Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1964)
I nrrrwri g aicttc -ti h ts. nwdT, OHbf t. mi Irrigon Park District Issue On Ballot November 3 ly UVILLC FARTLOW 1KIUGON The second and final public hearing on th rro poacd formation of a Turk and Kecrration Maintenance District for the Irrigon vicinity wat held In the A. C Houghton school cafctorium Friday evening. Oc totn-r 1. Judge Omar lvieraun ftrci(ictl and anawcred queM Ions which were presented. Also present were Commissioners rrr ruaon and Have and Clarence Kowewaii. neaa or the Morrow Countv liannlnc and Zoning Judce lYIcraon commended the rnddrnta of this area for their foresight In desiring to provide for future development of recreational farUttiea In the community. Following the discussion per iod, the members of the county court signed an order, honoring the petition which had been submitted some time ago, and which will place It before the voters at the general election November 3. The order, follow. In the law governing formation of the district, provides that not only the main Issue must be decided upon, but that a board consisting of three members shall be elected at the same time, with terms of three, two and one year, designated by candidates receiving first, sec ond and third highest votes. One member to the board would be elected annually thereafter. Property owners within the proposed district desiring to have their names appear on me oai lot as candidates for board mem bers must file a petition bearing 10 signatures or resident tree holders with the county court at least 15 days before the elec tion. The maximum tax assess ment allowable is Vt mill of true value of property or 1 mill assessed value. Petition blanks may be obtained at the Com plete Food Store or Jorgensen'a Grocery. Boy Scout Troop No. 667. ac companied by Mrs. Richard Ry an. Lyle Giersch and Kenneth Lamb, made a trip to Pendle ton last Wednesday afternoon, and visited the Umatilla County Courthouse, the Pendleton Police Department and the Pendleton Fire Department Scouts attend ing were Tom Van Horn. Duane and Dennis Lamb. Merle Giersch. Mike Anderson. Hank Kussell, toher IS. at 2:.V pm. Rlverld high school will play Umaptne at I'm a pine Friday. CV-toher 9. ami will play lon ( Kiv-riil ' hlkh Friday, October 16, at 2:3d p.m. Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Force of Kanaas City, Kans.. arrived In Irrigon Saturday and are vis iting Force's mother. Mr. Pearl Force, and his aUter. Mrs. Vir ginia Matlack and family of I'matilU, Mr. and Mm. Roy Da vis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gallo and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gasser and Bud of The Dalles arrived In Irrigon Saturday and spent a week with their son and daugh- tcr-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gaurr and family. Several Irrigon citizens attend ed the teachers reception held at Riverside high school lat Tuesday evening. Special musi cal numbers from both Board- man and Irrigon were provided during the evening. Dr. Krrlt Hummel of Portland State Col- lege was the main speaker. He was introduced by Morrow Coun ty School Administrator Dave Potter. Boardman ladles served cookies, coffee and punch at the conclusion of the evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Henner and Jack spent the week end In Ba ker. w here they visited Mrs, Hen ner's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall, and at Haines where they visited Henners folks, Mr. and Mm John Henner. Sr. Bill Cooley returned to Reno. New. Sunday, where he Is em ployed with the Gold Lake Min ing Company, after spending a week with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooley. Allyn Hobbs. who Is enrolled at On In Klamath Falls, spent the week-end In Irrigon with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs and family. Mrs. Bessie Humbert of Coos Bay arrived In Irrigon Sunday night to visit her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humbert and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry of Portland were overnight guests of Mrs. Berry's sister. Mrs. Myrtle Markham and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Regula of Portland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hum bert and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thornberry I ' li I unoimri irnmir I iiiiiiiiil ,JIMI.x .. In.l I .... aa-f , - I ' . J , . ' A i t 1 . , 1 J .S i II f. - : - . . ..