Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1964)
heppner gazette times. Thursday. June 4. m Turner Youngest Conservation Man By H. C ANDERSON With conservation lvs n his mind. Kenneth Turner. Sand ho'low community ranker, to th sSunRWt farmer yet chosen i r thin distinguished honor line Its inception 15 years ago. 2t hi developed KeSenSe Anrv.tion pro- m en the 2.694 .ere wheat ,nd cattle ranch, a rt of uhtch was homesteaded byhls Ef" frrndfther Christopher Colum bus TurnTr In 1884.Wlng the f.nch after his father's death In 1056. Kenneth, graduate of OregonState University. began .n enthusiastic program which now Includes grass and alfalfa rotations for hay and pasture diversion ditches, contour strip cropping, sod waterways, ponds, channel improvements, pasture rotations, and stubble mulch. Selecting Turner as a result of this outstanding piece of con acrvatlon work for the title i -1964 Conservation Man of the vr" were Bob Jepsen. lone, crmareplesentlng Morrow County Wheat Growers assoc iation: Garland Swanson. lone. 1963 winner i v.. . " title; Roger Palmer, representing the Heppner Soil ConMryatlon district: and Frttx Cutsforth, member, county ASC committee. Nels Anderson, county agent and VZZ service were ex officio members. Descendant oi rw Kenneth, the fourth generation on the farm. Is from Pnfr . j-inff from treat IrVndfather Christopher Colum. bus Turner who In 1884 along with Squire L. Turner and Gran ... .rf. r mM 3 no me STd. tobS 'culture, v.ik a ra hhw Dart oi me present farm. In 1885. grand- lather nooeri . homesteaded an adjoining 160 acres. Auumvu " , V houem ana in " , Turner. Kenneth's faOier took over the operation. In 1942 more farm land was purchased I from Harold Cohn. Upon his fathers death in 1956. Kenneth leased the ranch from his mother, hora C Turner. Mrs. Turner is the daughter of James D and Rath eryn Doherty. early Morrow county settlers. The 2.694 acre ranch Includes 1,079 acres of crop land grass and alfalfa seedings In soil bank now totals 275 acTes which have been laid out since this program came Into being. There ire 210 acres of grass and al falfa rotations which include 14 acres of sprinkler Irrigated al falfa at the ranch headquarters. This hay provides the needed rftr fprf for 60 cows and calves maintained on the ranch. There are 1340 acres of range land which are utilized for graz ing as well as the crop after math and grain diverted in the farm program. Twenty-five acres of dryland alfalfa also Provide feed. Pastures are rotated with eight pastures ranging from 1UU to 450 acres in size. Ranges Improved A range improvement program on heavily infested sage brush land led the way In setting an example of what can be done In a clearing, shaping and seed ing program. One hundred twenty two acres of j dryland al falfa and grass seeded on this area provides an abundance of pasture which have allowed the Turners to Increase their beef herd. Before, it was a Jungle of heavy sage brush with little, if any grass produced. The first contour strip crop ping was established soon after the ranch was leased by Ken neth in 1956. Strip cropping was expanded to the Conn place In 1963 which now with a network of diversion ditches, protects this operation from soil erosion. Fre quent cloudbursts have made erosion a severe problem in this area. The steep land aggravates the situation but 11 diversion ditches with a combined length of 4.2 miles, the 245 acres of ..nnninir thr sod water - ways, 534 acres of grass seeded since 1957, combined with an all stubble mulch fallow pro gram provides the safety pro tection necessary in at least normal conditions. Kenneth, experimenting con stantly with new conservation equipment, follows a program using chisel plow wtih curled shanks to work the heavy soil in his area sufficiently, skew treaders and center drive weed- arc tnr hanHlinc heaW stubble. Equipment is