Any decorative trim .kauM reiuond to the ssme cleaning and csre as the sweater, or should D aciscnaoie. The Kendrlck ri-rvirt tvlnt4 out thst two of the most popular W f EVERETT J. THOREN Wheat Program are the feed (Train substitution clause and the overseedlng privilege. The latter, It said, assures farmers rOl REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Sakac Crook, Deackutea, GlllUim. Grant Hamer, Hood River, Jefiarsoa. Klomotk, i. Malkeur, Marrow. Sberman, Umatlua. Union. Wauowa. Wasco and Wheals COTUitten, Vet tor Ou! Republican 104 AL ULLMAN Democrat mat tney can market up to a . k,1H h rarr led oj nu lenoa o gve " i7.. sisDuity to isrm income, tn the outnlde of the turn bscK ' curls, so they win not snow, i nc sesras at the neckline should be flat You ahould trv on a sweater before Durchasing. If buying for a z ft make sure you nsve ex change or return privilege. Two aweaters of tne same sue may varv In the bust or cheat measur ment and In the sleeve length. This variance may be due to the type of yarn used, tne design and manufacturing poccsscs Women's sweaters are sized ac cordlnir to bust measurement FOR SECRET ART OP STATE. Vote for On 10 n ALFRED H. C0RBETT i i Democrat Editor Speaks To lone Grange; Slides Viewed IONE About forty members and guests enjoyed a pancake supper proceeding the regular meeting or willows Grange on 106 TOM McCALL Republican for STAtfTrnfASaixir Vote for On 107 n HOWARD C B ELTON Republican lion ROBERT W. (BOB) STRAUB Democrat FOB ATTORNET GENERAL. Vote for On FOR COOTfTT TXEASglXJL Veie for On 121 f- SYLVU McDANEEL RepubUcan-Democrst FOR PORT COMMISSIONER. 1 Tear Term, Vet far Q 122 JOSETH T ATONE Democrat 123 Q DONALD E, TURNER Republican FOR PORT COMMISSIONER. 4 Tear Term. Vol for Tkr 124 LLOYD BERGER Democrat 125 f- JOHN R. KREBS Republican 126 AL LAMB Democrat 127 r- DEWEY WEST. TEL Republican CONSTrnmONAL AMENDMENTS AND MEASURES 8BMXTTED TO VOTERS OP THE STATE AT LARGE. Vote TES OH NO. Mark Z or tn the square after tb word Tea" o after tk word "No." for tb answer voted lor. REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BT THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLT 1. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BILL Purpose: To amend Constitution YES Q to abolish the death penalty for murder In the first degree and to make the penalty life Imprisonment. WO 3 2. LEASING PROPERTY FOR STATE USE Purpose: To amend Con- YES - stitution to permit State of Oregon and its agencies to teas real property for a period not exceeding 20 years. hiO Q PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION 3. AMENDING STATE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW yjpe l Purpose: Changes Workmen's Compensation Law from an elective to a compulsory state system. Requires employers to insure under fJQ f state system. Includes practically all employees. Increase benefits. L 4. PROHIBITING COMMERCIAL FISHING FOR SALMON. STEEL- HEAD Purpose: Prohibits commercial fishing for salmon, steel. YES I head in all Oregon inland waters, including bounds rivers. Prohibits all commercial dealings in such fish taken in prohibited . NO LJ areas. - ' REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE OP MORROW COUNTT BT THE MORROW COUNTT COURT ' Men's and children sizes are Saturday evening, October 17. based on chest measurement. Lit Inauranoa Policies Ar Valuable; Keep Safely Keep your life Insurance poll cles In a safe place they are lm oortant to vou and your family Life Insurance is to provide money for your family In a time o t,)c wonderful pe0pie of Mor ar u..a a. ika twi iti a i . should be Immediately available to your beneficiary. Aioor i a The lecturer's program follow- ed Immediately. Wcs Sherman. editor of the Gazette-Times at Ileppner, was guest speaker. He introduced his mascot, "Oscar. This was proceeded by a reading, "The Editor." by Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mr. Sherman spoke 100 MERLIN ESTEP Republican 110 rI ROBERT Y. THORNTON Democrat FOR STATE SENATOR. EIGHTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Gilliam, Hood Rtrnr, Morrow, Sherman, Wasco and Wh osier Count!. Vote for On row county, his welcome here three years ago. and the beauties of the county which he feels the 111 GILES FRENCH Republican Johnston, Extension specialist populace does not fully apprecl- 113 d BEN MUSA Democrat 5. A MEASURE AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY COURT TO LEVY AND COLLECT TAXES IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000.00 WHICH SHALL BE OUTSIDE THE LIMITATIONS IMPOSED BY ARTICLE XI. SECTION IL OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR STARTING JULY 1, 1965, AND ENDING JUNE 30. 