- -. -' J -.. z 41 f jra . . j .i ii : I f f s . -I I It I . , II i y i ' f v , ii ' r. fit ' i .i. t,, i - i I V I V V; ; - i' ii : , I l II FLATING A BIG part la Heppner Hlqh's bomacotalnq rrldary nijht are these bin students. GUIs are members of the Homecoming Court. From left are Jean Healr. lunlor prtneeaar JiU Qtna. senior ruea candidal; Barbara Blake, aenlor queea candidate; Anna Marie Brindle, aeniot queea candidate; and Barbara Cribble. Junior prtneeas. Boys la the back are Tim DrUcoJL Daee Honna and Stuart Dick, co-captalns el the high school football team, and Dare Anderson, president of the sponsoring H Club. Couple Exchange Vows In Double Ring Ceremony Richard and Randy Ryan, Art I of Rldgefield. Wn., spent a week Olin. Clarence Proctor, Dennis Robins. David Totzen, Leon Wil son, Ormand Leslie, Jody Ta tone, Tom Stewart, Lee Huson, Harold Stitzel and Bruce Buch anan. The A. C Houghton Bobcats lost to the Arlington Grade school football team Friday af ternoon by a score of 28-13. The Bobcats will play against Echo Friday afternoon, October 9, at the A. C. Houghton football field at 2:00, and will play Stanfield at A. C Houghton Thursday, Oc I II I II I II I ? , I - v l i , II I I'l ' II I II I ELECT II Martin Buchanan Democrat Repr State esentative A POSITIVE SEASONABLE MAN WITH EXPERIENCE WHO KNOWS OREGON'S NEEDS. (Pd. Advertisement By Morrow County Democratic Central Committee, Al Lamb, Heppner, Chairman). visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rees Mor gan. leaving Irrigon Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmeder took their son Robin to La Grande Sunday, where he en rolled as a freshman at EOC. The bchmeder s daughter. Ann, is a Junior at the college. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hadwick and Mary Gerberding, all of Salem, spent the week-end in Irrigon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murtishaw and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humbert and familv. rMs. Dan Hill returned to Irri gon Sunday, after spending three weeks in Portland caring for her daughter, Mrs. Roscoe Cook, who had undergone surg ery, and her grandchildren. Allyn and Rhonda. Mrs. V. L. Stewart left for her home In Clarksville, Ga., Tues day, after spending a month here with her son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Stewart and family. This was Mrs. Stewart's first visit to Ore gon. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch, Denise and Shawn recently moved to Gresham, where Koch is employed at the Safeway store. Mrs. Dan Hill cared for Shawn while Kochs made their move. Kochs spent the week end in Irrigon visitingr Mrs Koch's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and in Hermiston where they visited his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Koch and family, They returned to Gresham Sun day evening, Mrs. Vernon Partlow of Hills- boro spent the week-end with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Albert Partlow and SheryL Saturday aiternoon tney drove to Board man and visited Mrs. Roy Part low and family and Mrs. La- Vern Partlow. Mrs. Russell McCoy of Van couver, Wn., visited with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Myrtle Mark ham. Thursday and Friday. The Irrigon Assembly of God cnurcn nosted a sectional Fel lowship meeting Monday. The ladies of the church prepared noon and evening meals for those attending, at the old Irri gon school cafeteria. The Jun ior Choir provided special music for the evening youth service. Menus at A C. Houghton Ele mentary for the week of Oc tober 12-16 are as follow: Mon day Macaroni and wiener bake, green beans, cherry upside down cake; Tuesday Beef and By MARTHA MATTESON MONUMENT Miss Pennie Mae Dick became the bride of Thomas Eugene Schmadeka at a double ring ceremony Saturday, October 3, at 3:00 p. m , at the Monument Community church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dick of Monument, and parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell Schmadeka of Grangeville, Idaho. The