Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1964)
1964 Hermiston Business Guide Thii Section Compiled Dy Eleanor and Mortden Hayncs HERMISTON DRUG The llrrroMn Iwu U r.t on Main in HermUton, hone Th trlhlrt on anv lfirl I lit drug (!. rl It wimiM only U'P la think how much II mMin to In our dally H'. wirtiM apprec iate II muh moi The llermitm Dru ! Mt an beery Mrhvuw that make. trrn haffy noo tamilt Pua tTOr' llt thlt emUbll-iintrnt . Thry are rUluu In filling prescriptions, all wmta l lnf In har of irri.trred ltnna rtt They carry a complete !k if drug. un.Ifln and MM artklea The I--! In ctjmrtlr., ant shaving inruKlr-in l4't this has or of I hi rnat mmplrte alutht In this arrtion. ThU modern drug lr aUo as- uie uu i4 the I! pike l,cr. alir with th mt rutirirua attention. AH IhU ex cellent acrtlre U the tramn fur lha ittirru of the HrrmUion tug. Ma rmmmrni that ftiM make thti kf krnrwn firm your p-M-riliion headquarter, anil the management ould like to In ila our reader to t'f In f re acquainted. HIGG'S AUTO REPAIR THERM AM KJGCJXIOTMAW. OWUCI JUDY LEE FASHIONS IMtXDA IOHKC. OWHU Judy Vrt Fashions U located at 191 Main In HermUton. I1on rC7 5nJ. Here they feature the ltet tea In mod ern sport clothing. They carry rompM Iln of clothes suit able for the college girl. bulnea woman, or houewtf. This shop rater to the dUcrlmlnating women of this aectlon. Thry have kept rlhl In step with the tates of the women In thla com munity and carry 'me of the flret brand names In women's apparrL In thla shop you can find Jut the right accessor lea to complete your new outfit. Ali. they can show you an array of aport clothea. play suits, alarka. aklrta and bloutea you will like. De pend upon them to furnUh the clothea you will need. Whether It la millinery, autt. bag or drrma. you will find It at Judy-Lee Fanhloru. If you have not llted thla modern up to date ahop. you are cordially Invited to do ao. It la our pleasure to recommend thla fine atore to all our readera. Stop and ahop at Judy-Lee Fashion on your next vUlt to HermUton. WEAIHERLY SUPPLY RAT AND MART AWN WIATHCRLT. OWHtR If mj are .lantilnif to build or remodrl. go to the Weatherly Suiflv. lorated In the tlutler Buil.Jinir at 4'0 W. li In HrrmUu.n. phone l7t XXZ2. Ttey have Jut the material you need and are happy to five ou per onal attention In the arlcttlon of theae material The Weatherly Supply camea a large Uk. In ludntjt lumber. hert k. rooflne, wind'1. ilMif. etc. Take your blueprint or tentative plana to thla fine More. They lll not only rati, mate t.e coat but will be lad to auegctt he brt and mott ultabl material available. They feature the moat cur1' eoua M-rle anwiere along vkith the flneat In lumber and building material. Htm 1 the time to aave. Co to the Weatherly Supply and avi4d muklnjt coatlv mUtakea Here you et only the bet of material and aenlce. CAMPBELL RAMBLER LLOTD CAMFBCtX. OWNER AND MANAGER Ttie Camplell Rambler la your authorized dealer for the pop ular Rambler automobile. They are located at I2n.1 N lt In HermUton, phone M7-CVJ0. Thi. new ftarr.blrr I the mot- orlat dream xme true. It ctvea you triow auvaniaee 01 orivmg comfoft. afety, efficiency of op. eratlon and handle eajilly. Treat yournelf to a demonstration ride In a new Rambler. You will airree that It ha tM-auty. rooml-Iik-mi and plenty of pep. Thl car I a product of many cars f plannlnit by the finest enKlneeri In the automobile manufactur ing buklnca. Campbell Rambler I com pletely equipped to aervlce any and all make of automobile. Knjov your car by keeping It In flrat cla condition. The mechanic at thl firm are ex perlenced and will give your autonvbtle the bct of care. In this I'M Review, we are happy to recommend Campbell Rambler to all our reader. You can be urc of a quare deal by trading with thl popular firm in HermUton and right now U a perfect lime to ace them. The end of the year clearance I now on and you can aave hundred of dollar on a new Rambler right now. all it tJ automobile f. paiilnir are featured at H ' Auto Itrpair ai v.... r mm IMt luurnl that thl rit.i rt.u rarare in HermUton ran