Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1964)
Teachers Greeted At PTA Reception in lone If IATHCHSNC UNOSTROH OM. l ai utty rttrmlx-i .f thr m llnuriiury al Ml, ii m . ! Ii.r, m II.mi illmii llii lirit 1 1 rf AalttM Mirrlllig In IK I all I..J1U1JI al VV-1 -I rs--Iwf 1Ti li'Hlly riniimltlr1, Mi Hill :t. liimwi nl Mr jr I'Alhui, i;irttl t Mir urU attU ott'lu 1- a iitii I" lp Ihr lai?t rt Imiumii" l-tur t aii'l MUUf. ! rM til. r'tiluirl lh nrlln Hi Ifir al.M li.v il the Ht sKlri i Mi llmy Knl. Him nll al ll lr imiiiiiu l Idmiii hi Itiowit lutf. Morilan. Inulm IIik im-HIng M.!li M.ifch. iiH-mUf ! Utf nun'y t km IkmmI. IiiIi.-Iu til i;i luiatiii. lMii M i:uii:i. w.l anl UmiI ( allMill, Hum tfi .f !!. I.x al alvi' Iki-I Jaik llwt.l. Vkli.t U Imi a tin in- Iwr unill' l ! i"m' l4sl'l lMi-r. Mm iiity al mlriMrslor. wn Inlfdm ! ami mitt a f Irmafk ftvrlrll u lrin, lilk'h nhil uttilljl. II Irtxluiftl 1. 1 alalf an'l tnil llrrrkk. fliHil f erxle mIhi. inrari.lnl Ihr faculty f th KiaiA-a Mr Taul Trw. hralili ltalr man, tll 'rrnl f H ! tlh itit'ram rati U 1 on In lh fnl l.y ihr munly l.raHh rtVitmcnl arwi hat I r)'trl of ttir vat mt In krlnit Ma hllcl hralitiy an t wi ll ami for during mIkhI )rar, (iurst krr .f the rvrnlng wti lr. Hd NhaffiU H Tln '. mIiu aixikc on car of Ihr c. II lirMl Ihi lmTtaiwv of ITimmI luri a v.-ll lwlrrl dirt, f.lrnly of rrst. hrt iIhU i rl when rradlnK ovrr uin! wrlol of tim aiumu at Irasj trn U-i-t from trlrvlslun w. nd Mha lo d whrn Injuria t trie ryr urur, a will many othi-r iN.lnla ImiHirtanl lo uxl rart- U the ryra. Inti-ri-Mlnjt munlral numrr wrir furnUhwd with violin and pi j no TlifM Kuit wi-re Mr ium AndiTnon. Mr. BuM-r Clouyh. Mm JW tarotiiiM.n. arul Mr. ln Wi-th.-fU Tin; Mirlal mmmlllfi' rtmMslinir i Mr. .Norman NrlMn. Mr, t. t' Jonc. Mr. A. A. Sti-fanl. n-l Mr. Jimo ivtlyjohn. arranjrt'd a lovrly l bl witti -rnii-r-i.lnf of r"d and whlti gladioli nnl Ivy. Mr. U-onard ll-rrlk lmuntl unh and Mr. Kvi-rrlt llolkti ln uri'd odfi-r. A lH-autlful KuKlish china li-.i i ui ami naui rr wa won by Mrx. Am!i ron. Thl w furnWifd by thf n-ld nt. A drawing will b held at ra-h nx-i tlni:. with the winner nivlvlnn a ru and aau- Ijnvvty rfmak' wrrf furnUh d by tho loni (Jardon club. Tam rroudfoot -ilind St. IV'.'iO, THE GAZE HEPPNEn nrinnin nn tTTVi La H i jlL ii iiIyJiiU' Hcppner, Oregon, Thursday. September 17, 196-1 Sec. 2 - 1 poges IVul a S.h.-. f :iil In WallalJ.d.n lfu.lf.-.l l.t Walla on hunday fr lirr o'' jlHiilnf lh fw.-iif.fc tl.a M-rary iar Mm wa laurn on by In r airiil. Mr and Mi J. Jin toodbiot and I'aul AUi bavin fr mIh'I irrri.r ly wa Nun Hahfr, daui-btf-r i4 Mr and Mr liavbl luki-r. who will aUriid M Miv of !. al b- at lifjvirton l-i bir mh-oiki i i of blti Mhd Ci-taldUM M4en nit for I'oM I I it .ii.iii u.i.-f. tl f will (m imj.loyrd. I In f4thr. I.b.d M.r jjan. to.k firf In Ihr nty Ml and Mi Mrl Wllwin of Itnehtwool nt tbr wnK rnd wlt hr brothi-r In law ami iii r Mr and Mr, lull Unu' Mr and Mr. K.b it Kii-tri.ann aril Itoy inoid Into !! It y lUrmtt liorni on Snmd Slriil, rwrntlv arati-d by Mr and Mm Jai k In. whlli tbrir country b.n' I n-rnlrl.