Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1964)
Irrigon Fireworks Draws Good Crowd try LaVtLLE JAaJLOW inrtl(X)N A large and an-re dative audience turned nut lo hti A. I'. Houghton ri"Mtal field riaturday etenlng. la ace the li Ho ililay n( fireworks mhi. Soled iy the trilgon Lh'llB tlub This wa the llfl fUcwotk tlhj Uy In Irrlgott. and u Haa , uv-mui, the Llxiw have stale 1 their Intention to jfovlclt a.i even larger piogram neat Fourth of July. Furitcral M' veie lirl.l al limns Mutuary In llirntl..n on, l.t Wcdtteaday ftif ht U(n Hugh Glim. Mr. and Mi.. 11,11 Allen. Larry and Ca)le t Salnn. and Mr. ami Mr. Calvin Allen i4 Kuf uk, ttlm cie here luf Hit- runt r I. vultcd in the fioiiic Mr and Mrs. lull Cra)tal Wed rtcMlay afternoon ami evening Mr. and Mm. IVtry Pummel Anlla, Uuina Kay and I.irrc diuve to Green Mountain I or picnic cn Ihe 4th. Mr. and Mr It..-!- 'iH.k Khonda and Allyn of Portland 'iit the -k end with Mi. look's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill. Mr. and Mr. I.'nu-M Stcohciu nni inuriMiay in rcmiicton visiting .Stephens' sIMcr, Mrs Mae McKlnney. Mr. and Mis. Bert McCoy and Terry at-nt the weekend In Vale visaing Mr. Mty'a fulks, Mr. and Mr. J-ri: F-ddy. Mrs. ItixU Maddux and Keith have returned lo Irrlgon afh-r a 3 week trip Into California. They drove the coaxial mute, and spent some time at Ml. .Shasta. They viitcii Mr. anl Mrs. Kenton Y xlcr and family at Mat tine, I'allf. They -nt fuur days with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Getberdlng and family of Salem, on visited Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McCluikey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mori tie Kvans and family of Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Itusscll and family recently moved to Herm- Iston where Itus-sell Is employed iy u muwiuu lire sales m Vice. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Coy. Mr and Mrs. Glen Cy and Starla and Miss Luclnda Bailey of Stan field attended the wedding of Mlvi Katie Williams of Kennc wkk Wash., and Dwlght Kahre or Colorado Springs. The wed ding wa held lliursday evening in the mgrim Church In Kcnne- wick. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd llobba and family, Mr ami Mr. Dan Jill I. Mrs. Sadclla Ix-xtcr. Mr. and Mrs. Ijn Lclghton and family, rennry rossey. Mrs. ix-lCoy Bun ten ond family and Mr. and Mrs. Hwieoe Cook and family picnic hI at Hat Kuek park July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kin ker and daughter Kuth Anne of ArllnKton visited Mr. and Mrs. L-on Uently and Mrs. K. L. Iucker over the wc.k end. Thry nlwj visited Mrs. Curtis Stephens ond I'atrlcla in Umatilla. Miss Gloria Hascnll of Tendle- Ion Kid Monday thru ugh lliufMlsy as ruet id Mim .Hukan Mt4Vy. rUM Ul iu rUi to i ). 24 t tuir. Mortuary In vr1lrtiKi IhuiMlay for Mr. Matba VMIwon, riMilhrr id Mis. lurtty Lauin. Xlr, and Mr. Ijifl Iwtin an Ioiina lift Tu-fc.Uy tu irnl . mi in ine inountalna nrar Uilne. imi.nL' and fLliUiif Mr. and Mrs lull tiiatlx-al and Mi. Mas (tiavural of linalilla iid I hi urt-k rnd at thv ray Inal mlilil at loli-ate. Youth Attand 4 M Camp Ikl.Me M.'i.v. IUtMra and Tur (hkUII. Kelly and Itteky Snvder left Suiiitv afternoon to attend m 5 day 4 II amp held at ( uttloitii park near lli i'i'in r. I tll tKMll iliove llif l-iiU l'i the lleppner fair eiouinU. whei- Kiev MeiP met by inn k that ink them on lu t)ie Camp. Ilie KHU attended In the nurnlnt', and inane ciaft In the afternoon. Mr. and Mr. Jaik CJtmut, Itonnle and Vlrkle, left fori OarkMun 'llmrmlrty t kin-nd the week end with SU t.)mn n.other. Mi. Mna I'latl. Alrt. II i y Mted Mr. an.l Mr l:iik"i;ll nd family. Mr. and Mr. In Adam and family and Mi. Mary Adam drove to The Dalle Saturday and & tended Ihe ueddliii of Mr. Adam' Meir. Donna Mae Cra rir. lliey stayiMl uvernleht with Mr. and Mrs. John MtCoilotn and family and returned to Irrleon t uiulity evening. Ine irrlk'on liapllt iiiurth li a I a iirtiiM birthday party on Jl. Ice Marlow follow Irijf their Sunday rvenlntf sirvire. Cak and I'um-h and odfee were serv- .1 Mr- ami Mrs. Klbert Kpp-nba h nd family returned lo Irrigon fter iendlnir a month vlsltlnc relative In TorrlriL'ton, Wyo, (inaha. Neb., Kwlnjf, Neb. and DoUKla. Wyo. Also, they njH-nt three days in Yellowstone I'ark. I. W. Itash of Wenatrhee iK-nt Sunday to Tuetday with his sis lir. Mis. Mary Adams. THE HEPPNEn (GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, July 9, 196-1 Sec. 2 - ? pages IhikMll and