d thla w. for r" P'P- erly. iney urter eacrneni ni'i lenre and c-rmi tda talth ahirh to d th Mi rffirteniiy. They alao pUllt In ring Job, replacing anl rrlnding valvea and tune ut or overhaul ing. In fact they can do almoat any repair Job your car need. )-i2aa In thi eetln if-eak highly of the work thry have had done at lligir Auto Repair Yimj n H u to I rljrht and the w,fk will be dne that I eipe.ted. 7,l Revtew og?et ou go to lllfg" Auto Repair wneneer vou have trouble with your car. Here vou k""W you will be treat ed fairly. They are alao h-ad- . . . t,.r iinuiui Amerlran gaaoline and iietroleum prodmta an1 nanaie ae, u fi M K. Gjodrlch tlrea. HltttttM CAttTTC TTMEJ. TVarad. Aafwat II IH4 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. Sabaa tetrf TaAef mi Vm DON WINK IVlAtrr INTfJll GRIFFIN-GODWIN AUTO YARD SAM GODWIN - Thla firm In HermUton la lo. cated on HermutonMc.anr i . in.ha.u t.hone 5G7 0011. They offer uaed part and auto arreaaorle. batiene. irmiiurr.. atanera. electrical auppllea and feature a rrmiin- your convenlente. They cater to mehanlca. aervtc atation. garagemen and the people of thl area. , d.. ,! .fflrUnl bunlnea methmla and low overhead they are able to aupply you with part at a reduction In price. Buying here you are aaaured of honet courteous aervlce. People In thla aectlon know tney are aiva . trot cwrnN treated well when they order their parta at thl flrat claaa eatablUhment. rvery effort la made to havt on hand those parta which are moat In demand. If It la com mon part for your truck, bua. auto or tractor be aure to con tact thl firm flrat. In thl Review we wUh to reo ommend thla fine firm In Herm- .11 niir reader. Thla tl formerly the DavU Auto Yard and re-ently Mr. coawin ana if. r-rirrin iNiulrnl the bust- fii . w ...... - . nea. They would like to wel come old frlenda and new. MEADE'S FLOOR COVERING SAM . MEADE. OWNER f.wa rionr Covering, lo cated at 1458 N lt in Herm Uton. offer you the bent In floor covering. They handle a com plete line of nationally known brand of rug and carpet be ide a vant e led ion of linol eum and various tile, and also the famous Colorama Inside and outside paint for home and com mercial use. If you need new floor cover -... ,rarurtea for vour home ..iin .r huslnes call this reliable firm for a free estimate and a friendly representative will call with samples and give you any advise you may need on your floor or window covering problems Or come In yourself and talk it over with them. They will be more than willing to helt you In any way they can. This firm also furnishes ex pert Installations by master mechanics that are guaranteed to please you. So for the finest quality and most rcasonbale prices In rugs, carpets, linoleums and tiles, and Colorama Taint, Meades Floor Covering la the place to buy. For Information, call 567-6212 or when In Hermiston you are invited to come In and look over their beautiful displays. To rrcrtva the t-eat aervlce and reault In the sale t4 tur live torll. It la generally artrpted mat It pax to to buatneM tfh he ,onhaetern Uveal oik Cmm. Co. They are located on Weat Highway SI Thla reliable rorwern ha aervrd the akmen of tMa dtatrlrt moat efficiently and a)y with a remarkable drffre of aatUfactlon. This company aeeka to find the mot advar.tageou market for their Hveatork. and that they have been auceemaful la evlden red by the Increasing number of lple ho are doing bualneaa with thl f.rm. They rfef bh the buying and selling potile a real arr lea phne Hrfn.UW Thi firm U a prtr'eai or. ganuation. having the nmti denre of the people throughout thl entire area. The writer of this Herm Uton Bualneaa Review aufgeat to ktorkmen of thl district that In selling their liveatoik. they can do no better than contact the Northwestern l.lvet-rfc Comm. to. In HermUton. They hava special horae aale the third Sun day of every month. INLAND EMPIRE BANK Thla prominent bank 1 loca ted at 101 Main In HermUton and also for your convenience ha a branch In Umatilla. The Inland Kmplre Bank U mn Inati- . fimnriil afroneth and safety and may well be termed the 'friendly banit.