1966, AND EACH YEAR THEREAFTER FOR A TOTAL. PERIOD OF THREE SUCCESSIVE YEARS, SAID FUNDS TO BE USED TO CON STRUCT. IMPROVE, MAINTAIN, REPLACE AND REPAIR COUNTY ROADS Purpose: To authorize the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, to levy and collect taxes in the amount of $100,000.00 which shall be outside the limitation Imposed by Article XI, Section II of the Constitution of the State of Oregon on all taxable property in the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, for the Fiscal Year starting July 1, 1965 and ending June 30, 1966 and each year thereafter for a total period of three (3) successive years to more adequately provide funds with which the County of Morrow can construct, improve, main tain, repair and replace County roads. Oregon State University, says that pollcios may be kept at home If you prefer, but family members should know where they are. You don't have to worry about having your policies stolen, be cause thev are of value only to your own family. If you should by Wrs't K T. Martin. These in- 1H I"! UtVTN MANN, JR. destroyed by fire, tne company jvaI lev Mmmt Adams Waiinua will issue a duplicate. As apre- ukt country, and also a few ate. lie then told of a few of his I trials and tribulations, break downs and other problems. Mrs. James Lindsay followed with o reading, "My Paper Boy." Another feature on the pro gram was a selection or slides FOB STATE REPRESENTATIVE. TWENTY-EIGHTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Gilliam. Morrow. Sherman, Umatilla and Wh ler Counties. Vote for Ons 113 n MARTIN II. BUCHANAN Democrat I VOTE FOR THE PROPOSED TAX I VOTE AGAINST THE PROPOSED TAX YES NO Republican OFFICIAL JUDICIARY BALLOT FOR MORROW COUNTT. OREGON at th Graaral Flap an X or tn front of th nam of acn candidate voted for CANDIDATES FOR NONPARTISAN OFFICES ' caution, though you need to know the numbers of your poll cles, the companies with whom you do business, and the name or the insurance agency or agem with whom you do business. Keep these records separate from the policies tncmseivcs, Artificial Swstnrs Are artificial sweetnera safe for use by "normal" persons The labels on these products say thev should be used only by peo pie who must restrict their intake of ordinary sweets Virginia Welser, nutritionist with the OSU Extension Service, explains that moderate use f artificial swectners is safe for anyone. However, sugar Is an important part of the normal diet. Under the present rood ana arug regu lation issued in 1941, substitution of artificial sweetner for sugar In foods for general use would constitute "adulteration." Miss Welscr further explained that in recent years, artificially sweetened foods are used not only by diabetics but also would be weight lasers. For this reason, the Food and Drug Administra tion is considering a possible re vision of the clause "only by per sons who must restrict their in take of ordinary sweets." Most people do not need to use artlfl-1 from the lone community, all taken by Mrs- Martin. The Grange expressed appreciation to both the Martins and the Sher mans for their part in the pro cram. During the business meeting, the charter was draped in mem on' of Alex Huber. Lee Palmer, agricultural chairman reminded farmers to study the barley sign up due in the spring. The Legislative committee an r.ounccd the Republican supper at the Grange Hall on October 29. Tho 5th degree will not be ex emplifled at Rhea Creek Pomona meeting as announced. As the work is carried on in the 4th degree, all subordinate members are eligible to attend the Pomona meeting on October 24 and are urged to attend: Other guests at the Saturday night meeting were Mrs. Ola Ruggles, HEC chairman of Dist No. 6, and Mrs. Nora Turner, both o? Lexington Grange. FOR JUDGE OP THE SUPREME COURT. Position Number Two Vote for On COUNTT FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Vote for On 201 KENNETH J. O'CONNELL. "Re-elect Justice O'Connell, an experienced. capable and impartial judge." - 115 PAUL JONES Democrat 116 n OSCAR E. PETERSON i i Republican FOR JUDGE CP THE SUPREME COURT. Position Number Tkr Vote for On 202 ("I GORDON SLOAN. "Retain Justice Sloan. Present incumbent Vigorous, capable." FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Vote for One 117 WALTER H. HAYES Republican FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Position N amber Seven. Vote for On 118 MAXWELL JONES Democrat FOR COUNTY CLERK. Vote for On 203 fn RALPH M. HOLMAN. "Senior Judge Fifth Judicial District Qualified by Supreme Court experience.1 204 r EDWARD H. HOWELL. "A practical common sense, human approach LJ to the law." 119 n SADIE PARRISH Democrat-Republican FOR COUNTY SHERIPP. Vote for On 120 C J. D. BAUMAN Republican-Democrat FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 6th Judicial District Morrow County. 205 fJ WILLIAM JAMES DEVINE 206 Vote for On j EARL L. SOWARD. "Firmness if needed, mercy where it will help." Enjoying several dan of fish ing and visiting in tne vicinity before returning to their home In Hood River on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Drake. They were nouseguests or Air. and Mrs. Ray Drake. Box board for making signs and decorations at the Gaxette-Tlmca. Published pursuant to the provisions of ORS 249.356 SADIE PARRISH, County Clerk Morrow County