-d ri-nIv-ly. Wn k rnd turt of Mr and Mr Tom Wbltn wi-rr hi-r iar rnti. Mr. and Mr Inland Mr of Portland and hff grandrnoih rr. Mr, liay t"rrin of Hkk Uivrr. TTiry brvii;ht hornr tin lr CrandauirhtiT. Yvonrif. who lia lirrn vlkltlni! rrlatlvr In I'ort- land for a wblli. Mr. and Mr. Airn'i M-ion. Kr il (lak Crovf arilvrd at thrlr numirv hum ni'ir loni on Mon day. Tliry ari tu-rr to attend It.iun.l I'n ami rniov a viu wmi rrlatlvr and frli-nd. Itii-rnt vai-atloni-r ai alrno Uk In Brltl-di 1'olumbla were Mr. and Mr ln Ball. Ihry rr- xrt wonderful fUlilnj:. wnin thi-y wir thir". Mr and Mr, iuvih Mimm aim , ... Hi V ITlll.IHl III I'lHIl IWM K Oil Saturday, wlu rc Mr. McHath will work In tni lurnnir nun. Frank MarUk ha twn au harirfd frorn VHi-ran" hoxnltal In Walla Walla, whin le hau rrn-rd urKT)'. and I at norm Topic Club Mom $pokt tJui'M i.H-akiT at th Si-Jdcrn-Im-i inii-tlng of thf Tolc (lut wa Mr. Uta Ttujina of Hp i.rur, who howi-d tx-autiful lidi-i. of Iho St-andlnavlan roui.trli ai-tfimpanh-d by a mot Inti-n-Mln ixmmcnlar'- Thlrircn mrmben annwcrcd roll H by tcllinu thi number of atatM and ctjuntrli-a they had visited. The met ting wai held at the home of Mt. Ky W. Llndhtrom lth Mm. la. ni aiiinMiix t l that Ihi libiary had in-li-d a I'll! of from M' Harry Yn!l and a gift of a iiuml-r of liildien'a tok from Mr and Mr l:-l Murray of uri..l r. Inug Mof, Ii t.iaiy e-k. wbi-n Ihr hd i h. burn are furU of tbr II lirary. wat iU u-d and a i-in-n.ltli. wa a ioli to pri jiare ttie T'-I'ltlub tidry In the liar ib n t lob Show Mr and Mr ln Crabiiee Hri,l the weik end at (olfa lMtlrig their tkon In-law and .(,,.. I. i.-r Mr and Mr Alvln Mi- alie, and family. WhlU? there Ihey attended the diamond Jo bllie of the TalouM- tounly fair, where Mt. Mt abe role lii ti e jiaiade on a Trnwuf Walker. An Hitetetl!ig roim hb me 1-1 or ed at the fair, when Mi t iab. trie aii i'h rilly nu t rouOn of hei- he had not nth for .11 '" . . - C harle Kirk wa rune 10 ioe hi'ital In IVndleton on Friday mornlnL'. when he uddenly be came very III. Mr. Kirk ha been lowly rectJiM-ratlng irom a Mroke auffeied early thl year Mr. and Mr Itaynmnd l.undell driAe to Portland on Saturday to attend the weddlntr of Mr. Lun ilell nephew. Jack M'abe of Koiel ;rove t heryle Lundell wav a guent at the t"harle ()' Connor home over the week-end. Ali golni: bi Portland for the wedding were Mr. and Mr Karl McCatw and Arleta. who atayed down to do Mime ahopning. Mr. ami Mr !!' W. Llndtrom tik their on. Stephen, to Ta coma. Waoh.. on Surnbiy. where he enrolled a a Frehman it Pacific Lutheran University. They No visited In Seattle at the home of Mr. Llndstrom"J br ther In law and IMer. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank llelina, and fam- "XMr and Mr Ja k Hynd t"'k then son. Di'k to CorvallW thl wiik-end. where he will enter Oregon State University for his first year. Mr. Goltfried Hermann has taken a small apartment in Walla Walla, where she can be war her husband, who U a pa tient In the Veteran s hospital there. He Is NhowlnR some im provement following aurgery. Mr. Kdna Yarnell of Portland fe-nlly arrived In loe f.rf an eklrnde.1 VlH With her daughter and family, Mr, and Mr t harlra O'Connor Vilw Ht If Clwb Hrjv Vortl roll tiant Ihi llme FimtiisU' t!ub of Willow CJranr met at the run. trw honw ol Mr Marion palm, r last Thurwlay aftrri,...n with Mr lee Palmer ainri her licesta were