family at Waldi! I.verrtl llentlry al In Sav Station at tnndal, lal f. Mr and Mrs. IUb Itentley and family al falo Alto. Calif, Mr. and Mi lam;d lUntiry and family al VMorville, Calif, Mr. and Mis twoieit Wehr al North Holly- wood, Mr ami Mr. Kirk Drron at Wooilland Hill. al.f . and Mr. an.l Mi 11 IJvely at or tins, Calif. Mis. 1U m ley and Mi IJvely Here n hd cls- mate. .fi. tlary I'luinnnr. Mi I'thrl Kohie, Mi iVfiTy l-other. Mi Muilel Kahrw and John Snl-r t te tivrr iiiirltt fue id Mr. and Mi, tilen oy reirntly. Mr. and Mi, tk-orte Ittinwll ana family writ a werk visiting relatives al ll lis. Wallowa. I -a iiande. and ihe I-on Itentley at Irnon. Mis lluih Tuwiiaend of Colliy, Kan, tllie.l In the tib-ii ('y home from Thutml.iy until Sunday afn-riumn. She left by train for rarrnlnjtn. Nrw Me ho. where he will sin-nd Ihe dimmer winking In an Indian Mislon and oiphanat-e. Min TownM-nd and Mrs. tilen Coy were iidlei'e i la-iMnati s. Week end k'ui-Ats of Mr. an 1 Mi. Allterl I'artlow and Sheryl and Mr. Myrtl Markhiim were Mr and Mi. IU. hard toehran It.iyniond and Hohlile of Midway City. Calif. Mr. and Mr. uel M.Cov of Vaneuver. Wah, Mr. Air. Howard Graham an daughter. Lanl, of Portland visited at the home of Mr. Gra's brother and sinter In law, Mr. an.l Mrs- Kelly Tiller and Jonl. TJiey were acxximpanled by Tiller's nunt. Stella Kddy. Joni returned to I'lirtland with the Giulianis to end a wtn-k, and met her folks at a family reunion nri.i a Tyirh valley on July tn Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Conboy of Hennlxton were dinner guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Skiles Fri day evening. Mrs. Daisy Brake of Milton- Freewater Ment Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gray heal, and left Tuesday fo Seattle, where she will visit her skier Raturn From California Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. u-un Bent ley re turned to Irrigon Wedneslay niter a 0-dav trln to California. They visited Mr. and Mrs. George and Mr. Jay llerry, Itonald Mc Coy, Mr. Nleky Truman, C.rrg an.l Jeff of I'otland, Barbara Sue Janrura of Seattle, and Gwen Madden of Kir by. The Kroup went to HermUton the 4th and picnicked with Mr. and Mr. I 'cell GoiMlwln. MarKarct and Jeannle. Mr. and Mrs. James Mills. Kicky. Kandy and Steve. Miss Snow .NMViy. Mr. Kuth .NM'oy and Gary Goodwin. In the evening all the families drove to Irrli'on for a picnic at the Fart- low home, and later attended the firework at the football field. Miss Margaret Ayrrs and Jim Brock of Kutfene. were week end Kue.sts of Itcv. and Mrs. John 11. K nney, Mary and David. Mr. an.l Mrs. Duane Heed.-r and family of rortland wer week-end quests at the home of K.-eders hrother-ln law and sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart. Sharon and Tommy. Mrs. Stew ail's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keeder of murande arrived sun day, to spend a few days. Guasts at the bom of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walters and son. Gene, of Willow River, Minn. Mrs. Wal ters Is a sister to Mrs. Howell. The Walters and the Howells. along with Bretta and Tat, spent the 4th of July week-end camp IniT at Government Camp and sightseeing In that vicinity. a"""" ylNffEW"BW'W"iiWM.ljtbPWI' hull! Hl HM,lWip T , 1 1 i! (-'' i - . '' d X IRRIGON NEWS A SPEECH APfLlANCE (shewn la dataU la Insert) Is belna flttad by Dr. n. M. Aaami. co-UUadar of Dental Epedal Semces Clinic of University of Oreaoa Dental School, for child recelrtn? cars la clinic This oirl's coaaeoitallv laactlvt soft palate aecessitated construction ana placement of this removable appliance to Ira prove apoech. Treatment is coordinated effort of Dental Special Service Clinic and speech pathologists from Crippled Childrea'a Division of UO Medical ScbooL Ann Jones Makes U of 0 Honor Roll Cecelia Annette (Ann) Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Jones of lleppner, has gained fc place on the spring term lienor roll at the University of Oregon with a grade point average above 3.50 for the spring term, according to the university's news bureau. Five hundred students were In- eluded on the roll, and 59 achiev ed perfect grade scores of 4'U. Thirteen students from foreign countries were on the roll. Tourney Slated The Willow Creek Golf course will be the scene Sunday of a string handicap tournament Women will draw for partners In the mixed two ball foursome. The nine hole tournament will get underway at 6 p. m. I llel J over