- It mm I,nini1el bv men Of character and Integrity who were very prominent In bual nea and commercial activities and has progressed as this aec tlon Itself has grown and pro gressed. . Under me management i -ftrimnt and rarvable DeODle. they Invite accounu of business men I and women, ranchers, laborer, or people who desire profitable connection with a modern bank Ing Institution, At thla bank you will find strength, seasoned Judgement, dependability, accuracy In hand ling details and breadth of vU ion all to be applied to the management of your personal commercial affairs. In making this 10G4 Review, we wUh to make the gtatement that at the Inland Kmplre Bank you may at all times bank with safety. They are locally owned nd operated. DESERT LANES HARLAN D AND MABCENE CABJUOTT. MANAGER ivr in V II 11 II liiej sva.a a Bridal Shower Honors Suzanne Wittel f Held over from last week) By LaVELLE BABTLOW IRRIGON Miss Suzanne Wittel of lloise. Idaho, wa feted at a bridal shower last Friday evening at the A. C. Houghton cafetorlum. Miss Wittel and John Wilson, son of Mayor and Mrs. Chester Wilson, were married at the Assembly of Cod church In Boise. Idaho. Friday evening. August 7. . Carmine Wilson was In charge of games at the shower, and following the opening of glfta. cake, punch nd coffee were served the Rucsts. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pummel. Anita. Donna Kay and Darrcl spent the week end In Payette. Idaho, visiting Pummels father, Rev. Jack Friend filled the n..lrvl tu Aauml)lv of Cod church Sunday morning in the atMCnce OI IW-'V. oiiu nviuiy, who Is away on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril McLcllan had charge of the evening service, presenting many musical selec tions with the violin, clarinet, and vocal numbers. Postmaster of Umatilla and Marrow counties held a meeting at the Irrlgon school Sunday af ternoon. A potluok luncheon was held at 1:30. with the business meeting following. Mr and Mrs. Stanley Partlow, Alnn and Jerry of Burbank. Calif., and Mrs. Norman Manka, Paul. Dennl and Diane, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pnrtlow Friday evening. Miss Dlanna Roscncrants of Portland spent the weekend with Susan McCoy, and accom panied Janice Parker to Seattle Sunday afternoon. Janice Is em ployed nt Seattle, and Dlanna will visit the C. J. Jancura fam ily Reea Morgan and Pete Rob bins left Saturday for a camp ing and fishing trip on the Im- ""veterans of World War I will hold a district plenlc Saturday, August 8, at the Emigrant Springs park. The potluck meal Will DO iM'ivru m Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gun of Turner spent the week-end visit ing Mr. nnd Mrs. Leslie N. Smith. Mrs. May Young and Mrs. Sybil Cairnduff of Vancouver, B. C. spent the week w 1th Mrs. Young's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jorg ensen and Donald. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pulfrey and Kathy drove to Beaverton, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corliss and tmly. Jtf were accompanied by Grover Weaver, who visited his daugh ter and family. .,, f Mrs. Agnes Phillips ot Humansvllle, Mp.. ijjd daughter, Mrs. Grace Troutner of Miami. Fla.. arrived in Irrl gon to spend a few davs with Mrs. Phillips' brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Weaver. Mrs. Weaver will ac company the ladies to V? and Salem where they will v sit other members of the lamuy, and Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Trout ner will go on to California. Mr. Dave (Jallo was feted a a pink and blue shower Wed riAf1:if even Ini at the Rov Davi) residence. Cake, coffee and punch were served the guests after the gifts were opened. f. nut-ton iik of Portland and her daughter. Mrs. Leo Laurln and Cindy of Long Beach. Calif., spent Wednesday t. t,.UM.. lu1tlniT lrtt uirouK'i riiunr ..- CllUa1 kmlhcr and Slster-tn-laW, Mr. and Mr. Earl Isom and tnna. . . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tusten are parents oi a oaoy k. ","" Lee. born July 21 and weighing 6 lb. 6 oz. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walt Agee. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril McLellan. Steven and Bruce, arrived in Irrlgon Thursday evening to spend a week with Mrs. Mc- I t t,a Mr anrl Mrs. 'Harvey Warner. They were Join- I - ...... I ... . .finrnrinn nv T . and Mrs. Pantells Vrontakls of Portland, who stayed overnight and went home Sunday after noon. McLellans left for Van couver. B. C. Wednesday after noon, where they will visit his folks. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mc Lellan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dewrance and family of San Jose Calif., visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Jorg ensen and Donald Tuesday, en route to Vancouver. B. C Harry Snyder returned to Irrl gon Monday evening after tak fng his mother, Mrs Grace Snyder, to Santa Rosa, Calif. .to visit her niece, Mrs. Louis Gil bert and family. Snyder's uncle, Earl Overman, also accompan ied him and Overman and Mrs. snyoer ooin iviiibiii omit for a visit. ..... nnA Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Miller and Miller's son-in-law and dauch tor. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harding of Laramie. Wyo.. returned to Irrlgon Wednesday after spend ing some time at Ilwaco and Long Beach, Wn., where they went deep-sea fishing and caught some salmon. Hardlngs left for their home Thursday. Mrs. Myrna Miller of Oakland, Calif., Is spending a month visit ing her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Jorg- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and Janice returned to Irrlgon Thurs day following a 2-week vacation ?pcnt at El Hambra, Calif., visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Joe P arkei -and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Parker. Also, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bridges at Lan caster. n, rihcnn Parrd jvir. anu mrs. iw V. Ti ' and Walter of Caldwell, Ida , were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. Gibson's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dillon. Gibsons left Sunday morning for Vancouver Island, and wlH leave from there for a 2-week trip into Canada. Grande spent the week-end with ner Droiner-in-jw t" Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart ana iumuy. siust. - daughter, Danni, who had spent the week with Stewarts, returned to La Grande with her mother. Mr. Myrtle Markham and Sheryl Partlow rode to Wallowa Iike Sunday afternoon with Mrs. James Mills. Ricky. Randy and Steve of Hermiston. There they Joined the C. J. Jancura family of Seattle and the Jay Berrys of Portland, who had driven up a few days earlier. The families all returned to Irrl gon Thursday to spend a few davs at the Albert Partlow home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs re ceived a telephone call from New York Tuesday from Butch Allen, who was stationed with their son. Darrell Hobbs. in M.H.M ?im!n Allen acted as best man for Hobbs when he was united in marriage to wary i-ou Garcia In Madrid on June 6. Alc Hobbs will be stationed in Spain approximately wo more years, and then he and Mrs. Hobbs plan to come to the States. m, nnri Mr Rees Morean re turned to Irrlgon last Wednes day after spending six weeks l ConnrH AlAskn visiting their son-in-law and daughter, i . -j Kfra Inhn Anker. Doug- las and Ross. Enroute to Alaska, Morgans drove as rar as calue, took a jet from there to Juneau, .1 M nrrtAllnr nlnnn on into tiiiu t Kwrl r - -- - Anchorage, and returned home by the same route. . Mra rhflster Wilson met their daughter, Carmine of Springfield. Mo., Thursday even ing. at the Pendleton airport. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Carmine. Lonnie and Jim left for Cooks, Wn., where they stayed overnight Sunday with Wilson's sister, Mrs. Bessie Edwards. Wilsons spent jvionauy at Lost Lake, and returned home Monday evening. Scouts Get Camp Honors Th. riiuHn(T Rov Scouts and . 111. ' r.niniviia rof 1 1 r noi home Saturday evening after spending a week at Boy Scout Camp Wallowa at Joseph: Bob McRae, .i iininnn Rnh Riirhnnan. Tom Jim YYiiovji.. 