hydraulically con trolled to get over sod waterways with easy maneuverability. Deep furrow drills, again with hyd raulic hitch, are used in seed ir ctnhhio mulch in the fall. A sub-soiler is used wherever hard-pan or restricting layers cause need for opening the ground for better root and water penetration. Cooperates In Weed Control Kenneth, active in many com munity affairs, has been inter ested in conservation and better farming Dractices since his re turn to the farm. Chairman of the Morrow County Wheat Grow ers association of the production and land use committee for the past six years, he has, through his constant interest and en couragement, provided incentive for weed control research and conservation farming. He has been a constant cooperator in weed control methods to deter mine new chemicals for the con trol of perennial as well as an nual noxious weeds. The first TBA, now used extensively in Morrow county as a means of controlling field bindweed, (Wild Morning Glory), was first test ed and tried on his ranch. K ONE Or THE blt diversion ditches that prevent erosion a i the rmch of Si 1964 Conservation Han cl tn Tear U shown btrs. (G-T Photo) A LUSH stand of alfalfa, nearly knee-high, is Irrigated from a pond (Just out of the picture at tne riant) on tne pw i " Y 1964 Conserration Man oi the Tear. (G-T Photo) ! - ' FISH WEREN'T biting in mid-day when Ken Turner was eager to show how quick be could land one in ut xaxm pona aaiuxuuy Moss in the pond has developed into a problem. Picture below shows the pond before the moss developed. ur-i raoxo; -' "T P.- Hi "- J - THIS IS HOW farm pond on the Ken Turner place looked before moss intruded. It is about zy2 feet deep at tne present ume. Ifs Going to fflsSmm Do Wise fnyyttrMfmma torn t Uuejnt totftnlc tqfm 4 Ctnptny Willi Oxacid futility tef emvy nrftmaactut n " I'ktcftBt TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT INS. Notice of Budget Hearing . t Kwi m'K i.-riimiiu Julv 1 a detailed anl nununarUed In thi accompany . City of HM'Pner for the 1. -I W J x j?, Jnr, u r "er. Major rhangra. If any. nl their rff-Tt prepared ... an "V ' . prf" hiVg" t I wumenl may he Ii.hhh ted hy fniwrtwl I i..rth tit an aixvmpanylng atalemrnt. A o py ' , ,. ,..,l,1i wn Kk he Ul t he 15th tlv i t a m. and 5 p m. at Harder . M m v htrintf on ihU builV I . Any prran may .m.r l di Tlie biiiliret fitr Ing nhedule. wa on this budget are aWwpTO 1UU the purpo. ln.Min. the budget, or any pan Signed: Al. LAMB. Chairman f fiovrrnlng HtxlV FINANCIAL SUMMARY TOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-mS. IEG1NNING JULT I. I64 rOR THE ENStnWG FISCAL TEAR IEGIHNIWO JULT I. 1964 Total AU rwada TAX LEVY COMPUTATION Total Budget Requirements liM.63.Ji Lens Budget Reourcr, Kxcept Taxes to Be Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received Diirlnir Kntulnp Year Total Taxes to Be Levied Cenerol fund Watet utmtr $ 59.673 00 $ 46.100.00 171.567J1 23.198.00 1J920O S 24.5".ia00 AnalTsU of Taxes ta Be Leed Within 6 Limitation $ 19.4'JO.OO Not Subject to 6 ,nrt Umltatlon . 5.10O Total Taxes to Be Levied $ 24.590.03 41JT7.00 18.0t00 1.30200 S 19.49000 S 19.490 00 41.00000 5.10000 S 3.100.00 Street and Road Fund $ 19.700.00 19.700.00 None Sewer Fund $ 19.338 00 19.33S.00 Non Fire Dept. tMrr Fund 13.000.00 13.000 00 Nona 8Mclal Aaaeas, Fund 870 00 870.00 None Sinking Fund $ 341.082.31 3fi.0R2.3l None 5.10000 $ 19'4M00.An$r(il1rOJ)e0?undt and ,prclal revenue funds. If any, are Included FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL TEAR BEGINNING JULT I. 13 Total All Funds v v irw r"rtMTTTATlOM Total Budget Requirements S150.940.00 Lew Budget Resources, Except laxes to e Levied Taxes Necessary to Balance Budget Add Taxes Estimated Not to Be Received Uurlng F'nsuin? Year Total Taxes to Be Levied General Fund Water Utility $ 57.980.00 $ 46.3GO.OO 127.878.00 23.062.00 C92O0 $ 23.754 