Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1964)
V f Classified Rotes cmd$ To ji.m aMmd Duplet o tack. CLASSIFIED DCADUNC Naoa WdadT T mU bltllM. rash La UttMtvd I of m11 mA uaht Ue etflca. 1 Cards of Thanks CARD Or T1IAMC.H U' wUh la eiprrwi our P iftrlatlnn to the friend r4 ru-trhtinr kh ram in OUf itttinrf Ul Monday and helped control lh rraaa fir on our f.ruirrly. Prompt attention pre triitnl tnv mail Jo Mr. and Mr. Hill Kenny Mr. and Mr. John Kenny 1HC CAM) OF THANKS I wtah li rfr tny alnrrre thank and appreciation i ail kha merit fltmrr. card and Ktfta and to all h vUltrd me durlnr mv recent uineta ai n r.rrr Memorial bM.ltal. Sixx-lal lhanka l. I. Wolff and the nurvi far their kln1nrM-a and to h night crew and office rtrla at Klnrua corporation ir mrir acta of thouk'huulnraa Alao a atrial thank to the mill union l.iral Ni 312. for Ihrlr rift. Bert Winters and family in c 3 Lost and Found STRAYED FROM Ot'R HOME- Auotrallan shepherd male dog. ftiuh fail lu-riiM numkr bM. Reward. A. C. ton. 9J KIM. lie per, Lealng IS c REWARD for reovrry of boy's green Srtmln Mori found mlaatng from our yard June 13. Return to We Sherman or call Gawtte Time, 670 922a ICtfx 5 Work Wonted WILL DO IRONING. $ 1 10 r hour. pick up and deliver. I'h. 6765.'.67. IHp WORK WANTLD Try trim ming and Iandcaplng. Tay. lor General Work. Avery Taylor, ph. 676 53H5. 4 tfc Wonted WANTED Horae ahoeing. at vtur place or mine. Contact YlovA Hutchlna. Ih. 676 917H lltfc WANTED All around carpentry work. Taylor-a General Work. I'h. 676 5K05. 4 -tfc For Rent X)R RENT Completely furn lahed one-bedroom apartment conven lent location, rn. oo 9766. 1H FOR RENT Two bedroom linimut flruir furnnre. Good lo eatlnn. Krank Adklna. I'h. 676 9275. 18 p tfc vnn nrvT FnrnUh! anart ment conveniently located Arlnlla onlv. Tall 676 968-1. 15-tfc FOR nENTTwo bedroom house for rent In Heppner. Inquire at rear of houwe. 260 Water St., or call 676 9914 week daya, or 676-9-185 evenlrujs or week CfldM. 8 tfc OFFICE FOR RENT. Call Con ley Lnnham at 67C-5HU0 after 5 D.m. 16 tfc 8 Services I AM NOW serving as your Avon representative in tnc i-oxing Ion nron l'mmn Perk. I'll. 9S9 8-135. 1819c WILL DO Masonry and tile work. Avorv Tavlrtr'a r.rnnrl Work. Ph. (576 5385. 4-tfC SAND and GRAVEL, delivered. Also concrete work. Harold Martin, Hermlston, ph. 567 6293. 17-20p FLOOR AND RUG CARE equip ment for ale and for rent. L. E. Dick, 676-9920. . 35-Uc HAULING SAND AND GRAVEL. Call collect, Sue Hama. Uma tllla 922-3503 or 922-3755. m 28 -tfc 9 Livestock, Poultry FOR SALE 4 yr. old chestnut mare. 4 white feet, white blaze. Gentle. Ph. 676-5302 Bill Scott. 18-P whatever In the world you looking tor, In ;9 Livctfock, Poultry MARKET H'g Z: V ai'lt tLou'jtilof Ctlttt Hull in i titto I lMx4 CY. !' ! lit I hi l tit SM 1J . t iik r i A ( VMM ( 1 1 i ii ta rCCDCR TraiJirg Mrrra Hi-er Mref Yearling llnfn ll if r Hellers lU-M ll'.Uirln Heifer Heavy l..ltm llrifrt I lrl;t HoUlrln Strrr lleavv HoMrln Mccr il l Mmk Co a. tahrt at MJe ftay ( alvet, IWf Uby lahei, Daliy PrSrr f-.rld Meady with Incrraw- In rattle tuer demand food on all (lak. of feeler arid fat rattle. Send In a load next Tueaday where you set more for your Jive.totk. Already ronlj;ned 275 I brand 7li0 lb. choli-e quality Ilcrrford fetnler atrer. Northwestern Livestock Commission