Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1964)
t Senior Service Carries Theme And Colors By KATHEMNE X.IND5TROM lONK lliitrcIurit aerv .v for the, tlatis f liMil wrrc liclu !n the school cafetorlum i n Sunday evening. May 2M- Hv. (hurles Knox of the Kind ItirlM intv church of llcpmier was Kuewl speaker. lU-v. Waller B. ( rowell of the Untied Church of ( In 11 jjnve tti Invocation and tre crlturc rending. Teresa Tuckrr, accompanied hy I'hervle Lundell, nunir "You'll Never Walk Alow. Orean ituihIc for tin pjocchinonal and rer-wlunal wan played by C, tu' Hlitmaim fr the 14 mem Ixm of tlu da, who iccupled the front row of the roniwKiitlon. llii iilatfonn wan gracefully decorated with Ull standards filled with white gladioli arul erven carnations. Tall candel abra with white -andle were abut used to rarry out the class ....l..r. if r.rc.n arirt while. The class motto "Man U architect of hi, own cl.-i.tlny" In large silver lettert was on the curtain at the front of the platform. Decorating was done Iy the sophomore class. Dinner PartY Honors Eighth Grade Cla The eighth grade claw was honored with a dinner and party in ih. mhiml rafetorlum on Thuruliiv wvnlnir Eivcn by their parents. Mrs. Harold hnlUer, niiiin rilrikMllntlVC. WBK In chaw f planning the evening, which began with a planned iKtlui k dinner followed by danc ing (r the young people and card and game for the par ent. An Iniercfctlng Oriental theme was used for the decor, ntlona which were made by Mr. and Mrs. Itotwrt Lovgren, agist ed bv Mrs. Norman Nelson, Mrs. Donald I'etcraon, and Mra. Brvce Kiine. Mr. Leonard Merrick, Mra. Ted Talmateer. and Mra. Joe llau.tler helped with the en tertainment. All the member of the clan and all of their par rnU were present for the even Ink'. Thou being promoted from eighth trade to high school next year are Neal fhrlstopherson. John Oaandand. Michael David aon. Bttv Hausler. Charles Mer rick. McrrtU- Jacobs. Kaihy Kecne. Chris Lovgren, Jim Mc Klllgott, Maureen MiKlligott, Charles Nelson. Terr I O'Connor. Janet I'almatei r. Janice Snider, Kerry Peterson, and Floyd Wiley. n member of the class. Mr. Gottfried Hermann en tertained a group of friends at a coffee hour on Friday after noon. Guests present were Mra. tiell Rea, Mrs. Gurry TuIIIh. Mrs. Victor Uletmann. Mrs. Kdltn Nlchoson. Mrs. Harold Sherer, Mrs. John Jepsen. Mrs. Lee Palmer, Mrs. William SKhn. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer. They l l,,Ulni nl the beauti ful Iris and other flowers bloom ing In Mrs. Hermanns garden. Mrs. Hermann attended an Iris hhow In MIUon-Freewater this week. Mrs. A. H. Marlck and three small children drove to Condon THE HEPFNEH GAZETTE-TIMES New offlm for the Girls League were elected last Tues day. Serving as president next year will bo Connie Ciirlstoi-li-erson. Other officers are Lee O'Connor, vice president; Bonnlo llynd, M-cretary; Karen NY!in, treasurer; and Bemlece Mat thews, student council represen tative. Mrs. U-vl Halvorsen wa hohtoKS for the Home Kconomlo club at hi?r home on Thursday afternoon. Twenty four enjoyed the otluck dinner, which was followed by the business meet Ing. It was decided to serve the l.lona Club banquet at their an nual meeting on June 13, at the Urange hall. Mrs. Halvorsen was aaalated by Mrs. Hershal Town- send. Barbara Talmer, who was In Jurcd severely on the merry-Ko-round at school recently, has re turned to school on a limited schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, Jr., were hosts for a pot luck aup per at their home Saturday even inK. (Juesta were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sherer. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Chllders, Mr. and Ma. Wayne Mama, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dcvln. The occasion marked the birthday of Mrs. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. James Burnett and Kick and D-Ann spent Sat urday night and Sunday at their mountain cabin. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pettyjohn at Olex. In the even ing they attended the Bacca laureate services for the Condon 1JI..U M..k.u.l nrnitltntlnfT f AUl. mnmlwtrK At ft Th..ip tiiawA. Nmirv Pettvlohn. Is Uehool c afetorlum. Judy sherer, m At ( I i ... . a 1. .. Hcppncr, Oregon, Thursday, May 28, 1964 on Sunday lo help her mother, Mra. Alta Lofton celebrate her birthday. , w ...llh Mrs K. T. Martin, Mra. Edith Nlchoson. Mrs. William Spohn, Mra. Oottfrted Hermann, and Mra. F.lmer Crlfflth drove to Ktanfleld on Saturday to attend tho Stanfleld Garden Club Iris show. They enjoyed tbe many beautiful Iris on display. Boya Pl In Stat Mt partlclpatlnR In the 37th An nual Slate "B" Track and Held Champlonhhlp Meet held In Bend on Friday and Saturday were Joe and Mark Hjvow-n. Tom HelmblKner. and Ix.ula Ortiz of lone. They made the trip w th Ua Matthews. Tom plaeed thlr In the pole vault with a 12 i , and Joe placed alxth In the hlith hurdles. Both rwelved nw dals. Mark participated In the hlh Jump and Louis in the mile. Ail the boy were at a sllKht disadvantage having prac ticcd on a turf field and the meet was held on aspnau. Mr. and Mrs. icay nnmuiKn accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lewi Halvorsen. attended the meet. While In Bend mey visited with two former teachers of lone and their families, Don Brostrom and cnarics iiunwn. Mr. and Mrs. K. R- Schaffer Holdendale. Wn., on Sunday to visit relatives. League Entertains Mothera The Glrla League of lone Mich school recently entertaineci all the mothers of high school students and wives of faculty tea neia in me Sec. 2-8 Pages ,,i,.nf (,r the Girls League, welcomed the mothers who were seated and served at Mnail raoies about the rooms. Other numbers on the program, announced by Arleta McCabe. Included a poem by Delorea Kmert and a reading by Sue Townsend. Delores and Cheryl C'orlev, accompanied by Clwryle Lundell, sang "That's Why God Made Mothers" and the boys quartet, composed of Dick Hynd, Kobcrt Emert, Tom Heimbluner. and Stephen Llnd strom. sang two numbers, ac companied by Cheryle on the piano. A piano duet was played by Denlece and Bernlece Mat thews. Connie Chrlstopherson f' ' ' - "'V '' ' r;-v - Y' ' -' : 'rr ::-:(. -x . ) v ; ! ! ..: ..'I , . ' . ' r ... I - v I Y - ' t K . L : ; V-."- . ' Ik . , .. . , . , J Students Honored On Awards Night BESEABCH, ALONG with patient care and classroom instruction, plays a vital role In the education of medical students at the State System of Higher Education'! Medical School. Scientists there are conducting more than 200 Individual studies In maav areas oi medicine. The students here are working with a Medical School professor in studying the active transport of ions through frog skin. onrlfMl the oroeram with a remarks of . goodbye to me mothers. A centerpiece of yellow tulips and white spirea with ye. low candies was on the tea table. Mrs. Harold Sherer poured iir.f,n a nft Mrs. Ernest Chrls topherson, Jr., served the punch. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer have purchased the grass and wheat land belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepsen on Khca Creek. Mrs. Darlene Martin of Port land left on Wednesday after a visit here with her mother, Mrs. E. J. Akcrs and family. Mrs. Gene Rletmann and son few Chris returned on Sunday from a visit at xtampa, iaa. wun ner father, George Munford, and other relatives and friends. Mr. Rietmann met her in Baker. Mrs. Alvin McCabe and sons nf f'nlfa Wn arp snenrlins the week with her parents, Mr. and irs. ut-o eraDiree. Continued on page 8) 1 - I ' ' i., m-n Mmtang leads the sumpede the big Ford started. This has been the hottest sales year in Ford Division historyT we have a winner in the Super Torque Ford, a car so well built, so predictably tough, that competition modified Fords took eleven of the last twelve NASCAR SOO-mile races Ford sales are up 17 this year. We have a luxury car that's taken off like a skyrocket: Thunderblrd, with sales up 68H. Falcon is selling almost as many cars as Valiant and Chevy II combined. Fairlane continues to be a favorite in its own field. Now comes Mustang . . . turning the trend to Ford into a downright stampede. Mustang, by any measure of sales or excitement, is the most successful new car ever Introduced in America-ever. When you see a stampede, it makes sense to find out what started it. That's something only your Ford Dealer can tell you about. TV TOTAl lIWrOMMC roe A CMANSII MS i iwmwimii iinw iin'iMiii . n f .ii.iiMi,ii,iniiHiin i nniiiiin'"L''m"ftWl 1111 '" "jC-t-1-" t m rtfMhiY it -- -" HEPP LIS MR AUTO SA Heppner. Oregon