Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1964)
Boardman Signs $380,000 Utility Contract If MAHY Lit MAKLOW were Milt Mortfan. ihalrrnan ofiKrtlfn fchould l filed by July lUMIIPMAN T1ii find rm Irart. whtrh U fir rfdarlrtf of my uiiiiins lor Hie i-rw town alte. um lciu Monday t ttin rlty full between the Clly of lUnrdmau and In II. R. Army tori or r.tiinrrrt. iteprrMiit Iryr III rorp urro MaJ Kdln J. William. Olvlnlori engineer. and mil iMintwr. leeal imw ff the mrpa. Mh from Walla walla, wn. Prior to the alirnlnir anerla merlin waa railed of the rliy rounrll by Mayor Dewey Wenl fur the turMt of adoiillnir resolution tut ItrKotlallntf the contract with the CoriM of V.n- Kitwm. it was voted unanl moukly by the council. Thla contract rovers rrplare ment of strrels, dralnaicr. anil the walcr ayalrm. It la hiiH that th second contract will or negotiated In about two wrka. It will be for replacement of I ha rlty structures, which Includra the City Hall, fire station, park. anl boat ramp, alo the Irecs In the town. The coat for tha contract alpned flrat la estimated at about fWO.. . The iw-cuml one will b $70,000. Coat f the aewrr .v.. tcm. which the government will not replace, haa been. estimated at fcWO.OOO. other Incidental roata will be jTMl.OOrt. making the overall coM at about three fuurths of a million dollara. Aiao inraent at the alsnln Ihe Morrow County School board from, Irvln Itauch, school iMinr.J imi inlM-r. Lexington, Wayne iwunai rit r, county school auocr intendent. Ili-ncr, and IxjuIs Mii( aii. Madran, prcaldent of the city planning rommUMon, who la a property owner I.r. fa inetnltrra of the lioardman clly planning commission were a I mi present. Ralocation Schedule Outlined A publle mcellnir on th re. location of tho city of Boardman waa held Tuealav evenlmr of last werk In tho achool cafeteria The meeting waa called by the cry council, the nlaruune- com miMion and the urban renewal agency to acquaint the eople aa to the proprciui of what haa been dne o far about the new town. Hill J.hnon of the firm of LorrM-ll. llowland, llayea and Mtroneld. bcattle, Wn.. waa present and cave an outline of the program ao far and possible coat a. William B. Culham. Portland. district aanltartan from the atate hoard of health, waa preaent to discuss a new community sew- ge system, which will have to ! built by the city, aa the gov- ernment will not provide a new one, alnce there la none now In the present town. Survey work ta now underway on the new townalte, and an offclial plat of the flrat 50 acre MORROW COUNTY JAYCEE CAR WASH SATURDAY, JUNE 13 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. VAN WINKLE'S CHEVRON STATION WASH JOB $1.50 WASH 'N WAX $5.00 Pries Include A Cleaning Job On The Inside Too!! FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Ph. 676-5525 (PROCEEDS CO TOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS) 13. Thla land will ho available to Individuals at thla time. The remaining .'XI acre tract will not In- available until about Novem bcr , pjttf. Tim Initial plat will Include about 20 commercial allea and approximately 'Jt) homrMtc. An additional O) residential l"la will te available In November. The following achcdule of events la anticipated and every effort la being expended to meet these achedulea; June, IWVt Complete ncgot- latlona with the Cor pa of En gineers. July, MA Approval of Corpa' contract. July File townalte plata. July begin well conatruc tlon. October. 10ft Begin construe tlon of utilltlea. November. 1'JGI Complete well construction December Begin construe tlon of C4tv Hall. December Earliest date to beeln relocation of businesses January Lament date I or rerouting highway traffic. March. IWia - complete unui Itv and city hall conatructlon. March Local busineaaea open at new alte. March r.ariieai aaie 10 oe eln realdentlal relocation. June, l'jtff KxUtlng town va cation for clearing for the John Day Dam pool. Donlala en OEA Committee Hon Daniels, principal of Riverside High achool. has been appointed to serve a five-year term on the School Hnance Committee of the Oregon Educa tion Association. This commltte. make a con tinuing atudy of the financing of Oregon's schools. It 1 con cerned with Increasing state financial aid. the distribution of state aid. and the financing of (special education program at the state level. It Is also concerned with the local property tax pro gram and restrictive measures on such a program that might be proposed by the state legis lature. There are twelve members of the committee chosen from an over the state. arul Mr. Dean Tyals. at Harris buri?. They alo i-nt one day at Jriant'ie uine. un their way rinie iney vinej Mrs. Thorn hlil'a uncle and aui.t, Mr. and Mrs. Charles bay, at Ort gort I'y. W. D. Maxwell and f-orgc Lord of I'ortland vUitrd .Sunday at the home of MaxwrU'a par ents. Mr. and Mra. Karl Hrlggn. on their way home from attend Inc the dedication of the St knee Iluilding In Walla Walla. Wn. Mrs. Dewey Wet waa honleM for the meeting of the Neleh- bora of Woodcraft from Arling ton at her home lat we k. l-resent were Mrs. Bill Marshall. Mrs, Jim Marhall. Mrs. Chuck Slmms. Mrs. Floyd Anderson, Mra. bam Beck, all from Arl ington, Mra. Anita Chase, Con don, and Mrs. Zoe Billings. Mrs. Frank Marlow vl<ed In Walla Walla. Wn. three days! at week at the