00 AnalTmls of Taw to Be Leried Within 64 Limitation S 18.334.00 Not Subject to 6 Limitation , 5..V.O0O Total Taxes to Be Uvled $ 23.754.00 4078.00 17,702 00 CM on $ 18.39400 $ 18,39400 $ 18.39400 41.000.00 5.300.00 $ 5.300 00 Street and Road Fund $ 19.500.00 19.500 00 None Sewer Fond S 18JV.0O 1880 00 None TUe Dept. (MTTt rund S 8,000 00 8,000.00 None Special Sewec Fund 82000 82000 None Sewec Sinking Fund None None None 5,30000 $ 5,360.00 .... . i All recerve funds and apeclal reenue funds. If any, are Included STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Type of Indebtedness TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS Petty Cash Balance July 1. 1964 Current Tear (Actual) .$218.000.00 S2 18.000.00 $ 80.00 Ensuing Tear (Estimated) $198,000 00 $198,000.00 $ 8000 Approved Bv Budget Committee May 18, 19G4 CKNE PIERCE Chairman of Budget Committee GENERAL FUND RESOURCES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1964-1965. BEGINNING JULT 1. 1964 HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear 1961-62 $ 1,180.00 5,011.47 968.50 3,862.76 1,927.80 3.247.87 5,738.00 1324.41 First Preceding Tear 1962-63 $ 1.04700 5.284.73 572.00 3.786.72 1,930.00 3.374.18 5.862.00 656.11 Budget Current Tear $ 1. 200.00 5,000.00 700.00 4.000.00 2,300.00 3,400.00 5,700.00 500.00 820.00 16,658.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Other Resources Licenses and Fees - Liquor Revenue -. Fines and Ball Forfeitures - Parking Meters Swimming Pool ..... Occupational Tax Rural Flr District Ml.Hoellaneous Receipts Transfer from Special Assessment Fund . ... Transfer from Water Fund, Prorata Expenses Total Resources . Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved $ 12.01000 1.000.00 5,000.00 500.00 4,or.oo 2,000.00 3.450.00 5.700.00 500.00 870.00 6,547.00 4U1 '00 STREET AND ROAD FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First Preceding Tear Preceding Tear 1961-62 $ 1,000.00 12100.39 6,591.35 573.68 1962-63 $ 1,000.00 12,410.25 5,993.05 245.11 Budget Current Tear $ 1,000.00 12,000.00 6,300.00 200.00 Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved Available Cash on, Hand (Cafch Basis) - $ 1,000.00 Other Resources State Tax Street Fund 12,500.00 Morrow County Road Tax Miscellaneous Receipts 00 Total Resources -I 19,700.00 WATER UTILITY FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second First Preceding Tear Preceding Tear 1961-62 $ 7,000.00 32,978.25 632.77 1962-63 $ 7,000.00 32,995.73 1.132.44 Budget Current Year $ 8,000.00 32,500.00 500.00 'Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted last year Budget For Ensuing Tear Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ 8,000.00 Other Resources Water Sales 32,2i Miscellaneous Receipts -- IcOvaa Total Resources 4l.ow.ou SEWER FUND RESOURCES HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear 1961-62 None First . Preceding Year 1962-63 None Budget Current Year None 10,154.50 10,000.00 350.00 None None 5,080.00 3,200.00 $ 18,280.00 'Includes Unappropriated Balance budgeted, last year $10,216.00 1,275.50 13,000.00 Budget For Ensuing Year Approved Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) $ None Other Resources .,,Annn Service Charges s 10,i2?-JJ: Miscellaneous Receipts rrjion Transfer from Reserve Fund - t'o'-Ju'Ji Transfer from Water Fund ,H-iunn Total Resources i3.jja.uu FIRE DEPT. RESERVE FUND SUMMARY HISTORICAL DATA ACTUAL Second Preceding Tear 1961-62 2,000.00 First Preceding Year 1962-63 3.000.00 Budget Current Tear 8,000.00 Resources: Available Cash on Hand (Cash Basis) Transferred From Other Funds Total Resources, Except Taxes to Be Levied Total Resources ...........................-.............. Requirements: Reserved For Expenditure In Future Years TOTAL REQUIREMENTS . Budget For Ensuing Year Approved ...$ 8,000.00 5,000.00 . $ 13,000.00 ,........$ 13,000.00 ......... 13,000.00 $ ia,ooo.oo