Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1964)
Graders Compete In Spelling Contest By KATHERINE LINDSTROM IONE The Morrow County Spelling' contest was held at the lone Elementary school on April 30. Two students each from the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades of the lone and A. C. Houghton schools and two stu dents from each room of these grades in Heppner competed. Gold ribbons indicate a perfect score; blue ribbons, 96-99 cor rect; red ribbon 90-95 correct; white ribbon 80-89 correct. L. N. Herrick, principal of the lone school, presented the fol lowing awards: For grade 5, Diane Black, A. C. Houghton, and Jane Krebs, lone, received gold ribbons; Gwen Drake, Teresa Moore and Rebecca Fulleton, all of Heppner; Ricky Boyce, lone; Dianna Abercr o m b i e, A. C. Houghton, won blue ribbons; Denise Bloodsworth and Susan French of Heppner, red ribbons; and Stephen Hedman, Heppner, a white ribbon. Winners in the sixth grade with gold ribbons were Kristen Nelson, lone; Rocky Stephens, Heppner, and Luann Burg, A. C. Houghton; blue ribbons, John Harris, Greg Sweek and Sandra Matheny, Heppner; Tammy Sny der, A. C. Houghton; and Debby Warren, lone. Seventh graders won no gold riDDons Dut naa live blue ribbon winners. They were Teresa Harshman and Terry Peck, Hepp ner; Toni Ziellnski, and Mike Fossey. A. C. Houghton; and Sara Miller, Heppner. Red rib bons were won by Connie Emert, lone; Linda Nichols, lone; Mar tha Pierce, Heppner; and Verla Hershel, Heppner. Gary Kemp won a white ribbon. Four gold ribbons were won by eighth graders, John Rawlins, Heppner; Kit Anaerson, Heppner; Kathy Keene, lone; Carolyn Burg, A. C. Houghton. Blue rib bons were won by Cathy Nelson, A. C. Houghton; Maureen Mc Elligott, lone; Russell Kilkenny and Steve Pettyjohn. Heppner. Refreshments were served those competing in the cafetor ium following the contest. Hepp ner will be host to the contest next year, Irrigon the following year, and lone again in three years. TV Service Is Extended The lone TV Corporation of ficers held a meeting Friday night and voted to extend free television service for the rest of the year to all customers, whose accounts are paid up to June 1. Finances of the corporation are in excellent condition making this free service possible. Tele vision is received through an an tenna on a hill south of town and brought to the city limits on open line. Four television stations are available through underground cable in town. Patrick McElligott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don McElligott, had a painful injury on Saturday at his home, when he was helping load a small sprayer on a flat bed truck and the sprayer slipped and smashed his hand against the bed of the truck. Fifteen stitches were required to close the wound on the first finger of his left hand. The finger was also broken. Mrs. George Krebs of Portland and a former resident of Cecil, is in Physicians and Surgeons hos pital following major surgery iast week. She is reported to be a little better at this writing. Relatives Observe Baptism Baptismal services were held at the United Church of Christ on Sunday morning by Rev. Walter B. Crowell. Water used for the sacrament was brought from the Jordan River in the Holy Land by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, grandpar ents of two of the children bap tized. Children baptized were Teena June, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindstrom; Paula Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lindstrom, and Tod HEPPNEII GAZETTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May 7, 1964 Sec. 2-8 Pages MONUMENTS Cleaning of Memorial Stones Granite and Bronze Contact MONTE CHAMBERLAIN Phone 989-8406 Box 513 Lexington, Oregon CHERYLE LUNDELL CONNIE CHRISTOPHERSON Two Chosen For Girls' State Connie Christopherson and Cheryle Lundell have been chosen by the lone Post of the American Legion Auxiliary as delegates to attend Girls State. This event is held in June on the Willamette University campus in Salem. Connie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christopherson, was recently elected Ionian Ed itor for the 1964-65 school year. This year she was the assistant Ionian editor and she is also a member of the Cardinal staff. Among her other activities are student council representative, Quill and Scroll, chorus, cheer leader, Girls League vice-presi dent, and junior class secretary treasurer. This year Cheryle is serving as junior class president and stu dent body secretary-trea surer. She was recently a candidate in the student body vice-president election. Cheryle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell, has served as editor of the Ionian, a member of Quill and Scroll, is chorus accompanist, an officer in Girls' League, a member of the Cardinal staff, and has serv ed on the student council. She was the state winner this year of the Oregon Wheat League essay contest. Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Grandparents of Tod, who were present, were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley of Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison of Cas cade Locks and ereat-erand- ! mother, Mrs. Ida Grabill of lone. Mr. and Mrs. John Bray and sons Tom and Jonn of Hermis ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindstrom on Sunday and attended the baptism of their granddaughter. Mrs. Dorr Mason and sons, Jerry and John, and Mrs. Bert Mason, Sr., of Portland were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Lindstrom and also at tended the services Sunday morning for Paula, Mrs. Mason's granddaughter and Mrs. Bert Mason's great granddaughter. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom and her mother, Mrs. Hugh Bell and Mr. Bell of Hermiston. Mrs. Bell is a great grandmother of the Lind strom babies. Mrs. Jodie K. Morrison sDent several days last week-end in Corvallis attending Mothers Week-end events with her two daughters, Michelle and Tass both students at Oregon State. Melena Sells Business Here Melvin Melena has sold his Builders Supply Store in lone and plans on leaving the last of the month for Haines, where he will be employed in a feed mill which handles grains, seeds. fertilizers, and other related pro ducts. Buyers of Melena's busi ness are Al Lamb and Harlan McCurdy, Jr., of Heppner and Harlan McCurdy, Sr., of Heppner will be manager. Mrs. Harvey femith is to enter Walla Walla General hospital at Walla Walla on Thursday for major surgery on her back. Hostesses at the party the lone Dance club held Saturday night at tne Legion hall were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Hedman of Heppner, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain of Arlington. Geraldine Morgan spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. She rode home from Oregon State with another student, Tom Martin, who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs; Bill Rietmann and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann and family, and his fathes. Victor Rietmann, drove to Kennewick on Sunday to visit at the home of Mx. and afternoon with a party at the Mrs. Dean Rhode and new baby, raui victor. Mrs. victor Riet mann has been spending some time with the Rhodes. Mrs. E. J. Akers and Danny spent from Moncray to Thursday in Portland, where Danny had a medical checkup. On her return she brought her little grand daughter, Kimmy Martin for a visit. John Swanson spent the week end visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson. Other University of Portland classmates, who came home with him were Mary Jo Stupcha of Anaconda, Mont., Ron Oliverio of Milwaukie, and Ardis Fellmer of Anaheim, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker returned on Monday from a few days visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Gorman and son, at Ham ilton, Mont. James Barnett and son Rick and Clint Krebs spent Saturday night and bunday at the Barneit cabin. Mrs. Delbert Emert returned on Friday from visiting her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hammond and family. The Hammond's second child was born on April 25, weighed 7 lb., 10 oz., and has been named Earl Wendell. He has a little sister, Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom left last Wednesday for San Jose, Calif., for a visit with their daughter-in-law and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bergstrom, and family. Postmaster June O'Co n n o r states that complete postal ser vice including money orders, will continue at the lone Post office on Saturday. Curtailment of ser vice only pertains to those of fices large enough to hire special clerks. Mrs. Mary Lundell was hon ored on her birthday Monday home of Mrs. Garland Swanson. Other guests were Mrs. Walter B. Crowell, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mrs. Algotl Lundell, Mrs. E. C. Heliker, Mrs. A. C. Crawford, Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn Sr., and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. The ladies enjoyed visiting and birthday cake and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Martin left on Friday morning for a trip, which is taking them through Dallas to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Horton, to Corvallis, where they will visit with their daughter and son, Jean and Mel vin. From Corvallis they went to Harrisburg and Roseburg to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Da.vid Baker and family had as their guest this week-end a friend of Susan's from Pendleton, Patty Joseph. On Saturday, Mr. Baker took Susan and Patty to Beaverton, where Susan registered at a private school for next fall term. Mrs. Roland Bishop has been spending some time in Echo re decorating a home they own there. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder this week-end were her sister, Mrs. Henry Smith and daughter, Debbie, and a friend Mary Lang of Bay City. They also visited other relatives while here. High School Elects Officers Newly elected officers of lone High school are Sidney Zinter, president; Joe Halvorsen, vice president; Karen Hams, assist ant secretary-trea surer; Lee O'Connor, Cardinal editor, and Connie Christopherson, Ionian editor. Shirley Hicks automat ically becomes secretary-treasurer from her office as assistant this year. Mrs. Algott Lundell of Fort land spent the week-end here visiting relatives. She left for home on Tuesday. Mrs. Franklin Ely, fourth grade teacher, in company with Mrs. Velva Bechdolt and Mrs. Margaret Kirk of Heppner, at tended the state convention of Delta Kappa Gamma at the Sher aton Hotel in Portland this week. Mrs. W. C. Crawford spent a couple of days in Hermiston last week staying with her grand daughters, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Crawford, were vacationing at Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Milton Morgan drove over for her mother Friday and brought her and the girls to lone for the week-end. MATTRESSES Sealy, Simmons, Kingfisher SPECIALS! Quilted Queen Ann Mattresses and Box Springs Reduced from 119.95 to 89.95 QUILTED ORTHOPEDIC SUPREME SET Reduced From 129.50 to 89.50 GOODRICH FOAM RUBBER SET Reg. Price 139.50 Now Only 109.50 CASE FURNITURE CO. ITU b n fi n n D olleges for Oregon's FUTURE OUR CHILDREN NEED MORE CLASSROOM SPACE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND BOND MEASURE NUMBER ONE Will Provide This Desperately Needed Space VOTE: 1. Authorizing Bonds For Education Building Program X Yes SPONSORED BY: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abrams Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Schoiack Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Brown Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Martin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson Miss Esther Kirmis Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. C. J. D. Bauman Heppner Branch, Kinzua Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sherman Randall Peterson Bill Blake OWE-SYOIP SMOPPDNG FOR USDA GOOD OR CHOICE BEEF ROAST Cross Arm Qc lb. Blade ffic lb. OREGON CHIEF REGULAR mm 53c Lb, Vz or whole DUNDEE 21j SIZE Pork and Beans - 5 for $1 Si NALLEY'S GARLIC DILLS 30 oz. mm ReS 49c 39c NALLEY'S 22 OZ. Banquet Dills Reg. 43c gQc 61 NALLEY'S Cucumber Chips 48 oz. Reg. 97c Qc e-? Holiday Margarine 5 LBS. FOR 95c I iMATCWNAlStl NALLEY'S MAYONNAISE 49c QT. mi Relish HOT DOG. HAMBURGER, SWEET 4F0R$- mvm Celery - -19 Bu. TOMATOES Radishes and Green Onions 2 bunches for 11c Prices Good Fri. and Sat., May 8 and 9 (Pd. Ad. by Morrow County Com., Colleges for Oregon's Future, Mrs. N. C. Anderson, Heppner, Ore., Chairman) FREE PARKING 111 N. Court Ph. 676-9643