home of her! aunt, Mrs. Lrnert Z-rba. Fergeson Given $500 Scholarship Allen D. Fergeson of lfeppnr has been awarded a 171) schol arhlp for the coming year at Oregon State University. lie waa one of 40 ton atudents In enplnertng rhown for nh.l amhlpa. Ilia atudy grant la one of two given annually by Alcoa Foundation to outstanding upperciasamcn. Fergeson will be a senior next year In electrical engineering. The OSU School of Engineer Ing has scholarship! and fellow ships totaling more than Slo.OOO that are sponsored by various buklnesa and Industrial firms and group and engineering org antzatlona. Mavor Dewey West. Vernon Russell, president of the city planning commission, and Arthur Allen, chairman of the Urban Renewal Agency, accompanied member of the Space Age Park ivvelonment Assoc I a 1 1 o n to SeatUe, Wn. last week to make a tour of the Boeing Company, which Included the research lab oratory and testing sites. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ballweg and son Eric of Burleson, Tex., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ball weg'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. G. Sechafcr. Other weekend visitors were the Sechafcr's sons- in-law and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. George Ilolderman and son 3 Are Honored At Holly Lodge Charier Draping By DELPHA JONES LEXINGTON Holly Rebekah lodge met last Thursday even ing for the regular meeting with the N. G. In the chair. At this time a beautiful candlelight cer emony was held when the charter was draped In memory of M. R- Biggs, past grand rep resentative; Huch Lewis, past grand representative; and a Holly Rebekah member, Mrs. Minnie Webb, of San Leandro, Calif. Mxs. Webb waa the form er Mrs. Minnie Leach of Lex ington who donated the building to the Lexington Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges for a meeting place. The charter was draped by the following ladles who carried lighted candles and dressed in white formats: Mrs. Joe Yocum, Mrs. Charlie Fad berg, Mrs. Archie Munkers. Mrs. Charles Colley, Mrs. Florence McMillan and Mrs. Joel Engleman. During the recess declared for the drap ing of the charter, the Odd Fellows were guests to watch the beautiful service. Sick members remembered with cards and the delegates to the State Convention. Mrs. A. F. Majcske and Mrs. Mrs. Florence McMillan, gave thier reports. Mrs. Archie Munkers, who was a state officer, gave a report on her time in Salem. Later refresh ments were served to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in, the dining room. Hardman News By CHARLOTTE WAUCER Mrs. Gene Cole has returned home from a stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital where she underwent surgery. Mr. and Mj-s. Billy of Lorvallis, Mrs. waiter Coie motored to Klnzua on Sun roru-v and uaucnier snerry oi lone, and their granddaughter. Mrs. Michael Chase and son Trov of Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bot inornnni and children Aria, Tina, koddi nd Bobble visited Tnornnius brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornhlll, and Mr. And Mrs. Gene Thornhlll. at Junction City kst week, and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. 0mik km to C , .,, J Jf 1 - j minimi JLaw! I mi rait I fcni ml H ; rnr Give Him His Own ENTERTAINMENT CENTER With This 23" TIXEVISION, HIGH FIDELITY STEREO, FMAM STEREO, FM RADIO. What Finer Way To Express Your Love and Appreciation Than With This Set. Fine Quality and Expert Craftsmanship Make This Truly a "Gift of Gifts." Prices Start As Low As day where she will spend a few days with her parents. A supper of Chinese food and an evening of games were enjoy ed at the Johnnie Ledbetter home on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Vic Grosh ens. Those present for the even ing were Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groshens, Mr. and Mrs, William J. Van Winkle and Mr. and Mrs. C C Jones and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. John nie Ledbetter and children. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Majeske motored to Portland this week end, taking their grandson, Chris Wright, to his home there after a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crabtree and son Scott of Portland have been visiting at the Leo Crabtree home In lone and the Ken Palmer home in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Rea and daughter, Janell, of Pendleton visited last week-end at the Kenneth Palmer home and at the Clell Rea home in lone. Mr. and Mrs. Rea and daughter are mov ing this week to Condon where they will make their home. Mj. and Mrs. Roger Campbell and girls were Enterprise vis itors over the week-end. Visitors at the Bill B. Mar quardt and Carl Marquardt homes over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Messenger, Sr., of Mitchell and Carrol Mes senger who is home on leave from the U. S. Navy. Other vis itors last week were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Messenger and children, of Portland. i All Grangers are reminded that grange meetings next baturday night at 8 p.m. Home he Club will meet Thursday. June 18, at the home of Mrs. Norman, Nelson. Rain, Hail Does Damage The hard rain and hail which hit the Lexington community on Friday did some damage to fields around the area. Water in several canyons ran across the highway between Lexincton and lone filling the road with mud and debris. Some damage to alfalfa fields and irrigation ditches was also noticed. Vacation Bible school will start Monday at the Lexington Christian church. The hours will be from 9 to 2:30. The teachers have received their supplies and all is ready for the enrollment, HARDMAN, RHEA CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Archie Saling and grandchildren, of North Powder, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr and Mrs. Darrel Farrens visited with Jess Coats a while on Memorial Day. John and Alta Stevens moved back to Hardman after having stayed in IJeppner all winter. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave of Monument, came over to help and Mrs. Musgraves remained a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas of Walla Walla stayed Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Chapel. Gerald Booker of Boise, Idaho, and Maude Robinson of Hepp ner visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDanlel Saturday. Blaine Chapel and Archie Sal ing took Mrs. Dolly Fraters back to her home at Grass Valley Sunday. She had been visiting relatives here and In Heppner for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bech dolt and Archie, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens Saturday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lamon of Hermlston and Osel Inskeep of Othello. Wn.. visited with Alta Stevens Saturday. Bonnie Kessell is spending a week with Cassie ChapcL They are attending Bible school at Valby Lutheran church. Mrs. Tilda Van Bibber of La Grande came to see her brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins. Bonnie Kessell was a mem ber of the 8th grade graduating class In Heppner. Houston Lesley made a trip to Monument on baturday. John Stevens was taken to Pioneer Memorial hospital Fri day to remain for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brannon of Mt. Vernon visited various friends In Hardman Saturday. we bnnaks or Mt Vernon spent a recent week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lesley. nZftHtn CAZETTE TTMES. Thursday. June II. IH4 Van Schoiack Couple Get Degrees at OSU Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van JVholark and family were In Corvallis Sunday o attend rom menctmrnt rserclM-s at Oregon Mat University whrn their on and daughter In law, Mr. arul Mra, M'Oey Van Stholark. re- chived their degrees upon giad- uatton. Mickey rec Ived a bachelor of aclence degree In, the field of electrical engineering, and has accepted a tltlon with llonev. well Co. in Minneapolis, Minn., In the electronic division of the company, starring July 1. Hi wife, the former Karen WiJco. graduated with honors In the field of home eonomlcs. The couple will leave later this month to make their home In Minneapolis. LoctnJe. Cox. douehWr ef Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cox of Monument visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Avers. Ist week. Srw was a ruest from Sun- day. May 31. until last Thursday. Boise Visitors Here A special gueif ad the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner ft the conservation tour of the Turnrr farm on Friday was his slater. Mra. Ikh Runnlon (the former Jean C Turner I She ami her fiur children made a special trip from their home In Boise, Idaho, fi-f the eraslon. return' Ing the first of th week. Vlaitlaa ktst week t the boa of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LyU Matteson, was Mrs. Elmer Parks and her children, Johnny, Kenny and Theresa. Mrs. Parks returned to her home In Leb anon on Monday. GIFT SUGGESTION Civ him tha mon's froflrorxa for cround-fhs-dock distinction BLACK WATCH craoted by Pnnc. Motchobelll SHAVE LOTION and MEN'S COLOGNE SET TK stalwart Black Watch aroma printed in two groom ing requititM. Gift boxad. 5 plut tax. Also ovo3obU: Th BANTAM SET with (tarttr botrUt of shovo lotion and mon't cologno. plut tax. FOUND AT PHIL'S PHARMACY Heppaer Ph. 676-9962 Dad's Never Been Worth More . . . . DAD TRADE-IN SALE . . . LADIES . . . V 2 Nf lOc a I is worth a pound a When You Trade Him In On A New Reclining Chair, An Air Conditioner or Both. EXAMPLE: Rocker $89.95 FOP WEIGHS 170 LBS. nnfl AT 10c PER LB. I .Uvl Don't miss this chance to get some good out of dad around the house! Tail dads, fat dads, short dads, thin dads; they're all worth good money now at MCrR Company. Just bring pop in and have him weigh-in. Then see how much he's worth on the purchase of that new Reclining Chair or an Air Conditioner. Dads are worth "dough" now. We doubt if the price for dad will ever be higher so, make him the most comfortable or coolest dad around. Offer Good - June 12 to 20 $549.95 (Liberal trade-In allowances) Gsa DCK 281 Linden Way Ph. 676-9920 Lujans Go to Park Mr and Mrs. Gil Lujan of lone left fqr Yellowstone Park early this week with their family. He will be a ranger at Mammoth Hot Springs this year, having served as a ranger during the summer iheie for many years. This will be his first year to be stationed at Mammoth, previous YOUR COST ONLY $72.95 (P.S. Tool!) You'll Be Cool and Comfortable M&R COMPANY Ph. 676-9418 - Heppner Tor All Tour Floor Coyering. Plumbing, and Air Conditioning Needs'" ly having been at Old Faithful.