Mr lliali.e hJw Mis Walla' Matthew of an M' 'la Boggle, t4 Hep pnei Mr RiH'sle It of litil1 No 4. eonsLtlhg of Harney, Baker, t'nlon. Malheur, I'matilla, Wallowa, lirant. ami Morrow eountie After tnirig In tn tuied by Mr K C Ibbker. Morrow pornona chairman. Mr ltu;g!ea spike on Mime of fo r loii. ami asked for the sulfrtt of the subordinate Grange ilubs. Tlie club plan to lake pan in th- Uarden Club Hower Shw on Nept. Zl. Mn Herl Akers. orrsident. m tiliaantlv urirlsi''l by card gifta and a lovely rake commeni. orttlng her birthday. A traveling food le wa planned for Oct. H The net club meeting will be an all day meeting at me home of Mr. hrl Aki r on Motr 16. The next Grange mei tlng will be held at the h-II on Sat. S p 19. A review of floor w4 will comprise the program during the lecture hour. Sharrlll Cbriatepheraoa la Wad la Salt Lak City Tempi Mr. and Mr. Krnest Christoph erson. Jr.. and family left last Monday for Salt Lake City. Utah, and returned on Friday after atbndlng the wedding of their daughter. Sherrill Ann. to Ted Bonn of Ogden. Clan. In the Salt jkkr City Temple. Connie Chris tri hi-rtum eowned In a floor- length dre of kelly grin. wa maid or honor ror ner m.sier .-sen nH Itonnle Kerved a usher for nUter'a weddlnir and Gree pasMti out groom' rake. Flower girl wa wenuy I nrisiopnerion. im-pifttr fclut.T iA lh hrtde. A weilding breakfast followed the rrfrmoey at the I't ah A ten t4U wat re I J f7 friend and iclatwr at tr Tl rrjAJ 1 In f k'tlen Mr, anil Mr. TbeV IkJin i4 ('g Un, jrrni , tt.a gna-m. M an.f M l.ntjj m. Jr. ant family, and Mhef rinrr if t.r we.ll. eg party drwe ta Tie fialtf-i f.f Eatuiday la at tend amHIirf reerM-.-n at the f.jtiorr hte t4 l.e he Mr hohn The party wa hell at lite Latter !ay MaiM rf.unh Ttie )imrsg o.ujilc will maae tbr if rew bme In pros, t'taH l liln Tu her had the mifr tur.e lo l.reak Mi left wrist, when he h ll from li e bat k i f a n k up llu. k. while at woik on the c.iy trrt 1 ui morning Mia Anne C, Smouse .f Hep pnef wa visiting old frien.t in lone on Sunday. Me h been pamlir-.g Kimeiime In Portland lntly and plana to return In ttiorr ami rae an apartment al Trrwilliger Plaa fi aesen month Mr, .Sinoow will hae her daughter, Mr, lib hard liakcf m! family of tivai!l. a gu str during Itnund L'p week. Mr and Mr. Ibmald BUlwp ai.d Barbara were ahoppera in llie Dalle on Saturday Mr. Emet Return Prom Month' Trip ta Ireland 1r Ib-llw-ri I rni-rt returned frn a wonderful month'a trip to Ireland thl week. She made the trip In company with her aunt. Mr. Margaret Seott of Oakland Ttu-v left San Francisco by )e' on the German Air Line, the Luf thansa, bv way of Montreal to U-ndon They pent a day and two nights touring the tradition al place In London. Including Westminster Abbey. No. 19 Itownlng street. St. Paula tthedral. Buklnt-ham Palace. the buslne diatrlrt. and the fish market. She found it Interesting lo ee the old bulnce and home and the new. which have partially been built up as the re sult of World War II air raids. From London they went via Air Line to Shannon, and from there they traveled by car to nearly all the counties of Ire lard, visiting relatives and see in the aichu. One of their out standing adventure was to be entertained at a medieval ban-aui-i in an old castle. They were given only daggers to eat with. liarpisU, KOIoi.Ms. and violinists were- part of the entertainment provided during the dinner. They returned via Chicago to San Kanclsco where Mr. Lmert visit ed for while before returning to lone. t ? 