Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1964)
1 College Sfudenls Leave io Enroll For Fall Term n Msny Jtmr.x pct-ie tn lhe narr r rw crrviUM In cl- letfe ti the fall term, with iff- K ular (Um itk tuning In w l of the uif UiUi.-n ruHis this Week, Mt of lt ear's graduates ol Itepprter Huh who have start ril rwllree wrtr named in a prey. 1hi kltaty. Miwr, howrrr, mi Unit IHituquf, wru t rntvlled a fr-hmn at Oregon tl leee cf Kud (hn Monmouth. IVset returning l.i CVK this . !)Hf ar Cintt-r ami li.k Siting- i V : Kesri ly fclak. and gvttin t ' Vl i her tVgrr there in the spring Li LA I 'a " SkUr' n Tuikrr. I i iiirnng a irrmmjn ( me DtCX ICHL of Lestngtoa, and l'meritv of (ivn, Kugene, is former Hrppaer High loulball tJtnnv Uui Turnrr. Lrungton. tar. la termed bf Cooch "ta1uAi of Si. faul t Kluvl in Tommy frothr of Orvoon -Walla WalU. Others returntng Slot 0BlrairT m n at the or entrting I nlrri!v f tregor has ersr l' transfer, are Laura i tr I tor; iniih. u 1 a. a 1 t 1 111 A 4 i i 1 J ft. li I . J fvir III!! IPi.kl v a atiiiaii ii ana a III Ptt 1 1 I I 1 I I 111 I hi. M ; i -. fit lc Sum- bst llobockfi hs coached. Coach Says Ruhl One of Two Best OSU Linebackers OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY. Corvallls (Srxx-iah When Dk k Ruhl arTtvixi on the Oregon Slate campus three yean ago, he came unnoticed and not to play loci ball. Now In his third season as a member of the Oregon State foul ba' squad, the farmer Hepner high school star Is one of the team' co-raptain and a star! linebacker on the Beavers, defen sive platoon. Ruhl's story U unusual In to day's competitive college recruit ing. He was not soueht after, al though he played tn tho East. Merlin Hughes. West Shrine game at Pendleton) At Eastern Oregon Collgee of after his senior prep year at Hep. Education. La Grande, are Jac pner. iqueltne Brlndle. Bruce Moycr, An Oregon State assistant coach Larry Green and Kit George, saw Ruhl play at Pendleton and . Shan Applegate has returned iicvurRea mm io come to ' to Carroll College. Helena. Mont.: school here. But the Beavers, Sharon Dixon to Asbury Col along with other major colleges. lege. Wilmore. Ky and Shirley ma noi consider mm wormy or at orison to tsngnam loung im- net. Ann Jonea. Unda Van Winkle. IWer tv.herty. Mike Smith. Bill Co, and l-arry Tib- itiea. i i:-turnin la Oret;n State Col. 1 lege are Konnle t'reik. Ken ljgcett. Llbby iVan Scholarkl f Fenton. Don Oark. Carol Ander-! son. Uu-k Ruhl and iVnnu Kerg- j. un. 1 1 At Itftland State will he B-v- f erlv lawtin. Judv iS4hmidtl N l)rt!icll. Judv Hamilton. At IVrt- L land University are Martha lv-' hertv. Bill Xton.iKle. Louise Pointer and Hank l"olnter. lon. aid Van Winkle is enrolled at ! Portland Bulnes fniversitv. ) Also at Portland State is Jean 1 Collins. t Returning to Pacific University J in forest Grove are Shannon Mahoney and John Cleveland, Bob Kager 1 In his second year I, it i ii M I ' 1 mmmmm mmmmm, - jinn- , n i Prize Winning Flower Entries Viewed by Many Beauty was Indeed the bus. net 'f the lone Order riub at a hi-Wy fucrcwrui f !wxr sew. poniwircd tv the club an pre nletl In the lone school cafe- tor In m Sunday afternoon 5wcctake was mn l-y Mrs. William Rawlins, with Mrs. Pled Martin as runner up. A delphinium grown y Mrs Victor Rletmann was given the special award fr the tet lion. It U .I,IKI I. ....! 