from last week 1 Mrs. Kuth McCoy rode to La Grande with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd v.murr, io ("rwi a wees; vitit Ine her son In law and daurh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Ihe Kredrrt had been In lrrltfor) VI. lunar their daughler'a family, Mr. and Mrs. Vrrnun Ivtrwart, Shar on and Tommy. Mr. and Mi. Dan ft 1X1 left for Kedmond early Saturday morn Irg to visit their son In-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Koch. Denlse and Shawn. Koth was recently transferred there a akiktant manager of Ihe Ked mond Safeway Store. Hills re. turned to Irrigon Sunday even ing. Donna Kay Pummel celebra ted her 11th birthday Tuesday with a party held at her home. Guets present were Vicky Hobb. Patty and Clarence Proc. tor. Lee Huson, Tommy Stewart. Arthur Olm and Dennis Lamb. Cake and punch and tee cream slices were served to the guests after games were played. j Harry L. Towers returned to work Monday after a recent hoa- j Pitalization at Good Shepherd hospital and a period of conval escence at hi home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hurley re- turned to lrrlgon Wednesday after a 24 week trip to Cedar Kaplds. Iowa, where they visited Mrs. Gurley's daughter-ln law. Mrs. Glenn Ioulson. Steven and Sharrl. Also, they attended Steven's high school graduation. Gurleya drove to Iowa through Salt Lake City and Denver, Cola, and came home through lei law. stone National Park. Mrs. Cleta LathroD and Mrs. Betty Kennedy, employees at the Umatilla Inland Lmplre Bank. were honored on their birthdays frlday, when lellow employees surprised tnem with entree and cake and gifts. Mrs. Karl Isom and Donna baked and decorated the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gomez and family of Biggs, were week-end guests of Charles Hines. Game Regulations To be Ready Soon Oregon hunters are advUe that tot-Ira of the l'A4 big gam regulations ar being hipid la Ik-enao agmts throughout tha state aa rapidly as hit are re ceived frvm the printers and should be In the hand of all re ceivers aoon. SJiW a.ofmctila are bring rni from Ihe gam rammudun'i Portland vttwm by county In alphabetical order. IWnao mem- ilea In counties such a Haker, Iknton or Clackamas will re reive their allotments probably a week brfre agnule In Wash Ingion. W heeler or Yamh 1 1 1 counties. As in the pt. the anopi cciitalns a general summary of big game season for quick nf- mil1, plus detailed regulation on all hunts. Boundary line of all game management units. early and entrndn-d deer at-a- n. and rontroiie-1 hunta are al0 Spelled OUt In detail. Hunters are uieed to check carefully regulation on arm and ammunition, general license regulations, tagging require mrnts. and the summary of def. initions. Clote attention should alo be paid to Instruction for fling application for unit per mits and controlled hunt tag. A section also covers Juvenile hunting regulations. Parents are ursed to check this aection if they Intend to take youngsterj hunting this falL Summer visitors farina with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mahoney and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney are Billy Beaver of Palm Springs. Calif., a nephew of the senior Mahoneys, and Sam Wager, For est Grove, a brother of Mrs. Bob Mahoney. IF YOU need wbber stamp for any purpose, can at tne oa-zette-Tlmea office. All styles of type, all sizes of stamps avail able promptly. SEE THE HEW STING RAY At HEBM2STON CYCLE SHOF Authorized Schwinn Dealer New and Reconditioned Bicycle Part For All Makes All Work Guaranteed WAYNE LONG. Prop. DEAN LONG First and Highland IfermMor MORROW UNTY 1196$. Fair and Rodeo We've Cleaned Out Our Files For A sBistfnW49sssa esssa1asssBYaj asasssstaVass' mmmmm WJMk OF PICTURES Several Hundred Photos, Any of Which May Be of Special Interest To You. At 'Giveaway' Prices 4x5 or Smaller 5x7'$ 8xl0's 5c B5c 25c -J y " " J. . 7" " ' r. '!.fr!''i; " -.4 r. .14 o Rodeo Courts Athletic Teams Individuals Parade Pictures School Groups Industries News Events Old Friends Weddings 1 SATURDAY NIGHT JULY Some of these may be of you or valued by you. Photos from all parts of the county. 10:00 P.M. UNTIL 2:00 A.M. FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED COME AND SORT THROUGH 'EM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IN FRONT OF GAZETTE - TIMES Heppner MUSIC BY THE ITCHIN' POST QUARTET MEET QUEEN SHANNON AND HER COURT FAIR PAVILION, HEPPNER $1.50 Per Person Refreshments Served