Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1964)
KzrPKER CAimX-TlMES. Ttunday. Jus II. ! CHARUe. ?) He's Gono To Get Ready For Heppner's Sidewalk Bazaar JULY 10 AND n Sergeant Speaks To Chamber, Reports On Greenland Base Morrow Entries Win At Junior Stock Show Growers League Junior livestock show at The Dalles have made an excellent record at the show according to news releases re ceived from the show. The Heppner FFA chapter won the chapter herd award In the beef cattle show and Steve Wflpenhlast caDtured reserve grand champion in the FFA di vision wi;h a 935 lb.. high cho:ce Hereford. Wagenblasts of Heppner and The Dalles had a virtual mon opoly in this division of the show. Steve's brother. John, won first with his light Hereford, and a cousLn of two young men Mike Wagenblast of The Dalles, exhibited the grand champion FFA steer. Other Heppner en tries, however, placed strongly. Dick Flail was third with his heavy Hereford and Dean nob inson was third with his light Hereford. Jerry Greenup was sec ond with his Angus. Thus, out of the 11 places, including cham pion and reserve champion, Mor row county entrants won six of them, as well as the chapter herd award. Dean Robinson of Heppner won first in the beef judging and placed fifth in livestock judging. John Wagenblast was ninth in individual livestock Judging. Heppner's FFA judging team, composed of John Wagen blast, Tony Doherty, Dean Rob inson, Larry Heath and Ken Wright, was second in livestock Judging, topped only by Bend High school. . . Tony Doherty showed the re serve grand champion FFA lamb Tuesday, placing- second in the medium weight class. Maureen Doherty had cham- fIork pen of three lightweight ambs in 4 H. C.Tftr fireenun showed reserve champion crossbred steer in 4-H and Sue Greenup was second and Terrvl Ann Greenup was second. Some 16 counties of the state were represented at the shew, both in 411 and FFA. An cli mated 200 head of lambs. IjO of hoes and TO steers were at the show. N. C. Anderson, county agent, attended. HOSPITAL NEWS TVitinnta rwlvln medical care at Floneer Memorial hospital af ter admittance during the past l.illv Martin. Hood- ner; Ray Bailey. Heppner; Darl Carpenter. Condon; Charles Kirk. lone: WUlard iriiarra. Heppner; Doris uoilynom. lone; rauia Siewert. Heppner: Laurie Irby, Olex: Clayton Ayers. Heppner; Frank Stanley, and Laurel Wil son, Lexington. Those receiving care, then dis missed, were Kay Daggett. iuX!.'5 PpferJnlone- Tom "d coch for two years, elemen- Importance of the UMKAXS (Balletic mtile lv warning ... at Ttiule. i;reen- land, wm desctitW to member t the lieepner Morrow Chamber of IVmmetw bv Sialf J:m fhaumvv of the ron ton Air Force Station at lite regular meeting here Monday. Chauneey. representing the in formation services of the Air I ixtitsi to show mo tion picture at the nut-ting hut when tney iaiiu w on-. the talk on the mat ton where he spent a ear in HM-tC. Ranee of the Greenland base U mt mll It ra dar detection, put'ing Mocsow., ' tr..l In np.L'x bv wfflf W rnth. Strategically located a It I. the Malum could detect and through rearward communicat Ion provide a earning of any missile coming over the top of the world. Set. Chauneey said that there are four radar screens at Thule. one being as large a a football fteld. In order to provide a foun dation for them. It was neees sarv for construction contractors to thaw the tundra for footings, then install refrigeration to cool concrete to prevent It from melt ing the frozen foundation below. Temperature ranged as low as 6 degrees below zero white rgi. Chauncev vvas stations! there and winds attained ISO knots. Men at the bae had orders to htav awav from the Eskimos be cause even a common cold car ried by the serviceman might cause a native's death. Because of the