IONKAwards Night at lone High school saw many young people receive recognition for ouuUnding achievement dur- incr fh vi-ar. Stenhen Llndstrom. Htudent txKly president, acted as Master of Ceremonies for the program, which was held in tne school cafetorlum on Wednes day evening. Aftpr the hleh school band nlaved two selections, the new student body officers were in stalled. Taking the oath of of fice from lant year's officers were Sidney Zlnter, president; J.. Halvor.sen. vice president: Shirley Hicks, secretary-treasur er: Karn Hams, assistant secretary-treasurer; Lee O'Connor, paper editor; Connie Chrlstoph erson. annual eauor; v-nerye Lundell. Connie, and &usan LlndMrom. cheerleaders. The ie tlrintr officers were awarded pins for their past year's work. Typing awards were given to members of the typing class, by D. G. Lujan. One 60-word pin was awarded Karen Nelson. The outstanding music award to a senior went to Stephen Llndstrom. presented by Carol Miller, director of the band ana chorus. , , . Dick Strait, coach, presented varsity letters to the following boys for football: Joe and Mark Halvorsen. Tom Heimblgner, Ken Klinger, Steve Llndstrom, Joe Hausler, Robert Emert, John Mc Elligott, Louis Ortiz, Mike Palm er Jay Ball. Bill Klinger. Leon arid Leland Magill. John Rea. Monte Crum and Herb Davidson as manager. Ken was announced as the outstanding back; Tom. the outstanding lineman: John the most improved lineman; and Mark the most improved back. Special thanks were given Mr. Harryman for being timekeeper and Mr. Hausler as score keeper. Basketball awards were given to Ken Klinger, most Inspirat ional player; Jce Halvorsen, friendliest; Mark Halvorsen. most improved; Jay Ball, lead ing scorer; Steve Llndstrom, leading rebounder; Tom Heimb- klnnnr Inn c irtiz. lCOIl gill, John Rea, Robert Emert. and Dallas Dalzell as manager. A Junior varsity letter was given Frank Wiley. Lloyd Morgan, a timekeeper and Mike Matthews as scorekeepeT and bus driver, were also thanked. Winners of track awards were Joe Halvorsen, whose high hurdle at District meet was 15.9; Mark Halvorsen with a 5 8" Inch high Jump; Tom Heimblgner with an outstanding 12" eVa" pole vault; Louis Ortiz, with a mile sprint in 4:57.5; and Loon Ma jrlll. Gymnastics awards were also given Tom, Mark, and Joe, Ray Heimblgner and Lewis Halvorsen were thanked for their assistance with these boys. Gene Dockter. coach, present ed baseball awards to Steve Llndstrom, who made the most singles; Mark Halvorsen, lead hitter; Bob Baker, most home runs and most doubles; Jerry Stefanl. most improved Iniielder; Jay Ball, pitcher with most wins; Pat McElligott. most improved outfielder; Herb Davidson, John McEUisrotf, Rod Llnnell. Bruce Botts. Virgil Morgan, and Monte Crum. Mike Palmer was their manager. Named the outstanding senior athlete of the year by Mr. Strait was Ken Klinger. All class advisors were pre sented gifts of appreciation from their classes by class presi dents. A gift from the seniors went to Mr. Strait, presented by Steve Lindstrom, and also a gttt from the Letterman club to Mr. Strait by Tom Heimbigner. Cher yle Lundell gave the Junior class gift to Mr. Hausler; Rodney Lln nell, representing the sopho mores, to Mr. Miller; Louis Or tiz for the freshmen to Miss James; Judy Sherer for the Girl s League to Miss James; and Merrie Jo Morrison and Cheryle Lundell for the Annual and paper to Mr. Lujan. P Receiving volleyball letters, presented by the coach. lS Matthews, were: Lynn ilenson, Barbara Bishop. Sue Townsend. Cheryl Corley, Elaine Gaarsland, (Continued on ' - w . r a w -w a 1 m s? . n n B FULLY COOKED. READY TO SEHVE. . OR WHOLE N n n n nn? (Fb(r n L UUlUb ..FRANKS 2 Lb. Pkg. SQc - BARBECUED CHICKENS 51.49 eoeh Please Place Your Orders Early WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM CUTTING AND CURING Mill) CHEDDAR CHEESE - - 59 Lb. PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES All Types Except Angel Food 2V SIZE Dundee PORK AND BEANS 5 for 1 CLIFF CHAR Charcoal 10 LB. REG. BAG 89c 69c N ALLEY'S Banquet Dills - 22 oz. Garlic Dills - qt. size 39 ea RELISHES HOT DOG. HAMBURGER. SWEET n for $J TU CUCUMBERS Green Onions AND Radishes gc Bunch LEMONS 6 for 25c CHOICE ORANGES 8 lbs. for $J Prices Good Fri., May 29 mm mm a mm 111 N. Court FREE PARKING Ph. 676.43