4 cf V horticulture ethibits was coiiien Ave giatioius spike grown by Bill Rawllnm. tVt single exhibit In the de sign clavMS was a -trktal ar rangement made lv Mr Raw- i llns from ted ehidloll and Curtis Rice chnsanthemums before a m rren, using a dmp cloth of j ,1 emerald green velvet. Of special enjoyment to the lar.'e crowd In attendance was a flower arranging content In which Mrs. Norman Nelson placed first with a delgn of red and pink dahlias with scotch j broom. SHond went to Mrs. arry Andrews of IV ho; third to Irs. Tom Huston of llardman. i L .11. M I H . li.. Gar Swanton, lone. Ktrst In the .won by Jeanette I.ujan; Mcond 'by Barbara Palmer; third by Theresa Turker. and honorable mention to Darlene Warren. Attracting much Interest and comment was an unusually large display In the junior div ision. Kathy Crum won sweep stakes for the older Juniors, with Charlie Rawlins for the 4 to 7-year-olds. Judged best of 48 en tries In Junior arrangements was an "outdoor scene" on a Icookle sheet by Mickey Hosklns. 1 u i r. VU!tU diuUf tka r4 In I'smv an.l KrnnewUk Mr .rnla llut.-n. ktim Matwi (tiaffee and M. I hel JVIwanU Ibey tUitetl In the homes 4 Mis lluion's daughter, Mr llrnuan paisrr in Pawn, and with Mr ihatfees t-olhrf and taitulv. the Howard liouihs In Krniiewltk. Ot. 4 Hr. U 0. TllJUl iiM-d la pMftlsnd. lUturday I l.rtr fecit and In law. Mr and Mis. I TibMe. tbrlr other .. Iiry, and Mua Judy M-rvbuuea all of l ueene, ti attend the U t4 O vs. Pitts burg f4bll gan at Mult ninah Maillum lr. and Mr. liMdes tvlwi ird Imhm hunday. This 4-H Operator Uses: SAFETY RULES DRIVING SKILLS MECHANICAL KNOW-HOW -... , KlsSn-aUs"'"1 Ins,i,U,' IRV1N MANN. JR, of Stanfleld- R.pubUcan candldota for atoi.1 Several deullful floral de-' 7 " ... . MoraBtatl tram Ih. 28th rfl.lrt-. on hand Moadmr lor liKn. about the rooms Were Amon? those enrolled at Blue Mountain college. Pendleton, are Archie Ball Jr.. Julie Pfelffer. LeRoy Gardner. Tom Pointer and th. afflrlal Mwnins f RomiKllran hxvVrnrrrr. an Hmdbh'i made Dy rcaipn Manin Wno Mala strst Mann is pictured ot the right Mrs, Mann and amV Larry Lindsay (left), bis campaign manager, were also present to participate. Toe big sign a dots u head quarters proclaims the RepubUcana partisanship. football scholarship, After a year at Bobe lunior col- lege, Ruhl came on his own to Beavervllle. He moved In two doors away from Bob McKlttrlck. lAU assistant coach, who re membered him from the Shrine game and encouraged him to come out for football. Euhl did and In time had won himself a scholarship and a place in the Beaver grid plans. As a sophomore on the 1962 Lib erty Bowl team he played full- back and averaged 45 yards on I 31 carries. Last year he was a I center and linebacker and thlsj vear ne is specializing as a line backer. "He and Jack O'Billovich are the - best pair of linebackers we've had in my 10 years at Ore gon State." Head Coach Tommy Prothro says. Buhl and his wife, Susan Joan, have a two-year-old daughter, Dana Marie. His parents, Laurel and Faye Ruhl, live in Lexing ton. The Beaver co-captain is majoring In physical education and will graduate this year. The husky 6-1, 203-pounder is considered a fine "bonus" by the Beaver coaches. Three years ago they didn't want him. Now they feel they can't do without him. vcrslty. Provo. Utah. Bob Huffman is in graduate Wren Harris has a graduate fel lowship at Purdue University GOP Headquarters Onlv 43 Donors Officially Opens Contribute Blood (Continued from page 1) Mrs ns. Morrow county Republican headquarters on Mam street In lfnnn. ,.tt,r-l .11.. ttnn. work at the University fo Ore- day with In in Mann, candidate h'-Mr- V,rn0" ""-.JV eon TVntAl Srhnoi Pnriinnrt nnt lf. n..nt.tu.. tholAI Fetsch. Mrs. Arthur atki r- - - . - - f i t ' ' i oiaiv i t 1 v 1 1 1 a 1 1 - ii uiij iii i ( , i . ffith district, attending. 