4iri.o Vanllorn and Lee Huson. While there, Bob Buchanan ana iom Vanllorn were selected for and Inducted into "Order of the Arrow," an honorary division of the scout organization. Jim wil- T Unenn in Rnh MCRCa. received a trophy for placing first in tne Aquatnuu i"" tition. which included skills in swimming and canoeing, iney daced second in tne au-atouiiu AunrH nnd fifth in the rlA,vU A 1 PaavpQ spa Ex- UUlUi wan. "- - "i -r plorer Advisor, is spending sev- eral weeKs at me camn uynB as the Waterfront Director. Ken neth Lamb drove the boys to the camp, and Mrs. Jay Huson and J. J. McKae eacn arove w to bring the boys and their equipment home Janet Christiansen has return ed to Irrlgon after spending nine days in Seattle visiting Sharon Franke. . Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gasser drove to The Dalles over the rrA ani vlclteH Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gasser. Gasser's folks. I Philip Gasser, who had spent a month visiting his grandparents, returned home with his folks Sunday. Charlie Hines has been con fined to his home with a pro longed Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Crelghton, Janet Christiansen and Wanda Davis spent the week end in The Dalles visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clair Crelghton. Linda Reed held a slumber partv at her home Wednesday evening for Kelll and Judy Snyder. Debbie McCoy and Vicky Cayman. Tne giris mei i co da's home Wednesday afternoon and had a barbecue tht even ing. Then, they attended the Assembly of God Young People s service and returned to Lindas home to spend the night. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Pummel and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart celebrated their 14th wedding anniversaries with a dinner to gether at the Stewart residence Thursday evening. They and their families were joined later in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCoy and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCoy and Terry, ... r,,(k Mz-Cnv Mr. and Mrs. Albert Partlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle Marknam ior cane and Ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Harding and son Greg of Laramie, Wyo., are spending a week here vlsit- irm llarHlnrr's folks. Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Miller. They are also visiting relatives in iierai lston. The Hardings and Millers i.f. ,niaip fnr imff Beach. It'll . il.l.l Wn.. where tney win go usiuok. Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand left Wednesday for a fishing trip at the Wallowa River above Minan. They came home Satur day afternoon. New Teachers Are Hired Miss Rose Hoosler, who form erly taught at Stanfield, has been hired as the 5th grade teacher at A. C. Houghton Ele mentary school. Darrell Swen son, graduate of Lewlston and Clark Normal, has been hired as the 6th grade teacher and coach. Swensen. who is married and has two children, formerly taught at Ashwood. Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Pember and son Richard, drove to Port land Wednesday and visited the Wamer'f son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Panetelis Vron takls. They returned to Irrlgon Friday, and the Pembers drove to Spokane where they spent the week-end with Pember's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pember. The Ar lyn Pembers returned to Irrlgon Sunday, and spent the remainder of the week with Warners, Warners and Pembers spent Monday through Wednesday morning at Wallowa Lke where they camped and fished. The men rode horseback Into An deroid for fishing. They return ed to Irrlgon Wednesday even ing, and Pembers had charge or the Youth service at the Assem- li.. rA rhnrrh nrovldinu oiy Ol uw v.. r t nt well as speaking. Pembers left for their home in cpringuciu, i"-j morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Llttreii arove . n WAniwiflv even- ing to visit their son. Bill, who ntinnA in Pmnuel hos- was ivui'itLu ... pital with pneumonia. 