Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1964)
UlttntM CAUTTTIT1NES. Twdrf. IJf 4. 14 Legion Post Receives Awards at State Meet llrppnef It No. 17. Amrikan veteran when they are paid Letflun. wm aeyrral aid for : their tnauraive policies. tnrmtwfM at the 4.h annua Mate AinMUin l-r fnrn lu.n at MUwaukl Jul 51. 34 and 2 wtir, I.Mir .Wlriiat at tending. Rrfreaentlnt the rt a (! auxiliary at l'e -Ln were Mr, and Mm. Flank lUrt Im and Mr, and Mr. Hubert MIn. The pt rrvrUrs the awerda fur exceeding in mem her', tp quota, hrihrin total member Mr from 75 to 117. A ncraonal rnaiion ii given to the mrm berthlp chairman. Hill Make, and it ut ) ear's commander. Ihm Munker. Mr Sib Well kii reeognlred fC her oppy window. Mr. Hamlin fi ihe poppy eorar and Mrm. lUk-y Munker a fcu lortan. Several Important resolution were twiuw-d, including thai rec ommending a riuion If all veterans at the ace of 6A. Another favored elimination of Inheritance tac for widow of Attending were m .Wo umnairr and their Itmil n f r-m ittwn the Mate. IHirtne the 1 ilir eTt rleetrt Win and m Imit-d dV Ice air and al tcrnafe la the national eon tcntion to be at Dallaa, Tr. September is In elevtl.nvi cvf the two organi sation c. Kay vuon, ivrtiano. mt elected department mm mandt-r f.r the coming year; Mr. II A. run. Athena, depart- merit tremidfnt of the auxiliary Mr. Frank Reyberg. IVndleton was lntlled at Ditrll 6 aui Ulan president, and Mr. Ham lin. Ileppner, at vice-president Mi. Hamlin served on eomcn- Hon muie and resolution com mittee and Mr. Wilon served en the poppy committee. Hamlin was appointed CttIM Welfare Chairman for Putrid 4. National Vice Commander Farl Franklin. Sterling. Colo,, cave the main a dim at the joint aion on Thursday. Kinzua Youth Attend Camp Sessions, TO NEW LOCATION IN GILLIAM & BISBEE HDW. As Of Wednesday, August 5 ritOM HOTXL HEffNEB BUILDING COME AND SEC US IN OUR NEW LOCATION GRAY'S SADDLERY mmm lone WE HAVE TWIN $11.50 BALE I0ME BUILDERS SUPPLY Ph. 422-7242 If VHGIMA IEUO KINZl'A The annual trtr la lanip lw near Wanue hae ln-n the ritht!;ti if Kin fua punday fu onfirr trie iat t erk ire iiri rnnjii n taken l Wamle t Sir ant Mi iVtil Mate an Mr. and Mi Harry tiaif aivi tritiwt eoina tn-n rre iveev t'tank. lvKie Mrlttn. ftaiuue Ja Vilt arid MaW. Cn lth the aetvnd rrtup ere n.tia rial c Hei-iner, Shellle lluinn. UM Ahrr. Judy and jfrlr HubtietL fW-tty I'lank. Vl.kl Wham and Janrt Chae of IVtuiL They rre taken t Wamie hy Mr and Mr r'ermer I'lank and Mr. and Mr. Iknal HuUrl hi imnjcht the Hrt entin home. ThU ramti l nned tv the American Sunday Shtd I'ntoit and i brine minned erry year The new tmi'rwement thi year rre ret m, curtain, and rue on the IKt. The nmp U nw oelnjr rented to other church rnif Mr. and Mm. Hon liu.k ami family returned during the He k end front their vacation ix nt on a trip to yciKwione "ark. Mr. and Mr Hlchard Graham and Mr. and Mr. Steve I'unlee (ent a lnc week end tHinu M-veral i.t akne the coat Mr. an j Mr. Lee Flemlnc re turned home Monday from a week trip to Dayton. Wtv, j Milton Freewatcr. and Wallowa! Lake Mr. Howard IMce and child ren and Mr. Don Stinkard Robhy and Handy lluiett were in Condon Tuesday and Friday lor meiicai care. Vlsittnir this Mst week with Mr. and Mrs. Lout Lorencc) and family were Mr. and Mr. Thomas of Molalla. Mr. and Mr. David W'hlLsett were In Ileppner Tue1av for medical care for Mr. Whltvtt Mr. Ariel Campbell and Mr. Bob Reavts were business vis Itors to Condon Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jircs Bowman and family went to Castle Rock Saturday to pet their daughter Sara who had visaed the past inree weeks with ner