Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1964)
ntrrtti CAxrm times. rwdr. a?ui so. mi Big Crowd Out For Coronation Heart Illness Fakes Mrs. Cohn (CuitlllHir.l fruiu ai; II i.iii ltiiiirnl of rat h gill. Mr. Ai tut Muiil.t i, tliai ioiM. i-tn. i.r a rti on rih, n liar tail UM'tl KJxiitu Mianiittn ..-i.-v it I hat tt rnn ltr III. lallv. i. i II. nrv H i llailev Hj.Tr rvtih cam l. Mr. HarvM Utt Irni Conn at he home at i.'3 W ." and of the American li;Un Auiliry, Surviving are her husband, Harold: on fcin. Phillip of H-rm-ltn; foe daughter, Sally lUlen I'ohn of New iik City, and rtan.Uhildrrn Tu oi pmvdnl hrr in death. unM .i tht C f C In W. Baltimore, Wednesday rvrn Cwl'M i.ian, a l- ri r fr '' KMtw N irai a;a. MiHighl Hut .f la tiuii-ur Mn i.f l.iih4tw mrr fn-m II. f n,il..ri ! Ixif.iin In trti'itl iiiiMilt-i A,Miifc- writ i,iii an. I in, Auirukt from urakcned A r. heart rendition i the pM tt.i.liitlr. r(fft In alar lh -er Kv MiU to hrlj Saturda 5 4 Auiru.t at lii 10 am t A i !..(! m nt l.-i tt' Itaiiilwr ami I it . I In li-l .Vaif.U lx'al ihurth. tt!i rather liru, rrMvr officiating. lr.uruwni wU( - in Hen T-rf MaoMf Cemetery. Mr. Cihn a born Auirut 2 IK6, in Taroma, Wn. She hail Nt-n a rri.icrtt here Mno On June rj. 1922. h mi married in Harold Cohn at The Dalle. She kim member f All Saint' I'liiWDal churrh. Kuih Youths at Eugcno Milk Itrown and Carl Hiunun 11.1. Mr-MtttMik, Kn.l KafrnJ with ll .Miii.l, ax.l itlu-i a. U-i. .1 In ?' r tM 4 Hi. ai ii, it.iiH-'itrr of Mr n, Mi miutii M.lMni. l. Ivii- illrlon llif V-mik Irxillirf Tom Conly itluioad liam fioiii Ktni'K rail- M.imliy aie in u cen thi wrt-V rrirt. aii iIu. ik K-nunc iii-ppnrr lilch vhol at a atuttrnt cvurvil wvtkkhott . ).'lnr, I. ia.y .ir ii.iv rltv lf. Km ii .ii-x-iiits Imii Hi .t.iu iiuiiiIm i In talciilisl I . I iiiiiv lUitait, ri.w of M4 An. .-i,,-, t iriiiiiunl.- of the o'i'iii..ii, ii liimt uii ar iin.ii.inif altt-r lnl'inif Mr N. i ll. i'ln II use In I llt-nth- ll luu li.Mi.f In that tali. I. .in ii inn. t .l l v train an. I mm iimI In 1 1 1 1 1 W 1 in rally iiiitfiilnii lur Miitlav iy Itl falhrr, !l t:iiiiv. lUumin u tiu.tcnt body prei- dent tor :. tfc and brn n U m-fi'dnl l am-.. The lw 1,-ft Sunday an4 eipevt to return Kit- Chapter, Order of fjutrrn Mar j day. . f t : 'fill III For Melpifig 0s TO OHM THIS IS MORROW CO U NTT'S Tali end Rds court lakan aftr ollirtal roionation at th Roda round Sotuidar niqht Fonir County lutlfl Cainvt auatt Tock homa tioro Ailtena tor a low wk. wo inaitvr of cvrvmontM lor tho o.xaion and 1 hown tahlivt th qui. Mi. ArcMa Munkora. rheperono. U at Utt. GUI or (liom kit) rune Dowona Wt fttncM Trtt Cronuf. Quovn Sbannoo Mahooaf, ftincoaa Judf Shaior and runco Martha Dohoity. IC T Tboto) i " i i Early Entrants Set for Parade,- Furner Marshal WE SOLD 283 PAIRS OF SHOES DURING OUR 2 FOR I SALE. WE STILL HAVE 675 PAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES. (NOT 2 FOR I) and Oip MIT Heppner P.S. We Found A Few More Men's and Boys' Cow boy Boofs and Oxfords. Frank V. Turmr will rv of fUlal era ml marshal (or the 11H.I KikIihi parade on Saturday. Au:. um 29. Blartin at 10 a.m.. Kan- Ulall IVtopmn. chairman lor the Chamber of Commcn mnounccs. Again thU year, a total of i $175 In prizes U offensl ti win ners In various