wedding date also marked the 55th wed ding anniversary of a great uncle and aunt of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. Guy Lawson of Tigard. Performing the ceremony was th" Rev. Marvin Schrum, minis ter of the Christian church In Newport, assisted by Rev. Robert Duncan ol Monument The bride wore a white peau do sole princess style dress, de signed by her sister, Mrs. James Rampton of East Lansing, Mich., with the veil held by a bow of peau de sole and seed pearls. Maid of honor for her sister Two Candidates File for Recorder Monmouth, and Lewis Clark Nor mal school in Lewiston. Ida. The groom also attended Lewis-dark Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howell drove to Pendleton Sunday after noon where he entered the IVnd leton Community Memorial hos pltal for surgery caused from his logging accident some time earl ier in the summer. Mrs. Everett Howell Is working In the school lunch room with Jefsle Scott until Mrs. Clifford Howell returns from Pendleton. L L. Flower left Sunday even ing for Pendleton where he ex pects to have surgery on his leg by Dr. D. D. Smith. Miss Marline Gilman of Cor vallls visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gtlman over the week-end. A son, Daniel Alexander, was Kirn to Mr. and Mr. Miko OpIo of Renton. Wn., on Saturday, Oc- not fl,ed t( th,s tc, s.t, O ...lnkU. C Ik. . I Grandparents here are Mr. and Two candidates have filed for city recorder. Joining six other candidates tor counciimen ami mayor positions on the fio em ber 3 ballot. Mrs. Elaine Georges petition was completed ami Hied this week. Both she and Conley Lan- ham seek the recorder position. Ted Smith, present recorder, has announced that he will not sct-k reelection. LaVerne Van Marter. Jr.. city treasurer for IS years, has an nounced that he will not seek reelection. To date no candidates have filed for the position. As announced last week, two have filed for mayor, including incumbent Al Lamb and Ed Gonty. Four have filed for the four council positions own. In rlidlng Bill Collins. Dave Me- Lrod and Haskell Sharrard, all new candidates, ami W. C, (Clarence) Rosewall, Incumbent. Earl Avres and John Pfelffer. Incumbent counciimen. have Annual Livestock Meeling Promises Varied Program The dales vt NWmhrt 6 and 7 lae been annourwr.l ' annual meeting ? w.'rruw latln. The executive committee has outlined a tentative program whlih should he ol imrren io all llvctik growers The pf cram, a nw developed, will fin lure a saddle lwio alalllon ".how window" at 10 (l a m Friday with a llvett.-k nutrition and management clinic ulicd ui..,l lor the afternoon There will be the uual CowHelle nn luncheon and a film on having eguli'iiietit ahuwn. Friday a pro gram will be held at the fair ground. Several am-akers have leen engaged rr me jtaiuruar r gram. Im hiding li k Snedon, Onion Pacific agricultural agent, who will outline plana for the American National Cattlemen convention which will tw nein In Portland on January iti, 27 and 2H. r. Glenn B. I!ea, at ate vet erinarian, will di-cuM reearch finding on the calf dleaa which has caused many loaaes In Oregon. Veterinarian from the National Dieae laboratory, Ame. Iowa, have Isolated a clflc dicae from which bacterln has now been developed tor ex- Jayvcei to Meet Umatilla Monday Heppner tiltha ayve f.1,4 ball learn will have lit third fame of the araaoit Monday al rmatllla. meeting the )av there in a return game. The vouni? Muktanea lt tu the Urn,, lilla javveea here by une Hni In the flrt game u the aeaktm 1. ante nine ai i'matllla U 4 , in trie Mion.i vame ihn 1 vera leat John Day here, ij 1 J A nhcsluled game wllh Pll, ll.u k here Monday was ran.