2,11. All 3. aWII -rfeav. Monday after spending several days in roniaou visum i ir.. Dncnmi Cnnr Ann fam- ily. and attending the 8th Area Nortnwest sneuana rony t-mu show held at the Alpenrose n.i r.ln., (Iirnilffh SunnflV. Urtll y riiua.r liTklf. In DnrMsnrl thov Also VIS- v 1 1 w t: in t.. ' j ited Porter Koss ana Junius wm Mrs. Guy Fame ana lamuy. -ininon' SaturdSV and Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Don cti-isLrc nt -i neoma. wno aiso at tended the Pony show. Mr. ana Mrs. oningicuci, nui... nA T?arAr rt Aver. Wn., miRy aim "".i .-j ------ spent Saturday through Monday Visiting Mrs. OlUIlgltriicv-TLci folks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray- beal. The Desert Lanes are located on HermUton Mc.-vary umiu Highway In Hermiston. Any person interested in ue .nnrt rf bOWUng Will certainly find it real pleasure to bowl on tnese moorrn ninimini has Drovldea a large selection of balls In var ious welgnu ana au ni'p"' i. .A . in n.-erv refDect. They also have an excellent pro shop. iSo matter now gwu 3yy are. or now poor a pu.r. . that matter, you can certa niy Improve your game by bowling here. The management deserves to be complimented upon the man- conducted. It U playing a very Important part In the sports In teresu of this district and ex tends an open Invitation to all bowlers to make these lanes their headquarters for tournaments. For your pleasure the lunch eonette la open from 10 am. to midnight with special luncheon, snacks, and good food to ult your taste. . . We are pleased to recommend these lanes to our readers. Re member you are always welcome here whether you come In to bowl one line or to spend the entire evening. Bowl for fun and health at the Desert Lanes. Call 567-6364 for reservations. JIMMY'S FLOWER SHOP ABDIS CABTER. OWNER Located at 254 E. Main In Hermiston. To have flowers sent by wire, phone 567-6226 and you will be happy with the splendid service proviueu. Always remember that flow ers make a perfect gift for con- nnivpnarlCl Kiaiuiauviu, j birthdays, the sick room and many otner occasions. r-iA...aM o ra amoncr nature's fllnna .... most beautiful gifts to man. For any occasion it is aivay f Km i with Flowers," IV fcWJ L - i . i. fIaii... Chvi jerwecial- Jimmy a iw" "k r . izes in funeral and wedding flowers, and their corsages are praised Dy many, ror service that is noted throughout this section as the best, see this firm in Hermiston. In this 1964 Hermiston Business Guide, we nignin in recommenaing Jimmy's Flower Shop to all our readers, see tnem we von need flowers for any oc casion. . . . Jimmy's Flower &nop win w happy to deliver to tiielr many friends in our area at small extra charge. FRANK'S SEWER SERVICE Frank's Sewer Service Is lo cated in Hermiston, phone 567 8612. specializes in expert clean- Inetalllnir anrl rPDfllring Of septic tanks and cesspools. Don't lalra 1IIV chances bv having someone install your septic tank who doesn't have this exper ience. So many times that type of work must be done all over, all because of lack of knowledge and experience. Be wise and have it done properly the first time. They also have an electric derooter for complete and quick cleaning of all drains and sewers. . lAin i wan unti ua v....-- i 1 Waaa hovA t h A T septic tank or cesspool cleaned. . ,Li. .H.ttU Arm An It fnr nave una icuau a - you promptly. They can be de- they fully guarantee their work. In this 1964 Business Review we recommend this fine com pany In Hermiston to all our readers,- and suggest that you call them for all your septic tank of cesspool work. ORDER Rubber Stamps Of All Kinds Doter Stamps Notary Public Seals Corporate Seals Stamp Pads Pad Ink at the GAZETTE -TIMES HEPP.NER. OREGON PH. 676-9223 for (D tMi I h CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disneyland and; Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV, air-conditioning and heat Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. Ml. ' 1 . j I k V Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel 641 S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM. CAL. FREE! Writ, for lllwohrt mi r TIAVR GUIDE Iblina tin aortli fr coo.1 o eo. lPe tJ tni opprovwi t Cvn of Motor rkt.Ii.