Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1964)
Mcrrvca caicttx Smb. W GAZETTE-TIMES mouow cotnon wtwtfArti Tlmea ralabluhed .NsrttmM J. IKI. .o-xUalr4 19U. ivirAf MIlllRltl AllOCUflOII WtSLTY A. ISIWW Edits fublUMf Second CI Matter. How About Awords to White drivinf crowded h:S2lS.tt3 and llstcnlne to radio report "J 1 If property hudM. IU could be MmMblnl : thM Jh to conduct himself otherwise. Young drivers might be induced to drive more carefully in or?to build up . record that would win audi an .ward. .hr would be "burs" that would have to te Wr?ed ouT'arfd Tt ld Sst thet.te omethlr.f But the ?rorue mlcht be offset by a reduction in accident toll, which LSTyTo alVSheones involved, the ones not involved tvla hSt r.'esTTnd cost to the State in Investigation, and rePTT' State of Oregon has incentive awards that It Rives to Zi atste-owned vehicles for accident-free records. NNhy tAS It should be worth serious consideration. Chirping of a Campaign Earlybird One campaign for state office for the general election Is already "arted-ithat between Senator Alfred Corbet. Democrat, and Tom McCall. Republican, for Secretary of State. Corbett. particularly, is actively pushing the campaign at this too-early date. In these two men are two top caliber nVeimJf obvious that they respect each other, and ven t th time four months before the election-the contest looks as if it may be a real close one. - To us. it was amusing to hear of Sen. Corbett's mempt to bait McCall into endorsing one of the national presidential candidates of the Republican party prior to the convention, but McCall didn't spring the trap. The Democrat declared that it was McCaU's duty to ally himself with one candidate or the . other, and he saw that this challenge got wide publicity. Obviously, the senator was attempting to force something; where he had nothing to lose, and McCall could only come out the loser by falling for the political maneuver. It Is another case of the sideline quarterback telling the guy under fire on the field how he should be playing ttegame After all Corbett couldn't be placed on the hot seat because his national Democratic choice can only be Johnson. McCall is perfectly right in shying away from such a lop sided loaded challenge at this premature date. Some of the rest of us Republicans are pretty hard-pressed about determin ing our convictions In this confusing national situation, too, at this point Senator Corbett's challenge sounds too much like the chirp ing of a campaign eariyDira. DOOR BUSTER!! Famous KEDS, low cut tennis shoes, with shock proof arch cush ionBlack only $7.95. With each pair you get two pair of Terry Stretch Crew Socks FREE! BUY A PAIR OF HYER BOOTS, GET A PAIR OF LEE RIDERS -r nuts, TffcT. iif . im - I 1 IIBTWTT NATIONAL fOlf OlIAtf Htim C IHEEMA Cut Accidents? WE'VE PUT SOME SOCK INTO OUR PRICES FOR THE FREE!! Chaff and Chatter Wes Sherman it ,. Heller Htnk. shut mn fur the summer aftr concluding- a 10 months run. He d that the fink provided a total of IMU hour vt entertainment and sumied that If ht translated In skater ,fv' eled. a wouM considerably top !5uJ mile. ThU rink ha pro- tided, we mihf add. anoui 15.t hours 4 relief lo parents who mU'ht iiherwte have been aWed j.Su. time. -What can I d.. moiherT" Shorty lludon and C.Wn Ward with thl rink hae provided someihing really fine for the community. THE TERRIFIC Increase In cam ming and lumiwr recreation threatens to brin an evolution ti our culture. noted on a tnir..r ih-nwrn-nf terk end trip throuch the North Santlam Kiver country. Thoiw utnff public camp ground on holidays provide a ma ot numanny uuinru tichter than on would find in th tenament dUtrlct In New York city- They, and their ap purtenances, Dtvomf vnv lomtratlon of houe trailer. txva is, icnts, dogs, cats, bathing autts. woid smoKe, gas