-1. let! Ixn auae of lack of manpower on the ItiHaet' iuad. peilmental u on herds ih winter, Irvln Mann. nuinUr 4 the Oregon lu-ef I'num ll. will .in lf Imports an. inrir Inj. pact on llvektoek price A feature for the Saturday baruiurt will Im ndore.l kll.t. arid ilivul"n by Mvj lllmlwi, Fllenktiurg, Wn, calll.rnen. whi wa a tiieinlN-r of the People to IVople lour which vliiel Iron Curtain countrlea In 14, Mr, Mlcilikoe, a uireful rattle man and illuktriou ai-aker, ha given hi prcM-ntatlott th title of "IfunMa for Iteal- He prom ises an Interektlng program. Uvetok growers are urged to note these date and parti-. pate In lht Interesting and edu cational program of their annual meeting! Get restaurant guest check and sateatMHiks. both carbontied and non carbonuet at tht Ga-lette-Tlmea. wa Sally Ann Dick of Corvallis. lis.. Wavne Leather of Klmher- 1 a i I . . umaa siaie served as Driaes- jy and this Is their first grand maid. Attendants were dressed son. Mrs. Leather has ron to in Dngnr, nuniers green, wim Ronton to help In the home for bows holding matching net id davs. Mr. Leather drove to haios, and they carried buquets Pendleton Saturday for his sister. of yello-.v chry'santhemums. Mrs Maple Roach, to take care ariuiciigiuers. juuy wvenui-r 0t his house and Mr. and Mrs. and Linda Strawn, wore yellow Morton Cupper who are visiting dresses of crystal charm", with there seit bows on their hair. Mr. and Mrs Clinton Sander- Best man was Jim Wells, cou- son of Antacortes. Wn.. visited at sin of the groom, with Gary Hig- the Jerry Hudson home In Ilamll gins and Danny Fulton serving ton over the week-end. Mrs. as ushers. Hudson is his niece. A receDtion followed the cere- Aaron Harris and Sam Howell mony and wedding supper was served later at the home of the briae's parents. The couple will live In Grange ville, Ida., where the groom is associated with his lather on their ranch. After graduating from Bend High school, the bride attended Oregon College of Education, drove to Boise last week for their service tests. Here for a week-end of deer hunting and visiting at the Dick Borman residence were TSgt and Mrs. Calvin Cox, James, Michael. Melody and Joy, of Mc Chord Air Base. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher and baby of John Day were visiting In Monument on Sunday. Chester Foss and grandson Bobby of The Dalles visited dur- ing the week-end at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mead Gilman. The highways and mountain roads are busy with hunters and travelers, with many seen bring ing home their deer. ill) II i lull IMP! liEffiEK I i I'll lOlffi , .I' 0'mmmmmmmm7 " " 1 ' K r . ... ub, UMkHnMWHHa- Andk mmmmmmmmmm "lie was the third student in line and he graduated Magna Cum Laudel" this young man's parents proudly announced to kiniolk by Long Distance. They got "instant kin" by dialing direct. How about you? Have you shared a family joy with relatives or friends lately? Long Distance is almost like being there with them. And remember, lower fj rates begin after 6 PM. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL vJ). A WOOUCTOf MOTOR COMPANY UNC01N MCRCURY WVISI0N gravy on hot rolls, buttered car rots, pink salad and cookies: Wednesday Beef stew, lunch meat sandwiches, plums and gingerbread with cream: Thurs day Spanish rice, grapefruit. green salad and peaches: Friday Tomato soup, peanut butter and tuna sandwiches. Dear and cneese saiad and an oranee. Menu is subject to change. All meals are served with bread and butter and milk. Irrigon PTA members are in vited to attend a PTA meeting at lone Wednesday. October 14. uuest speaker will be Mrs. Stein- metz. For further details, please contact Irrigon PTA President Mrs. Kenneth Eppenbaugh. Anyone interested in slzninz cnuaren ud lor kindergarten should contact Mrs. Phillip uoooaii rnone mi-simi. The A C. Houghton Library open on 1 uesday evenings 1 irom 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. I The Ford Motor Company introduces an entirely new kind of Mercury for 1965 . now in the Lincoln Continental tradition BRAND NEW! "LIGHTWEIGHT POWERHOUSE" Portable Vacuum Cleaner by HOOVER Special Sale $095 Reg. 49.95 V L. E. DICK 281 LINDEN WAT. HEPPNER PH. 676-9920 NEW! Handy Tool Storage HOOVER Sales, Service When you first see this one, you may ask, "What car is that?" Mercury is that new. The look is new. Completely. Low, sleek, beautifully proportioned. The ride is new. Solider, quieter. The idea behind all this newness is to bring you a Mercury that accurately reflects the Lincoln Continental tradition. See how well the idea works' at your Mercury dealer's showroom today. HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. MAY AND MAIN STREET HEPPNER. OREGON SEE THE "BING CROSBY SHOW" MONDAY NIGHT, 9:30 PDT, ABC-TV Ch. 2 (KATU-TV). Portland