rrand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lay ton Strom. While in Portland they visited with Cleve Kobbins at Good Samaritan hospital. He was to have surgery Monday morning. Mrs. Mark Jellick went to Baker Friday to Ret her child ren Dennis and Kathy who had spent two weeks there visiting relatives. James Walker and Willis Wright. Sr.. left Friday afternoon for a weeks fishing trip to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ariet Campbell and Andrea went to John Day Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson, return ing home Saturday. The Ki'tiua Women' club haj it IrruUr mn-tiM t Thurda iteiiMMHt i iha kiu-n n Mi. Vodnw tt( tviifa" ho le After a thifl iuiira rnert If coluttMlfst by Ue trUl-nt tVililile t ami4rll. ef iehnet wne rned and the la i- then !ated tnvr v tivclm Ue, M' J-'ilne lutnn was hoate t. hf i txi.ti-e lult Wj-.liukJav aftrti.n at her lllth won by rvrln ;.t!on. and nd hlL'h by Je llaean. IMher en).yintf the atlefiun were M-il.trl Whim. ?Vlla Itindle. Maty Millrr. Ital Uvl and Helen hoyh-a. Mr. and Mr. Arna Mmkar. went to levlneton Saturday at etiuain to yuit wlirt Mm. ISuth Terry. Tte Camn S Wotnen'a club had their regular cr4 l'ty Monday etcnin at the tm munitv hall with a IVMerttt a htr to the croup. Itiati for he ernini; was won by Jean MetSUwk. low by Millie Jean ktian. and fuatin by In Hie ean Hailan and Naiwv Hawk. lthcr playing were Marie II J ett. Matle Ithotun. hhlrley Kyle. lrcinla Sitton. May Jame. Barbara Mortlnutre, Joan Mu h l. nn fUktian, and tar.l .Norri. farewtll Hoaot Mr. Mlcbal A cing aiv partv wa gwn riday with Jean Medltxk a te. Tills was for Joan MUhrl. who with Mr. Muhel and their family left to make their jhome at Sandy. A slip was given to Mr. Muhel as a clft from the croup who were Ann Was ttan. Carol Norm Barbara Mortimore. May Jame. Marie Hulett. Marie Rhotun. Kva IV Merttt. Nancy Hak. and Shirley Kyle. Biliie Jean and Karen Bastian went to Arllncton Friday to take Miss Tinl Lathem to Ret the bus for her home In Irtland. Home from Orecon State t'nl- versity In CorvaUi for the week end were Kenneth N orris and Judy Culver of Service Creek. Biliie Jean and Karen Bastian and David Sitton were In Trie Dalles Saturday for business and shopping. Spray Wins Ball Com A potiucK dinner was neia Sunday at the Camp 5 Commun ity hall for the baseball teams from Kinzua. Spray and Camp 5. In the ball games played afterwards. Spray won both games, the men's score being 14 to 11 and the ladies 9 to 1. Mrs. Rusty Medlock and boys left Monday for Tost Falls. Idaho where she will spend a week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gulnn and Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Prindle spent the week-end at Gearhart The men went deep sea fishing and had good luck. Mrs. Stanley Robinson and daughter Doris of Ileppner were her fatutday rnnmle to FwtL where they atlrrtdisl the futtrial aril he tf pratikv le Mra tt 1. Adam aiM relumed huttM lhuilay fnxii JakMiiie whrie Ihry had la- 1 ftrr parrnt. Mr and all Maik Samide 1W wne bn-uh home bv Mr Jtamidi and Mr el Pamidea and (liit tmi tl Meif(d. rr tniot'l lhse tli'a la family irunkut at lkrr Hun lay. pe l(ri il.i.le Mia I Ule lelhr a rv. I Mi I 'V tHH tf llrppiicf. and Mi Nule ttxnley tf U. kl. l- h Si, and the I.m.i l.rr a (ail M-Ian kl ft (In fiM-i Mi lalhn and 111 itfc wvnt with Mi and Mi Hioit.U l.t ikn h t ui.lav. Mi Ct4 aiaylna; Mith a itauihler. Mi Joanne .ci"n al Ukrr. n.