inrrn and dirt. m mi the iv it appeared at the big camp on the shores of huge and beautiful Detroit rescr- i.r it u poinc ta be toon that if a family want to camp out on a holiday, it will nave lo reserve pot in the woods a montn in advance, rvn ih tilfhuiv turnoff fcJcn to thl campground was poated the state sign, .o vacm, nu those In the area said that It had twv-n niaied there on the Thurs day before the Fourth! Meanwhile, back in the cities, all Is peace and quiet. So. if you want to breathe pure fresh air on holiday, stav at home whil the mass exodus takes place. rm .IT.; we make out Still looks like I hiii U'P none ii isn i J great fun) EVERY FAMILY probably has is own Shane-rl la which it considers the -living end." the place it considers about the best place on earth to be. Our family (IOC'S. e DOUgni a summri nuiinr site tucked away on the North Fork of the North Santiam some 23 miles from Mehama about five years ago. Right now the river runs some 30 feet aeep oy tko onrt tnnt frontage that we call our own. A cozy gravel beach is overnung wun iir uwa cTaiiop growth, and trreen moss softens the bie rocks of the river side bank. One can look at the bottom oi the creek, or river, and count every rock. The North Fork is large enougn 10 iramunwaw some big salmon runs and from . ..inhwa hicrh overhanzini! front porch Saturday we looked " 1 1maI1 down on a nuge iwm, iw." th ''bath tub. iMiv a Through the clear water it was easy to spot proDaoiy some w big Chinooks swimming deep therein. We always aspired to have a summer home there, but to this day, all we have Is the site. A GOOD FRIEND, Lou Myers, a woodsman of the old school, owns several hundred acres in this wonderful area. Below hi home winds the North Fork in a huge bend. He has also devel oped a large fish pond that he 8 FOR 2 Buy Two Sportshirts Get A Sweatshirt FREE txrw and tAiMhrt wrll tnrr irut.r. lxU has deVrl.Mt ai Ktkr Krourul un pl' that has raw ru'ic N-auiy. IHrthantrtng irera Urn H,r''' rvhes over ih rJ Irdm6 I. and muM hanfca hra fin trt - orr table that h built. A group of Mawmas wcte guets there- Saturday on mn out liif lo a natural NiJtfe that Is Imated a number 'l "ill.-a far tl!ci up the North Fmk. At one time, lour or live lni dvr around hi htme a ft. and thry would rrn come uj and cat Irom hi hand. Put over realoua hunter, wilh th kill irtctr only b)vt. hae cUlnnnl ihrm all. and ihi mk t-u- true siortman. a pMty blttet fellow. He has !) rn-rn . . k rx.v . ihire hla tuace with others, but Salrml!-s and other city dwellers nae wrn w thoughtless and carcle that the U now -I,mlm1 fMVtt tO IT I - end, summer home owner and other who come wlin special iM-rmlsalon. THE LITTLE NORTH FORK would be worth a million dollars In Morrow county, but ou can't have eer thing. THAT NEW highway bypss at The Dalles, opened Just a few days ago, certainly Is a blcslnji In th traveler and must knotk otf 10 minutes driving time to Portland. Also uieiy r a four-lane stretch for some 12 mllx at f mm th John Day dam. and a new section of 2-lane at the east end from tms nrcicn. When that Interstate K Is com pleted. It is gonna be a great route to travel. JO PETTYJOHN had it figured tucf rich uhrn tht ran out of gas the other day in her pickup, it HitM richt at Jack Van Winkl'a station. Jo said she .lkn it .. low but is in th r " . . . habit of running on tne rumes. The fumes also played out. IF FOLKS have been having troubl cetting the services oi County Agent Nels Anderson re cently, they can blame It on us. We have kept him pretty well tied up giving us advice on how to start a new lawn In the middle of the summer. But by nclnii M atvlrvt anri pnnnv sacks and the work of young son j.m, me green snoois are spring ing forth in abundance between the apartment and the city fire barn. r BY THIS time next week, the