categories of the parade. Peterson .tates. although there have been some changes made In the prize distribution. Karlv entrants whose appear- ! ances have been confirmed are the Pendleton Drum and Bugle Corps, the Umatilla Ordnance Depot float, a miniature train from I'nlon Pacific, and the Hitrhin' Iwt quartet of Board- man. A numrer of royal courts irnm omer iimns anu counnes i ' n r. Avn.w-f.wl nr.. I th..cA tv(..i..t3 I ' . ' 1 ' . ...... .... fkUl ' - I win ne invned io a dinner in the Elks lodge at nn Saturday as guests of the Chamber if Commerce with Mrs. Fred Ott preparing and serving the meal. Soroptimists and Mother's club have announced that they will have floats in the parade, j They have been among top win ners in the past Route of the parade and ns semblv points will be the same as last year, the chairman said. I These w ill be listed In more de tail next week. I Judging for prizes in the cate gones will be based 2.. on the Idea, 23 on participation and 50" on decoration, ineme for the parade Is "Famous Quo tations." and those entering floats are encouraged to follow this theme. List of prizes is as follows: Organization floats Juvenile organizations, first, $25: second. Slo: third. $10. Adult organiza tions, first, $25; second. $15; third. $10. Business, first, $2j; second. $15; third, $10. LI ITS trrvvw i ,4 j . i i.i.avq IIHQT (UlALirY TQ OnW ..rn -' Ao9 Special group of Lady Towncraff Shirts reduced! ALLAN DIMOCK. UfL and Jordan Dimock. right great grand childrtn of Coorgo McDulfo. therlll of Morrow rourty from 1914 to 1929. at thown preontlng a qold modal and other memento connected with hi beroUm to Rachel Harnett curator of the Heppner-Morrow County Muwun at a special vUlt hero with their grandfather, CoL Ray McDullee. lelt lat Triday. (Melby Fhoto) f"i . k. t Surrevs. first. $7: H-ond. $3.V). iUlllS rO VlUSCUm Juvenile div isinn Children's floats, first. S7..V); sivoml. $5; third. S3 .Ml. Hiding c lubs, firvf. $7: second. $.1 IVt entry, first. 57.;0; scond. $."; third. Youngest cowgirl. $.'$ .'x). Young cowboy, $3i). Bicycle division, first. S5; st-c- "nil, O.J..MI. Hi-st juvi-ntle cow. Ixv costume, first, $5; second, $3.50. Best juvenile cowgirl cos tume, first, $5; si'cond. $.15). It is not necessary to submit entries to the parade in advance. Everyone Is encouraged to par ticipate to add to the eniovment ann success or the event. Anv wisning additional Information are asked to check with Peter son at Peterson's Jewelers. Recall Chapter In Ex-Sheriff's Life HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted for hospital care aunng the past week and still receivini? care are the fol- loll-1 in CT ' t'l i nn Pinlmnn I ""-- fc, .....Hill. ifii I ' Vrfa Tihi. Cn.n... CfA..AH 1 1 .1 i ...I . I ,v, I " -I""? . li lias IIIICU IJISI lliatc W1HIIC13 in i"cir.nro If n7lla ni (in. lLfrinn . .. w,r,nmm --.