cold, germs do not survive in that area and the Eskimos seldom experience a cold but have a high incidence of tuberc ulosis. Sme 7000 men are stationed at Thule. Sgt. Chauncey said- Eighth Graders Complele Course At Houghton IT LoVCLLC partlow tit. .1.1 mer fruin l.nt Meek I Ii:i:h:on A i H"h:' Klemenlarv school held H Wh Grade Commencement program .i ih ki'h.Ml -(ftiitluiii Vel' iu.lav rvi-nlnf. MlV '27. Til" li and rece lonal muie wa pled by Mi Al-iu-ti P.iril.iw Rev. Herman Burg his trip ta Washington. IV l to LXUtn. ted at master The peaker lntcrietel hi talk with humorous comment tul Incident. I' port hi return to th state on leave he w akevl by officials It he brought anv thing back. "I don't know what In the world 'U M bring back from ilrvnlandV he exclaimed. He plan to how the motion picture to the chamber later date, probably June '22. President Al 1-amb reported on Johnson Leaves After 14 Years In School System Clarence Johnson recnetly an nounced that he has resigned his position with the Heppner schools to accept an offer to be assistant director of the Lane County Instructional Materials Center In Eugene. Johnson has been with the Heppner system for 14 years serving as nigh scnooi xeacner Heppner; Ida Hopper, Spray, and Margaret Kirk, Heppner. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Blnttro U hprphv elven that the nivlmiffnnt n Fxpcutnr of the estate of Anna E. Lindstrom, de uvt hn filed his final ac count and report in said estate with the Clerk of mis court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Friday, the 10th day of July, 1964, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m., as the time in the County Courtroom In Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hear ing objections to said final ac count and the settlement there- nf Albert E. Lindstrom, Executor Herman W. Winter Aftnrnev for Executor Heppner, Oregon 11-lSp Need scratch pads? Get them at the Gazette-Times. Ill 110 11 III KlHIL i'.SiSiiSi.ji;.' 1$ -v - ' ;. - ' 't -I '' - X ' ' i j t' ' 4 ' I ' ' ' 1 'V A s ' - ' - I r 'in: , , ', ? "t V4 it 'i"' ' , ; ' J r -('.'. - , and audio-visual director and li brarian for five years. ITntiop Wr Jnhnsnn's direction. librarv service in the Heppner schools has been greatly ex panded, including the establish ment of two new libraries in me Heppner Grade school and the organization of a county-wide filmstrip library. The Johnson xamiiy leu on a vacation trip to North Dakota Saturday, June 6, and they plan to return to Oregon in time for Johnson to assume his new duties in Eugene July 1. at'i-iul a imtini uf the iHKUd of director of National Farmer Cooperatives and atd that he wa uratde to accomplish much relative to the proposed wildlife refuge on the Columbia River waterfront which the Chamber has gone on record as opposing. Swimming Lessons Slated at Pool Seventy one persons came for th frw culm at the oocnlng of the Heppner swimming pool Sunday. according to Tom Hughes, lifeguard. Hughes said that the swimming was refresh ing but cold. He said that the water is still cold but that it U slowly warming. Swimming lessons at the pool are slated to start Tuesday. June 16. with signup scheduled that day for beginners, intermediates, and swimmers. The signup will be at 9 a.m. and the lessons for the beginners will strat at that time followed by intermediates and swimmers in that order. Lessons will run for two week periods and at least four and possibly five of these sessions are planned throughout the sum- mKecistratIon for the lessons Is SI with a season ticket, nucnes said. The lessons will run rues ikmih'h Krlitav of eacn uaj - week. Akcrs Participates In Army Maneuver a tf jhn S. Akers. 20. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllber R. Akers. lone, and otner mera- 3 of the 75th Artillery's M B?1' talion participated in Lxerclse Moro Raider, a Joint training ex ercise with the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment near llanau, Germany, ending May 15. The 2d Battalion provided ar tillery support for the 14th Arm ored Cavalry Regiment during ZC- ,.o, urhkh stressed the combined fire power and de ployment ot sirengin units. The training emphasized i mhiiifv and communi- ButTUi ii.vii... cations, uuiizinK nc ' ployed by the Moro tribes, a kroup of Filipino raiders that resisted American control by building a highly mobile system of attack and withdrawal. Akers, a communicaUons spec ialist in the battalions Battery C. entered the Army in October. 1961 and arrived overseas in MHe attended lone High school. "He was the third student in line and he graduated Magna kCum Laude!" this young man's parents proudly announced to kinfolk by Long Distance. They got "instant kin" by dialing direct. How about you? Have you shared a family iov with relatives or friends lately? Long Distance is almost - ar like being there with them. And remember, lower rfi Win after 6 PM. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL VlAJ Uf AUVAY3 FIRST QUALITY REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY JUNE 21 Unda Tatotie acted at ceremonies, with tieorge Kennev giving the welcome. The clava hlsion vvas read by Roert Huchanan. and a talk entitled "The ImiMirtance of FMucatlon" was given bv Carolyn Burg. Car rol Lathrvp read the clasa will, followed by the lias prophecy by Karen Grotitjulst. lxnma Uwty read a composition, and Hetty KptK-nbach read a poem. The farewell iwh was by Anna Obertmier. CttUenshtp Awards, which were preM-iited by Ry I'artlow. Morrow county school hoard member, were given to Anna Ohermcicr and Carrol Lathrop. Harvey Warner, Morrow coun ty tx-hool board niemtHT. pre sented diplomas to the follow ing: Gregory Bedord. ItoN-rt Huchanan. Carolyn Burg. Betty KpiH-nbach. Richard Frank e. Michael Friend. U.irlene Golly horn. Gene t;ollhom, Karen Cronijutst. Sherril llall, Hyron liohbs. Joyce Jackson. George Kennev, Carrol Lathrop. Ivnnis lasH'rance. Richard Linn el I, l.ona Ivvry. Shelly liennlng. Glenda McCorkle, Michael MiHirc. Cathv Nelson, Anna Oturmeler. Call Russell, Ccraldine Swear Ir.gen. Llnila Tat one. Thomas Vanllorn and Donna Wooiery. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Berry of Tort land and Miss Snow McCoy of Hermistoti were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allert I'artlow and Sheryl and Mrs. Myrtle Markham. Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Berry. Miss Snow Mc Coy. Mrs. Myrtle Markham, Sheryl I'artlow and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graybeal left for the Cuts forth Park area where they will MHnd a few days camping and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mark ham ami Mia Lee itt Kenncwick. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mlnnick and family of Rufus and Mrs. Mary Smith of Goldendale. Wn., vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Huwe and family Mem orial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parker oi Alhambra, Calif., are proud par ents of a baby boy, Anthony n.ivift who wi born Mav 21. weighing 9 lbs. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael Caterlna of Alhambra, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Parker of lrrl- Kn- .... Mr. and Mrs. uon Lcignion and family have purchased the nronortv formorlv owned by 11. II. Schmunk. and moved to lrrl- gon Wednesday Death Takes Mrs. Wilson iiu.ra! services fof Mr. l.U- 7: m. Inletment will In tille Belle Wll.n, age t3. vil ll.vptM-r Maonle trtnelerv . ' .. ... . a . t. 11 e held at All Saint I picopl chunh Saturday morning, June IX at 10 am with Rev. Father Bruce Spencer cffiiia. lug Reiulem inas will le at Monahons Get Word Of Sons in Service News of the adm!lon of t.t. James D. Mnahan Into George town I'nlvcfMty. S. V., fr ec- lallzed training. wa r-elvel this wvk lv hi parenls. Mr. and Mrs. James Monahan, Hepp ner. It was only after suctr fullv passing three Mril ! mtwlon tests that his entry was grunted. Another son, l.t. Michael Mon ahan. is serving as an offlur aboard the CSS aircraft cartler Kittv Hawk, currently Involved In carrying Crusader jet, recon naissance plane operating over Ijow, with two shot down over the week end by l-ao antt- Ireraft Ilia shin had been rx- !ected to return to base in San Diego, before getting involve-.. In the Laos reconnaissance maneuver. Heath rame to Mr. llwn at some time during Ilia night Tocaday or atly We.lnely. af ter irliinnent In her apartment. She had beett troubled M-lld-leallv with a heart onnl.llon and evatnlr.atlon attributed death ta a cotonarv attack. Call from the family failed to mu' her and a dolor was nuinnxoinl. Mr. Wilson wa lrn In Hepp ner July 12. IH'.H. the daughter of plooeer parent, Mr. and Mrs. II. Frank tJennlet Khler. who farmed for several year in the llitt.r arra before lllovlntf !0 jleppncr She w niarriisl to Da vld A- Wilson In Heppner Jan uary 8. lie I. Former owner or Wilson's Men's Wear, he tve- rclinl her In death In August, VXX Kit ua a ItM-mlH'T of Ruth Ctmi.t.r No. :U. OKH. and of All Saint' Fplwi'pal church. Survivor Include two daugh ter. ir mil (Slilrlevi tuaxe. Heppner, and Mr. Jim tlVtrotha) Barratt. Corvain. isi w brother. George r.lder, Klnzua. and Maurice Kldrr. Heppner; two lter. FlUalirth Ward. Seattle, and Mavree Mder, Bremerton: an aunt. Gertrude Vance. IVrtlanu. arwi nrn grandchildren. 'IFOR Ch "my- m m i mm wm 1 1 CALIFORNIA VISIT DISNEYLAND Attractive accommodations Just minutes from Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. All units have free TV. alr-condltloning and heat. Spacious grounds with heated pool, play and recreational area. M II ' Excellent restaurants and shop ping centers nearby. Credit cards honored. POLYNESIAN Motel Ml S. Brookhurst ANAHEIM, CAL, FREE I w,h r W tuvi cuot Mil . , l-ff . I" i ' ' $ III I f Before You Spend More . . . Compare Penney's SLACK VALUES CARE-FREE, THANKS TO SCOTCHGARD! Stops Htains before they start! Long wearing freshness with Sanforized, combed cotton. In university grad model! Favorite colors! Waist 30 38. 4.98 GRAD' STYLED SLACK SPECIAL! Wrinkle - resist ant Dacron polyester 'n Avril Rayon! In favorite colors! Save with several pair! Waist, 30-36. 5.95 Need little or no ironing OREGON CHIEF n waaBaa SLAB BACON W lb. CHECK YOUR NUMBER IN THIS PAPER IF IT MATCHES THE NUMBER POSTED IN OUR STORE. You Will Win Participate any day of the week. No obligation. No purchase required. Bring this section in. check your number with the one post ed on display board ty checking stand. Every two weeks another $5 will be added to the unclaimed balance. When the prize Is claimed the Jackpot will be started again with another $10.00. In case of duplication, Ilrst one presenting number wins. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Prize paid in merchandlss. o ro to to 40 OZ. PKC BISQUICK 45' 20 OT. SIZE Pet POWDERED MILK $1.59 30 OZ. CAN Nollcy's Beef Stew 85 46 OZ. CANS Hi-C Drinks nnraat. Crap. Fruit Punch Orangs-Plneappls. Plnsappla-Crapa 3 for 95c DILL PICKLES and CUCUMBER CHIPS 2 for 79e 3 Lb. Snowdrift Shortening - 69c WhlUi Star Vi Size Cans . . f CHUNK TUNA 3 for $I.OO wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmumm'm Medium 12 Ox. Mlnut. Mold Sunnr Lou McdiUltl LEMONADE CARROTS Onions 3 f0' 69e 2 lbs 19e 3 ibs. 2l ' PRICES COOP FRIDAY AND SATURPAT. JUNE 12 and 13 DEL'S MARKET LEXINGTON "We Specialize in Personal Service" PH. 989-8133