G-T X l ma lime lie a i wi-vn, inc j- i staff will be pretty sparse. Joo Hartle, our printer for the past hr vpars. anri his wife. Bcr- nice, and family are moving to Namna Idaho. u.hpr he will bo employed In a commercial print Inrr nlant Joe nrefers that to the rigors and weekly pressures of a newspaper, iney win oe closer to relatives there. Ioa Via a hion a cond Stead V employee and his wife has done yeoman service running our press. We are sorry to see them go-. . . And uncle 5am is nipping ai LOOIC at our during the I I hi f n H TT lTTh H J C A D II I n II C ENTIRE FAMILY, f'JFlj 2 ENJOY BARGAIN kCjf i f JW PRICES DURING arS 1 n n w 4A n 4 4 H V w H l JULY IU & II Specials on T.V., Radio and Record Players!! MTV It,,. hel of 4n M 'ttl. ho h -in rluhl month. tetne .-,.s ruhihatut man for u. M will lea e Lf Ml Old, t'ahf. Mn... and III lay U hi Ut U4. Jit Jim ChauiHey ff tMnl.m Air tW Jilatlmv who was with u le.i.iHanly wliiltf lfe eml made many friend ftvie in a hiil lime, leave london on lite l.tih lor Tra. faun when t,e will head fr lklii4a. at t m lr dliettlon. We're even lng BU k Ulml-1, who d-el"HHl Into a lo'"' printers devil. IH dad. id eouie. ha Uen tranfcletred l I ullage t;i..v with I'actlU IW and Uthl. Without a itlnteis devil. Uu crew doeant have anyone I J Name foe rvery thing. He's when Ihe but k Upn. COMlSt; BAl'K 'on the jb a of Monday U Hay Smith, a eM. at printer, who a ! 'f"' latHls raikhop ntainMays le i. .. ih shermana came heie. Rav has worked with u tx-fore when Joe wa uoun wun trouble, and he I well acquaint ed at the t; T. Little Kit Anderson will Jak. Rick i;imbels place, and hell have to be the guy with the . t,...ii.i..r from now on. Arnold Itavmund r-malns like Old Faithful and his wife. Val rrle, t bak again to help run the leoond llmtype machine. Young son Jim is su pping up to more Important backshop dutlei, and of cure, Momma and lP pa stay on the Job. along with toy Harsln a society writer ai ht-me. t THE CO-PUBLISHER of thin paper is a quiet gal. but when fche eaks she make It good On Tuesday when the plane clrvllnu Ihi town for a landing lo pick up Lee Hams, we went to the d.-or to peek at It -It's that navy plane coming lo pick up Hams. Jim Mom advised us. But we could see "L. S. Army In big letters under the wing. -If it U a navv plane Its In cVgube." we told Jim. Then from iieien s cornt-r this aulet comment. "Of course It s In do skies." TO THE EDITOR. . . To the Editor: c ihA where I discussed economic development and Job training with Peace Corps and Economic Opportun ities Director Sargent Shrlvner. and with Secretary or i-aoor Wlllard Wirtz. has delayed a formal expression of thar.4is to the voters of this State. I want to express my thanks for the twin votes of confidence. as nominee lor &ecreiijr c., .h rteleate to tne rsiaie " J , " ,i Di'mcoratic national convention. i i,l fri-u-arr1 ta a vigorous campaign for the November elec tion and pledge to bring Issues, not Images, before the voters who must choose who Is most experienced and best qualified to assume the administrative and policy duties of Secretary of State. Sincerely yours. Alfred II. Corbett Money receipt books lr dup Mcate and triplicate are on sae it the Gazette-Times. SHOE Women Planning Horseback Club A rapidly Inrreanlng tempo of riitliulAMH h been tlrail by a group of lo a women, wtui aie In Ihe inVM of otj;nlli a wtnteiia hoitMik tiding luh TeidatKe i l-ifi l"f Ihe Mill b be named club are, f. Ihe lime being, to meet once a week and go u ot late inrininn rvenlng trail rhleaj sImi l. play t;ame u h a mu!ral nu"' "I ml tH-ndlng. In Ihe fiwmattve tage are plan for learning a few mounted drills. Ten women on horeback met !t Welnelay at Ihe Wiangler ground and ptUr to demtttn on a five mile trail tide, held a ahoil disruption t)! meeting Mrs. IkoI Key w