1 I n y r L. a - 'mos m 1 1 i X BLOC RIBBON eisiM U tha H aealoe sryla reewa art the 1M1 Oreaon Stale fait wa Arlela McCab. loce. wb anadaUd tbu trim two-piece dart brown wool suit with brown occoaaoele. MUa McCoba was ooa of 27 blue ribbon winner amona; the mora than St) 4-H club member parUcipatlaa la tb aeeaL Drake Graduates Al Army College As If. Colonel U C.d H K. Iskr rf M kton. and of Mr, and Mr. Ray Drake, lbppnef. wa mently graduated from the Arm Pur-srrve Command and ineral Maff Odle-e I oorw at Fort lenw.rth. Kan, accord ln tw recent word to hi pr rnta. He currently 1 employed at Mtuklon'i public information f-fi.-er. and I erin a a mem trr 4 the Saitamentrt Army l rnt Shool. with promotion to hit presenl rank last ear. T course, which take five vear to comtilete. wa created iin IVJ. enabling a reserve of- -. . . -.iv a Irtktrurilona In command leadership, prtnrlple of war and logistic, lie recelv. el hu commission as a second lieutenant In the Army Reserve in 1X1, fnllowing completion of the pjiTt: program at Oregon State l'nlverity. Iurlng World War II he served both In the Pacific and Kuropean theater. Following the war. he served with the Ore on Washington .National Guard Division until VfA. He was transferred to the active list In 19VJ and wa as signed as a student to the Com mand and General Staff Col lege. CoL and Mrs. Drake and their three children reside at 115 L. Robinhood In Stockton. He wa born and raised In tha Heppner community. Morrow County's SAFE DRIVERS SAVE WITH SAFECO Safeco' careful, "Preferred Risk" driver earn lower rate. Call us today for full detail! SAVE WITH TURNER, VAN MARTER and BRYANT AGENCY 1&3 W. Mala Heppner Ph. C76-96S2 Mh 'Round! the Teachers' At The Annual HACHE Sponsored By The I II IRS 1 1 RECEPTION Wm t ;iuu K Ms:. w Sin ,i..i.ahA n B your PTA IN THE NEW HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL MULTIPURPOSE ROOM Wednesday, September 23, 8 p.m. COME- Extend A Welcome To Our Teachers Football Pep Assembly Harlan McCurdy, M.C. Program Refreshments ALL PARENTS AND FRIENDS WELCOME THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANK . AS A COMMUNITY SERVICE B ANK OF . Eastern Oi TeaoTt HEPPNER BRANCH HEPPNER ARLINGTON IONE MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION it direct line to peace of mind Truthfully, now, did you give any thought to safety when you decided upon your present heating system? Not many of us do. Flameless electricity is the safest way to heat . . . it's also the cleanest. There are no by products such as fumes, odors and soot. Economy is another important factor not to be overlooked. Electricity uses 100 of its energy to produce heat. There are no costly maintenance calls to clean and repair nozzles, fuel lines and other furnace parts. Why not see your dealer or rural electric rep resentative today . . . electric heating costs so little for so much peace of mind. ELECTRICITY the V heart of modern living Columbia Basin Electric Co-op SERVING MORROW AND GILLIAM COUNTIES