'arence oauman. hiij.hik Mann was introduced at the """ul HeDDner-Morrow County Cham- 'Thank you s" were also Is ber of Commerce luncheon by I sued by the chairman as fol- his county campaign chairman, lows Larrv Lindsay. I Tn rr Tffni-rtr uhn mneunt County Republican Chairman ed to helD when the reeular doc- Don Turner announced that Mrs. tor who comes with the blood- La Verne Van Marter. Jr.. will be mobile was unable to be here, in charge or the o.u.P. neaa- t the women of the Metho quarters, which will be open dlst church. Mrs. Kenneth Batty, irom l to b p.m. eacn aay ex- Mrs. Howard Bnant and Mrs cept Sundays from now until Barney Malcom who served re November 4. freshments of sandwiches and Assistance win be available doughnuts. or an KepuDiican voters neea- To the boy, ,rom the hlgh uaiuti""-""" io school. David Hanna. Mark Mur Places or neip in voung aosen- ray Gxo Pierce and Larry UDI1U19. i'UO. vail I'lai It IC- MlAalh urhn omm Ia h. n Itn naH and load the truck. lert-a mat me ueacuine is i .-. . ,. . tober 3. Telephone number at ? in;."yY"La''" uai iiry cai'i in iuv irvi uiuucrni TO OBSERVE NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK from Portland to be on hand for the show. A special exhibit of 125 named varieties of dahlias from Mr. Rawlins' collection, attracted visitors from Heppner, HermU- ton. Echo and Stanfleld. In table setting division, first In breakfast settings was won by St. Williams Altar Society; urst in luncneon by lone ita: and first in dinner settings by Home Kc club of Willows (ranee. Other winners ui-rn I (Topic club. Beta Omega sorority. Women fellowship and Rhea treek Grange. In this section the Heppner Flower Grower 4 II club presented an exhibit of "How to Make a Nosegay Table Centerpiece. Serving as judges were Mrs. Kay Hisatoml and Miss Alma Rohrman of Pendleton, and Mrs. Ken Tcllcfson of Mllton Frec-1 water. The I II Trader program kas Irslaed well er a mllli yeaiks ! drive safrly. handle the Mf marklaes ass keep tkem la wwk lag ertler year areand. The krsjert Is Unaed aad serled y the Cooperative intratUa hervlre. la this state and S9 etkers. ednratlonal aids aad awards art provided y the Anerlraa Oil Foundation. With today's big Investments In farm equipment. It Is vital that tractors are adequately maintained and put to maximum use. points out 411 Club leaders. A breakdown could moan financial loss on crops. There Is always plealy to do la this project, even for Ike beginner. The program Is divided Into fvar sections. The Irsl year participation srqnalntt the member with Ike tractor and safe rules for operation. Second year members learn to operate the tractor and what it takes to keep it going. Care of battery, iprk plugs, cooling system and tires Is taught Operating coats, including fuel and lubrication also are studied. Improving Your Skills" is the title of the third unit. This emphaiics highway safety, power takeoff, brakes, power trans mission, winter rare and ownership costs. The fourth year and advanced unit goes late detail oa machinery care such as servicing and maintaining Ullage tools, planters, harvesters and sprayers, fly the tlmt 4 H ers have com pleted the fourth year, they nmally have assumed responsibility for not only the farm tractors, hot ether machinery as welL Over the years thousands of young 411 farmers have been recognized In various ways for doing a superior Job. The pro gram sponsor this year again will provide an eipensepald trip to the National 411 Club Congress In Chicago for the state winner. Coilega scholarships worth $-300 each will be awarded to the top 12 members across the nation. They will be designated by the Ki tension Service. ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY the headquarters is 676-9454. If drivers aim to (urb teen-age accidents Guest for the past week at the Avery Taylor home has been Mrs. Taylor's father, Harry Wil son, of Hopewell, New Jersey, who left Tuesday for Sandpoint, Ida., where he will visit his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, former Hepp ner residents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Babb left Tuesday to spend the com ing months at their winter home in Apache Junction. Ariz. They will spend a short time with their niece and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hagerty and daugh ter, In Sandy. Utah, on their trip south. work. I know the committee under the guidance of Kenneth Cuts- forth spent many hours tele phoning possible donors" the chairman said. To Lyle Jensen for running the loud sneaker to remind the people on the street To Gordon Pratt and teachers lor dis missing the girla and boys from the high school classes to help. and for the loan of typewriters. To the Bank of Eastern Ore gon for sponsoring advertising in the paper. To the Elks for the use of the building. C TOTAL DRfVFJtS 85,600,000 (ALL ACES raA mm ' tmoca ta.s) TCTtt FATAL ACCIDOiTJ ' HOW TUX-ACE TOTAL 7,400 (13.7) J) (f TOTAL DRIVERS IN ACCIDENTS ... 20,000,000 ' ff TEEN-AGE TOTAL 2,900,000 4-5 Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among persons under 25. Young drivers have the highest accident and death rate of any other driver age group. These appalling statistics are the concern of 4-H boys and girls enrolled in the National 4-H Automotive program conducted by the Cooperative Extension Service. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company sponsors the program, providing awards, educational literature and other aids. Also lending support are tae National 4-H Service Committee, the Automotive Safety Foundation and the National Safety Council. Local club leaders working with the young people urge them to complete projects and re-enroll to obtain the benefits of the three-unit course. The first two units are designed for the pre-driver The program attempts to develop acceptable driving attitudes and to teacb fundamentals of car mainte nance. Firestone offers awards foi county, state and national win ners. A traveling trophy goes U the county having the most out standing automotive project ir the state. This year's state winner wll attend the National 4-H Clul Congress, and will be eligibl for a $500 college scbolarshij 1 CALIFORNIA TWO STYLESnOTI! GliOW! Lengthen 2"! One full size. 4" cuffs. nrEVKON PLASTIC SOLES! Breathe! Take hard wear! Pro tect feet COTTON KNIT WITH PENN SET Retains shape after repeated laundering, won't shrink. FINEST CONSTRUC TION! Cut longer and wider for extra -comfort. Long wear! ELASTK3ZED ANK LES! No bind! Keep sleeper feet from slipping. PRINTED TOPS SOLID BOTTOMS! Do- lightful variety of colorful prints. VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations just minutes from Dlsne y 1 a n d and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning and heat. Spacious grounds with heated pool, pJay and recreational area. L n pi fi redl 3 p my ma raw Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM. CAL. FREE! fom sBptrs ucedlS sove I57 m, Writ, for llltrolur and ntw TRAVEL GUIDE lilting fin mottli horn coast to coott, lnqc M and approvod bjr Congroa of Motor Hotoli. Penney's know that mothers know best! Over three generations of mothers know Penney Toddletime sleepers have long been the talk of the town! Penney's In sists upon top quality specifications, uses rigid laboratory tests for shrinkage, washabllity, wearablllty, comfort and fit! Even at regular prices they were made to be a great buy now at this special price the savings are super! SIZES 1 TO 4 REG. 2.19 SAVE 1.17 ON 3 PAIRS SIZES 3 TO 8. REG. 2.49 3 FOR $6 Before you spend more "COMPARE TODDTiTlME