-L.L-.l-. I ' H . ' L. I 1 ...VU UlilIU.lllUlli tUCKUiy nilHrTlc Warrlmor. for the grand sweepstakes prize hismia.rt nrr.r..iiin or oM. leal care, was Riftv Siler f'nn. tJ .Lr-. IIa.I a. .f wn 1 1 1 ' f i ret I , J ' i;l3 . iiuai uut ui vuu.tii .,i nnn $1d; second, $10. Mounted groups and individ uals Best riding club, first, $25; Parker Sieveri of Creihaxn and second. $1d. Best family group his brother. James, of Stevenson mounted. $7J50. Best mounted Wn., nephews of Frank S. Parker. cowgirl, $7.50. Best mounted cow- brought their mother, also of toy, 9-3u. uiiuesi t-owooy, j. aitrvtruaun, 10 neppner saiuroay Bands, lirst, 5ia; secona, io. ror a ween-end visit with the Boats, first $7.50; second, $5. Parkers. While here the brothers Cars, first, $10; second, $7.50. attaIk ' jMj, s ""-tim"- -in-- in- yg(pfmm We Now Have A Full Line OF BATES, STEVENS, AND FRUIT OF THE LOOM FINE FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHING dropped in for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sheman. The Sievers and Shermans were friends when both families re sided in Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thomp son and family, en route back to their home In Stayton after a trip to John Day, visited Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sher man and family. Arriving In Heppner Tuesday to spend a week visiting friends and relatives is Mrs. Bill Lynch and son, Mike. They plan to re turn to their home In Eugene eany next weeK, A chapter In the colorful life of former Mutiw County Mu-riff Ceorge MrDuffoe was relived last Friday afternoon at the Heppner . Morrow Coun ty museum when several -ouvenirs of a memorable train robbery were turned over tn Mrs. Rachel Harnett, curator. Three descendants of Mc Duffee took part in tho pre sentation: a son. Col. IMv Me- Duffee of iVnngrovc. Calif., and his grandchildren. Allan and Jordon Dimock of Olym- pia. v n. Several articles that were In the vest jxH-ket of McDuffee when he was shot while break ing up a train holdup on the Meacham grade near Pendle ton July 2. 1914. still showed visible blood stains and dam age from the bullet shot by one of the train robbers. These included business cards, steel l pencil holder, fountain pen, rubber comb and comb case. These were turned over to gether with a gold watch and chain, worn by McDuffee, and a watch fob which Is a 20 carat gold medal, given by grateful passengers on the train. The exhibits, marked for future identification In the museum, were numbered from 1995 to 2000. Col. McDuffee, now retired from the army, was a grad uate of Heppner High school in 19ZT During his brief visit here Friday he renewed ac quaint a nces with many friends. A good-sized crowd was on hand for the special presentation. REG. 2.98 NOW FOR A. Roll sleeve Dacron polyester and cottons with Bermuda or convertible collar. White, blue, beige, pink, maize, olive. 816. B. Cotton oxford shirt with roll up sleeves, trim Bermuda collar. Choose from white, blue, beige, pink, olive, maize, red. 8-16. UsL f i .1 QUILTED FABRICS FOR SKIRTS AND ROBES 98e T0 51.79 YD. ALSO NOW IN STOCK: Pedal Belding Corticelli Sewing Thread Summer Clearance On Pushers and Shores MBRES It fij f They nr:x ; -. , . I accepted my V v, r ' cbeckt? J . t -ai-i ift vro-ravnt-t ivntienrt; -"- - -riir - nrrtTinia-MMajimi- 'tt tirt t-T itirim mi ii uijn jiljjiiijijiijlu He's Gone To Get i Ready for the Epis About all you need is an honest face to get yourself a big new Merc during our Year-end Clearance (sob) Sale. Clma i cApparel copal Church Beef I HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. 233 N. MAIN HEPPNER Barbecue Saturday, PH. 676-9426 Aug. 29. HEPPNER PHONE 676-9152