Co. Iiaftr k ll-fn.ui'H it Ul tUA IiN WtMC. Mgr. t MT Hit tYKIltTT BXTI'ER. Eta M7 1 12 Furn., Appliances CONSOLE Sn.NLT flA.NO. Want rrprukllile party to iwuim amall mo. pyta. Also LLIjC. ORGAN. Write or phone credit Mrr, I-A 2 Kohler (amphril PUrvja, 47W L'nlver. Jty Way N. E.. Seattle, Wah. 1719c 3 Misc. For Sale FOR SALK 14 ft. outboard motor txt. complete with trailer hold and new motor. See Kred llarrlaon. Th. 676- :9. is rjp HUt SALK (;.! aupply of S ratch pad and Ioille Tab let. Garitte-Tlme. 10 x FOR SALE 1932 Viking 12 it. camp trailer, aieepa i, k atoe oven. icebox. lnk, many cupboard. $495 take It I'hone 6769157 or 676 9284. Howard Pettyjohn. 1718c FENCE POSTS AMI POLES cut and delivered. lxies cut in length of 16. 20, or 21 feet. Phone 676 976). 17 tfc FOR SALE Trash burner In ex rvlU-nt condition. Aluo alrtleht "Kreaky Buccaneer' heating in.. -.n HH P. IIRf- IICW t,JIIUIllill. t i 676 5504 evening. ll tfc I I lVARPD QPPflAI 1, A n.i! nT I i1 I'U AU " I No. 4 dlmen. S30M 2x8 and 2x10 - RL No. 4 dlmen. - S25M Kinzua Corporation Heppner LUMBER FOR SALE 2x4 STUDS Ranch Pack $18 per unit No. 5 ..$5 per M c:iiAvrNnt You load .. M M ner load r Ktt wuuu 4x4 Posts 30c ea. 2x2's 10c ea. Open until noon Saturdays Heppner Lumber Co. Ph. 676-9440 14 Automotive Thone 676-9921 Call FREE to Pendleton Say "276-3611 Collect" Authorized V. W. Dealer Cars Galore New Volkswagens SEDANS (any color) STATION WAGONS PICK-UPS PANEL DELIVERY $395.00 Down (your car paid for or not) $47.95 per month WINTER MOTOR CO. INC. PENDLETON, OREGON OPEN SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Tell the advertiser you saw It the Gazette-Times. 9 Livestock, Poultry REPORT i.t..ii.4k CI Buyer 33 mi r( It tflTM M l u ll4 M U M .1 U r4 ll it uu i iu CATTLE kilDfiil I'.U. ri ii 7m Mi. 4' i to M. f1 to 7nl Ma, $mo to IJOfO .1MI) to t.'l i' VI lJ to IL'J Ml tO f IN 10 la tl940 1.1KII to 2I 171 to tl7 tM) to flfi4) Jt7i to 117 V) 4n la IM. .VJ IM a. Hil IM. Iai IM. Wrt to KK IM I1VMKI o tltti'l) SIO-OO to li.500 None 14 Automotive FOR SALE Trailer houw Ameriran mrxli'l 8'i.T5'. 1 bed rrom. bath, kltfhen and living area. Complete iniuiatlon, birch Interior. Kefrljrerator tanee. oil klmr. bed a ml dav eno with trailer. III. 676 9207, 19-tfc DID YOU KNOW... That you can buy a LcMANS Sport Coupe for $2556 giving you a full sized car on a 115" wheel base with 21.6 cu. ft. of usable trunk space. F.O.B. Factory USED CARS 1962 Pontlac Tempest Spt Coupe, bucket Beats, auck ahUL 19?i9 VnoA Lincoln Premiere, full condition. . . Used t-Wheel Drives 1961 Scout half-cab - 25,000 ac- iul limn. 1960 International pickup, wheel anve. 1959 Willys pickup 1958 Dodge 4 wheel drive, new motor, power steering, warn nubs. 1953 Willys pickup, 6 cyl. 1948 Willys Jeep with electric winch. A real hunting rig Used Pickups ly p,CKUp 104 CMC. nlrknn A ton. This a good unit 1951 Chevrolet 4 ton, excellent rubber, comblniation duik ana stock rack. Ideal larm unu SPECIAL All uned cars carrv Guaranteed Warranty pian ror one year. Nnmher of crood fishlnz and hunting cars. WE ARE YOUR FRIG ID AIRE DEALER Good choice of used washers and dryers. 1 used reirigerator. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontlac-Buick-Wlllys-GMC Kambier Phono 676-9116 That H6fffj For aCic? EYERY BUSINESS NEED GAZETTE-TIMES Ph. 676-9228 14 Automotive WU KALE I'M Oiev, l kup. rul condition, new thalna, battery and handy man Jack. Ilaa tci letk and tuoi rub ber. I'h. 676 5'At l lc ONE STOP SHOPPING LOOK at these Deals! Used Cars 1962 Chev. Impala J2150 IVt Dim A. At Sedan. air conditioning iw 19C2 Chevrolet MortM 4-dr X2000 19C1 Chev. Sport Coupe J1700 1959 V-8 Chevrolet sedan S1300 1958 Pontlac Starchief. 4 dr. hardtop with air conditioner. -., - S1200 1958 Chevrolet Bel-Air $1000 1957 Ford Stallon Wagon - S900 1WA Oivrolet Station wagon - 650 1W7 Fnrrt 4-Hr. aedan 6 cyl, auto, trana. G00 1956 CheTolet 4 dr. sedan $495 1957 Oldsmoblle S400 Commercials 1955 CMC H-ton pickup S750 1954 Chevrolet Tlckup $595 1955 Ford Pickup, Heavy duty - $400 1941 Chevrolet pickup $150 1941 Dodge pickup $100 HAVE A MARK TV Ir conditioner Installed in your car. $349 installed tany Amer ican made car.j See Us For TRAILER PARTS, BRAKES and WIRING JOBS All Sorts of Trailer Parts FULLETON Chevrolet Co. PH. 676-9921 Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE 2 bedroom, modern. $7,500, 180 Gllmore. For information, call 676-5509. 18-19p ukjvoc rwn. ji-. .i. niinnops TV. washer. Nice lawn, lots of shrubbery. See at 405 Linden Way. Reasonable. Call 676-5517. 17-tfc FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, price $6,000. Down payment, balance easy terms. Frank Ayers. Ph. 676-9272. 14-tfc FOR SALE Large 3 bedroom home on 145 x 146 ft. lot, all electric heat, fireplace, built in range with ventilator, wall oven, fenced yard and covered patio, 1H baths and shower. Drapes, refrig-freezer, washer and dryer may be included. Home is 7 years okl with State Veterans' Loan. May be seen by calling J. W. Norene, 676 9G56. 9-tfc FOR SALE Herman Howard home, 1050 sq. ft. Lot) 55X1UU, two bedrooms, wall to wall carpeting, new insulation, new hot water tanic, new iurnace, new wiring. Priced for quick sale $7500.00 (appraised at $9,500). Terms can be easy. Turner, Van Marter and Bryant a-uc FOR SALE 2 bedroom house, full dayngnr. iimsnea pase ment with room for 3rd bed room; picture windows with beautiful unobstructed view; baths; concrete patio. Will sell below FHA appraisal. Jack Bedford, ph. 676-9161. 17-tfc FOR SALE Large house with rental apartment upstairs. Two bedrooms down with lots of room. Large lot Only $9,000. Call Albert Wright, 676-9734. 36-tfc BEDROOM HOUSE 2 lots, divan, range, refrigerator, dish washer, garbage disposal, 2 bedroom sets, TV and hookup, power mower, 600 gal oil drum and ifreezer. $3800, terms. Swede Herschell. 385 Linden Way. 18p 15 Real Estate FOR SALE 4 bedroom home, bath and naif, full barment. good location. S'at til l'an with 4 Int. available. U"niWM-. u . . naric. pn. P.o vwjq. a . m.M mil iip Kothrlaftit home. w. -- . new. two t-droma. two loi. m . i.M l aiv term. Turner. van ii-.i .-. nnM IB acre. cjom in, rnourrn W!0-. Z r.V7 ! brvant. ii-uc mn SAfJ- Pearl Devlna home. 3 bedroom, baaement, coverea patio, fireplace, wan to wan carpet, oil forced air furnace. Verv reaiwnable. S13. Call Alhrt Wrlffhl. 76 S734. 