( the olbrl nh the iii i" umle and auttt, Mr and Mi W C Ivmtiiiji.Mi a 4 bkr Mr and Mi H.lxn tt la ali Irfl ,ilulday ai t I lie IUI al Anilumv takra on a tan iKil Ihrie they found ihe mjuit lii-e. artUe and liitrn. Mi. Miailrla said liny managed lo frt to Die family' lue the iwtt day, lui-rl! Mmry rrceiM lka III dupll ate and Inpli. ate ar on aale al uf i, art tte iiinra -,, - mm ,!, ,t I I II " I ' ' ' " 1 ' ' u,t ; V"i c ' w' ,-v. '-."V'-v V'V'V- FOR (5(5 Commodity Credit Corporation LOANS SPECIFY JNJ o) If you apply for a CCC loan on your crop, you'll get peedy, effloient service by dlreotlng your ASC office to Issue your grain loan through your nearby branch of First National Bank of Oregon. Convenience, a 89 -year reoord of safety, and 'Personal Interest" In its customers makes Firat National firet ohoioe for depositing the prooeeds of ydur grain crop. We invite you to "Bank where you can borrow". . . your deposits help build your own community. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON i ' ' il FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON Member F4rayf Depoatt Insurant Corporation 'he Statewide Bank with Hometown Service HOSPITAL NEWS Fa I lent admitted during the pl werk, and ill rerriying medical care al lloneer Mem orial honwtal ate I lie following: Nula Walker. Ileppner; lena uu-lrll. lMr ; I iKitM Hi ill. il. Maik .lard, Condon, and Mark Itanva llebbiter. IIhxm who were admltled for mrdual rate, then dlmle.. mlude: Ailcne Ihlm. Spray; IWky M,uin, Sprav; Fre!a Ma)-kke. l-vlnctoit. and Ivdorr T'l l. Ileppner. Mr, and Mi. William Kiin-r. levington. are parents of a n. oorn, July . V and welched 7 lb lie has l-en amel Roltert Allen, and l their firt child. A daughter was born Sun.iay, July 1Y. to Mr. and Mr. Jaiuin Stephen. Ileppner. weighing 7 In. l.'V't nc She wa gitery tne name Amy Miatetn ani in hit other children at home Mr. and Mr. Jame Hflder- brand. Ileppner. became parent of their firt child, a daughter. born Monday. July 27. The little ml weighed 6 lh., I oi, and has been gien the name Jane Ann. Callioa et the bomaa of the Myron Hills and the Wayne llarsln on Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold llarsin and In fant daughter. Candy, of Herm Ut on. Thank You Since I haie miKI my liiHtiranre lii!Inc! to the Turner, Van Marler ami llryant Acrnry tf Ileppner, I wl-h l thank all my client ami poliry huldem anil tell them how much I appreciate the hufclnew ami patronaue given me. .Ml insurance policiett now in force will continue to run on umliitturltctl. For any her ice on the? policic, leae contact the Turner, Van Martcr and llryant Aceney. Sale of thin Inline to Turner, Van Martcr and llryant wa done with the knimletijte that my clicnU intcrc! and liuinesH will le hand let I by them most capaMy, efficiently and promptly. Sincerely, ELLWYNNE PECK l-icxing-ton, Ore. k lioiimM kiim ! Horned toads don't mind the heat. But you do! As hard as you try, you can't bent the heat with fans ... or pitchers of cold drinks ... or shades drawn tight against the sun. Besides, this method of keeping cool leaves you listless all summer long. You know the feeling all your energy is sapped. You have no desire to move even a muscle. Electric air conditioning the modern way of keeping cool gives you refreshing spring air all summer long. It allows you to keep windows closed against outside noise, dust, dirt and pollen. Inside, you have clean, cool, filtered air for your whole family to work, eat, sleep and play by. Choose from many compact room units, or Install a central system. Whichever you choose, electric air con ditioning is your best buy under the summer sun. Visit your electric appliance dealer, air conditioning contractor or rural electric representative. Do it now before you sizzle. ELECTRICITY -the heart of modern living ONKCA Columbia Basin Electric Co-op SERVING MORROW AND GILLIAM COUNTIES