a ele tel pre. Idenl f the restitution and Mr. Ralph Mailatt as cletted secretary. Any woman, age 16 r older who Is Inlerented in bevomlng a ni mln-r f the group. Is aked lo contact Mr. Key r Mrs. Marlatt for further Information. Meeting for the Initial get to gether 11 week were Mrs. George Mlllman. Mr. Hill Sx.t. Mrs. Mike Gray. Mr. Clyde Nut ting. Mrs. Jim Phegley. Mrs. Lrn Ray Srhwar. Mr. An hie Alder man. Mrs. Matt Hughe. Mrs. Key and Mrs. Marlatt. Gribbles Claim Father-Son Crown Lowell Cribble and son lVug walkeil away with the gold putter given a Ilrt prize for Ihe low gro score In the Father and Son tournament held Sunday at Ihe Willow Creek Golf club. Fifteen pairs of golfer vied for honors In the tournament Ion I'mu wnet to C. 1. Carmlchael and -adopted son." hnan Appiegaie. nay r-i and Billy Beaver the latter or I'alm Surlnics. Calif., placed third. Harlan McCurdy. jr.. and Larry Green were fourth. Special recognition was given LaVern Van Marter. Sr . for being Ihe oldest contender at the meet ami to Billy bVavcr, who was th youngest. Everyone enjyoed a luncheon .. anl fwif ilo.' U.llh all the trimmings, cookeil and serv- ed by the ladles or tne vtiuow Creek club. Cutsforths Enjoy Big Family Picnic Thirl v inmi members of the Immediate Cuudorth family alone wltn several incrma en Joyed getting together the 4th of July for a day of picnicking and fun at Cutsforth Park. There with their wives and families were Orvllle, Sr., Fritz, Gene, Kenneth and Pat Cutsforth. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Olson and family of Pasco, Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kilkenny and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pointer and family. Mrs. Alta Cutsforth. Mrs. Nellie Jones, the Kenneth Turners. Bill Weatherford and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Parks of Port land. Nineteen of the 2G Cutsforth grandchildren were on hand for the potluck affair. SHOP THESE BARGAINS 25c-39c RECORDS POLISH 15c 25 OFF ON ALL SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Daughter, Family Visit Lcdbcttcrs Matter Sergeant and Mrs John I- IVkrn a ltd soh. Tom, Uwtrd with hrr parrnU. Mr. and Mrs U It ij-dtwttef, here dutlnjj the pat twn week, lliry left M n day to return to Colorado f iflnt, whrte be serve as NCOIC data 4M.lro bzaiw U t Hie nm Milldated t'e -eftnnr ffUv MSgt, Pli ken setu.n riMln lalna military personnel rreiirda f. tftH-ef and airmen as i;ned l heaituatleta Air ! fenw Command and leaUviait era North AmrrUan Air IH-Ieitae CiKiunatid. He ha une mote er lo i'o to complete ."0 year In aerv le. While they were here, the family group all went lo Itiwe btifg In viU the Idt-eitera other daughter and sn In law. Mr. and Mi- Norman iHaibaral lU-rtMni. and two daughters for sevetal dav. Mr. Iteittnm I pttmlal of a sthout In lte. butg. Mr. and Mi. Jork htrns cud daughter Kathy of Hote. Ida. ar rivd In lleppner Kilday lo tend Ihe Kourth of July week-end at Ihe hme of her parents, Mr. and Mr N. D. Bailey. Mr Parwjfui will be remembered a Ihe brm-e.- tiora Baliey. Coming Events jaycee Acnvmr nights Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:30 lo 10:.TO pm. High School Gym. Activities for everyone. SIDEWALK BAZAAR Downtown lleppner, July 10 and 11. , w . Plan now to Join in the fun. Sidewalk bargains, booth. stagecoach rloes, entertain ment for alL KICKOFF RODKO DANCE Honoring Fair and Rodeo Court. Saturday. July 11. lft 00 p.m. lleppner Fair Pavilion. Mutlc by Hltchln' Post Quar tet of Board man. MIXED GOLF TOURNAMENT Willow Creek Golf Course. Citrwtmts A fi til tuiiua;i String handicap, mixed two ball foursome. All club member Invited. SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY C. A. RUGGLES Insuronce Agency t. O. Boa 247 H. tn-KU BsppoOT COMMUNITY I ) BILLBOARD 1 - : 6for$1 Wilson's Men's