36-tfe Public Notices f THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OT OREGON roa the countt or MOBHOW THE STATE OF OREGON. mi. iJiAii. w.w'i All Types or uunainr Retreented and Acting by thwe Can Help You With Plans Director of Veterans Ajralr. I . f4miM Your Kitchen Plaintiff, vs. EDGAR E. PECK I and EMMA J. PtXJK. nusoand mrA JOHN DOES andlm. r-e KKa m ... " - - - - MAKI persona mii, Iiofnnilinli Hrmrr or bale ni virtu of an Execution nut of the above-entitled rmirt In thm above-entitled cause to me directed and dated tne 5th day of June. 1964 based up un a teen rendered and en in talrf Court on the 4th day of June. 1964 In favor or me r; - .. State of Oregon. Represented andlUirY COUnCII erans' Affairs, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to-wit: The tasteriy one-nan oi me Northwest Quarter of the Knrfhu.-Kt On after of the Southeast Quarter in Section 27. Township l south. Kange or. all kulnff Vact nf Ihfl Willamette Meridian In the County of Morrow and State nt Or pit on t cafisfv the iim of $11,935.55 together with Interest thereon at 4 per cent from the 14th day of February, 1964. until paid, and for the further sum of $40.00 cost of title search for foreclosure, and the cost of Mortgage Can- mlliilnn T.lfo Insurance nrem- iums accrued to March 1, 19b4, after at the rate of $2.98 per mnnth until nalrl. tnpether with I the sum of $600 reasonable at torney's fees, and for Plaintiff's costs and aisoursemenis incur- rsH horotrv in the amount! of $15.75. and the costs of and upon this writ. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue coin vTYPciirtnn ana uecree flnrl in comDlianee with the com mand of said Writ, I will on the 10th dav of July. 1964 at 10 a.m., at the front door of the Mnrmiu Countv Courthouse in Mnrmw CountV. Ore A v. yr ayaia .w - w - eon. sell at pudiic aucnon unu subject to redemption to the hiirhoct hinder for cash in hand all of the right, title, and in terest which tne aoove-nameu defendants, and each of them Ha AtH riAV fit June. uau vu j - 1964. the date of the Decree, and thereafter had in and to the above-described real property any part or portion tnereor, . eatisfv said Execunon ana satisfy said iacecunon ana o iwi-i 1 1 n a IVLQt .4- nATFn at HeDDner. Oregon. this 9th day of June, iyo. Bv: U J. V. oauman (1518c) vrvrrrp OP FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that kn ..norcitrncrl aa ArtminiSTTai- rix of the estate of IRIb MILLER, deceased, has filed his final ac count and report In said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has zixea uM9V th fith dav of July. I 1I1U1IUHJI - rt , . , iom at th hour of 10 o clock A. M., as the time, in the County Courtroom in Heppner, vegim as the place ior neannK vujev n said final account and the settlement tnereor. Norma 1 Marquaxui Administratrix Mahoney and Abrams Attorneys for Administratrix Heppner, Oregon 15-I8p MORROW COUNTY SCHOOL T-iTCTDTr-r n. H-l CALL FOR BIDS ON FURNISH ING AND INSTALLING FIRE cdbtovi TlMn SYSTEM FOR HEPPNER ELEMENTARY AND IONE ELEMtaNTAKX ,nwi. Sealed bids will be received ha nffioa rt the district sup erintendent of Morrow County Schools at the county counnouse, Heppner, Oregon, for furnishing inctolllncr fire sorinkline ntciim. in th Tone Elementary and Heppner Jr. High buildings. Bid opening will be at 8:00 P. M., July 13, 1964, at the county pthmicA in HeDDner. Oregon. The school board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, all claims or technicalities. Specifications may be acquired in the office of the school district superintendent at the courthouse. Milton Morgan. Chairman Xr.nrrnur fnuntV School BOBTd Attest: Beverly Gunderson, Clerk Htrrxin CArrm nun. Public Notices luinUIIVk lf IUOU, DUIWJ NoJ nmby f v mi ,fle underigne, aa i?cuior of tr. I I k I. tj anna I ln.1itnim A. I .T'"T. j 'Z 'rj.l'lV TL irriiru. li mm iiira mi iinai kk. r"" '.: r?9 . .7 : ' V ifrlwun wi -ierR ot inn umn I ... w , ...w . A . -" o I ih. iim. in ik Coumy "courtToorn" 1 " Hepprr. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Building Construction Groves Construction RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL, Frei IVm Eitlmatea - 1 I I. VI V Heppner. ore H&M Construction Co. Builder of New Home And Remodeling I?nrv (Hank I Pederaen 3216 S. W. Jay Ph. 276-7T76 Pendleton Heppner City Council mUmVk rltlTPn having matter for ctini!tsion nieaao nnn? inem before tne council. Ph. 675-9618 Plrf rieinnt I ciecf riciqn PendletonElectricCo. Bonded and Licensed Inrliitrlal. Red. dential wiring. Electric heat. wiring supplies. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES PROXrPT SFBVirT. 1802 S. W. EmlCTant Pendle ton. iTPron. h'none 'tib-Arz IFxferminotina Service Avers Pest Control Insect and Rodent Ex termination Termite Control Grain Fumigation Cattle Spray Fogging Clayton Ayers Ph. 676-9953 Dobyns Pest Control Rodent and Insect Exterm ination Termite Control Bird Control Grain Fumigation Guaranteed Work John Jepsen Ph. lone 422-7180 or 422-7244 Farm Chemicals Bi-County Chemical Fertiliser of Ail Type Spraying THf GREEN Farm Chemical TOUCH S Conreniant Location lone, 423-7531 Lexington. 989-8432 Condon, 384-8651 piftftr rnv.r:nn MOOr covering, Heatina M&R Floor Covering and Heating Co. Williams Furnaces Complete In stallations Carpeting Oil Burner Service Unoleum Refrigeration Doineetlo and Commercial Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 676-9418 Heppner Ph. Insurance C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Ph. 676-9625 Box 247 Heppner, Oregon Turner Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE Ph. 676-9652 Monuments Wylie Monument Co. Represented By OLIVER CRESWICK CEESWICK MORTUARY Taradsr. ir s. i4 cmnl and th artDemerit lhr- 14. Albert F Urvdatrom, F-ecuUf Hrrman W. Wir.Ur Aiurry fur Eacrulor ItcpfmT, Orrgon 15 19? mm, SjmmlmiSmmLj2m Mortuary Creswick Mortuary Licensed Funeral Directors Ph. 67&-9GOO Brppaa Optometrist Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Bote! Beppnar Entrance Telephone 678-9463 Physicians-Surgeons Dr. A. D. McMurdo Physician and Surgeon Heppner Ph. Office 678-9942 Borne 678-9718 Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon 1st National Bank Bid. Bet. Ph. 676-9210 Oft 678-9616 Dr. Wallace H. Wolff M. D. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 5(30 Man, Tue&, Wed. and FrL 1 to 5:30, Thursday. Ph. 676-9253 Res. 678-9620 Minting The Gazette-Times offers complete Printing Service Dealer, Moore Business Forms Ph. 676-9228 Rubber Stamps Rubber Stamps made to your order All sizes all types Prompt service Gazette-Times Ph. 676-9228 Heppner Title Insurance Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Ph. 676-9913 Upholstery jm UPHOLSTERY Awnings, Seat Covers, Truck Cushions 613 S. R Emigrant Ph. 276-4781 rendieton, uregon Watch Repair Peterson's Jewelers Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Ph. 676-9200